June 2015 reviews - London

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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by angelenroute »

cindythenurse wrote:for the first time my overall enjoyment did not reach the 'wow' level I have come to expect
To ease your mind slightly, I'd like to offer one small thought: I reached this point as well, and found myself too caught up in my own head as I mentally directed the show from my seat. I think it's just a hazard of the job as a super fan, and one that thankfully doesn't appear too often. :)


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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by Bridget40 »

dancingboy wrote:Personally, I have no problem with the Company 'easing' Thomas back into the show. For all I know he may only be performing one show this week and next, but what does it matter. It must be remembered that Thomas is not yet eleven years of age and has had six weeks out of the show and so, cindythenurse, I think your review was somewhat harsh. We cannot have perfection every time. Thomas's performance, I thought, was very commendable. Other Billys before Thomas have failed to do the flip off the piano or somersault to the front of the stage at the curtain call, especially after a lay off, but what does it matter. That certainly didn't detract from my enjoyment of his performance.
I would hope that the company are not easing Thomas back into what is a very demanding role. He should only be in the show if he is 110% fit, and able to perform the role as he did before, to bring him back before that is not fair on him.

I do agree that you cannot have perfection all the time, and each Billy is different. I have also seen plenty of Billys not do the piano flip, and I don't think I have ever seen Ollie do any flips or somersaults at the curtain call, and that has never altered my opinion on what a great Billy he is.

I did not find Cindythenurses review to be harsh though. I don't agree with it 100%, but she is reviewing the show the way that she/he saw it. She wrote about both the positives and negatives of the performance. I don't think there is any point in having a review section, if every review is a glowing one.
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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by Billy Whiz »

Thanks once again for the wonderful reviews and also for the constructive comments. They are all always welcome.
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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by ERinVA »

Bridget40 wrote:
dancingboy wrote:Personally, I have no problem with the Company 'easing' Thomas back into the show. For all I know he may only be performing one show this week and next, but what does it matter. It must be remembered that Thomas is not yet eleven years of age and has had six weeks out of the show and so, cindythenurse, I think your review was somewhat harsh. We cannot have perfection every time. Thomas's performance, I thought, was very commendable. Other Billys before Thomas have failed to do the flip off the piano or somersault to the front of the stage at the curtain call, especially after a lay off, but what does it matter. That certainly didn't detract from my enjoyment of his performance.
I would hope that the company are not easing Thomas back into what is a very demanding role. He should only be in the show if he is 110% fit, and able to perform the role as he did before, to bring him back before that is not fair on him.

I do agree that you cannot have perfection all the time, and each Billy is different. I have also seen plenty of Billys not do the piano flip, and I don't think I have ever seen Ollie do any flips or somersaults at the curtain call, and that has never altered my opinion on what a great Billy he is.

I did not find Cindythenurses review to be harsh though. I don't agree with it 100%, but she is reviewing the show the way that she/he saw it. She wrote about both the positives and negatives of the performance. I don't think there is any point in having a review section, if every review is a glowing one.
I think this is an opportune time to remind everyone what our rules say about comments related to the children and their performances:
Any comments posted relating to younger cast members should be positive in nature. Any overt criticism should be left to their teachers, directors, mentors and parents. Encouragement is always welcome.

My take on it is this: Comments can easily be perceived differently by different readers as to whether they represent criticism or not. However, one thing is absolutely sure: It is always easy and appropriate to find and focus on the positive aspects of any Billy's performance, because they are always there to be celebrated, and you will never go wrong doing so.

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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by kport »

Thank you, Ellen, for that timely reminder.

There must be a lot of planning going on, as regards the training, preparation, and debuts of new Billys, Michaels and Debbies, over the next eighteen months. Without delving into speculation, I can see the merit in having a young cast at this time, some of whom will carry on through much of next year at least. In the meantime, they all do a wonderful job, and sometimes I have to remind myself to approach each performance as though I am seeing it for the first time (this is one of the perks of seeing regional productions. It is all new.... ;) ). One of the joys of seeing the show many times is to observe how they grow into the role over a period of time. Isn't that exactly what Billy Elliot himself did? I see that growth as a cause for celebration; a living, dynamic addition to the greatness of this musical.
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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by Borrobil »

Quite right Ellen/Kport, so I will now bend the rule (not really). Having seen Wednesday's show, I couldn't see any sign that Thomas wasn't recovered, (except obviously I was pleased he wasn't being allowed to aggravate anything) and I really enjoyed the show and Thomas's performance. And so did Thomas, i'm sure. (Tthere have been a few I haven't liked, over the years).
The audience were gobsmacked at what they saw, not what they missed, and they compare Billy to the kids of the same age they know.

To re-iterate Bridget's point, It was Harris, I think, who never did the finale Layout/flip (i'm not sure and don't really care), Dean-Charles missed the Piano Leap more often than he did it, and I even saw the amazing Trent "ad lib" 2 minutes of angry dance on Broadway, and they are some of the most revered Billys, who did my favorite shows. I could go on, but you get the gist. The show is variable, you take the 2hours 59minutes of brilliance and miss the minute that didn't happen. If you expect text book technique you use adult actors, if you want an authentic creation from a young person, you factor in that they are pushing their boundaries.
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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by patc »

Thursday Matinee 18th June

An old UK friend of mine who lives up not too far from Billy’s place always uses the word ORRSUMM!! in emails when he wishes to convey that he has been bowled over by something. ORRSUMM!! certainly fits the bill for the fare on offer at today’s matinee which, for the second week running, had Cap’n Ollie Jochim at the controls guiding his multitalented and multifaceted Billy persona through all kinds of weather troughs until finally emerging from the clouds into glorious sunshine. Idolised by the big groups of youngsters present (and cheered on by his fan club in Row A) it was such a heartwarming and utterly compelling experience as well as a privilege to be there for it. Ollie is so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOlxML_VHvw that I reckon he’d make the North Pole on just one ski and a packet of crisps.

