February 2010 reviews - NYC

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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Weekend of Awesome (part 1)

The "Weekend of Awesome" (as titled by bobz) was originally a bunch of us die hard fans who independently bought tickets for what was to be Trent's final show. Even though this turned out not to be the case, many of us were in New York to see multiple performances, in the hopes of catching some of the newer members of the cast. We were not disappointed.

Rich and Sean have already given some excellent reviews, but I will try to fill in a few more details that I observed. My head is still swimming after seeing this show four times in two days. This weekend was my 9th through 12th shows. I have finally crossed into double digit territory. :)

Sat. Feb. 20, 2010 2pm -

Billy - Liam,
Michael - Jake,
Small Boy - Seth,
+ understudys: Tony - Jeff Kready, Grandma - Merle Louise, Big Davey - Eric Gunhus

Boxing class-
Seth is so tiny. He gets big laughs for the "oh Jesus" line. When Small Boy exits he now calls George a 'fat b***ard', instead of a 'w**ker'. I guess they did this to Americanize the show, but why? 'w**ker' is used in at least a couple other places in the show and wasn't changed there. Personally I think the 'w**ker' line was cuter, especially coming from Small Boy.

Last summer I saw Merle perform as Grandma a couple of times when Carole was on vacation. At the time I really missed Carole. However this weekend Merle was on for Grandma at all performances. I think she has really grown into the role and handled it nicely. She delivered the song with all the right emotions. It was a pleasure to watch her performance.

Liam does a great job showing Billy's development as a dancer. Early on he seems like just an ordinary kid. By the end of the scene you can see why he was cast as his dancing comes alive. I also got a very strong feeling watching Kate as Mrs. W. teaching Billy. You really feel like she is teaching him.

This was my first time seeing Jake. He is an excellent Michael. He takes more time saying his lines, as if he is savoring every word. Jake definitely knows how to play for laughs without looking like he is trying to do so.

Born to Boogie-
Thommie was great in this scene, as always. I love the 'strip tease' he does as he gradually peels off shirt after shirt. Liam did a 'Billy jump' off the piano at the end, not the flip that is done more often.

OMG what just came out of this sweet boy's mouth? Several loud blood-curdling F-bombs. Most of the Billys let out loud unintelligible screams during this number. With Liam there was no question as to what he was screaming. When the video played on the barricade, and we hear Maggie Thatcher speaking, Liam shouted an F*-you at her. The language added to the intensity of the scene in a way I had not experienced before. Liam's dancing was top notch!

Deep Into The Ground-
Phil has a lovely voice and sings this song with great emotion. He is a different Dad from Greg but still does a nice job. At the end of the song, when he and Billy wish each other Merry Christmas, Phil just stares straight ahead, as if lost in thought. I kept hoping he would look at Billy at some point, but he never does so.

Warming Hands-
Jake and Liam did a great job in this very tender scene. Kudus to Jake. He can act well in a serious scene as well as comedy. Jake had to really reach up to kiss Liam due to their height differences.

Dream Ballet-
Liam did a great job with this. His long lanky body shows off his ballet training. He gave us that big smile of his.

He Could Shine-
This was my second time seeing Jeff play as Tony. I was impressed before, but wow!
Phil and Jeff did a great job with the father/son conflict.

Royal Ballet-
Phil has a whole new set of ways for his Dad to play this scene. It is a pleasure to watch him. He and Easton really play up the Scottish dancer's "big bulge" thing to a new level. After handing the cigarette to clip board lady, Phil has a hard time finding the door in the wall. At two of the four shows this weekend the audience applauded
at the end of this scene because it was so fun.

Liam spoke a few lines of the song, but sang most of it. He did a great job with the ballet, and flashed that 'million dollar smile' at the end during the long applause.

Folding the clothes-
As they are packing the suitcase, Phil does this cute thing where he folds one of Billy's shirts nicely and then crumples it up and tosses it into the suitcase. Billy smiles and refolds it.

Liam clearly enjoys playing Billy. It shows both on stage and off. He has the least experience of the boys currently performing. I think given some time he will find more ways to make this role his own. At the stage door he was very sweet. He smiled and thanked each person for coming. It was clear that he meant it.

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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by cincinnati »

thank you for the nice review CJ....may we see more
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by CJ-Rochester »

cincinnati wrote:thank you for the nice review CJ....may we see more
Yes parts 2 through 4 are on the way.

