Skin in the Game

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Skin in the Game

Post by maria »

Not quite sure where to put this, so here is my best guess!

Recently I saw Anthony Giunta's amazing play Skin in the Game.

First off, let me say that there is a BETM connection. Anthony is a big fan of the show. And he is also a good friend of Thommie Retter... I recently met Anthony at the Big Maine event where he wrote and directed three scripts for that event... See my review ... f=5&t=4892.

Second off, if you EVER hear that this play is happening near you, you must go see it! I was blown away by the story and all the performances! Anthony had told me just enough about the story back in Maine so that I was completely intrigued and decided I had to see it. The play has been appearing as part of fringe festivals, first in Pittsburgh, then NYC, and just now Philly.

The story begins when three seniors at a private Catholic School get a mysterious invitation to a competition where the winner will walk away with an all expense paid education at a college of their choosing. Since all three are scholarship students at their current school, the invitation presents a chance of a lifetime. It involves foreign travel to a remote island off of Ireland (Lough Derg, known for its pilgrimages), and the benefactor is himself a graduate of the same private school the three are currently attending. After some misgivings, all three decide to take on the challenge... Well, at first one backs out, only to learn that the competition is off if any one backs out, so they convince each other to go. Upon arriving at their destination, they quickly learn that there is more behind their selection than their financial need. And they find there is a younger student (freshman?) already on the island who is going to help the benefactor evaluate the results of the competition... And then they learn that one of them will not return home. At this point they start to panic, but they really have nowhere to go - they have given up their cell phones and other connections to the outside world. Slowly but surely they and we the audience learn more about why they were selected, what they share in common, including their relation to the younger student. What unfolds is an incredible story, moving, heart breaking at times, riveting, intriguing from start to finish. I spent the show completely engaged. At the end, I was blown away. It was a beautiful story about self discovery, community, friendship, and so much more. Wow, wow, wow! The performers were all extraordinary. What a gem of a play and worth every penny of a day trip to Philly!

There was no scenery, so all the focus was on the actors, who had us convinced they were in a classroom in Philly, on a private plane, on a small boat, and in various locations on the island. And then we traveled with them to several other locations via flashbacks. All this speaks to me to the extraordinary talents of these young up and coming actors! Chris Robertson played the lead, one of the students, He was surrounded by Andrew Gelles and Joshua Brelsford as the other two students, Evan Leone as the benefactor, Drew Wells as the younger student and Tom Schmitt as another character encountered in the flashbacks. All of them are extraordinarily talented and really got the play and were able to act from the heart. I am sure we will be hearing more from them in the years to come!

Finally, huge praise for Anthony Giunta who on top of his amazing writing and directing talents, is also a super nice guy.

If you EVER get the chance to see this show, go - you will NOT regret it. I find myself going back to its themes again and again.
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Re: Skin in the Game

Post by ERinVA »

Thanks for your review, Maria. This play definitely sounds like something worth a day trip to Philly.

I hope it finds its way to a broader audience.

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Re: Skin in the Game

Post by angelenroute »

I saw this play in New York, and I completely agree with your assessment and review, Maria! I spoke with Anthony Giunta afterward, and reminded him how much critique I like to give, especially if a project is still being fine-tuned. I then told him the play was absolutely perfect as-is, that he need not change a thing! Maria has written up a beautiful review and show description, so I won't repeat what she said, but I promise you all, this play deserves all the praise we can heap on it. It's an absolutely fantastic production, and all involved should be very, very proud of their work in it!

I met Anthony through Billy Elliot as well, and he and I have worked together on a couple of projects since. He's a wonderful guy, and so incredibly talented. He's also the writer and director of the movie Contest, which premiered on Cartoon Network this past year to wide acclaim. It starred, among many other great young performers, a few Billy Elliot stars: Joseph Harrington (Broadway: Billy), Jake Schwencke (Broadway: Michael), and Landon Harris (Tour: Tall Boy).

Can't wait to see where else Skin In The Game ends up next...hopefully back in NY for an extended run too!


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