Columbus Reviews

Tall Boy
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by ActingDude17 »

BEtourfan wrote:
CJ-Rochester wrote:Tim Funnell plays Scab/Posh Dad. I believe he is a recent addition, as I don't recall seeing him when the tour was in Rochester. Tim's bio says he appeared in BETM London for six years. I don't much care for him as Scab. He doesn't seem to be tough enough to be a miner. However we all loved how he plays Posh Dad! He is very funny in the interaction with Dad, but doesn't resort to being a ham.
I enjoy Tim Funnell's portrayal of Scab/Posh Dad. Perhaps because he's smaller, it seems he gets roughed up a little more by the larger actors in the opening scene. Same for later scene in the confrontation with Tony.
Excellent point. I think it's a testament to the scab's determination to help Billy that he is willing to stand up to Tony in spite of his size.
UK/Ireland Tour
Billy: Lewis Smallman
Michael: Elliot Stiff

2nd American Tour
Billy: Giuseppe Bausilio, Michael Dameski, Ty Forhan
Michael: Griffin Birney x2, Cameron Clifford
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Sat. March 24, 2012 evening -- Columbus weekend part 2

Billy - Kylend
Michael - Cameron
Tall Boy - Jacob

This was only my second time seeing Kylend as Billy. I really liked his performance in Rochester a few months back, and was looking forward to seeing how he has progessed.

Kylend still has that high sweet singing voice for which he has become known. Acting-wise his portrayal of Billy is brattier and more defiant than most I have seen. This is quite nice for fans of the way Jamie Bell played the role.

Boxing -
This is always a very fun scene. Just after the John Travolta line Kylend grabbed his crotch while he was still doing his little dance. I have never seen a Billy do this before. :D

I have to stop and point out that the two Michaels continue to wear different colored shorts, just as they did during the last year on Broadway. Jacob wears red and Cameron wears burgundy. Why?

Shine -
When the girls all freeze on the "SMILE" line, most of the Billys just stand there watching. Kylend leans forward so he can peer around and get a better look at their silly faces. This is a nice added touch. :D

Solidarity -
A great finish by Kylend!

Letter -
As I posted the other day, Kylend gave the most tearful and emotional "Letter" performance I have seen in a very long time! His face was a big wet mess by the end. A few people near me were in tears as well.

Act II -
At this performance, and both on Sunday, Joel Blum added some bits of March Madness to his comedy routine before "Maggie Thatcher". He called out "O-H", to which the local audience all responded "I-O" (the Ohio State cheer). Then he gestured to the boys with him (Billy, Michael, Tall boy, Small boy) and said "these are my not-so-final four". The Columbus audience seemed to really enjoy these special touches. :P

During the last part of MCMT, when the cast comes down front and use the puppets to interact with the audience, I noticed one of the miners bouncing Jacob (Tall Boy) around like he was one of the puppets. At later shows I noticed both Tall Boys now get this treatment.

Tutu Scene -
Usually Billy seems to be annoyed at Michael's antics. This time Cameron's "just a little bit" routine was so funny even Kylend couldn't help but laugh.

Electricity -
Kylend contines to do his signature one-handed cartwheel off the chairs. Wow! At the very end Dad always jumps up on the final beat. This time I noticed Rich Hebert beaming with pride, a bigger smile than I have seen from a Dad. :D

Letter reprise -
The tears were flowing again.