A footnote to the above - Trent came by the stage door after the show. He was not on stand by, Michael was. After Michael signed a few Playbills, he and Trent hung around waiting for Liam to finish with the fans. It looked like the three of them were going to dinner together.
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks to all for your wonderful reviews. Sounds like a great weekend was had by all.
CJ-Rochester wrote:After Michael signed a few Playbills, he and Trent hung around waiting for Liam to finish with the fans. It looked like the three of them were going to dinner together.
It's pretty evident that many of the younger cast members are genuine friends offstage, as they often hang out together.
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Weekend of Awesome (part 2: "The Australian Invasion")

Sat. Feb. 20, 2010 8pm -

Billy - Michael,
Michael - Trevor,
Small Boy - Luke,
+ understudys: Tony - Jeff Kready, Grandma - Merle Louise, Big Davey - Eric Gunhus

Michael is the smallest Billy I have ever seen, but he speaks with great intensity.

When picking up the keys after the boxing scene, Michael caught them one handed (one gloved). This was pretty cool to see.

Michael fits in among the ballet girls, and is smaller than some of them. This makes it more real when they knock him around and run into him during their rehearsals.

Grandma's Song-
Nice job again by Merle. She blew him a kiss at the end which was very touching.

A solid nice performance.

Trevor's voice has gotten pretty deep, but I think it still works. He is still very small. He and Michael made a nice pair in their number together.

I believe it's been reported before that Michael says "cept I couldn't wait" instead of "but I opened it a few years early". Michael had lots of tears during this song. There were tears everywhere in the audience too.

Michael did some new moves that I had never seen before. At the start of the jump roping, he crashed into Kate from behind. Nobody fell, and they all recovered just fine. He did a nice flip off the piano at the end.

Angry Dance-
What loud screams from such a small boy! Great job!

Deep Into The Ground-
Phil doesn't play this as drunk as Greg, but what a nice voice!

Just A Little Bit-
Trevor is very good at hamming it up in the tutu scene.

Dream Ballet-
Easton lifted Michael higher than I have seen any Billy go (before the wire is attached). Michael seemed to be lighter than air.

He sings with a very intense emotion. Wow what great dancing, and long applause.

In the goodbye scene with Mrs. W. and Billy, Kate looked especially moved as Billy thanked her and wished her luck. Kate is really amazing in this role!

Letter Reprise-
He had tears, which lasted all the way through the "see ya Michael" kiss and his walk up the aisle. What great actor this boy is! Michael is only supposed to be here for a few months, but I really hope he can stay longer.
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Weekend of Awesome (part 3: "The Australian Invasion Continues")

Sun. Feb. 21, 2010 2pm -

Billy - Dayton,
Michael - Jake,
Small Boy - Seth,
+ understudys: Grandma - Merle Louise, Big Davey - Eric Gunhus

Perhaps no Billy has had a reputation that preceded him like Dayton's. For most of us fans this was our first time seeing this boy. He came in with high expectations, and managed to fill or exceed them all. Dayton is a very focused, intense, serious Billy (memories of David A). His dancing is well known, thanks to Youtube. What I didn't know ahead of time was how well he can sing and act. This kid is a triple threat!

Stars Look Down-
Seth looked especially adorable with the lollipop at the beginning. When Joel Hatch ran in to announce the strike he was more out of breath than usual, and had to take several deep breaths before saying his lines. It certainly got our attention.

Lift Me Up-
Dayton has a very high and sweet voice. He sang this perfectly.

Seth looked funny carrying his big bag of gear as he exited. It was almost too big for him. Dayton has a whole new set of moves for the John Travolta bit. He missed catching the keys when he first picked them up with his feet. As the girls started to run in, Dayton quickly did the move again and was successful.

Dance classes-
I love Dayton's accent when saying lines like "oh no" and "rubbish". He was very loud and more visibly angry/frustrated during the "Miss I don't know what to do" part. His body jerks more in the early pirouettes. The "spastic starfish" line, with Tessa's movements, got many more laughs than usual. Tessa even noted that when we spoke with her later at dinner. Overall this was an incredible performance of Solidarity!

Jake nailed the "me dad does it all the time" line to great laughter. Jake was on fire during this number, more so than the previous day.

Again Dayton says "cept I couldn't wait" (like Michael yesterday). Maybe it's an Australian thing? He sang this beautifully, with a nice pure voice. Both Dayton and the audience had plenty of tears.

The rope skipping in B2B worked fine.

Angry Dance-
Wow! This was the part I have been anticipating for months. Dayton's moves are very crisp and well defined. His Angry Dance has to rank up there with Trent's in the all-time great category.

Maggie Thatcher-
During the part of the song with the puppets I noticed the policeman puppet, and then Seth as Small Boy standing down front in a police outfit. Seth is almost as small as the puppets. His hat and baton looked oversized for him. It was cute as he conducted the puppet show with his police baton.

Warming Hands-
Jake changed the line as he pulls on his tutu to just "burgandy". I'm not sure why, but it still got a lot of laughs as it called attention to his bright red shorts.

Dream Ballet-
This was very well done, with huge applause as Dayton spun around way up high.

Royal Ballet-
Phil and Easton continue to embellish the "big bulge" joke, to lots of laughs.

