November 2011 Reviews - London

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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks, Keith, for your always detail oriented reviews. I thoroughly enjoy reading them.
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by Yorkie »

The King is dead. Long live the King.

Ok, I’m no novelist so I tend to shy away from doing reviews. And this isn’t a review either, just a few of my thoughts and observations on the new cast and changes to the show. Having read what the other regulars had to say about the show since the 14th it was with some uncertainty that I approached VPT on Thursday (after I had fought my way through the nightmare that is the road works and pedestrian diversions that covers the front of Victoria Station).

The first bit of good news was to see Ryan’s name on the board – I have always liked his Street Billy version of electricity and he never disappoints. So far so good but then, well, perhaps I’m just too old to appreciate change? The breakfast scene. Oh dear. This is most definitely not an improvement. If I wanted to see a bloke in purple jockies with his hairy legs on display I wouldn’t be making a trip to the theatre. Not my idea of fun. Also, give Big Davey his beans back.

The boxing scene is as others have noted; the changes are not for the better in my opinion. Michael now does ridiculous slow motion punches at George’s gloves with a well sign posted (big over arm wind-up) pantomime punch to George’s groin. Totally unrealistic. George’s picking up of Michael is also not needed. Good news is Ann’s return to the show in Gradma’s Song – what a beautiful portrayal of a mad, gritty but loving grandma. Her interaction with the Billy’s shows genuine affection; no acting required. The audience really loved her in every show I saw.

Now for a confession. I really loved Genevieve so Gillian had a tough task to win me over. After four shows I have warmed to her but her singing, unlike Genevieve’s, is not her strength. The same goes for new dad. Although I actually enjoyed his portrayal (other than the far too OTT return to work ‘fight’ with Tony) he doesn’t have the rich tone needed for a song like Deep into the Ground. The fact that these are two of the major characters in a musical and their singing is only ok is a bit of a shame.

George’s start to act two is a disaster compared to what we have had before – the tumble weed now blows through the VPT accompanied by the mournful tolling of a single bell a the start of act 2. The controversial, manic, on the edge, ‘mad as hell’ Tony. I’m guessing by the end of week two he has settled in because I actually like this incarnation. He is frighteningly menacing but I think it works. On a side note, there is a lot of ‘spraying’ and not ‘saying’ in the new cast, most notably dad. Poor Billy and the rest of the cast get totally drenched when dad is (literally) spitting out his words. The MD needs an umbrella.

A few other odds and ends – why, when dad rings Mrs Wilkinson’s doorbell after Dream ballet is the door answered by an Adolph Hitler impersonator? In the RBS audition the man on the panel who invites Billy to put down the jar of money speaks far…….toooo…..s…l...o…w…l…y (has he had a stroke?). Mincing cassette man doesn’t quite mince as well as the other bloke. Scottish Dancer doesn’t seem to be big enough to intimidate dad, he’s quite a small build so when he tells dad to get right behind his boy you think dad could easily take him in a fight. When Tony gives Billy the Davy lamp he does say the old line (thank God they put that back in) but he does mouth ‘you w**ker’ at Billy.

On Thursday the VPT felt flat and I left the show feeling worried for its future; there was just no spark. But, after two more shows on Saturday I’m actually much more optimistic because they were great shows today. I’m not sure if the audience feeds off the cast or the cast feeds off the audience but Thursday had not much in the way of audience response and the show seemed to lack something. Saturday was full of laughing and whooping in the audience and the show seemed to be back at the top of it’s game.

None of the above relates to the young cast, all of whom continue to deliver very polished performances. I managed to see Kaine for the first time today and was very pleased to do so because he looks to have a great future ahead of him. Hard to believe this is week two of his professional performing career. Macy was great as Debbie. I read on here she was only nine. Much too young for the role I thought. I was wrong because she strides the stage with a confidence that no nine year old should have. Slight hiccough for Ryan today when he was given the wrong tap shoes to change into for his skipping in B2B this evening (I was sat wide enough to the left of stage to see Ryan behind the piano mouthing to the stage director ‘wrong shoes, wrong shoes’). It must have upset him because come Angry dance I thought he was going to kick his bedroom to pieces. He continued to rage across the stage with machine gun like tap and his cursing and screaming were like the gates to Hades had been flung open. Jaw dropping intensity.

