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Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:19 pm
by myrte
Sorry for not making myself clear. @ adhadj That's pretty much what I meant. I was wondering why the new grandma didn't played last weeks. But now I understand. She was injured. I didn't kwow that. Hope she will recover soon!

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:17 pm
by Finale
I didn't know this either. Romy was really good last night!

Getting back on topic, I really enjoyed last night's performance. It was the first time I'd seen the new Mrs Wilkinson (Genevieve Lemon) and I thought she was very good. Rhys played Billy.

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:31 pm
by Barry Appleby
Thursday 16th December Matinee

This was my first view of the show since the cast change etc, I found it it so refreshing, I really enjoyed it, the cast were eager and full of life
I thought Martin and Tom casted as Dad and Tony were just right, they didn't care for Billy's dancing, but were not as hostile, showing that family bond, which to me stood out in the final kitchen scene and the case packing scene. Romy as always been hit with me she adds that little bit of cheek to Grandma.
Wow! as for Scott, the 2nd time I've seen him, another fantastic performance throughout, another well deserved ovation for Electricity, what a wonderful smile from him, You can have Two Words "Great Scott". I loved the finale the full cast looked so happy and enthusiatic, "THANKS TO YOU ALL" for a great show.
A well responsive audience just spoilt be one or two idiots, 1. someones phone went off when Martin was singing Deep in the Ground, 2. two people talking all the way through the Dream Ballet scene, 3. someone attempting to take photo's with a mobile.
Just made it to Kings Cross on time 4 minutes to spare, had to take a No73 bus, as Victoria Tube Station had closed for an emergency, See you all I hope on Wed 12th Jan.


Barry's Corny joke - Just stole a turkey from Tesco's, the security man shouted "what are you doing with that" I replied " roast potato's, Yorkshire pudding, sprouts and carrots".

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:14 pm
by ERinVA
Thanks for your review, Barry. Terrible joke too! :lol:

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:07 pm
by jacob
Monday December 27th

Emily Williams

There don't seem to have been many reviews in December so I feel that I should contribute something.
This year the theatre had two days off for Christmas which is twice as long as last year. Nevertheless, this is a very short break as many cast and crew will have travelled to be back with their families for Christmas Day. There are extra matinees and a 5.30 show on New Year's Eve as well. All in all, this is a very tiring couple of weeks for all concerned with BETM. Yet last night was as wonderful a Show as ever. The House was almost full if a little subdued after the feasting of the two preceding days.
I had not seen Aaron for some weeks and was interested to see how much taller he had grown. He has gained in confidence particularly in respect of his acting. He rolled his eyes to great effect when Debbie gave him her invitation ;) It is clear that a lot of hard work has gone into his dancing. He holds ballet positions with confidence and uses a variety of dance moves in B t B which make the scene even more interesting. The fast skip/tapping went well and the scene gelled with Mrs W and Mr B. Aaron performed in front of his mum and dad which must have been great for all of them. He had a rapport with Joe from the boxing scene onwards. Joe brings a distinctive flavour to the character of Michael. He wears his woolly hat on the back of his head which gives him a bolshie, couldn't care less attitude that absolutely fits my view of Michael. This Michael has a strong sense of his own individuality and is a rebel in the making. Good on him! He was interesting in the boxing scene too as it was clear that his interest in Billy was not principally in hitting him :D
Romy continues to play Grandma with feeling. Her experience in Theatre and the part of Grandma is apparent and no doubt this has helped her to carry the role during Diane Langton's absence. Grandma is such a pivotal character in the story and Romy plays her to perfection.
The technical side of the production seems to have settled down now and there were hardly any hiccoughs. A chair knocked over in the dance Class was the only Set problem that I noticed and Aaron quickly picked it up. His school trousers might need a small repair however ;) .
It was a pleasure to meet a forum member from Australia who has seen many of the Productions world wide. London continues to hold its own! Onwards now into 2011. We have a great cast and creative team...................and well done to David and Elton :o

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:38 pm
by alexandre
jacob wrote: It was a pleasure to meet a forum member from Australia
You're very welcome :lol:

I was back in the Old Dart this Christmas and took in a few sporting events and theatre shows, one of which just happened to be BETM. Actually saw it a few times, good show that.

Here are some potted thoughts about it. Not too much detail (or coherence) because I'm still quite hungover tired.

