Columbus Reviews

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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by CJ-Rochester »

StevenKing wrote:On the point that the tears flowing during the Letter, yes it seems to be a tour speciality , almost all the tour Billy's cried convincingly and were more expressive on average then elsewhere IMO. I only saw one Exception and that was compensated for by perfect Ballet.:)
Last night Kylend gave the most tearful and emotional "Letter" performance I have seen in a very long time!
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by cws8998 »


What a fabulous weekend in Columbus, what with 6 or 7 Forum members having converged from assorted home "bases" to be thrill at the productions, and who together shared much conversation and comrade particularly on or about our favorite musical. My sincere gratitude for their kind reception and accommodation. Given the "corn silk" curtain of North Central Indiana, what a great pleasure for me to be able to talk about the show with people in the know. It's conversation for which I hunger, and yet rarely, if ever can enjoy here.

Anyway, this review may seem a "bit of a stretch," but, here goes...So, hold on to your hat..!

Yes, it's that time of the year, "the rites of spring" are upon us again. [I'm not sure we experienced a real winter here in the Midwest], Major League Baseball teams are completing the throes of "spring training" conditioning and practice, in their attempts to polish up their off season rust. They're also in the process of establishing their "starting lineups" what with "opening day" very close at hand. But "wow" with anticipation of that eventuality, how fortunate I was to get a head start in Columbus, OH, as I was able to see a number of "grand slams," and as good a "double play combination" as anyone might hope to see in action from their home town team. Actually,I rather think we all might consider "BETM" to be our "home town team."

So, where on earth am I going with all this? Well, being a long suffering Chicago Cub fan, you might well imagine the elation I experienced in the gorgeous Palace Theater Complex watching gigantic "home runs" hit by our four spectacular Billies on "Tour," while at the same time, experiencing the scintillating dual of Jacob Zelonky and Cameron Clifford pulling off their "double play" magic. Not at all to be overlooked was the profound contribution each of their "teammates" [the ensemble] displayed in delivering their consistent and energetic performances. They continue in their production of "runs batted in" with no "errors" to speak of during their course of play.

Really, after many weekends of "double header" days, watching this particular ensemble in many assorted "ball parks" [venues], I must say, I'm at a loss in searching for superlatives to define the elevated status of their "play," as it seems I [we] may have exhausted most of them. I just feel so enriched by the foursome of Kylend, Ty, Zach, and JP, I truly believe each one of us can allow our own imaginations to encapsulate the assorted definitions of perfection these guys seem to display "on the field" of play [stage], day after day, week after week. Goodness!!!!

Kylend's impressionism continues to squeeze every ounce of emotion that vicariously I hold in reverence when experiencing Billy's journey. He is such a versatile actor, it's just uncanny how he is able to skillfully vacillate between a quiet vulnerability, which so defines him, into a crisis of disappointment and rage as he literally draws the limits of emotional support out of his "fans" [the audience]. It's so easy to measure this young man's affect just listening to comments of folks sitting around me during intermission or after the final curtain. Every time this "power hitter" steps up to the plate, he simply "knocks it out of the park." His "range on the field" [command of the stage] is so complete is it any wonder he wins the adulation of the "fans" and which is always displayed through their enthusiastic response. Kylend is simply an "old pro," displaying acting and dancing skills so spontaneous and effortless, one is at a loss as how to how to define a "Billy" performance that could be any more well conceived. He really is a wonder to behold and I continued to be emotionally drained after viewing one of his performances.

Then when guys like Ty Forhan and Zach Manske, "step up to the plate" you know full well you haven't lost a thing in anticipation and excitement. It is just so satisfying, as well, to gauge remarks delivered about the energy and play these two young men exude. Ty is a master. What a spark! When looking at him and his blond towhead, you'd never for a moment think he would be a "home run hitter," and yet, he never fails to deliver. Ty is a dynamic performer with quick, sharp, athletic moves, as he displays an extraordinary depth of emotion of his own which can easily transfix one in the process of carrying one through the depths of Billy's trials and tribulations. There's never a worry of a "rain out" when one anticipates this young man's play. What you need to do is prepare yourself for a possible "hurricane" because he'll just "blow you away" with the power of his execution [performance].

I first saw Zach in his 4th performance of Billy when he appeared in Cincinnati. I was so impressed with his "style of play" considering I classified him then as being a high priced "rookie" in the process of feeling his way in the "big time" [Major Leagues]. But, heaven's sake, it certainly hasn't taken long to establish himself as a "seasoned pro." In a matter of weeks he has morphed into a accomplished actor. I found his interpretation to be enriching and enormously believable as he has so quickly established his "position on the field" [role of Billy] as his own. Zach is built with the lower body of a "halfback," and one might think he's incapable of producing the smooth "play" [elegance] of a ballet dancer. Forget that misconception. He can "run the bases" with the best of them and you will be cheering for him every time he "crosses the plate." Speaking with him and his mom after the show, they reveled he was suffering from a severe cold which had obviously affected his voice range and delivery. But, you know, even in pushing for voice clarity, it gave his presentation an unusual and authentic emotional lift which I found both distinctive and very effective. Good for him to have "pressed on." He's a "winner" you can count on it.

