August 2012 reviews

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by patc »

Thanks, keefy, for the great review. Congrats to Redmand on a fantastic debut.
Also, after all the Billys have been standardised in the last 6 months or so with the Light Blue stripey top (i.e. all wearing the same), Redmand has broken the mould and wears the Red stripey top.
All this time and I never even noticed. Should've gone to Specsavers :D .

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by dancingboy »

Wednesday 22 August

Having had a few hours to reflect on Redmand's debut performance I can now quite honestly say that I was impressed by it. There were a few nervous moments during the show, but that had to be expected seeing as it was probably the first time Redmand had performed in front of 1500 people inside a theatre. Redmand appeared to be full of confidence for one so young and I liked the way he brought out some facial expressions with his acting, that is always good to see. He spoke his lines very clearly, with a decent Geordie accent and his singing voice was very pleasant to listen to. Redmand's ballet style Electricity was admirably performed with well executed pirouettes to finish with.

All in all a good all-round performance.
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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by Billy Whiz »

Thanks Keefy for the review of our new Billy (Redmand) and Debbie (Millie). Also dancingboy for your review of Redmand. It looks like the company have found another couple of nuggets.
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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by Wowzell »

KeefyM wrote:I wonder if Redmand will break as many of the Ballet Girls hearts as Deano ;)
What happened with Dean there then?
London: Harris x2, Adam x1, Kaine x1.

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by ERinVA »

I think that was just a reference to the fact that everyone loved Dean. He was with the show for so long, working his way up to Billy from Small Boy and then Michael, how could they not? 8-)

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by KeefyM »

Wowzell wrote:
KeefyM wrote:I wonder if Redmand will break as many of the Ballet Girls hearts as Deano ;)
What happened with Dean there then?

As Ellen has said Wowzell, it was just a reference to the fact that everyone loved Dean as he had been with the show for so long and it was just something that Company Manager David Massey mentioned in his excellent speech on Dean's last night just for a bit of fun which gave us all a laugh.

Thanks for your comments Pat and David on my Redmand review, very much appreciated. Great pictures of Adam/Reece/Fran's last night David - mine turned out rubbish, apart from one or two. A lot more practice needed with my new camera.
Don't worry Pat it's only saddo's like me who notice the minor things like the stripey top colours (although, I'm supposedly the Billy stripey top expert, since by an amazing coincidence I just happen to be at the shows when they have changed colours, or know how long they have had a certain colour top). i.e. Josh had the Red stripey top throughout his run, Kaine started with the Red top but ended up with the Light Blue Stripey top - told you I was sad. :lol:

Great reviews Pat throughout this month, really enjoyed reading them and very creative as usual.
Thankfully, there were no UFO's over the Olympic Park when I was there, although I might have seen a few 'alien's' though ;)
Great to see you back at the VP and back to writing your reviews.
I'm glad you never went to Specsavers, as if I remember correctly I'm sure Barry told me that quite a few months ago you and him almost entered Specsavers thinking it was Nandos (haha), I'm glad you never went in asked for a menu :o

On Tuesday matinee we had another brilliant show from our Senior Billy, the one and only Master Ryan Collinson.
His Angry Dance, Electricity and the infamous crossover skipping (now with him twisting his whole body around 360 degrees while doing the crossovers) were particular highlights and done in the way only Ryan can.
To say they were breathtaking is an understatement. He really is a great natural and raw talent and will be sorely missed by many people including me when he leaves on Sept 1st.
The usual Ryan cheekiness and nuances were there including his brilliant and hilarious Egyptian Sand Dance when packing the suitcase and it was great to see him and Joe having so much fun and having a little giggle and smiling to themselves from time to time when a young kid in the audience was a bit loud with his laughing as he found everything funny and did the odd shout out!.

I do love how Joe has to stand on his tip-toes to kiss Ryan's Billy on the cheek in the Winter Scene as Ryan is so tall, but the two of them are a great partnership and certainly ramp up the cheekiness when they are together. Ryan also ramped up the cheekiness when the unsung heroes of the show, the brilliant Ballet Girls were hilariously pushing him about and he couldn't resist a few little cheeky quips back at them and a few swear words. :o
As usual, all the Ballet Girls were fantastic but I must mention Amy Munden as her version of Susan Parkes is genius and absolutely hilarious. What a wonderful young actress Amy is and I hope to see much more of her 'ditzy' but always smiling Susan Parkes in the future.

A Ryan show wouldn't be complete without his great personality and charisma on display throughout and another one of his brilliant and cheeky Finales, sticking his tongue out to the cast and audience and ending by blowing a kiss to his mum and other family members who were in to watch Southport's brightest star.