After the show we were able to catch Kylend and his mom at the stage door and congratulate him on his great performance. It is hard to believe he has been with the show in various capacities for about 2 1/2 years. He still looks quite youthful. I hope I will get another chance to see him later this summer in Boston. Great job Kylend!!
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by cincinnati »

I have to agree with Chris on the Letter scene......Kylend was almost to a point where he couldn't continue.....the tears were like a fire hose....he actually had trouble getting himself together for a minute.....Chris points out that Kylend was a wreck....I agree....Kylend was really having some trouble......his eyes...and his throat........the crowd was in tears...more in tears than not......haven't seen that in some time......Peter....was good at that in NYC...but Kylend really let go.....the people around me were full of tears...young and old....women and men.....MY GOD what a powerful performance Kylend gave.....the ability to do this is quite unique....
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by cincinnati »

Let me add....The first time EVER in all of the shows I have seen....this take place.....The shows in Columbus ...the patrons all reacted to this line....."Will be supporting the arts" they clapped and cheered.....enough that the cast stopped and waited ....
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by cincinnati »

Cameron Clifford like Chris said is just a really genuine natural person on stage...the Cameron we all see seems to be so at ease when he works......he had the crowd just laughing so hard.....Cam's timing is dead on....he is a master at this....Chris talked about the laughter from could tell that Kylend was trying not to laugh...then he just couldn't hold it anymore......that was so obvious....I just love when Cameron pops his finger out of his mouth.....he took an extra long time pulling the tutu on....almost like he was trying to hang himself....when I said something to him about that after the show he just laughed...and said ..."I didn't think anyone would notice" LOL....just like the line in the show..then he laughed even more....
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Re: Reviews US/CA Tour - Columbus Reviews

Post by angelenroute »

muck912 wrote:Friday March 23...Zach's portrayal make the epiphanies that come later in Solidarity and Electricity more meaningful......If I was running the tour (and I should be)...It was my first time seeing Cameron Clifford on tour after many times in NYC. He's a great addition to the tour. He's changed what he does during the "have you heard anything?" scene when Lesley questions Billy. I won't give it away. It is funny. He's also toned down his "ya, see ya Billy" at the end of the show. I like this change. It adds to the solemnity of the occaision...Patti Perkins has replaced the irreplaceable Cynthia Darlow as Grandma. The show doesn't miss a beat because Patti is dynamite also.
Thank you for the review, muck! I love your use of the word "epiphanies" to characterize the transformation we see in Billy's abilities. A testament to Zach's portrayal of Billy too I'm sure. Thanks for making me laugh with the comment about running the tour. :D As much as our egos get the better of us too often, a focus group of superfans would probably be a very enlightening and helpful experience for the Director and Assistant Director. They'd laugh off some of our thoughts I'm sure, but I definitely read and write some things on this Forum that I pray the powers that be will respectfully listen to us about. Great to hear Cameron is doing well on Tour and that his "See ya Billy" is more toned down. Any extra exuberance he ever had in that line was a directorial fault, and not a child's, but I'm glad it's where it is now. And that's very nice what you said about both Patti and Cynthia. The role itself is so beautiful that I'm glad someone who's seen them both can appreciate the unique charm each one brings to the part. Thank you for taking the time to write!

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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by angelenroute »

ERinVA wrote:I see you've been taking lessons from patc, Colin. ;) A very enjoyable review. :D
I was thinking the same thing! =) Thanks for stitching together your review, Colin. We're blessed to have so many young dancers in this show who can knock the cover off the ball!

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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by angelenroute »

CJ-Rochester wrote:Kylend...Acting-wise his portrayal of Billy is brattier and more defiant than most I have seen. This is quite nice for fans of the way Jamie Bell played the role...When the girls all freeze on the "SMILE" line, most of the Billys just stand there watching. Kylend leans forward so he can peer around and get a better look at their silly faces. This is a nice added touch. :D ...Usually Billy seems to be annoyed at Michael's antics. This time Cameron's "just a little bit" routine was so funny even Kylend couldn't help but laugh.
Thanks for the great review! Kylend is one of my favorite Billys because he seems to be able to act the part and be himself at the same time, allowing his emotions and kid-ness to shine through the part. It's a remarkable ability and shows great confidence from Kylend. He also seems to love looking out at the audience with a smile at the start of Act 2, either to people he knows in the crowd or just because it's an easy, fun time in the show. I really hope I get to see him again!

