May 2014 Reviews

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May 2014 Reviews

Post by Westletonion »

Here is a place for May reviews.
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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by kport »

I will post a brief doubt Pat will do today's matinee greater justice!

In a nutshell, I last saw Bradley when he gave his third performance exactly five months ago today, and I raved about him then. Well, the Bradley I saw today was even more fantastic...........there simply are no superlatives. He is on top form in every sense, and has the confidence these London boys develop. Add to the mix an 'on fire' performance from Zak, a cast that is still on top form after so many months together, and a most enthusiastic crowd who seemed to want to applaud every was 'one for the album'. Those of you coming over next week to London, buckle up: you are in for the Billy ride of your life!

One side note: Zak and Bradley have a little shtick going on in Express Yourself - Zak throws in a few French (or, more accurately, 'Franglais') quips and pulls faces, while watching Bradley's reaction, which seems to shout 'You did NOT just say that!' They had a blast today!

(The tube strike did not seem to affect the numbers in the audience at all.)
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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by patc »

Thursday Matinee 1st May

Bradley/Zak B/Demi

Tony: Matthew Dale
Grandma: Gillian Elisa
Older Billy and Scottish Ballet Dancer: Lee Hoy

I’m not quite sure how many miles I’ve travelled since 5.30pm. I think we had an aftershow meal in Nando’s. I think Barry and I walked over to the station. I think I caught a train to Gatwick. I think I flew on an aeroplane (airplane ;) ). I think I drove home on the M50. I think I also remembered the keycode for the house alarm because I’m now sitting at a PC trying to find a way to convey my feelings after what I saw at the VPT this afternoon. The show is so ingrained in memory that everything else is dumped to the Recycle Bin and the core of that memory is a boy that goes by the name of Bradley Perret. As Bill suggests, finding superlatives will be difficult.

In every sense of the word this was a show of shows. A blast from start to finish. Bradley strode onto the stage with purpose and put us through a staggering range of emotions with consummate skill, application and dedication. Excitingly, he is now at that stage when he can concentrate on delivering multi-faceted, well-thought-out and perfected enhancements and variations of this role of roles. In the first half alone we got a beautifully sung rendition of Take Me Up, an hilarious Boxing session expertly put together with Howard and Zak, a smilingly lovingly interaction with Grandma Gillian, a spectacular full-width-of-stage spin across the Ensemble in Solidarity, a bitingly, brilliantly acted angry exchange with Dad when “found out”, a most enjoyable Expressing romp with Zak (more of him anon), a gut-wrenching tearjerker of a Letter (that first smile to Dead Mum, as always, breaking out and breaking my heart), a smiling, forget-all-your-troubles Skippy Boogie with Simon Ray and Anna-Jane, more fantastic acting as the kitchen protagonists vented their very souls and, to crown an amazing first session, a thundering Angry Dance full of power, passion and thrilling tap all in front of that line of thumping batons on shields – one of the greatest scenes ever on a stage presented to an ecstatic audience on a golden platter.

More delights in the second half including a stellar Dream Ballet with Lee (packed with more high-flying smiles galore), a brilliantly executed, confident and spellbinding street Electricity and a multitude of wonderful facial expressions to complement more great acting among all the goodbyes the culmination of which was a tornado of a standing ovation from an appreciative and enthusiastic audience – plus a ginormous, humble return smile from himself.

Zak B is a nugget. Earlier on we were treated to the outrageously funny side of him as he expertly made fun of Billy (Bradley at times was almost helpless with laughter) and the pair of them along with the multicoloured Dresses and Trousers provided enough energy to power the Tube. I will not forget in a hurry the filled-with-pain look on Zak’s face as Billy walked out of his life. To hold this so brilliantly to a slow curtain while clapping hysteria broke out among some of the audience was some achievement but he didn’t bat an eyelid and pulled it off to perfection.

As has oft been repeated the main cast and Ensemble were charged up to full power and not a second was wasted in providing magnificent entertainment. It was good to see Spencer Cartwright back after a long-ish absence. Matthew was terrific as Tony and that man Deka is the Daddy of them all.

Every audience loves Gillian’s Grandma. She takes the opportunity to claim her audience very early on in the show and never lets go.

Anna-Jane will soon depart. She demonstrated again why she is going to be badly missed. There are more huge shoes to be filled there, metaphorically speaking, of course.

The Ballet Girls were outstanding. They do most of their stuff as a group in the first part of the show and never let us down as they do bad dance and good dance as required with a sort of synchronised swimming-like routine in the middle. All done with such lovely smiles that you know they are having lots of fun. It is rather a pity that, whilst all their names are alphabetically listed in the programme, we don’t get to know who plays who and who is in what teams.

We know whose team Debbie isn’t on and Demi gave a classic portrayal of this with much impudence. As mentioned last week, Debbie’s “offer”, whilst made with such matter-of fact aplomb, was instantly turned down with some disdain.

The music performance was top class with every note a gem in itself.

Well, it’s after three o’clock in the morning (no way to leave this 'til tomorrow) and I’m sure I’ve left some stuff (and people) out but to make up for that I want to thank EVERYONE involved in today’s show for making it such a memorable afternoon. Sheer, pure, unadulterated magic.

And to that man (oops, boy) Bradley I raise my glass and hat for an outstanding Billy performance that no amount of words could be found to adequately describe.

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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by porschesrule »

As always, Pat, an outstanding review. Glad to hear things are clicking on all cylinders.

One thing I can help you with (and anyone else who might have a similar desire to know which parts the Ballet Girls play in the show).

Go to: ... formation/

Scroll down to Ballet Girls and click on "Current". Hope that helps.
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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by patc »

Thanks, Gary. Trust you to have all the info :D.

Is there a way of knowing which team is on, e.g., is a particular group linked to a Tall Boy?

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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by porschesrule »

Pat -- I'm sure there's some sort of schedule for the Ballet Girls, but I haven't discovered what it is. I know in the early days of the show they and the Tall Boys and Small Boys were linked as teams. Since we know the pattern for the Tall Boys, I recently tried to see if there was still a link between them and the Ballet Girls teams and decided there probably isn't, as the same Tall Boy didn't always perform with a particular team of Ballet Girls. And, of course, there is no linkage with the Small Boys either as there are four of them and only three teams of Ballet Girls.

Perhaps one of the "regulars" knows of a pattern?
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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by Billy Whiz »

The Ballet Girls' schedule is:

Week 1 - Monday & Tuesday
Week 2 - Wednesday & Thursday
Week 3 - Friday & Saturday

Then it starts all over again.
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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by kport »

Billy Whiz wrote:The Ballet Girls' schedule is:

Week 1 - Monday & Tuesday
Week 2 - Wednesday & Thursday
Week 3 - Friday & Saturday

Then it starts all over again.
That must raise havoc with schooling (don't they go to different schools dotted all over London and the home counties?). Two very late nights back to back one week, then two late nights the next plus a matinee in between the next, then the same tight schedule Friday and Saturday (granted, school is less of an issue).

It must take some juggling to pull that off. And some very cooperative schools.
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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by angelenroute »

I read through this thread all the time, but don't often reply. When there are so many wonderful reviews, I really hate to reply to some and not others.

That said, patc's most recent review above is one of the best I have ever read! Our own kport kicked it off with a great review too of course, but his handoff to patc then took center stage. And man! Mr. patc, you just totally frickin' nailed it, my man. Well done!!!


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Re: May 2014 Reviews

Post by kport »


I know when I am outmatched! Patc is The Master! (And one terrific guy!)
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