December 2009 Reviews - NYC

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Dayton Tavares outstanding

Post by cincinnati »

Monday December 28
Billy - Dayton Tavares
Michael - Trevor Braun
Small Boy - Matt Mindler

I saw Dayton the previous Monday December 21st as well, his second performance, and he didn't disappoint in either of the shows. This young man has in my humble opinion, has a whole new take of Billy Elliot on stage. Dayton Tavares is 100 pounds of KRYPTONITE, he seems to have taken the role to a new level with strong acting skills and jaw dropping dance. I was sitting two rows from the stage during this show.

Pre Show - The crowd had an anxious buzz about it early on with plenty of teenage children in attendance. I would say that about 30% of those in attendance were under the age of 18. The ushers made numerous announcements to please turn off cell phones and no photos. I have seen the show countless times and for the first time I really felt a strong feeling of anticipation from all in attendance. The reaction of the countless young people around me was that they were unhappy that they would not be seeing Trent Kowalik in the role of Billy. I even heard one young lass upset that she wouldn't be seeing the legend himself Kiril. The two teenagers setting next to me ask me if I knew who this Dayton Tavares was. I told them, "He will make you aware of whom he is in about 15 minutes, and you would not ever forget after seeing him perform." I knew after seeing Dayton the previous Monday he would keep my word good.

Stars Look Down (Take me up) - Matt Mindler is magic in a size 5 shoe; the little ben has made every audience sigh "AWWW" when he climbs up of the stage with that sucker in his mouth. This crowd really let out the "AWWWW", so much that the little bloke kind of smiled for the first time I had ever seen him do so in this opening. The opening went off without a flaw, leading up to Dayton's opening number of "Take me up". This is a number that I have always thought that Kiril and Trent nailed to the T, well they have company, and Dayton does a wonderful job. The ones that have seen the show numerous times will see that Matt Mindler has really added to his role as a shadow of Billy. Matt did a great job during this number. The end of the number where all come to the front of the stage went off well. I have never understood one thing, that being with as good as a character as Michael is why do they have him kicking a soccer ball? Soccer ball, Michael, huh....later in the show he cusses about a rugby shirt....

First Scene (Grandma/Big Davey) - I have always thought that Carole Shelley and Thommie Retter were the like Col. Sanders secret spices....Carole and Thommie are great at what they do and the part of the grandma gets the crowd warmed up quite nice. The line about the pastie, is very funny, this crowd loved it. Carole gave her steady outstanding performance once again. Dayton has an uncanny stage ability to let the others have their turn it seems. This is proven in the first scene.

Boxing - This scene can drag from time to time to me it seems. This performance it didn't though, the crowd was into the show big time right from the start. They for sure fed off of the funny lines and Matt Mindler's moaning. I think that timing is very important in this scene, and I have seen it rushed from time to time, but not during this show. Dayton even gave all of us a little Michael Jackson "Moon Walk" during the boxing moves. Dayton had a little problem picking up the keys with his feet; he got them just in the nick of time at the end of the number.

Shine - The Ballet Girls hit a homer with the crowd this night, the facial reactions got a strong response, once again Dayton played this scene well allowing the others to as the title says, Shine. Thommie Retter is a real gem, while Kate Henning seems to be working her way into her role quite well. The timing and dance in this number was tight and done well. The facial expressions of the ballet girls are and continue to be a very funny moment in the show.

Grandma and her late husband - I for one have always thought the lines of Carole, "they are dropping like flys," and "oh no, not him" are priceless and very very funny. Dayton's facial reactions are drop dead on ....... to these lines. I am a big fan of Kiril and Trent, but Dayton plays this scene very well, the laughs and facial expressions to Carole's song are priceless. This is a hint to the crowd of Dayton's outstanding ability that will follow. The audience howled with laughter at the line..."I would give them all the finger..and never be sober"...Carole really seemed to enjoy the reaction that she received.

Solidarity - Quite simply in my opinion one of the best numbers on Broadway in the last 30 years. I saw "Pippen" at the Imperial when I was a child and always thought that Fosse had a couple of the all-time great numbers, with a young Ben Vereen, and the lovely late Irene Ryan (Beverly Hillbillies granny). Solidarity is full of energy and got the attention of this audience very quickly. The group around me set in disbelief of how good this number is. The buildup of the show stopping ability of Dayton and the process in which he shows little by little his talent, left everyone who had no idea with what was coming with the expression of "Oh my God" at the end. Dayton from the start till the end of this number hit a home run. I am quite sure that many were left how can he top what he just did. They didn't have long to wait.

Dad and feces - Dayton, with all respects to the other Billy's, will have one walking away from the Imperial with the thought this kid can act. That uncanny ability is evident in this scene. Dayton gets right in the face of Greg and calls him a "bastard". Then with the correct pause, scoots backward with a facial expression and utters the "Oh shit" line with the proper timing. This scene really worked that night, the best I have seen it played and that includes the "Master" himself Kiril.

