August 2010 - Reviews - London

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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by Deanfan5 »

Thursday 12th August . Evening: Aaron,Connor,Emily, Phil S as George, Deborah B as Gran, and Rhona McG as Dead Mum.

Sometimes one is lost for words to describe a Billy show and last night was one of those nights. I am sure that Aaron (modest child as he is) would be the last person to want to wallow in a panegyric of praise but how he deserves to if he did. I never use the word 'awesome' in my reviews without just cause but the speed, accuracy and sheer delight of his Electricity for example was right out of the Liam Mower top drawer. It is not often that one sees a member of the audience punching the air at the end of this routine and an audience rise to a Billy as they (and I) did last night having witnessed and appreciated dancing at such an inspitational level. We all wanted to cheer this Billy to the VP rafters and we had just cause to do so thanks to an Aaron performance that had many audience members (from many comments I overheard) totally gobsmacked at the talent they had just witnessed.
Aaron is dialectically strong as well as being precise and thoughtful in his acting throughout. A nice blend of assertiveness and bemusement at those ballet girls and their even stranger teacher. The extra ounce of irritability I had craved from Aaron (see earlier reviews) was there in abundance. I cannot also recollect a Billy being so anatomically precise when he said to George 'but Michael has just punched you in the bxxxs' :lol: :o BTB was skipped with dexterity and the Angry Dance bounced with life and aggressive tap vibrato of the highest order. Where Aaron had little slips (dream sequence for example) this was more due to over enthusiasm rather than timidity. Perhaps Aaron could benefit from working on his comedic timing: for example milking the 'you don't fancy me' line to Mrs Wilkinson and the 'fxxxy' invitation from Debbie. Also I would have liked to see The Letter and Letter reply spiced with more obvious emotion but having said that I think that I have never heard the phrase 'no she was just me mam' said so evocatively as Aaron did last night. Jam packed with sensitivity. On reflection these observations seem quite trivial when set in the context of the wider spectrum of what was a stella performance by Aaron overall.
Of course no Billy is good without a Michael of equal intensity and skill to bounce off. The fun and synchronism betwen Aaron and Connor was a joy to behold so much so that the parting kiss cause much emotional reaction in the audience last night such had been the emotional empathy between the two friends. It was also good to see Connor working with what comes naturally to him without added extravagances. A very measured performance using his face to convey bucketloads of feeling and complexity which totally captivated the audience.
I must also mention Isaac Gryn (tall boy). I liked for example his little touches that brought the role to life. For example the mouthing of 'oh shit' and 'sorry' when scab Dad plucks him from the miner's hall. Note how he spits at the scabs returning to work as well as how he conveys so well the snotty public school Thomas. If anything I do not think the role of Tall Boy does justice to Isaac's incipient talent. I would really like to see him in a more demanding role. I think he would make an excellent Michael for example.
Overall though this was Aaron's night and the reaction of him to the audience and vice verca at the final curtain calls conveyed to me a real sense that neither wanted to let each other go. Aaron's family though had other ideas as he left with them post show for what will hopefully be a well deserved weekend break. I was also not surprised when a senior member of the cast signing my programme afterwards told me what a joy it was to act opposite Aaron.In my last review of Aaron I wrote of 'work in progress'. Last night however was nearly the real deal and what a fantastic one that turned out to be.
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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by KeefyM »

Great reviews Alex and Deanfan5

Alex, I can't believe you stopped Nathan in his moment of fame, although I wonder if he would have signed his own name
or Dean-Charles Chapman.

Brilliant performances from Ollie on Wednesday night, Rhys on Thurs Matinee and Aaron on Thursday night.
(Apologies to Aaron's Mum, sorry I didn't catch up with you last night but have now obtained the correct information that Aaron did do last Saturday matinee not Ollie - seems there has been a bit of miscommunication and misunderstanding between me, others, info on Facebook pages & some VP staff on Tuesday and Wednesday as to who was on).
So, Well Done Aaron on your extra show last week and another great show on Thursday night with a stunning Electricity - astonishing footwork from young Master Watson and Deanfan5 is right - Electricity was awesome as was his entire performance throughout the show.