Nathan Jones was, to put it in simple language, born to play Michael. His understanding of the role and his thoughtful and highly inventive implementation of it belies his years. Those expressive eyes, those facial expressions so vividly and unashamedly projecting his inner feelings at any given moment are perfect. I promised myself I wouldn’t get emotional at the end but it was a promise I couldn’t keep and won’t be making again, LOL. I’m not one bit ashamed to say that that long and oh, so mournful and motionless stare left me in tatters – but I’m lovin’ it.

Can you believe that Demi will have been in the show two years next month? What standards she has set and relentlessly maintained in all that time. A brilliant actress with superb timing and great stage presence and a whole range of her own facial expressions to beat the band.

Wendy Somerville was our Wonderful Mrs. W on this wacky day so the lovely Lucinda Collins gave us her different but very effective “reserved and respectable” RBS Receptionist (and a “reserved and respectable” fist, too) while Claudia Bradley, as always, was the perfect Dead Mum, gently chiding but always encouraging Billy.

The Ballet Girl flag this week was raised and kept flying high by the magnificent Markham team.

Richard Ashton as Big Davey jazzed up his breakfast role to great extra effect. I don’t think I’ve seen that done before. Bit skimpy on the salt, though. I think there may have been less milk in the bottles, too. The company accountant must be tightening the purse strings.

Chris Grahamson has to come up again for special mention. His brilliantly consistent portrayal of Tony is a powerful balancing act of monumental proportions bringing together all the feelings of initial hope, subsequent frustration, despair and outrage all entwined with his natural respect and love for family. I often see genuine tears on his face during He Could Be a Star.

As a follow up to that (possibly) vibraphone sound in Electricity I mentioned last week I enquired about it and it is, in fact, a harp. The beautiful and intricate arrangements in this score continue to delight and surprise.

Yet more train trouble this week. It seems to be neverending. The cancellation of the entire Stansted Express service ( with no bus replacements laid on) resulted in a rather disparate (and desperate) group of five strangers (all with different accents) piling into a taxi at 7.30pm outside Liverpool Street Station. Thankfully, we all made our flights. This unwanted hassle was, however, more than cancelled out by the afternoon experience. In simple language it was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhXYrQltyo0

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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by jmh2014 »

Saturday June 20th Evening Performance – Elliott/Tomi/Demi
Last show for Elliott Hanna (again!)

A near full house witnessed Elliott at his absolute best. He was completely relaxed and didn’t seem to have a care in the world. From the moment he walked on stage he was determined to enjoy himself and that he did.

As always he was given a rough time by the ballet girls who never fail to deliver outstanding performances. Their interchanges and interplay are always a joy to watch.

With Tomi as Michael, Expressing is guaranteed to be a hoot. His comic genius was on display for everyone to see and he led Elliott a merry dance in a joyous standout routine.

Demi as Debbie continues to impress every time she is on stage. She really does produce some wonderful expressions. Her offer was greeted with shock, but after some careful consideration rejected.

At the beginning of Angry Dance, one of the slip-on’s got caught on Elliot’s tap shoe. He managed to pull this off in the nick of time and hit the first mark perfectly. What followed was mind blowing. The shouting, screaming dancing was full on from start to finish. There was no playing safe as he threw his body to the floor countless times. As he let out his final scream and collapsed to the floor, the audience erupted into a standing ovation. I have never seen anyone give so much to a single routine. He laid on the floor completely exhausted for some time before slowly sitting up and finally standing up. Only after he had brushed himself down and walked off stage did the ovation die down.

The winter scene allowed Tomi to show his vulnerable side before producing another hilarious tutu performance with his perfectly delivered nutcracker earning a round of applause.

He Could Be a Star with Deka and Chris is full of raw and genuine emotion. The Deka fall was back followed by plenty of aggression before they sank to the stage.

Electricity was Elliott at his graceful best with the countless final pirouettes delivered in perfect time to the music. Standing ovation ensued.

The final scene was quite special. As Elliott leant in to Tomi he seemed to whisper something in his ear which he clearly wasn’t expecting. Whatever was said was clearly appreciated by Tomi. Elliott then paused at the edge of the stage for a short time before saying “See ya, Michael.”

There was a little embrace between Elliott & Tomi before the Finale started and small extra tributes from Elliott to Chris and then Deka.

A big thank you to the whole cast a hugely entertaining show and a special thank you to Elliott for a truly memorable night.

Edit - The announcement from Chris Hatt about Elliott's last show was not to the audience, only to the musicians.
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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by angelenroute »

jmh2014 wrote:The final scene was quite special. As Elliott leant in to Tomi he seemed to whisper something in his ear which he clearly wasn’t expecting. Whatever was said was clearly appreciated by Tomi. Elliott then paused at the edge of the stage for a short time before saying “See ya, Michael.”

There was a little embrace between Elliott & Tomi before the Finale started and small extra tributes from Elliott to Chris and then Deka.

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Re: June 2015 reviews - London

Post by jmh2014 »

angelenroute wrote:
jmh2014 wrote:The final scene was quite special. As Elliott leant in to Tomi he seemed to whisper something in his ear which he clearly wasn’t expecting. Whatever was said was clearly appreciated by Tomi. Elliott then paused at the edge of the stage for a short time before saying “See ya, Michael.”

There was a little embrace between Elliott & Tomi before the Finale started and small extra tributes from Elliott to Chris and then Deka.
There were also some of the young cast in one of the boxes. As they applauded Elliott during the curtain calls he turned to them and applauded back.
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