So, on Thursday I was a bit down. Today I’ve been treated some great theatre. Sure, there are things I would change but the cast do seem to be getting better and I’m now looking forward to coming back next month.

God, I love this show.
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks for your thoughts, Yorkie. Some good insights into the shows you saw.

Could you post whatever information is missing regarding the performers for today's shows in the Tracking thread? Thanks!
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by Todd »

Thoroughly enjoyed all the details from the recent reviews. Made me feel like I was there. Got several good LOLs regarding the goofy fans sitting near you Keith, although I'm sure it wasn't very funny when you were having to put up with their antics at the time.

The small crowds that are mentioned are a bit of a concern. Kind of makes me wonder what it's going to be like during the traditionally slow months of January and February if the empty seats are already a problem in November.

And regarding the "spraying" going on from the new cast, I find that I notice that at about every show I go to (not just BETM shows). Wonder if the lights magnify the spraying and make it look worse than it actually is ? Hopefully so, as I've actually had to look away several times when all the spit's flying, as it's pretty unappetizing.
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by dancingboy »

I very much enjoyed reading your review, Yorkie, as the comments made echo my sentiments entirely. A week ago I wrote a review of the first week of the new cast and, having managed to catch the show four times this week I feel able to comment further. The one area where I can give a plus to is the performance of Michael Peavoy as Tony. During the second week he has calmed down considerably and now speaks more of his lines rather than shouting them, although, for me there are still too many hand and arm gestures, but there is no doubt improvement has taken place. As yet, I have not warmed to Gillian Bevan as Mrs W. There are still occasions when her voice trails away and words are lost and she does not seem to have the 'motherly' nature of, say, Genevieve Lemon.

Like Yorkie, there are several aspects of the show which I have difficulty in getting my head round. The man on the Audition Panel who speaks and says to Billy..'' Would you like to put it down now?'' ( the money jar), says this in such a slow and 'plummy' way that you would think Billy had some learning difficulties. I am not averse to change, but I do not see why we have to have Tony at the breakfast table in his underpants and with his trousers on the already cluttered table.During one show, in the first week, the bottle of milk was knocked over and the milk dripped on to the stage. Also, why do we no longer have baked beans in the sandwich? All we get now, when Big Davy eats the sandwich, is a load of salt pouring out on to the table. Is it to make the scene just that little bit shorter?

Another aspect that I cannot get used to is the Boxing scene, where Michael is now held aloft by George after landing a punch on Billy. I could understand it if George held up Michael's hand, since a referee would do this to signify a winner of a boxing match. Also, in this scene we now have Michael screeching out like some Samurai swordsman as he hits George 'below the belt'. Why?

For me, therefore, although the new cast are beginning to gel, there are still some negatives. However, the shining lights (no, not the miners' lamps) throughout this last week and indeed during the first week, have been the Billys, the Michaels and the Debbies. I have seen such strong performances from Josh and Adam this week with faultless dancing and acting, they have been a joy to watch and have fully deserved the ovations they received, whether standing ones or not. The interactions between Billy and Michael and Billy and Debbie are always highlights of the show. There is always banter between Billy and Michael when they get their tap shoes on and you just have to be amongst the front rows to appreciate what is going on.

'' So, are you going back?'' ''Of course I am''. I already have purchased tickets for some shows between now and Christmas and as always, will look forward to going to see the ''Best show around''.
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by Yorkie »

Todd wrote: And regarding the "spraying" going on from the new cast, I find that I notice that at about every show I go to (not just BETM shows). Wonder if the lights magnify the spraying and make it look worse than it actually is ? Hopefully so, as I've actually had to look away several times when all the spits flying, as it's pretty unappetizing.
Hi Todd, I can understand you thinking that it is just normal and I agree that it happens in all shows and it happened on occasion with the previous cast too. If I had read about this without seeing it with my own eyes I too would be disbelieving that one man could gob so much in such a short period of time. I have no idea how the cast keep their feet because the stage must be soaked.