Express - I know many on this site have sometimes suggested this number doesn't fit. I disagree, I think it works really really well, in some ways like an old Beetles concert. It is so unfair to Trevor Braun and the really really talented Keean Johnson to follow in the footsteps of the Micky Mantle of the Imperial, David Bologna but these guys are solid performers. Keean to me really does this role very well. It is sad that Keean is going to Chicago but it will make my Midwest travels a bit more easier knowing that I can see Keean and Tommy there in that frigid wind tunnel known as Chicago. Trevor and Keean really play this role very different I have always thought. Trevor puts every effort and ounce of energy when he is on stage. Express this night started upbeat, and had the audience into right from the start. Trevor let's just say being polite here, didn't attempt to hit that high note as father time has made that impossible for him. Dayton played this part in perfect manner playing off of Trevor's excellent timing, I love the "kush" expression that Michael uses. The tapping in this scene had the audience once again in somewhat of a hypnotic state for the first minute, like I can't believe what I am seeing. I think that Trent Kowalik plays the reaction the best with the dresses fall down, Dayton's response was not audible. Trevor knows how to work a crowd for sure, not being shy about getting their attention, in the end when he puts his finger to his mouth a bit of saliva came out as the lights went out. A well done number by Trevor and Dayton. The crowd surely loved it.

Letter - Let me get straight to a big fact about Dayton Tavares.....the boy can really cry....okay, I mean real tears. It was like that faucet that you leave running so it wouldn't freeze up. The boy can act.....props to Dayton ....

Boogie - Disagree with me if you want, it's okay but this is Thommie Retter's number, and to me that's okay. Thommie is a great talent, and if you ever get to know him, an even better person. I know Thommie on a personal basis, he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. Thommie takes such great pride in giving this number his all that it just simply shows. The next time you see the show look closely while Thommie is playing the keyboard, look to the shadows on the wall and see what he is doing. The crowd went wild over Thommie's performance this evening. Dayton got a little frustrated over the rope jumping as he missed a couple of jumps but I really don't think many noticed. The flip at the end by this little package of energy was really high in the air and a great way to end the number.

Bathroom - Once again Dayton's acting ability comes through in this scene. I thought that Debbie rushed the lines a little too fast in this exchange. Dayton took a long long long time to react to the " I will show you my Who Who...sic...the timing used by Dayton made this line very very funny.

Angry - If this stage was in Los Angeles during this performance, residents around the Imperial would have thought there was an earthquake, my god Dayton went into another gear during this number. I thought the poor kid was going to dislocate something. The profanity he utters, works with the atmosphere that is set up here.

Maggie and Michael Hazeltine - The long flowing locks of Mr.Hazeltine would be cut if he ever showed up in front of this mob regardless of the fact it's Christmas. Matthew Mindler and the Grim reaper works really well, I love that part. When Joel Hatch shot the yellow balls from the tank, Carole Shelley picked up one and pointed to a young boy to come towards the stage and she gave it to him right in front of me. The puppet show to me has always been good. I like the part where the policeman on the end pops the guy with the nightstick. Matthew Mindler wearing the police hat works as well.

Michael the doll and all - Trevor can really come at you with that line, "Great F**** Christmas this has drew a very long loud laugh from the crowd. Dayton kind of stepped back and let Trevor once again have his time on stage. Dayton once again used that long wait, timing to make lines work in regards to the POOF line. Trevor all the times I have seen him perform really puts that dance item on very fast and quick. This night it drew his red shorts up pretty high drawing a huge laugh from the crowd. The "bend over" drew even a bigger one....."no one will notice".....

Dream Ballet - Dayton's time to send the crowd into a frenzy began here. The ballet with the older Billy was faultless for sure. The flying sent the audience into the clouds as well. They could have pulled the teeth from audience and they wouldn't have felt the pain as they watched the little dynamo fly over the stage. When Easton Smith spins Billy for the end, he really spins him faster than others have done in the past. Dayton had to actually steady himself for a moment to regain his balance at the end. The crowd cheered and cheered over this number.

Electricity - You could almost see Dayton chomping at the bits to get into this number. You get the feeling that Dayton like a prize fighter couldn't wait to get going and knock out the audience with his ability. When Dayton got through he was like Rocky Balboa for sure. The timing used by Dayton at the start is great, in the first part he looks Greg straight in the eye singing the opening. The second part he looks at the audience dead on. The heavy sound that he puts in his "its like when you are angry and mad as hell" are priceless. Dayton's dance technique is shocking. He floated around the stage with precise ability and movement. The part at the end where he pauses to sing the last part he was met by a thunderous applause. The end of the number was met by very very long ovation. I for the only time of the night was not happy with the audience as they should have without a doubt given this young man a standing ovation. Without a doubt though Dayton was very happy as he went out of character all be it for just a minute as he stepped forward and took in the clapping with a big smile on his face.