A very large pleasure it was to see Ms. Lemon again in the role she was born to play. Her voice is as strong as I remember whether lambasting Tony prior to the Angry Dance or singing the higher key in The Letter. I found Mr. Marquez to be excellent as the new Dad, a highlight being his definite response to the question "You are completely behind Billy...?", no stuffing around, perfect pitch. And it was quite different to see Dad as someone who is quite ripped :ugeek:. The new Tony, Tom, was very good as well and is a nice chap too.
Further mentions to Barnaby who is the Older Billy par excellence, without equal worldwide. And also to Mr. Bardsley who played Dad and George with aplomb (not in the same show :idea: ). Liked the line about a "nice lean rump" (for comedic reasons). Speaking of which, the new George is good but I would've liked a bit more repartee at the commencement of Act 2. Surely the unholy coalition you lot have in Westminster provides adequate fodder.
One further mention to Caroline? who understudied Mrs. W for one show. Her appearance in pink leg warmers at Finale was an undoubted highlight of the whole trip ;)

My word it was cold over there, I got frostbite having a smoke. And almost fractured a NOF walking around on the ice :oops:

Managed to catch all the four Billys this time around. Had to give them back though after some stern words from the wranglers :roll:
For me, Dean Charles embodied everything I like about the London show. Expressive and intense in his actions, here's a kid not afraid to tell you to f**k off if you deserve it. Every line delivered with conviction, after more than a year at the job he seems completely at ease as Billy allowing you to relax and enjoy. Not even a dodgy handbag hat could faze him. His Christmas eve show was the pick of the bunch and needed minimal gin enhancement.
Rhys is an excellent dancer. He's very flexible and his lines are terrific. Also his voice is truly exquisite. Much the same can be said of Scott too, a lovely voice, his turns are very solid and I loved the Highland touches. Aaron was good too, he gave the impression of being a very gutsy type of kid.

The crowds were quite sparse in the week before Christmas but this was true of most of London. I guess everyone was camping out in Terminal 3. However after Christmas the theatre was easily >90% full, only the boxes were empty but I guess only fools would want to sit there 8-) . I queued for day seats once and there were lots of people in front of me. Surprising really, didn't think it was still that popular. Not like that horrible Wicked show across the road. The city was very busy as well so had many chances to experience the great British tradition of queuing.

I noticed a new arrangement to the music, a change vastly for the better. More prominent guitar work I think including a nice plaintive acoustic underneath Grandma's Song and also more flourish to the drumming. It was also a relief when sitting in B15 to not have to see the show through a whirr of flailing limbs. Good job, MD's.

Well that's it as I continue to thaw out. No one will read this as it's January, but if you did my eternal thanks and pity. Anon, to mourn the death of Australian cricket. :cry:

ps; go see War Horse if you haven't. I'd have gone again if there was time, especially now I know when the gunshots happen :shock:

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:58 pm
by Rich B
alexandre wrote:It was also a relief when sitting in B15 to not have to see the show through a whirr of flailing limbs. Good job, MD's.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
alexandre wrote: Well that's it as I continue to thaw out. No one will read this as it's January, but if you did my eternal thanks and pity.
You're quite welcome - nice review :D

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:00 pm
by Musical Fanatic
alexandre wrote:
jacob wrote: It was a pleasure to meet a forum member from Australia
You're very welcome :lol:

I was back in the Old Dart this Christmas and took in a few sporting events and theatre shows, one of which just happened to be BETM. Actually saw it a few times, good show that.

Here are some potted thoughts about it. Not too much detail (or coherence) because I'm still quite hungover tired.

Well that's it as I continue to thaw out. No one will read this as it's January, but if you did my eternal thanks and pity. Anon, to mourn the death of Australian cricket. :cry:

ps; go see War Horse if you haven't. I'd have gone again if there was time, especially now I know when the gunshots happen :shock:
alexandre would that be as tired as you were in NY when we met up for lunch last year :lol: :lol: Yes I do read reviews even in Jan though I admit to being lazy about commenting.


Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:14 pm
by burtond
Great review Nathan. So Statler and Waldorf for poor old KeefyM and me. Is that just cos we sat in the box like royalty or is that your view of us in real life. Will take it as a compliment mate. Nice to catch up with you especially in the Duke of York afterwards.

Re: December 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:36 pm
by Brad
burtond wrote:Great review Nathan. Nice to catch up with you especially in the Duke of York afterwards.
Never been a problem to find him in the closest pub before, after or even during a show.

See I read it too Nathan and it was a good read! :shock: