January 2010 Reviews - NYC

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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Moby-Dick »

Realized I didn't thank cinncinati for the beautifully written review of Tuesday's show. :oops: It was marvelous to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the detail you jam-packed into a single review.

Am truly amazed by the level of detail and thoroughness in these reviews! To write with such detail, I'd probably have to take notes throughout the show. Hahaha.

Am planning on seeing the show on Broadway tomorrow. Hopefully, adventuring to ye olde Student Rush line ends up being fruitful endeavor and results in my scoring a ticket to the show! Will try my best to write a good, thorough review. (Though, I fear the reviews I've read here on the forum have already put my as-of-now-non-existent review to shame!)

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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by angelenroute »

porschesrule wrote:Thanks to cincinnati for the Tuesday review and to madmax1960 for your review of Friday's show. Both extremely well done and detailed. I too am a fan of the long, detailed reviews so thanks to both of you for taking the time to write them.
Yes, thank you both! I read them all and enjoyed them very much!

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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by CJ-Rochester »

madmax1960 wrote: “Oy, dancing boy…” Trent came back, gave the kiss and said softly, “See ya, Keean” and turned to go….long, long pause and then a slightly trembling “See ya, Trent.”
Thanks for the great review madmax. How interesting that they switched to their real names for Keean's last Broadway show but not for Tommy's. I wonder if the directors give the boys some leeway on this?
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Jan 26 7pm show

Post by Musical Fanatic »

Just some small observations. Three pages of cast changes for this performance. Dad- Donnie Kehr Grandma-Merle Louise(new u/s ?) Billy- Dayton Michael-Jake Trent-Tboy. Timing was a little off in first kitchen scene with Donnie saying its an egg before reaching table. His scene with scottish ballet dancer was verr funny and had his own take on it. First time that I have seen Jake. Incredible and had audience laughing at all the right moments. Second time I have seen Dayton. His electricity drew a long and loud applause. Dream ballet drew an Oh! from people around me. He is amazing with the jump rope in born to boogie.
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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by madmax1960 »

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. CJ, I didn't realize that they didn't do the name thing on Tommy's last night. I wonder why? Anyone know?
"See ya Michael."

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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Moby-Dick »

Oh begeezus. This is so very long that I'm almost too embarrassed to post this. Once I got started, I just couldn't stop writing and wrote a veritable novel. Sorry in advance for the ridiculous verbosity.

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Billy - Dayton Tavares
Michael - Jake Evan Schwenke
Small Boy - Luke Trevisan
Tall Boy - Trent Kowalik
Dad - Donnie Kehr
Grandma - Merle Louise

Alright. Am writing my first review and am a bit daunted by the task, seeing as there have already been so many marvelous reviews posted here. Some of the reviews I've read are written so thoroughly, with such detail and so many interesting, insightful remarks about the actors' performances throughout the show. In the attempt to mimic this thoroughness, I made sure to start jotting down notes as soon as the show was over - while waiting for/sitting on the subway - and got so engrossed that I actually missed my stop. Oops! In any case, please be gentle. Hope you enjoy!

(Student Rush, at the Box Office)

As I happen to be a poor student, had to go to through Student Rush in order to get tickets for this evening's show. Was celebrating the completion of various applications and decided to take the night off (mid-school week, no less) and celebrate by treating myself with a performance of Billy Elliot. Stupid me! Got confused and had somehow managed to convince self that Tuesday's evening show started at 8 pm. Was still in room at 5:30 pm (half hour after box office had already opened), realized that the show actually started at 7 pm, freaked out, ran to the subway, and booked it to the box office.

Zipped into the box office close to 6:00 (no one in line except a girl who was paying for her ticket), and noticed that they had already posted who would be playing who tonight. Saw Dayton's name and squealed silently to myself (have been hoping to catch him performing as Billy on Broadway). In any case, still managed - thank goodness! - to snag a Student Rush ticket.

