10th Anniversary of Billy Elliot (the movie)

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10th Anniversary of Billy Elliot (the movie)

Post by porschesrule »

The Billy Elliot the Musical Facebook site has posted the following:

"To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the UK release of Billy Elliot, an exclusive film screening is being held in London on 20 Oct from 6:45pm. Pre-screening drinks and a post-screening Q&A will complete the evening. Question: Who played Billy Elliot in the original film? Email the answer to billyelliot@akauk.com with subject line FACEBOOK-SCREENING TICKETS Closing date 13 Oct. 7 winners will be notified by 15 Oct."

Ballet Girl
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Re: 10th Anniversary of Billy Elliot (the movie)

Post by Dancer »

On 8th October I received an email from the official Billy update team inviting me to enter their competition to win one of seven pairs of tickets to this event. The question was, "The music from which ballet features in both the musical and the film?" I (of course!) replied and you can image my amazement when I got an email on Monday to say that I had won a pair of free tickets to the film :D . I have never ever won a competition in my life!

The event took place at the Mayfair theatre in London which is situated beneath the Mayfair hotel where the pre-film drinks reception was held. I would estimate there were about 150 people in attendance. The only people I recognised at the reception were Nick Evans who I chatted to for a couple of minutes, and ex Small Boy, Drew Blackall, who was there with his mum.

Before the film started Stephen Daldry came on stage and made a short speech about the film and the musical. He had flown in from Durham the day before (no, not that Durham, the one in America where the tour will be heading!), and said that as he passed down the aisle in the plane he could see people watching the film "Billy Elliot" on their in-flight entertainment screens!

After the film, Nick Evans came on stage and said there would be a half hour Q&A session, but the questions were mainly those that people had given in advance. Nick asked the questions and on stage to answer were Stephen, Lee Hall and Jon Finn (Producer). One question asked the panel if they had any special memories they took away from making the film. Stephen said he had many, but one thing stuck in his mind and that was from only a couple of weeks ago whilst in New York. A man of about 25 stopped him in the street and said hello. Stephen hadn't a clue who he was but politely returned his greeting, whereupon the guy said he was the "Posh Boy" who was clobbered by Jamie Bell in the RBS audition scene in the film! Small world!

After the Q&A finished, Stephen and Jon quickly disappeared, but Lee hung back and I asked him where they wanted Billy to perform next. Lee said that as well as Toronto and the two US tours, they next had ideas on Japan, and then Germany in 18 months time, so watch this space! All in all, a very enjoyable evening, but no sign of any of the film cast in attendance.

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