Tuck Everlasting

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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Here is a highlights video. It looks like a very colorful show. At 24 seconds Ben does a flip similar to what he did many times in each performance of Newsies.


Tuck Everlasting opens tonight. Break a leg everyone!
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by CJ-Rochester »

The opening night press reviews are mixed, but the NY Times liked it.

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/27/theat ... .html?_r=0

And the rest:
http://www.didhelikeit.com/shows/tuck-e ... eview.html
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by kport »

Most of the reviews are pretty good:

http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Re ... E-20160426
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by angelenroute »

A friend and I went into the city Saturday night with plans to find discount tickets through TIXX. Just before we got there though, we were approached by a man trying to sell us two tickets to Tuck Everlasting. He didn't have the tickets himself, but pointed out two or three others who were trying to sell the same seats. We went back and forth for a while, with first him, then a second man who actually had the printed emails of the tickets, and finally a third person, a woman, who stepped in to assure us it was all on the up and up. Well, thankfully, it was. We scored two third row dead-center orchestra seats right behind the conductor (no patrons in front of us) for $50 each. Pretty damn good!

I loved that I'd get to see Ben Cook shine on Broadway again, of course, and shine he did! I'd seen him enough times in Billy Elliot, and last year in Newsies on tour as well, to know he is an amazing dancer, so it was such a pleasure keeping an eye on him whenever possible. He and the other ensemble are dancing around all the time throughout, so it was a feast for the eyes left and right with such a colorful, vibrant production.

Okay, so how was the show? It was great! I'd probably give it a B-minus, only because it felt like there was a lot there that needed some edits still. I felt like we were watching a show in early previews or even still in the workshop stage in some places. At the same time though, there were many elements of the show--sets, costumes, choreography, design, lighting, and several scenes within--that were totally A+ quality! In fact, I'd even say it feels like the kind of show that could still be that A+ quality if they keep making smart revisions and editing choices.

Will it get the chance to, though? Not so sure. There were too many empty seats around the theatre on a Saturday night for my comfort level. I've seen this happen before, so while I wouldn't exactly say I was an ex-pert or anything, it doesn't look good.

The show really is wonderful though, so if the story appeals to you even in the slightest (think Fountain of Youth), and the incredible sets and colors of the show are something you really appreciate seeing, I hope you'll go and see it. Even with my personal lower rating, the show truly moved me several times throughout, and damn it if I wasn't breaking out in goosebumps of tears by the end. And we were all up on our feet with a standing ovation for the incredible lead, Sarah Charles Lewis, at the curtain call. She's only 11 years old, but man, she was fantastic!

Bravo to all involved, and please do go see it if you can. It may not survive until the end of the year, but if enough people support it and give it a chance, it absolutely will! I hope their upcoming appearances on TV will help them out as well!

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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by atreyu »

After purchasing a ticket in January 2013 to see Tuck Everlasting, it was good to finally see it.

Wait, you say, January 2013??

Yes, that was the pre-sale when Tuck Everlasting was supposed to do its out-of-town tryout at Boston's Colonial Theatre day after Memorial Day, but that got scrapped on account of not having a theatre available on Broadway. Or so they said when they refunded the ticket.

Anyway, jumping to the present it was somewhat spur-of-the-moment decision late last Wednesday to do a weekend in Manhattan and part of that was Tuck Everlasting. Wouldn't you know, at intermission, I see four seats away in the same row is angelenroute. Nothing like being able to compare notes on a brand new work as well as reminisce the shared experiences of the last time Ben Cook was on Broadway.

I am mostly in agreement with Sean's description of the show, pluses and minuses. Sarah Charles Lewis carries a lot of the show, not to the extent of Billy of course, but she does an excellent job with the role. I thought Casey Nicholaw's choreography was excellent and well executed by the cast. And when the cast includes Carolee Carmello and Terrence Mann, that's 6 Tony nominations right there.

The thing that bothered me most, though, was Andrew Keenan-Bolger as 17-year-old Jesse Tuck. Apparently Andrew turns 31 next Monday according to playbillvault so he is close to double the age of the character. That has its challenges, shall we say.

What becomes a lot more intriguing to me is seeing that Ben Cook is one of two understudies for Jesse Tuck (as well as another character). An 18-year-old (?) playing 17, how might that work out, one wonders.
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by CJ-Rochester »

I saw "Tuck" Tuesday evening. I would generally agree with what angelenroute and atreyu have said. I generally liked it but thought some of the writing needed more work. Parts of it felt awkward. That's the best way I can say it. I was hoping for the charm of a "Brigadoon", but it just wasn't there. The sets, lights, costumes were all great. The writing was weak. Most of the songs were not memorable, but a couple of them were very nice. I loved how Carolee Carmello did "Most Beautiful Day". It's the best number of the show.

Ben greeted me after the show. He came right up to me at the stage door. I could tell he absolutely loves what he is doing up there on stage! He is clearly one of the top dancers in the show, from the way he executes his leaps and kicks. It's nice he is able to incorporate some of his acrobatic moves and flips from Newsies. There is even a Billy jump early on in the show!

Despite the show's weaknesses I am very glad I saw it. The performances are great. Sarah Charles Lewis is in nearly every scene. She handles this very demanding role quite well. For anyone interested, they have frequently been offering 40% discounts on tickets through Playbill.com and other discounters. For that deal it's well worth it. PM me if you want more info.
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Ben announced on Twitter he and the cast of "Tuck Everlasting" will perform live on the Today Show, Monday morning around 8:50.
Tune into the @TODAYshow tomorrow morning around 8:50am to catch @TuckMusical performing "Partner in Crime"
https://twitter.com/bentylercook/status ... 2013132800
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Here is their performance on the Today Show. "Partner in Crime" is a great choice for this setting, being the highest energy number in the show. You can't miss Ben in those blue pants. :lol: He starts out juggling, then does a Billy jump, followed by an aerial much like he did in Newsies.

http://www.today.com/video/-tuck-everla ... 0960963991
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Re: Tuck Everlasting

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Sad news, but not surprising given their dismal ticket sales. :(

Tuck Everlasting will take its final Broadway bow this Sunday, May 29th.

http://www.playbill.com/article/broadwa ... ing-notice
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