Another Wow!!! Dayton brings this number to a new level. He does some amazing spins right at the start. His body is very straight and rigid, and spins faster than anyone I have seen before. He mixes in a number of 1-handed cartwheels, and no-handed forward flips. He is intense and defiant throughout, until the end when he soaks up the applause.

Dayton shed more tears during The Letter Reprise. At the curtain call, after the curtain rises on him standing upstage in front of the Billy letters, Dayton does a somersault forward to move down stage for his bow, where all the others simply walk. It's just another way Dayton adds his own special flair to the show.

Thank you Australia for sending us both Dayton and Michael. They are two amazing Billys!
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by Moby-Dick »

Wowza... :shock: Where to begin??

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of you who have written reviews of your wonderful, Billy-filled weekends!

Firstly, angelenroute, thanks so much for writing not only about the show but about the dinner as well. Sounds like everyone had a marvelous time, and it's so awesome that Thommie and Tessa were able to join everyone for dinner. They sound like such wonderful people.
angelenroute wrote: Speaking of Trent.........a smile comes to my face as I smile happily. I just adore him and will be crying in convulsions on his final night! I won't bring tissues, I'll bring a bath towel...He IS Billy Elliot and he's so immersed in the role every second he's on stage. Trent, I don't want you to ever leave the show, but I also REALLY look forward to your next incarnation...
Hear hear! After over 200 performances as Billy Elliot, saying goodbye is going to be a tremendously emotional event, but am sure we'll definitely have future roles to look forward to!

CJ-Rochester, your multi-part "Weekend of Awesome" updates were so much fun to read! Am so glad you got the chance to see so many different Billys perform. New York City (and Broadway) is lucky to be blessed with such amazing talent from these boys. Looking forward to reading Part 4!

Thanks also to sctwins for sharing what you thought of the different actors' performances! The entire Billy cast is pretty much AMAZING!!
sctwins wrote: On Friday, I went to see the show with my two friends who never got my Billy love. They were like 'Make a reservation for us too and let's see why you like that show so much' at first but as expected,they were all BLOWN AWAY.After the show, they were raving about how brilliant Solidarity scene was, how talented the kids were, and what a full package this show was. Now one of them is planning to see the show again haha.
Mwahaha, two more Billy converts! :lol:

Am love, love, LOVING reading everyone's reviews. Keep 'em coming!

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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by cincinnati »

Thanks to everyone for making a tough weekend on the road here in Southern California when I would have loved to have been in NYC at simply the REAL greatest show on earth...BETM...thanks to all for the reviews and comments...I promise to return the favor on my next trip to the greatest city on earth....with some reviews of my own.....
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Moby-Dick wrote:Wowza... :shock: Where to begin??

CJ-Rochester, your multi-part "Weekend of Awesome" updates were so much fun to read! Am so glad you got the chance to see so many different Billys perform. New York City (and Broadway) is lucky to be blessed with such amazing talent from these boys. Looking forward to reading Part 4!
Thanks for the compliments M-D. Sorry for the delay in part 4, but sometimes life intervenes. It should be up this morning.
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Re: February 2010 reviews - New York

Post by angelenroute »

CJ-Rochester wrote:Weekend of Awesome (part 1)

Boxing class-
Seth is so tiny. He gets big laughs for the "oh Jesus" line. When Small Boy exits he now calls George a 'fat b***ard', instead of a 'w**ker'.
I personally laughed hysterically at this. I think w**ker is better too but hearing something unexpected is always a great laugh for me, and it's this type of change (even when not permanent or when only used by one actor and not all who play a role) that keep the show fresh and fun. But yeah if both small boys are using it than hmm. Well, they'll probably use whichever line gets more laughs. =)
CJ-Rochester wrote:
Liam does a great job showing Billy's development as a dancer. Early on he seems like just an ordinary kid. By the end of the scene you can see why he was cast as his dancing comes alive. I also got a very strong feeling watching Kate as Mrs. W. teaching Billy. You really feel like she is teaching him.
This must be a fun part of the adult actors' jobs, especially Kate. Each new Billy is a new relationship on and off the stage, and the teacher-student relationship as well.
CJ-Rochester wrote:
He Could Shine-
This was my second time seeing Jeff play as Tony. I was impressed before, but wow!
Phil and Jeff did a great job with the father/son conflict.
I love Jeff in the role and think he's an amazing actor who will hopefully be the next great Will Chase or Matthew Broderick on Broadway, even if he never becomes the next Tony.
CJ-Rochester wrote: Folding the clothes-
As they are packing the suitcase, Phil does this cute thing where he folds one of Billy's shirts nicely and then crumples it up and tosses it into the suitcase. Billy smiles and refolds it.
I thought this was hilarious and so sweet at the same time. It shows great knowledge of the role and comfort on the stage to come up with this bit and pull it off so beautifully.

Thank you Chris for all of your great reviews!

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