Was rather surprised at how incredibly easy it was to get a ticket despite not having queued prior to the box office opening. Who knows, maybe it's just January...or just good luck. :D

(Pre-Show, in the Imperial)

Looked around before the show to see the turnout for tonight's performance and was please to see that it was pretty much a full house. Guy next to me was there to see the show on his own (as was I), so asked him if he had seen the show before. Was actually strangely happy when he said that he hadn't, because there's something really fun about seeing people's reactions and hearing their opinions about seeing the show for the first time. It's always great to hear a reaffirmation of my own opinions of the show! :lol:

(Stars Look Down)

Firstly: (cue collective "awwwwwwwh") Luke Trevisan is absolutely adorable. There's something that always tugs at my heart about seeing such a tiny kid on such a huge stage on Broadway. I love watching how he interacts with the Company during the opening scene.

I really like Dayton's singing voice, and hearing him sing those first few lines made me smile...and excited about seeing the rest of his performance! The company did a great job, too.

(The Pasty Exchange)

Was hoping that the audience would be more responsive this evening, but it seemed not to be the case. At least, they certainly didn't respond to the jokes as loudly as the audience did on the first night I went to see the Broadway production. (Often times, the laughter seemed more like a collective chuckle rather than an out-and-out laugh). Ah, well. Grandma tonight was played by Merle Louise, who did a great job in the role. She rather reminded me of the actress (forgive me, I don't remember her name) who played Grandma when I saw the show in London - in performance and even in appearance!

(Boxing Scene)

Have always enjoyed this scene. Love, love, love the "Jesus!" line; it never fails to crack me up. So I had noticed that my seatmate had had three pages of cast changes in his Playbill, while I only had one. They must have slipped out, but either way, I had not noticed that it was Trent who was playing Tall Boy until I saw the boxing scene. Took a careful look at the third boy in the Boxing Scene and had a bit of an "Oooohhhhh" moment upon realizing. I hadn't realized he had gotten so tall! His height is especially evident when he stands by Dayton. Trent is becoming quite the Tall Boy. :P


Watching the Ballet Girls in this scene is always a lot fun. Each girl offers her own comedic touch to the scene, and it's good fun to watch. I think Kate Hennig is fabulous in the role of Mrs. Wilkinson. She gives Mrs. Wilkinson such life and energy, and I thoroughly enjoyed her performance. What with her super heavy eye make-up, oh-so-awful costume, and incredible acting/singing, Kate really brings the character to life.

While this scene is really for Kate and the Ballet Girls, had a good time watching Dayton interact with the Ballet Girls. Poor dear, getting pushed and shoved by so many Ballet Girls! :lol:

(We'd Go Dancing)

Merle Louise gave a solid performance as Grandma in this scene. Am not sure if it's just me, but it really seemed like the number got less of a reaction tonight as when I saw the show earlier this month. Again, could probably chalk it up to any number of reasons, but in general, the audience seemed to react less heartily to some of the comedic moments in the show tonight. I feel like I would get more from this number if I had a better seat closer to the stage - so as to see Grandma's (and Billy's) facial expressions.


The entire company just performs so superbly during this entire scene. Always a powerful number.

Love especially when George and Dad finish their exchange about Billy not having gone to boxing class and do their clumsy bourrees to the back of stage with little Ballet Girls in their arms as the girls sing "Solidarity, solidarity. Solidarity forever" in sweet soprano. A very cute moment.

("Oh, Shit...")

Have read in past reviews how Dayton goes right up into Dad's face when he calls him a bastard and saw the scene done for myself this evening. Definitely very effective, especially as Dayton has good comedic timing, and his "Oooh, shit..." line definitely got the audience laughing.

(Bathroom Stall Exchange - "Aren't You a Bit Old, Miss?")

Dayton and Kate were great in this scene. The timing between the funny lines was great, and the interaction between these two was so amusing and cute to watch. My favorite in this exchange is after Mrs. Wilkinson mentions the Royal Ballet School for the first time to Billy and the look that Dayton gives to Kate in this moment. Dayton peers over the stall at Kate, cocks his head to the side as if in deep contemplation, and after a long pause finally delivers his "Aren't you a bit old, miss" line to great effect. As it is, I've always loved that line, in both the movie and the musical. But tonight, Billy's reaction seemed particularly comical and endearing.

