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Re: Finale

Post by ERinVA »

No cast list has been published for Toronto, so please do not speculate on who may or may not be leaving. We do know that Kate Hennig is confirmed to be Mrs. W. in the Toronto production, and it has been assumed that the main Chicago cast will continue on to Toronto. I am sure that soon we will start to see more advance publicity with the Billys, and that will give us some more information.

"I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance.”
-George Balanchine 1904 -1983

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Re: Finale

Post by mikeguy »

What a wonderful ending to a great show. JP and Dillon together are great,and they both knocked it out of the park. The Letter Reprise became emotioanl as I guess JP realized this was his last show in Chicago and he sang that song, and kept on going, through his own tears, which brought tears to some in the audience, yes, I admit it, JP made me cry! I guess in part as I have met him several times at the stage door and he is a true gentleman. JP was sad to leave as one week I asked him what am I going to do when the show leaves Chicago.Well, he looked at me and said,"What am I going to do?"
Well, JP, you get to rest from a job well done until rehearsals start in Canada. Dillon looked a bit emotional at the finale....he brought much to the character, and it was touching to see him run up to Patrick Mulvey and just jump in his arms! I will miss these people and this show. Good luck to all in Toronto!
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Re: Finale

Post by mikeguy »

Marcus Pei has a face book page where you can send him a does Cesar....I have sent Cesar a few messages, never got a reply, but I am sure he gets them as I have used the send a message for a few others and have received some replies. Cesar also has a page just called fan page that he must have created where you don't have to be a "friend" to leave a wall message. and there is also a Cesar Corrales page where you can write on the wall without having to join as a friend. I have used that to let Cesasr know how much I enjoyed his talent, but I alos had had the opportunity to meet him in person and tell him,and he was always very appreciative. I even saw him on the day of the last show going down the alley and I said, Hi Cesar, and he smiled! than I told him I heard he had had a great last show on Sat. night. Even if he doesn't reply, I still felt good knowing I could send him a message!! That's the only contact info I know of.
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Re: Finale

Post by Todd »

mikeguy wrote: I admit it, JP made me cry! I guess in part as I have met him several times at the stage door and he is a true gentleman. JP was sad to leave as one week I asked him what am I going to do when the show leaves Chicago.Well, he looked at me and said,"What am I going to do?"
This almost made me cry ! After a better part of a year of being together as a cast and crew - and having Chicago become their home together - you can see how difficult it must have been for them to see it end, especially for those who will not be continuing on to Toronto. When you see the pictures posted of them attending each other's birthday parties and going-away parties and hanging out together outside the theater, you can see how they became a big family . . . and those of us fans who enjoyed the show there in Chicago were privileged to become a part of that extended family. Thanks again to the entire company for all the enjoyment they brought to so many people.
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Re: Finale

Post by nexradwx »

Sunday November 28, 2010
Final Chicago Performance

Billy - J.P. Viernes
Michael - Dillon Stevens

I was fortunate enough to be sitting dead center in the orchestra seating in the 5th row which gave me some of the best views out of the 7 Billy Elliot shows I have seen. I could see very clearly the expressions of all the performers faces during the show. Although it was the final show in Chicago I could tell many people around me were seeing this for the first time. They would not be the least disappointed.

The performance carried on as routine as though the show had been running for years and would continue indefinetly. I could see though that the interaction between each other on stage seemed very genuine and more personal where they looked into each others eyes warmly and smiled often knowing that the time was now running out quickly on them being together.

J.P. (who I had seen perform 3 other times) didn't miss a beat and in my opinion has really become better and better each time he takes the stage. He is really a delightful young man on and off the stage.

"Solidarity" was executed perfectly and the fun they all were having was very evident.

"Expressing Yourself" was as fun as always but Dillon seemed more funny and bubbly. You could tell that J.P. and Dillon were having a real good time while looking into each others eyes, smiling and laughing often. It seemed to be one of the tightest dances of that number I have witnessed.

"Dear Billy" (mum's letter) was as good as always but it seemed as though J.P. got a little more emotional where he is supposed to be sad for that scene. It was probably a lot easier getting into character considering the inevitable finale was getting closer all the time.

J.P. tripped slightly on his jump rope right at the beginning of that portion of "Born to Boogie" but quickly regained control and finished the number well except that he appeared to land a little bit hard while flipping off of the piano. If he did injure himself I think the adrenaline of the evening would have kept him going anyway.

"Angry Dance" was tight and had a lot of energy. J.P. was putting all his skill into the dance and seemed to be yelling louder than ever but it could have been because I was sitting so close.

J.P.'s dance with his older self to Swan Lake was flawless and exciting. J.P. realy showed a lot of confidence and there was genuine happiness on his face as he displayed his talent and skills.

"Electricity" was as good as it gets. From the first time I saw J.P. perform this number to this last time he has gotten better and more confident. The audience was bursting with applause even before he could complete the song. You could feel his confidence in almost every move he pulled off. He realy put his all into this performance and was huffing and puffing more than I've seen in other performances.

"Once We Were Kings" was more emotional as the end of the show was truely nearing. I clearly could see one of the girls who was holding a sign was red eyed from crying but managed to compose herself for this number.

"Dear Billy" (Billy's Reply) truely grabbed at my emotions as J.P. struggled a bit to read his letter to Anne Tolpegin (mum). It was clear J.P. was choked up as was Anne when they used the lines "proud to have known you" and "love you for ever". They both struggled as their true emotions were being displayed and it brought tears to my eyes. I believe they passed over the line where Billy says "see you soon" and mum replies "do you realy think so". Either they couldn't get those lines out or I was too caught up in the emotion of that exchange between Billy and Mum that it went right over my head. J.P. obviously wiped his eyes a couple times before and after his final exchange with Dillon on the bike but they both pulled off the final scene very well.

Everbody was very composed, professional and sharp as they danced the "Company Celebration". They truly danced a celebration that was all smiles and fun. I could see some of the older dancers looking into the eyes of the younger girls with warmth and smiles knowing this to be the last time some of them would be together. The crowd was busting with applause for what we all had just witnessed. As the final curtain call happened, the whole cast including all 4 Billys (left to right - Myles, Marcus, J.P and Cesar took center stage) with both Michaels (Dillon and Jack) and Armand Schultz grabbed the microphone. It was a thunderous standing ovation with most of the girls red faced and in tears. Myles Erlick was very serious looking and absorbing what he was witnessing. Marcus Pei appeared a little emotional but was smiling from ear to ear also absorbing the moment. J.P. Viernes was constantly wiping tears from his face and smiling and Cesar Corrales had a huge smile on his face as he confidently looked out over the crowd and at his fellow cast members in true appreciation of the moment. Dillon Stevens was red eyed with many tears as was Jack Broderick who also tried to control his emotions during the finale of this production. The standing ovation continued until Armand Schultz began to speak. Everybody in the house remained on their feet as Armand acknowledged that this was the final show in Chicago and got choked up as he mentioned that most everybody in this production have been here since January and this being Thanksgiving weekend where most people spend time with family and how everybody up on stage were all family also. Armand then proceeded to acknowledge the many people that are behind the scenes of the production and had them step out onto the stage. He brought out the guardians of the children, teachers, coaches, people who dress the actors between scenes and many other support people. He acknowleged the orchestra at which point everybody on stage stomped their feet in appreciation to the musicians below them which was also very moving. The stage was loaded with people as Armand, getting choked up again, thanked everybody on stage as the applause rose up again along with the emotions of the younger cast members. It is unforgetable seeing everybody on stage waving to the cheering crowd for the final time as the curtain came down on an incredible musical in the great City of Chicago.

Thank you Dillon, Cesar and J.P. for taking the time to autograph my Playbill and being such gentlemen. It is a show I'll always remember which has inspired me and changed my life. I'm sure it has also changed other peoples lives both young and old and inspired a whole new generation of boys who want to dance or were "born to boogie".

My Chicago Billys: J.P Viernes 4x Cesar Corrales 2x Marcus Pei 1x
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Re: Finale

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks for the wonderful review, nexradwx. I especially loved hearing about the final curtain calls with the entire cast and crew on stage and Armand's speech. A fitting ending to one of the best, if not THE best production of BETM to date. Toronto is truly getting a class act and I can't wait for the show to re-open there at the end of January.

By the way, checking out the ticket site for Toronto, the first weekend of shows is sold out, as is the following Sunday! Hopefully a sign that Toronto will support the show in a big way.
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Re: Finale

Post by mrmikerocks »

What I thought was an awesome part of the last show was after "Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher", one of the miners starts to sing a song and eventually gets the microphone taken away. I thought it was an awesome tribute that he started to sing "My Kind of Town". It was a fitting tribute to the support the Chicago has given the show.
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