It was great to see Ryan spending so much time with fans outside after the show and signing many autographs and getting pictures with many young audience members and first timers, who's visit to the VP on Tuesday will probably be their only time at the show, so it was great that they managed to speak to Ryan and get his autograph.
Ryan certainly knows how to conduct himself in these situations with fans and I loved how he was confidently going up to people and asking where they are from and if they had travelled far. Ryan has been an outstanding Billy and he will be a great loss to the show and I for one will certainly miss his stunning Street Electricity and his legendary loud and screaming Angry Dance where he always finishes with a loud and angry "C'mon then" to the audience as he storms off stage.

Brilliant work Ryan and you certainly wowed the audience who were rather quiet for most of the show, although unfortunately that was more due to the VP being half empty, which was rather disappointing to see during kids week in the school holidays, but still, there was a decent enough audience in and the regulars certainly enjoyed another great show from Ryan and all the cast with Helen French once again delivering an outstanding Mrs W performance.

Just when I thought Tuesday couldn't get any better, I pop along to the VP in the evening, and who should be playing Billy, but none other than Mr Smiley himself - Kaine. What a show from Master Ward, my favourite Kaine show by a mile and as usual his dancing was incredible, especially those high kicks in B2B, as well as his Ballet technique in Dream Ballet and Electricity which is a pure joy to watch. Really expressive acting throughout from Kaine and a great partnership with the ever hilarious Connor who was on top form again milking those 'eyebrows' in Express and the infamous "Hows about a look in ze mirror?".

Connor was at the top of his game and loved so much by the audience that he practically got a round of applause after all his lines, but he got a well deserved round of applause when he struggled to get the Tutu on in the Winter Scene.
At first he struggled to even get one leg in much to the hilarity of the audience and Kaine, but he was determined not to give up and got it on eventually and received the applause. Love Connor's 'Thank You' and wink to the audience when he comes on during the Finale and I can't wait to see how hilarious and brilliant he is going to be on his last night as I have a feeling we are in for something special.
The two girls sitting next to me couldn't get enough of Kaine and Connor, commenting how hilarious Connor is and what a brilliant dancer and actor Kaine is and how they loved his constantly smiley face, as did I.

In B2B, Kaine is another Billy who does the crossover skipping and it is always great to watch. However, Kaine is an exception to the rule as you obviously want the skipping to go perfect for him and all the other Billys, but with Kaine you actually don't want it to go perfect, and I don't mean that in a negative way, you want the skipping not to go quite according to plan for Kaine, simply because of his brilliant and outstanding reaction when it doesn't. I love the 'oh well' reaction with the 'tut' and rolled eyes, shrug of the shoulders, slight shake of the head and all still done with his beaming smile.

The only disappointment of the evening was that Kaine only had two Jaffa Cakes out of the biscuit tin rather than his usual 4 and didn't take his usual long time standing there to completely eat 2 of the biscuits before he turns round to notice Dad, Tony, Grandma and the RBS letter.

For those missing Scott McKenzie's 'whoops' and 'woos' in the Finale, then no need to worry as there are plenty from Kaine (as there were from Redmand on Wednesday) and I love Kaine's constant smiley face throughout the Finale as he is clearly enjoying himself and loving the interaction with the cast and audience.
A really enjoyable show. Great work Kaine and I look forward to seeing your brilliant version of Billy sometime soon.

Last Thursday was my first time back at Billy in over month and it has been great to see 5 brilliant shows including Fran, Reece and the Seattle Superhero's last night. I can't quite believe Adam, Reece and Fran are gone and I knew Fran was the longest serving Debbie but didn't know she was the longest serving child until her lovely mum told me.

I had to laugh at Adam's determination in holding on to Billy's t-shirt that Deka usually chucks out the suitcase after Dad and Billy have 'raced' each other to fold Billy's t-shirts, as Adam was absolutely determined not to let it go and 'get one up' on Deka/Dad, and of course succeeded. A brilliant little touch from Adam along with his many other nuances including the 'caveman' action in B2B, the infamous 'Moonwalk' and who could forget his big wide eyes, the arms aloft during some of the Electricity pirouettes and his "Thanks for Coming" to the audience at the end of all his shows.

Adam gave us a brilliant final performance and as usual I was blown away by Adam's dancing and the speed of his pirouettes.
I have to thank him and his parents for the wonderful Olympic gold medal present some of us received for our support and reviews of Adam.
A wonderful gesture that really made my night and showed what a wonderful family the Vespermans are and it is great to see Adam has such a wonderful family and support behind him.
I felt rather inadequate handing out a silly button badge to his mum after she handed out these wonderful gifts and she was telling us that Adam wants to get back to doing dance competitions when he is back home in Seattle.
He will be sorely missed and I will never forget his great version of Billy.

We might have lost Adam, Reece and Fran but the future of BETM is in very safe hands with our current 5 Billys, 3 brilliant Debbie's in Macy, Dayna and Millie, and our current 2 Michaels, Connor and Joe, who will be joined by new Michaels, Jack and Thomas at some point. Thanks to all the cast young and old for the great shows over the last few days and I look forward to getting back to the show soon after another break.