(Expressing Yourself)

Oh, Jake. What joy you bring to the show as Michael. Cincinnati wrote in a review that Jake's take on Michael is a bit more serious, which I agree with. It's hard to describe, but his portrayal of Michael just feels...different in a way. Still hilarious, of course, but a little less ham-y and ever so slightly more fragile and sensitive? I can't quite describe. But truly, he is wonderful in the role. I've loved every Michael I've seen so far (Connor Kelly, Trevor Braun, and now Jake); he's such a great character in the show.

The audience seemed to really liven up during this number, laughing more loudly and in general responding with more energy than earlier in the show.

Found it adorable that, at times, Jakes raises his voice so high to the point where he practically squeals some of his lines.

(The Letter Scene)

Oh boy, this scene just about broke my heart. Dayton is SO GOOD. The emotion in his voice...boy, it hits you hard. Pity I was sitting in the Rear Mezz (and on the left side at that) and could not see his face. And yet, when I peeked around after the scene was over, definitely saw quite a few tears being surreptitiously wiped away by those around me.

One thing - perhaps a bit random - that I also liked about this scene was the way Dayton delivered the "It's a letter" line. Instead of delivering it with a tone of "Duh...it's a letter", Dayton said the line sarcastically. It took me by surprise, but I quite liked it, as did the rest of the audience - and it actually got quite a few laughs.

Also, tonight, Dayton used the "'cept I couldn't wait" line instead of the "I opened it a few years early" line that I heard Liam use. To be honest, I much prefer the original "'cept I couldn't wait" line and was pleased to hear it tonight.

Kate does a great job in this scene, especially in her reactions. You can really see the shock and sympathy in her face after Dayton sings the first lines of the song. The way she looks from his sad, downcast face to the letter in her hand is so full of feeling, and you can really tell that when she starts singing, she's helping to continue the rest of the letter that Billy is too overcome with emotion to read.

Absolutely heartbreaking, this scene. Always leaves me a bit of a mess.

(Born to Boogie)

Oh my dear goodness. This is getting to be raaaaather lengthy. Will try to be more concise from this point forward.

Thommie Rhetter is so fantastic in this scene. Got a lot of laughs from the audience. Have always loved how he dramatically strips off more and more of his clothing throughout the number. It's really a really hilarious way of marking Billy's progression in dance.

Seeing the flip off the piano was cool, and the jump rope scene went without a hitch. Dayton was amazing at the jump roping.

(The Hoo-Hoo Line)

Izzy Hanson-Johnston is a great Debbie. She looks so tiny on stage, but her portrayal of Debbie packs a good comedic punch. Dayton's comedic timing during this exchange is wonderful, as he pauses for a really long time after Debbie delivers the "hoo-hoo" line - giving the audience ample time to a) absorb the awkwardness of the moment, and b) laugh their heads off.

(Angry Dance)

I feel like I've read so much about Dayton's Angry Dance, and this was probably the number that I was most looking forward to seeing him perform tonight. And he didn't disappoint. It was GREAT. Dayton really shows how anger through his yells and furious tap dancing.

The most annoying thing about this number tonight, however, was that the music was a tad too loud. Dayton puts so much passion into this piece - especially in his yelling - and so much of it gets drowned out by the super-loud music. While I do agree that the volume of the music does indeed add to the intensity of the scene, I just feel that tonight, it was just a bit too much. Regardless, it was still amazing.

(Notes on Dad)

Knew that Greg Jbara would be taking a break from the show and was expecting to see Philip Whitchurch this evening but was surprised to see Donnie Kehr in the role as Dad. He does a great job, though slightly different in his portrayal from Greg Jbara. I feel - especially in the more comedic moments - that Greg's "Dad" is a bit more of a ham, in that he milks his scenes a bit more than does Donnie Kehr.