Of course, any team with an "All-Star Vet" who has a "batting average" in the stratosphere, you can pretty much be assured of having some high scoring excitement. That's the way I feel when anticipating JP coming to the "on deck circle." Of course, it was a thrill to catch him his weekend, and congratulate him personally for his two year anniversary. Being one of those who attended his debut in Chicago, I continue to relish the growth and development of this terrific talent. He has been a pleasure to behold. JP absolutely never, never disappoints. He is, and has been remarkable in what he has accomplished, and he continues to do it with the grace and dignity of an "All-Star." He hasn't lost a step "in running the bases" as his energy level never ceases in his desire to "steal that extra base." I'm not sure how much longer this "old pro" will be with us, but he sure deserves the adulation of all of us who love this musical and who have relished his historical contribution to it.

Jacob and Cameron continue to be the perfect "lead off guys" providing great balance to Billy's agonizing journey. Always most impressive to me is their "beautiful execution" [timing], as they positively define with confidence and determination the nature of their core personalities. It is something not so easily done back in the early '80"s. These two Micheal's seek no sympathy from the "fans." They more than deserve the "cheers" of the "crowd" as their orientation seemingly is accepted as a "sign of the times." [Finally!!!] Any "cat calls" out there are obscured by their gregarious and humorous nature which forever elevates them above any fray. In this age of bullying for being different, these two guys, and of course, along with Billy, set an extraordinary positive image for the ages...they are profound examples for all young people everywhere. Such a shame that the "stadium" [theater] couldn't be filled to the rafters with youngsters serving as witnesses to the strength of the artistic interpretation of our Micheal's and Billies.

Incidentally, I did feel there was a more abundance of young people who attended the performances as compared to some other venues I have observed along the way. I also was genuinely pleased with the reception of the audiences which I felt were really responsive and highly enthusiastic. They really seemed to be into the shows.The "attendance" figures were very positive, as well. At least so stated the Management. They provided me percentage figures of the total seating capacity of 2800 which I extrapolated to an approximate number for that specific performance [at least up to a half hour prior to show time, what with people still in line to purchase tickets for that particular show]. For the performances I saw the numbers were:
Fri. Evening 1700
Sat. Matinee 2200
Sat. Evening 2300
Sun. Matinee Also around 2300

Well, as I stated, this review may well be "off the wall" and my gratitude if you "hung in there" and read it all. At least know as a personal experience, I continue to be awed every time I leave the theater, and I do so always feeling totally uplifted by what I had experienced, just as though it were the very first time I had seen the musical. Fact of the matter is, it beats the daylight out of any game at the ball park and, of course, you know I'll be going back for more down the road. Hopefully, that will be in Milwaukee, Detroit, and Toledo if all goes well.

My regards to all in the Forum. Colin Stetson
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by porschesrule »

Colin - you've "knocked one out of the park" with this review. :lol:

As an avid baseball fan myself, I very much appreciated how you've woven the terminology of America's past time into your observations about BETM this weekend in Columbus.

All appears well with the Tour. I especially enjoyed seeing the theater attendance numbers you cited at the end of the review. Those are healthy numbers for sure.

Glad you had such an enjoyable weekend. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

I see you've been taking lessons from patc, Colin. ;) A very enjoyable review. :D

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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by gpcolo »

So enjoyable I read it twice this morning. I'll try and come up with my own twist in a future review of the L.A. stop but it will be hard to top this one.
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Columbus weekend part 1

Many of us have learned that BETM is an even greater experience when we can enjoy it with fellow fans. Therefore my anticipation grew over the past few weeks as I learned that a number of fans and forum members, through independent decisions, would all be in Columbus around the same time. I want to acknowledge my fellow fans who joined me for a great weekend of fun and enjoyment: allthatsknown, cincinnati, cws8998, dido, inspired, LiamM, and Mitchell. What a great time we had. :D
For some the weekend began Friday evening. For myself and others it began Saturday.

Sat. March 24, 2012 matinee
Billy - JP
Michael - Jacob
Tall Boy - Cameron
Mrs. W. - Susan Haefner
Clipboard Lady - Natalie Wisdom

I have seen JP more times, and in more cities, than any other Billy. He is the senior Billy of the world, and there isn't much we can say that hasn't already been written. He just recently passed the two year milestone, and still turns in a consistently good performance.