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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Sun. March 25, 2012 matinee -- Columbus weekend part 3

Billy - Ty
Michael - Jacob
Tall Boy - Cameron

My apologies for the one week delay in posting my final two reviews. After Columbus I spent two days in New York seeing Newsies and Evita, then saw a production of "Angels In America" in my own city, and wrapped up the week by seeing Toronto's production of "War Horse". It has been quite a week of theater!

This was my third time seeing Ty, so it will be shorter review. I still love watching his performance, as he embodies everything I look for in a Billy. :D

Boxing -
Jacob landed the punch to Billy's face perfectly (or at least it appeared that way to the audience). Jacob is now one of my most seen Michaels. He has become quite a master at the role. I think he has been playing it for about a year and a half. That's quite a long run for any of these kids. Sadly I probably will not get to see him again before he leaves in July. I you have a chance to see him in the next three months, do so.

Solidarity -
In the pirouette lesson I loved Ty's look of joy when he does his first spin, and thinks he has done it correctly. This is followed by a big look of disappointment when Mrs. W. tells Billy he is the "worst of the bleeding lot".

Angry Dance -
Ty was not able to jump on the wall of police shields. When the barricades fell the two center ones overlapped each other instead of landing flat. The same thing happened once at a performance in Rochester. I'm pretty sure that for safety reasons they don't want Billy running across them if they are not laying flat. Instead Ty stopped just in front of the barricades and mimicked the motion of the shields leaning back, the way the do when Billy jumps on them. Otherwise this was a great Angry Dance. :D

Electricity -
Ty continues to have a gorgeous singing voice in this, and in all of Billy's songs. I like how his back his so perfectly straight when he dances. His ballet teachers should be very proud. At the end the lights on the up-stage bar all blast Billy from above and behind. With Ty this makes his blond hair light up like a big halo. :P

Great audience today. They were especially responsive.
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Re: Columbus Reviews

Post by muck912 »

I was one of many forumites who saw 4 shows in Columbus. I already reviewed Zach's show. Here are quick impressions from the other 3.

This was the 3rd time I had seen J.P. and this was the 3rd time that he hit the rope-skipping on the nose. Lightning fast and with crossovers. J.P. is the only tour Billy who does the crossovers. And it all looks so effortless, despite the speed.

Although I saw Ty in Toronto I was an odds-defying 0-for-11 with Ty on tour until Sunday's matinee. What a voice! Ty is the only tour Billy with 2 aerials in his Electricity. Ty was the only Toronto Billy to come to a stop at the edge of the stage to emphasize his "see ya Michael" line. The other 3 Toronto Billys just spit out the line without stopping. Ty does the line exactly the same way on tour. His pause for effect adds to the solemnity of the goodbye to his best friend. He is the only tour Billy to stop at the edge of the stage. The only Billy I've ever seen who does the scene in a similar way was Peter Mazurowski. Peter not only stopped at the edge of the stage, but would also turn to Michael to deliver the "see ya Michael" line.

I had always thought that Peter was the most emotional Billy I had ever seen. But that was before I had seen the tour and Kylend. He drips tears onto the stage even before Dead Mum appears on stage. He cries and his body shakes as he tries to sing his lines. And the last two times I've seen Kylend I've been on the aisle as he leaves the stage headed to London. Both times as he passes my seat he is audibly sobbing with tears streaming down his cheeks. Then he puts the suitcase down and heads back on stage to say his goodbye. When he returns down the aisle to pick up the suitcase and continue on to London he is still audibly sobbing! I have never seen an audience react like they do to Kylend. Virtually every man and woman seated around me were wiping away tears before Kylend was done with them.

The moral of the story is "go see the tour". No matter which Billy you see you can't go wrong. If you have the opportunity to see 4 consecutive shows and see all 4 Billys you are seeing 4 very different great shows. You'll be sorry if you miss any of these 4 guys. The tour is very fortunate indeed to have this Billy lineup.
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