Once we were kings - this is another great part, Dayton running a jumping into the arms of Greg was very touching. I am sure as well for Greg not only because Dayton is so good, but he weighs a lot less than Kiril and David A. Dayton once again turned on that emotion and the tears came with the letter to was like the great flood. The end when Trevor rides his bike out on stage and calls for Billy was really good.....when called, Dayton had a smile on his face in the aisle as big as could be....people in the audience gave that Matt Mindler AWWWW once again.

Finale - This to me has been a huge huge favorite for the last year...the dancing and appreciation for each other is for real not fake. That is proven in the faces of each actor.

Summation - I would never take anything away from the great Kiril, or David or Trent. They are all outstanding in their own light. I will say that Dayton Tavares will have many Billy fans knocking at the ticket counter door at the Billy Elliot over 2010 for sure.
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cincinnati wrote:I even heard one young lass upset that she wouldn't be seeing the legend himself Kiril. The two teenagers setting next to me ask me if I knew who this Dayton Tavares was? I told them, "He will make you aware of who he is in about 15 minutes, and you would not ever forget after seeing him perform."
Beautifully put cincinnati.

What a terrific review. Thanks for taking the time to write it. I enjoyed every word.
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Re: Dayton Tavares outstanding

Post by angelenroute »

cincinnati wrote:Monday December 28
Billy - Dayton Tavares
Michael - Trevor Braun
Small Boy - Matt Mindler

I saw Dayton the previous Monday December 21st as well, his second performance, and he didn't disappoint in either of the shows. This young man has in my humble opinion, has a whole new take of Billy Elliot on stage. Dayton Tavares is 100 pounds of KRYPTONITE, he seems to have taken the role to a new level with strong acting skills and jaw dropping dance. I was sitting two rows from the stage during this show.
Thanks for the great review Cincinnati! I enjoyed reading your many in-the-moment notations, as it's the type of review I enjoy reading and writing myself. It helps take the reader right there to the Imperial and feel the energy through your words, so well done!


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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by porschesrule »

An excellent review, Cincinnati. Thank you so much for sharing it and obviously putting so much time into writing it.

It would seem we have another budding Broadway star in the person of Dayton Tavares, which really comes as no surprise given the many glowing accounts I've read about his performances as Billy in Australia. I'm very happy for both Dayton and for the American audiences who'll get to see this fine young performer.
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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by phoebe »

Yes, many thanks for your efforts writing sucha wonderfully detailed review. You conveyed your feelings so well! ("Kryptonite" was terrific!) Kudos to Dayton for such a fine performance.
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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by Dancer »

Thanks for a fantastic review, cincinnati :D . Your description of each scene makes me imagine I was there watching the show with you. I just wish I could get to see Dayton perform his magic on the Imperial stage.

What reaction did you get from the young audience after the show?
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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by cincinnati »

That is a good question as this was quite a different group. I feel that it is indicative of what a lot of young people are missing on Broadway. I can't think of anything on earth so unknown to the mass of people in the USA than Broadway, for sure people under 18. This show is like a portable ADD device for the arts. The word will travel fast I think, this show has so many meanings and directions and can send people of all ages away from day to day issues and into a magical tour of "feel good." I have always said that the old "Andy Griffith Show" has so many hidden messages of doing "what is right", "family", "compassion" etc. etc. Billy Elliot has all the same factors. Okay, now off of my soap box, and on to your question; I had the feeling that the crowd was like "no, no, don't let it end." When the lights came up, the under 18 had the deer in the headlights look in their face. They looked like they had ran the "EMOTIONAL" version of the Boston Marathon. Those girls whom had asked me "Who is this Dayton Tavares?" were stunned at what they had saw. They told me, "Please tell us what else you know." The ones who had never seen a Broadway play, (two in front of me) were in shock about how good Dayton and the cast were. I explained to my seat mates that they could meet Dayton and others at the stage door and they were even more excited. While I was visiting my friend Thommie Retter after the show there was a huge crowd of all at the door enjoying the ability to talk with and have their photos taken with Trevor Braun, Matt Mindler and Dayton who took time for all of them in the freezing cold. I think a lot of times the mass of fans of Billy Elliot sometimes fail to look past the amazing ability of dance and acting on stage that this young cast has. The humble politness and the time they take for the fans after shows and in public make them very special people. I respect each of them for this quality. The schedule that this young cast has is very demanding, allowing them hardly any time to as the old saying goes, "have time to even change their mind". Tell your friends about BETM, tell them to get the "muck" off of their shoes and "Run don't Walk" to the Imperial and see this great show.
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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by Billy Whiz »

cincinnati: You have a wonderful way with words.

Thank you.
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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by sgv123 »

I will attempt a review later, but i will say now that david was fantastic today. exellent performance all around. i promise i will write more when i get home.
Oct. 2008-Dec.. 2010
Billy:Trent x5 Kiril x3* David x1*Tommy x2 Joseph x1
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Re: December 2009 Reviews - NYC

Post by Billy Whiz »

sgv123 wrote:I will attempt a review later, but i will say now that david was fantastic today. exellent performance all around. i promise i will write more when i get home.
Thanks Sam. Could you write it in the January reviews :D :D ;)
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