I've heard the usual rumours and nonsense lately about the London show closing, well there is absolutely no danger of that after the shows I've seen in the last few days. BETM is booking until December 2013 and will have no trouble reaching the end of its current booking period and extending well beyond 2013 and running for many more years, although it will be interesting to see 'where it goes' when the VP is due to be redeveloped in 2014, while the entire block next to it (the Stage Door Pub/Sainsburys etc) is getting completely demolished and replaced by a glass office building with walkways through it.

But until then I look forward to seeing many more shows at the ol' VP and enjoying the great experience that is BETM.

(Also meant to say there is a new programme insert at the VP with Redmand, Millie and new Michael Jack on it, so make sure you pick one up when you're next at the VP).

Keep the reviews coming folks!.

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by patc »

Thursday Matinee 23rd August

Kaine, Connor K, Dayna
Mrs. W: Helen French

Mon Dieu! Sacré bleu! It was Kaine as the main man for the matinee and what brilliant enter-tain-ment was on view. There are really no limits to what this boy can attain and playin’ Billy is as natural as a seed of grain. As keefy has reported in his brilliant and extensive review it is plain to see that Kaine loves every second he is on stage and I’m prayin’ that he will remain in situ for some time to come yet.

He is a brilliant dancer. Having exploded like a butane tank after Dad roared, “well, your Mam’s dead”, what followed was like an earthquake or a goods train passing. This was a magnificent high octane Angry Dance during which the terrain shook. Any adjacent porcelain crockery would have been reduced to rubble. When the riot squad arrived it was like the battle of El Alamein.

Electricity was one of the finest I have ever had the privilege to watch. “What does it feel like when you’re dancing?” If he couldn’t “really explain it” in words he certainly demonstrated it in dance. Had you deigned to find a fault you’d have looked in vain. Beautifully controlled and delivered with style and panache. The final spins were like a weather vane in a hurricane. No wonder Deka looked on in amazement. He didn’t need to act.

Funny how keefy mentioned the reduced number of jaffa cakes consumed. Another non-Forum regular who was sat on that side of the theatre today said the same thing to me after the show. So, let me see then. Kaine was polishing off four jaffa cakes per show. That’s at least eight jaffa cakes a week. Multipled by 52 = 416 jaffa cakes a year. How insane is that? How many in a packet I wonder. Must have been causing some pain to the company.

Pertaining to what keefy said about Connor it was the same again. Great timing and great eyes. I’m not sure if it has been mentioned before but another unique moment from Connor comes when he cleverly does a deliberate slow-motion fall to the floor when struck by George in the boxing scene.

Dayna is a real bright spark. A fantastic little actress who will go far. She bubbles and bobs around the stage in perpetual motion with hilarious facial expressions and eye movements. Her “Ali Shuffle” in Shine breaks me up every time. The manner in which she makes her final exit from the stage is reminiscent of the great Groucho Marx.

Helen French has played Mrs. W before but never better than this afternoon. She was absolutely stunning.

If anyone reading this hasn’t been to the show recently, whether you live in Kainesham :D, Spain, Ukraine or Dunblane you should do your best to obtain a ticket soon because BETM still reigns.

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by MegaBillyfan »

I agree with the comment of Kaine`s performance - I´m just an amateur in writing reviews (and always searching for the words I need to explain my impressions - so please forgive my English!) - I was deeply impressed by Kaine. I´ve seen him in his first performance in November and now I couldn`t shut my mouth! What a development! He seemed to have such a lot of fun during the show (and so did I). :)
Dayna is a wonderful Debbie and I preferred Helen French as Mrs. Wilkinson - she was a bit softer and I liked her performance!
So I had to buy more tickets and did my first Billython which was amazing because I saw 4 of the current Billys! Sadly I didn`t see Ryan, for me the Master of Angry Dance. I`m very sorry that his run is ending on Saturday!!! (And I can`t be there).
Friday eve I had Redmand as Billy so as on Monday - his second and third performance. There were a few little mistakes on Friday but a good performance, and on Monday I had the impression that he was more confident - I think he is a wonderful Billy and will become even better with each show! I loved his Electricity! And I like his smile!
On Saturday I saw Harrison and was blown away by his Angry Dance and even more by Electricity - he got standing ovations! It was (for me) another Electricity, more street, and absolutely stunning! His smile at the end was absolutely wonderful!
Saturday eve I had Harris and I liked his performance as well ...
Since February the show for me is even better, Deka and Michael were so great as dad and Tony! And Ann Emery is a wonderful grandma! So I will be back in October to see more shows!
London: 27 shows (Ryan 2* - my first Billy, Dean, Kaine 4*, Adam, Redmand 4*, Harrison 3*, Harris 2*, Tade 3*, Ali 2*, Matteo, Ollie, Bradley, Nat, Euan - my last Billy)

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Re: August 2012 reviews

Post by porschesrule »

MegaBillyfan: Thank you for a wonderful review -- of your first Billython! You need to stop saying you don't write reviews well and that English isn't your native language, because no one would know. You write beautifully and your English is fine. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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