Great performances from all 3 this week and hopefully will catch Dean next week.

Will write proper reviews at some point in the next few days If i get a chance.

in the meantime, keep ye olde reviews coming folks!

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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by AJ HOLDEN »

A bit more from Tuesday's show.

What was it like like:

Small boy starts proceedings, on his first steps to fame
Cherubic and cheeky yet I don’t know his name
Reciting Lee Hall words, he's ever so proud
His one word profanity is shouted so loud

The ballet girls work hard, their dancing supreme
Not often mentioned, they make a great team
Their dance skills are endless, but that’s no surprise
Except Tracey Atkinson who ate all the pies.

King Connor is funny, his face is a sight
His nuts have been crackered, his tutu’s too tight
A comedic timing, far beyond his few years
He need do nowt much, to reduce us to tears

But in Dream ballet, our Barney’s been reeling
His jumps are so high his head hits the ceiling
But now we have a rival whose visiting town
Vasiliev jumps higher to take Barneys' crown

But I’ve gone on too long and I’ve been rather silly
I’ve mentioned the show but not mentioned Billy
I can’t say who’s best and they’re all much adored
If it was down to me they’d all win an award

And finally a plea, among many other things
With new boy Scott who's waiting in the wings
Billy Whizz, PatC, Deanfan, Muppet, Keefy, David and me
Would like a thumbs up from him for all in row B.

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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by ERinVA »

Who's Barney? :?

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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by porschesrule »

ERinVA wrote:Who's Barney?
I think it refers to Older Billy (Barnaby Meredith), Ellen. I think that's called poetic license :lol:
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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by burtond »

Great bit of poetry Alex.
Really enjoyed reading it.
An ex-Regular and someone who was Passionate about the show but who has now found the rest of the WEST END.
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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by AJ HOLDEN »

Cheers Dave

I wish it was poetic licence, unfortunately it is senility linked to impending great old age. Having seen 20 odd shows you think i'd know the names of the cast by now!
Sorry Barnaby. I hope you found it a complement. I am always in awe when you do your leap across the stage in the finale. I always tell my Billy virgin guests that I can match that, but somehow I don't think they believe me. Vasiliev was total awesome. The nearest Billy to him I think was Kiril (I have only seen him on youtube).


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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by ERinVA »

My next question is who's Vasiliev? :? Is there a new Older Billy alternate that hasn't been listed in the ensemble on the website yet, or have I completely missed something?

Okay, I confess that the question about Barney was a bit of a joke, but I am really lost on this one, even though I greatly enjoyed the poem. :D

"I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance.”
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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by Deanfan5 »

Matinee 14th.
Billy: Dean
Michael: Joe
Debbie: Fleur

A very 'children go free' audience today which led one little girl to pipe up in response to audience laughter when Billy pulled the cassette with the dangling tape out of his pocket: 'it's not fair'. :lol: Ah the swet innocence of childhood.