This was my first time seeing Patti Perkins as Grandma. Her take on the role is different than anyone else I have seen. Patti's Grandma seems more lucid, and less crazy, than others who play it. Patti has a beautiful voice and gives Grandma's song a very nice sound.

I saw Susan Haefner understudy as Mrs. W. last year both in Toronto and Rochester, and really enjoyed her performance. Therefore I was happy to see her name on the board today. She does not disappoint. During intermission several of my fellow fans were saying how much they like this Mrs. Wilkinson. I'm glad we were all in agreement on this. :)

During Solidarity, when Mrs. W. takes the box of cookies from Debbie, the look on Samantha Cutler's face is precious.

Born To Boogie -
I was happy to see Job Christenson has finally been given the role of Mr. B. He played it in Toronto for several months, but was always considered an understudy. He does an excellent job with the role, managing to keep it funny without taking things too far. Job does a bit of double duty, in that he still plays the accordion during "Deep Into The Ground".

Tutu scene -
Jacob was on fire today. He continues to find ways to make this scene funny, even to those of us who have seen him before.

Tim Funnell plays Scab/Posh Dad. I believe he is a recent addition, as I don't recall seeing him when the tour was in Rochester. Tim's bio says he appeared in BETM London for six years. I don't much care for him as Scab. He doesn't seem to be tough enough to be a miner. However we all loved how he plays Posh Dad! He is very funny in the interaction with Dad, but doesn't resort to being a ham.

Electricity -
JP's routine has pretty much stayed the same since the beginning in Chicago. I recognized a few moves that only he does, and he continues to do them quite well. He does a nice aerial during the final sequence of handsprings.

As Colin said in his review, some of us were able to meet JP after the show and congratulate him on reaching his two year mark. JP is so humble. He appreciated the compliments, but acted like it wasn't that big a deal.

The Saturday matinee audience was very responsive. Actually all of the Columbus audiences this weekend were good. For being a small mid-west city, they sure seemed to like and support the show. :)
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks for the great review, Chris. It's always a pleasure when a veteran Billy-goer reviews (and compares) the various productions and locations of the show he's seen. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and am looking forward to your other reviews from your little Billython in Columbus over the weekend.
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

CJ-Rochester wrote:Tim Funnell plays Scab/Posh Dad. I believe he is a recent addition, as I don't recall seeing him when the tour was in Rochester. Tim's bio says he appeared in BETM London for six years. I don't much care for him as Scab. He doesn't seem to be tough enough to be a miner. However we all loved how he plays Posh Dad! He is very funny in the interaction with Dad, but doesn't resort to being a ham.
Those of us who have been seeing the show in London from the start are very familiar with Tim, since he was an original London cast member as part of the ensemble and one of the understudies for Tony (which I have seen him play--and very well, too). I have always thought he was fine as the scab because I don't see the scab as that much of a "tough customer." After all, the scab has enough sympathy for Billy to want to see him succeed, yet he has enough guts to show up at the miners' hall knowing what kind of reception he will get in order to do something good for Billy. One other role I have seen Tim do is the Scottish Dancer, and I have to say that he was quite funny. "Very versatile" is what comes to mind whenever I hear Tim's name.

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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by cincinnati »

Haven't written any detailed reviews in a bit....will get to it in the next few days....saw the entire week of shows.... Let me offer just a few things and I will write more later......

Kylend....I sat with Kylend's grandmother Saturday night.....what a gem she would be foolish for me to say how proud she is of her grandson.....I have to say that Kylend put on a MAJOR show on Saturday night.....I was left speechless........ I have seen Zach Manske four times.....Sunday night Zach brought all of his talent to full circle and kicked some serious butt on stage.... I must say, I agree with another observer......Zach has a much different take on Billy than ANY other I have seen......and I have seen many shows...(my credit card recpts) will show that....LOL .... I will offer my thoughts on Zach asap on here... I do think that Zach needs a new major league baseball t-shirt to wear though....he wears those Twins shirts after the show.....have to get him a Cincinnati Reds shirt......anyway....The BEST thing I have to say is that the show is ALIVE and WELL....the crowds in Columbus just LOVED it....this cast as worn out and road tired as they are pounded their guts out on stage every show.....I have a lot of respect for that......
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by BEtourfan »

CJ-Rochester wrote:Tim Funnell plays Scab/Posh Dad. I believe he is a recent addition, as I don't recall seeing him when the tour was in Rochester. Tim's bio says he appeared in BETM London for six years. I don't much care for him as Scab. He doesn't seem to be tough enough to be a miner. However we all loved how he plays Posh Dad! He is very funny in the interaction with Dad, but doesn't resort to being a ham.
I enjoy Tim Funnell's portrayal of Scab/Posh Dad. Perhaps because he's smaller, it seems he gets roughed up a little more by the larger actors in the opening scene. Same for later scene in the confrontation with Tony.
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