Donnie Kehr has a great voice and is a good actor. He makes a good Dad, and I quite enjoyed his performance in the role.

("The Nutcracker")

Jake is so great in this scene. I really do enjoy every single moment that Michael is on stage and in the spotlight. His scream before the nutcracker line was so loud and drawn out, I cringed. It certainly got a lot of laughs. Funnily enough, this and the "esquire" line were the two that stuck with me the most when I saw the show for the first time in London.


One word: marvelous. The look on Dayton's face as he begins to sing "Electricity" seems to hold so much excitement. You can see how eager and happy he is to share with the audience his love for dance and his amazing talent! Both his dancing and singing were superb, and the audience responded with a long applause.

One thing I noticed this evening in Dayton's "Electricity" was that he does the cartwheel on the chairs with only one hand! Not sure if other Billies do this, too, but have looked at footage of Kiril and Trent doing "Electricity", and both of them used both hands. Don't know why, but seeing this little extra oomph added to an already amazing routine made me really happy tonight. It really is a testament to what amazing talent these kids possess!

(William Elliot, Esquire)

My love for this line is great. I have no idea why, but this line always, always, always get me laughing.

The only thing I didn't like as much was the way Donnie Lehr delivered the "ESQUIRE!" line after Billy misreads what's on the envelope. Donnie's delivery was more as if Dad was saying "Silly boy, it's esquire!" as opposed to Greg Jbara's more exasperated and hot-tempered delivery. I think I prefer the latter. Regardless, a great line in the show.

(Once We Were Kings and Letter Reprise)

These are the two parts of the show - well, and the first letter scene - that really move me the most. I just love, love, love the power seeing the miners descend into the ground and seeing little Billy walking away. And Dayton brings just as much - if not more - emotion to this last letter scene than he does earlier on in the show. Amazing.


Fabulous and fun. In fact, the audience started clapping and giving a standing ovation before the Finale even started!

When the curtains lowered in front of the lonesome figure of Michael on his bicycle, my seatmate looked over at me and said, "Yea...that was pretty good" (you know, in that purposefully-downplaying-how-amazing-it-was sort of tone). I just smiled and said, "There's more..."

(Post Show)

As I exited the theatre, it made me happy to overhear so many conversations about how amazing the show was. Gotta love Billy Elliot.

Pure marvelousness.
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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by billyforlife »

Thank you for all the great reviews cincinnati, madmax1960 and Moby-Dick! And don't ever worry or be embarrassed about long reviews. We're all crazy fans here ;) I say they can never be too long; in fact, I find that the more detail and anaysis the better to read as it truly seems as if you're watching the show! Thank you so much for putting so much time and effort into writing up these brilliant reviews! They are certainly appreciated. :D :D :D
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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by porschesrule »

Moby-Dick wrote:Alright. Am writing my first review and am a bit daunted by the task, seeing as there have already been so many marvelous reviews posted here.
Moby-Dick. I'm glad you told us this was your first review, because no one would ever have known it. It's marvelous! As it progressed, I sensed Billy (and indeed the whole show) was gradually grabbing an audience that seemed slow out of the starting gate regarding reactions to the various bits and funny lines. That was great to see. BETM has that effect on people :)

I especially liked your detailed descriptions of Dayton and Jake's depictions of their roles, as I believe it is the first time I've read really thorough takes on their portrayals. They sound wonderful in the roles.

So please don't feel daunted or restricted by length at anything you write in the future. No way did your review come across as anything but very enjoyable to read and I hope to see future reviews here by you.
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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by ERinVA »

I really enjoyed your review, Moby. At first when you said you were a "poor student," I thought you were making excuses for your writing. 8-) :lol: But that was obviously not the case! Excellent. :D

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Re: January 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by cincinnati »

Outstanding review....Dayton is the spark plug this show needs right now....this "Bloody Little Champion" from down under is a real winner for sure....Bravo Dayton for another great show....

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