Dean had clearly got out of the bed the wrong side today because I cannot recall when I last saw such a stroppy Billy! My goodness there was 'attitude' big time and a really powerful Angry Dance laced with frustrated wails and plenty of "F yous' especially when he missed kicking the bedroom rails by a mile!
The problem with intensity of feeling throughout is that the audience has to warm to Billy and engage with him and this did not come before well into the second half. This was helped I think by David Bardsley who replaced Joe C who was indisposed for Act 2. David does really engage with his Billys big time especially shown when he and Dean ended up both hurling the clothing in the suitcase. Dean's line delivery was very clipped and fast once again and therefore the emotional content of some lines was not appreciated as it might have been. Having said that there was quallity singing and dancing from him throughout.
The star performance for me today was Joe Massey as Michael. A really heartwarming and engaging performance throughout and at the parting from Billy the so sad liitle face of his coupled with the audible sob as the curtain came down left me and quite a few in the audience in emotional tatters. Acting of the highest order.
I have always been a great fan of Tim as Tony and today he did not disappoint. Tim always manages to draw out nuances which can so easily escape simply by inflection and emphasis of phraseology. Excellent.
It was not clear why Joe became indisposed as Dad. Certainly I had half expected it to be Dean when the curtain announcement came from the Company Manager David Massey, such had been his emotional rage at times. As indicated David B was a quality replacement once again.
All in all a show of mixed strengths I felt with the cast having to cope with a very young audience. For me in Row A I took a direct hit as one of the miner's helmets came tumbling off thence to be rescued by the Musical Director Chris Hatt. Clearly it did not pose a problem as props had one in reserve for Solidarity and Shine. Chris confirmed that this was the case but said that it all depended what 'came off the stage' as it would be very difficult for them if one of the children did :!: Maybe that explains why Dean did not come to the front of the stage as he usually does for his opening song. Maybe someone had warned him :o
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Re: August 2010 - Reviews - London

Post by dwallen »

Friday August 13th

Billy: Ollie
Michael: Jake
Debbie: Francesca

This was a very special performance for me as it was my 60th Birthday and the 44th time I have seen the show. My wife said, 'where do you want to spend your 60th Birthday Evening?' and I said ' Where do you think?' There was, of course, only one answer, 'The Victoria Palace.' It was especially special as she came with me. The performance was fantastic as usual with everyone working so very hard.

As ever, Ollie was superb. I seemed destined to see him as he has performed for the passed 3 shows I have been to! While I am in no way complaining I do need to see Rhys and Aaron. Still I know it is the luck of the draw and Ollie was great. He always looks as though he wants to be on the stage. He never looses concentration and reacts so well to the action and the others on stage.

My wife, who hasn't seen the show for some time enjoyed it a great deal including the new version of Born to Boogie. I have to say I have given it a good try but still do not like it. I think it has more energy and exciting dancing but, Oh the skipping!! Ollie is fab but not so sure about the adults who still labour it. Perhaps it could be done without the skipping ropes!

My wife commented particularly on the quality of the ballet girls and I agree with her. They were superb last night. It is easy to miss some of their expressions during the first big number. They put so much into that dance. Well done girls.

One comment about the scene between Billy and Debbie on their own. This has lost so much due to cutting out much of the dialogue. I wonder why they have done this. It is now so short that the scene could probably be cut altogether as it now contributes little to the story. I used to like it as it originally was.

Overall, of course, the show was great and I couldn't have wished for a better birthday evening. Thanks, everyone in the cast for making it so. Of course, they didn't know it was my special birthday and simply performed as they always do - brilliantly. They do this performance after performance.

Incidentally, we stayed briefly in the foyer to watch the children leave the theatre and that is always a great pleasure. They always smile and look so pleased to have been there. That is indeed part of the magic of Billy. Long may it continue.

One thought. As I again didn't see the two new boys, I will have endless excuses to return to the Victoria Palace on 'ordinary occasions' - and they won't be long, I can promise you.
67 wonderful shows
21 marvellous Billys
Travis, Sam, Layton, Corey, Josh, Hogan, Fox, Brad, Tom, Tanner, Ollie, Dean, Rhys, Scott, Ryan, Josh Baker, Adam, Harris and Kaine, Harrison and Tade
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8 Last Nights - Layton, Hogan, Brad, Fox, Tom, Ollie, Scott and Dean.
6 Anniversaries - 4th, 5th plus the second 5th Anniversary (May 12th 2010), 6th (March 2011) 7th (May 12th 2012) 8th (May 11th 2013)
1 Gala Night - May 30th 2012 - celebrating 7th Anniversary and 3,000 show.

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