Buffalo Reviews

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Buffalo Reviews

Post by CJ-Rochester »

kport wrote:A glowing review from Buffalo's ArtVoice:
http://artvoice.com/issues/v11n39/theat ... lly_elliot
Thanks for finding this. Cross-posting it to the reviews area.
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by BEtourfan »

This is an extremely positive review in almost every respect with the exception of not liking Elton Johns' music.
http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dl ... 29270/1031
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

I agree that it's a very positive review. But I got the feeling that the guy didn't just dislike Elton John's music. He came across to me as having a personal dislike of Elton John himself.

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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by BEtourfan »

Here is a very positive audio review of the show by local theater critics.
http://news.wbfo.org/post/theatre-talk- ... sical-more
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by kport »

ERinVA wrote:I agree that it's a very positive review. But I got the feeling that the guy didn't just dislike Elton John's music. He came across to me as having a personal dislike of Elton John himself.
But he did like Rich HeRbert!
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

Yes, I noticed that too. And the second reviewer picked up the misspelling as well. :?

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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by muck912 »

Buffalo is close enough to home to do 3 shows and not have to get a hotel room. I saw Ben, Noah & Kylend.

Buffalo has a great theater district and the opulent Shea's to anchor it. Crowds were large (2000+) for all three shows.

Prior to my 1st show while waiting in the lobby for the theater doors to open I watched the BE trailer that ran on a continuous loop on the TV screens. The trailer showed a spectacular piano flip by an old London Billy (BETM advertising is always a decade behind and an ocean away). That reminded me that I have not seen a tour piano flip in a long time. In my Columbus Billython (March 2012) all 4 tour Billys did the flip. Then I did a Madison Billython (July 2012) and only 1 Billy (Ty) did a flip. In Boston (August 2012) there were no piano flips from any of the 3 healthy Billys, but I thought that maybe once Zach was recovered the Billys would be allowed to continue the tradition. Three shows in Buffalo and no piano flips. It appears that the Tour has packed it in. May the tour piano flip rest in peace.

I can't believe that this is the actor's decision. Kylend and Zach used to do the piano flip every show. And they stuck the landing every time! Now they never flip. Newcomers Ben and Noah have never done an in show piano flip. Tour BETM management must have decided either A) the piano flip is too exciting for the hearts of older patrons like me or 2) it is too dangerous for the 4 Billys.

Broadway BETM used to have every Billy do the flip. Then came a couple of injuries and they stopped training NY Billys in that fine art form. But curiously, they allowed Billys who transferred into the Broadway show (Giuseppe, Myles, Julian) to continue to do the flip. During the January 8 Broadway finale there were 3 purebred Broadway Billys (Peter, Joseph & Tade) and Toronto's Julian. Joseph was chosen to do B2B. But when it came time to end B2B it was Julian on the piano and flipping off of it. BETM New York wanted their last B2B to go out with a bang so the only flipping Billy was picked to do it up right.

For the life of me I can't figure out how every London Billy can do a piano flip to a raked stage with very little injury, but tour Billys have become too fragile to do the same thing on a flat stage. Let's face it, a Billy jump off the piano is a huge waste of time once you've seen the flip.

Noah owns the tours angriest Angry Dance. In my careful study of Ben & Kylend's ADs I think they don't seem as angry because of microphone problems. When Noah screams, you can hear him above the music. With the other 2 guys there are times their mouths are moving but you can't hear anything but music. If I was running the tour (and obviously I should be) I'd turn up Ben & Kylend's mikes during AD.

Sometimes there is a method to the tour's madness. 10-year old Jake Kitchen is the new Michael on the block. He was paired with the 2 veteran Billy's, Zach & Kylend, throughout the week in Buffalo. Michael is a huge role for a 10-year old and the 2 grizzled veterans are helping him get his feet wet. Jake has a lot of unique touches and is going to be an excellent Michael.

As one might expect from reading my piano flip rant, I like aerials in my Electricitys. I saw 2 aerials in the 3 Buffalo Electricitys and they were both in Ben's Electricity. Ben does 2 great snap flips, one in each segment of his Electricity. I clapped the loudest for Ben's Electricity, but that shows how little I know. The Buffalo audiences made by far the loudest noise for Kylend's aerialless Electricity. They liked the beauty and speed of his ballet Electricity. His long, lean frame adds to the effect. I've had some forumites tell me that a real ballet Billy shouldn't have any aerials in his Electricity, that they detract from the ballet. Maybe that's Kylend's theory because I'm sure he could put an aerial or 2 into the routine if he felt it warranted. But I'm no ballet purist. Give me an aerialed Electricity every time. Or better yet, give me a street Electricity.

The Sunday evening show was the first time I've ever heard the announcement of an understudy get a loud ovation. Chris Howard was on in place of injured older Billy, Max Baud. The reason his announcement got a loud reaction is that Chris graduated from college in Buffalo just a couple of years ago and had a lot of family and friends in the audience for this show.
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks for your great comments from Buffalo, muck912. I do think the number of injuries has caused Tour management to exercise caution with the use of the piano flip. I agree that the London Billys seem to all be able to do the flips without incident - so is there a difference in their acro training or conditioning or what? It's also a very good point about the raked versus flat stage -- you'd think the flat stage would be safer for landings.

I really enjoyed reading all your insights, but by far the best was:
muck912 wrote:If I was running the tour (and obviously I should be) I'd turn up Ben & Kylend's mikes during AD.
I hope when you take over you also better emphasize the need to keep the Tour website current -- especially in the areas of the cast information and the itinerary.
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by atreyu »

muck912 wrote:For the life of me I can't figure out how every London Billy can do a piano flip to a raked stage with very little injury, but tour Billys have become too fragile to do the same thing on a flat stage. Let's face it, a Billy jump off the piano is a huge waste of time once you've seen the flip.
Well said! Could not agree more. I really hoped that the Billy flip I saw Kylend do at the end of July would not be the last one seen on the Tour, but now fear that may be so.
muck912 wrote:As one might expect from reading my piano flip rant, I like aerials in my Electricitys.....I've had some forumites tell me that a real ballet Billy shouldn't have any aerials in his Electricity, that they detract from the ballet.
Question for the purists: When a Billy does an aerial, it replaces (upgrades, imho) a cartwheel or handspring. Are those moves to be regarded as more balletic than an aerial? Hmmm. I'm with muck912: "Give me an aerialed Electricity every time."

Thanks for the review, muck912. I've been wondering about the flip since Zach returned and your report was quite informative and spot on in your analysis.
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Re: Buffalo Reviews

Post by jdmag44 »

I am with you guys - I love the flips and the aerials - they add so much to the show. I don't think the "Billy Jump" off the piano works very well, it might be better to do an aerial from the floor to end the scene. Aerials as part of Electricity is "kicking it up a notch" for me. I love them! I remember Lex Ishimoto did multiple aerials and still had beautiful ballet moves His Electricity was "Electric"! I so wish there was a video of his Electricity.
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