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Some rare clips of the final performance in OZ

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:28 am
by andrewcraig
I had an email from a friend still upset about the first birthday in NY asking if I had anything on video of the very last show in Mebourne, of course in Australia

elliotfan1 posted this to youtube and it has at the 4 minute mark all the billys on stage together and later at the 6 minute mark all the billys and Michaels as well. it is jumpy as it is on a mobile, sometimes out of focus but the sound is there and you can feel the excitement. I recommend you stay to the finish as it is probably the only record of that great night

By the way the ballet boy that caused all the excitement was our Rhys, of course.

Two baby faces to be seen live at stage door and will be in NY soon ,are Dayton Tavares and Michael Damenski