The lighting is the same, I've now seen four shows from the usual angles, and people who weren't regulars were giggling and remarking every time dad let fly with another mouthful :shock: I couldn't look away though - every time some spittle hung from his collar it was like a hypnotist's fob watch; I couldn't break my gaze away!
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by jacob »

Saturday November 26th eve


This was my first visit since the cast changes on November 14th. I must say that I thought the Show last night was as good as any bar Last Nights. It just shows what a difference a Full House makes. The audience loved every minute of it and there was applause after scenes that do not usually get that. The letter scene was a case in point. Cheers, laughter and standing ovations all contributed to the uplifting feel of the evening.
As has been mentioned, Ryan's shoes were wrong in B to B and I think in Express. His performance as a whole was as stimulating as ever with lots of impromtu variations rather like those that ballet dancers introduce into their dances. The adult cast were excellent and Gillian Bevan as Mrs W in particular. She has complete credibility in the way she encourages, defends and protects Billy. I thought her singing was clear and incisive. Michael Paevoy projects the anger and frustration that so many young miners felt during the miners' strike. This is entirely in keeping with Lee Hall's preface to the programme. Where's the humour in the destruction of a mining community?
There has been some criticism of the directional changes that were introduced when the cast changed. I feel that we should bear in mind that these have probably originated from the creative team and not from individual actors. The lifting of Michael in the boxing scene is a case in point. The creatives and casting directors have done their jobs professionally even if some of the changes are not to everyone's liking. I suspect that the creatives may be shortening the show somewhat and the start of Act 2 illustrates this. After all, in the past it was common for the evening to finish at 10.35 or later which is rather late for the audience and for everyone working in the theatre.
My lasting memory of last night was of the miners returning to work, broken men. This was against the backdrop of the National Union of Miners (Easington Branch) banner which depicted the rich tapestry of a mining community. The miners' lift went down to the coalface and Billy left for White Lodge!

If for some, Billy Elliot the Musical is now a little too 'dark'...............................................there is always Mama Mia you know :)
'Are we human or are we dancers?' The Killers

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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by Yorkie »

jacob wrote:There has been some criticism of the directional changes that were introduced when the cast changed. I feel that we should bear in mind that these have probably originated from the creative team and not from individual actors. The lifting of Michael in the boxing scene is a case in point. The creatives and casting directors have done their jobs professionally even if some of the changes are not to everyone's liking. I suspect that the creatives may be shortening the show somewhat and the start of Act 2 illustrates this. After all, in the past it was common for the evening to finish at 10.35 or later which is rather late for the audience and for everyone working in the theatre.
I didn't think for a moment that the changes were all the idea of the new cast but I cant see how finishing at 10:30 rather than 10:35 makes any difference to anybody. There have always been changes to the show, even in my short time of seeing it. People are just giving their opinions. Some might be listened to (Tony giving the lamp to Billy), some might be ignored (George picking up Michael).
jacob wrote:If for some, Billy Elliot the Musical is now a little too 'dark'...............................................there is always Mama Mia you know :)
Now that remark made me mad enough to spit ;)
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by dancingboy »

I quite agree that the Forum should be used to express opinions. People's views will, by nature, be different. My opinion is that the changes in the action/script since the 14 November do not enhance the show at all. Although I do not like them I suppose that I will get used to them. Having seen most of my 80 shows in the last couple of years I got used to everything within the show, without changes being made, and I liked what I saw. Because of Billy's success story the show, for me, is always uplifting, especially given the backdrop of it happening during the miner's strike, a difficult time for any family to overcome.

One footnote about the finishing time. The show thesedays usually finishes before 10.30 and if it does, then Small Boy can come back on to the stage at the Final curtain. Any later than 10.30 then that means he cannot. Something to do with Union rules or rules regarding Children's working hours, I believe.
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Re: November 2011 Reviews - London

Post by Westletonion »

Jacob said:

I must say that I thought the Show last night was as good as any bar Last Nights. It just shows what a difference a Full House makes. The audience loved every minute of it and there was applause after scenes that do not usually get that. The letter scene was a case in point. Cheers, laughter and standing ovations all contributed to the uplifting feel of the evening.

I was also at that show, and the matinee earlier. I completely agree with Jacob. Both shows, in their own way, were really brilliant and as good as they come and I say this having been seeing the show since the very early pre-view days. Of course changes are made and these keep the show alive and vibrant! Once things become fixed and rigid - predictabilty and habit creep in and these are of no long term benefit to anyone. As long as the main ethos remains unaltered minor changes, as long as they are minor, are lively and stimulate interest. It was also the first time I had seen the amazingly brilliant young stars Kaine and Macy in action.
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