Toledo Reviews

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Toledo Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

After my lament in the Toledo thread about no Toledo reviews , BEtourfan provided this link to a very positive review:

Thanks, BEtourfan. :D

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-George Balanchine 1904 -1983

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Re: Toledo Reviews

Post by porschesrule »

BEtourfan wrote:Here's one.
And it's one worth waiting for -- generally very, very positive. The writer is an intern, not a professional theatre critic. He doesn't mention any of the names of the show's actors or creative members, the set or lighting. But it's a very heartfelt, genuine piece from someone who obviously very thoroughly enjoyed the show and is highly recommending it to Toledo audiences.

"Last night I had the privilege to see one of the most amazing, moving, heartfelt pieces of theater that I think I have ever witnessed."


"This is a truly inspiring piece of art that is uplifting and powerful. Promoting family, individuality and so much more, audience members will leave the show feeling inspired and uplifted. There are not enough words to describe how remarkable this show really is. Audience members were raving that this is one of the best shows they have ever seen! There is a reason why this show has won 81 different awards which includes an astonishing 10 Tony Awards® (including the coveted, Best Musical award).

All I can say is that if you have not seen Billy Elliot yet, you need to."
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Re: Toledo,OH Review

Post by cws8998 »


Or, so it seemed, after a couple months absence, eagerly awaiting my return to Durham, UK, and my vicarious world of Billy Elliot; the world to which I returned for a weekend of performances at the Stranahan Theater in Toledo, Ohio. The theater proved to be an inviting venue for this medium size city, easily located literally a stone's throw off the East-West Toll Road. At the same time, I"m delighted to say I found the Toledo audiences to be highly enthusiastic and receptive to the of course, I believe they well should have been. Having observed this cast numerous times throughout the States [with some coming and goings], their energy level, in my view, remained nothing less than superb at each performance, as they delivered this highly emotional story to their audiences. For those of you the least bit interested in numbers, according to the management, the attendance figures averaged around 1350 to 1500 folks for each show, give or take last minute box office sales. The theater's capacity was 2424. This was a theater with a huge main floor and only one balcony, and not a large one at that. Management did express satisfaction with the general turn out at each show. I must say, my only concern was I didn't see a whole bunch of teenagers present. There was a scattering, but I'm one who wishes more high school aged kids would catch on and see this show.


How fortunate I feel I am to have the free time to travel and attend full series of weekend performances, as I am forever amazed by watching our young cast of Billies, Michael's, and Ballet Girls, carry the day for this musical, but of course, always in concert with a full cast of astute characters doing their usual thing. Certainly, the charisma and utter professionalism of the young cast members always seems like something akin to heaven, as they confirm their high degree of technical mastery for all of us to experience and relish.

Just as an example, I am forever gripped as "Shine" crescendos into the confrontation of a soaring "Solidarity," as it is without fail, the one motivational moment and force above all others in the musical, which immediately gets by adrenaline flowing. It calls upon me to keep my eyes on the emotionally charged Billy who is easily lost in the chaos on stage, as he is slowly guided by Ms. Wilkinson in discovering his hidden talent. Then again, I wait in anticipation for Michael, as he eventually comes full circle in his acceptance and ultimate confession of being "who he wants to be." It is a selfless confession so sincerely given from the core of his being, it makes his character seem all the more rich and courageous.

The fact remains, if one is astute enough to carefully eye ball Billy's slow revelation throughout the first act, one can't help but remain awash with transient beauty, particularly if you allow your senses to absorb those numerous moments of vulnerability transposed into discovery by these extraordinary young men as provided throughout the first act. It is an intimate view of the struggles Billy experiences throughout his agonizing journey. Indeed, is there a more captivating moment in theater when at the conclusion of "Solidarity," Billy's pirouette blankets the stage with such a sense of fervor and fire, as it momentarily brings down the house like some force of nature designed to shake our sense us we experience his ordeal?

As a lifelong athlete and coach, whether watching Kylend or Zach, or Noah and Ben, their performances are not only "electrically charged," but I find them to be profound displays of real physical prowess. In the process of thinking these little craftsmen as only "boys," which of course they are; nevertheless, once they're on that stage, I immediately sense they are engaged in something far more profound than simply "child's play." To me, what is experienced is a wonderful sense of elation as I watch these young men display a deep commitment to their own discovery in the moment. It is why in my own youth and adult athletic career, vicariously I can so easily relate to everything that is happening as this story unfolds. Being so transfixed by the skill of these guys, If I make the mistake of allowing my eyes to wander elsewhere on stage, I'm afraid I might miss something truly spectacular they might be trying to convey to me.


Allow me to emphatically state right from the outset, that what I witnessed this past weekend, in my own humble opinion, was four individual performance of Billy that were as "Powerful" as any I have ever viewed over all my years of attending this musical. I have never been as moved or as excited by such a group of Billies as literally blew the roof off the Stranahan Theater throughout the weekend. I know that's saying a great deal given all the Billy weekends I've attended around the globe in recent years. But this group, in total, just transfixed the place like I can never remember happening before in watching this show. Personally, I was so fired up driving back to Indiana, I had to contain myself from doubling the speed limit on the turnpike. I just kept repeating, "wow," there has never been a weekend I can remember that left me as drained, or as motivated, as did this one.

I know the Toledo audiences were watching the same Billy [Kylend] I was from "Take me up..." through "Electricity." What they witnessed was a superb young actor and smoldering dancer delivering a virtuoso performance, in my opinion, equivalent to the grace of a swan. As a dancer, Kylend simply was elegance in motion. There is something about this kid which continues to be so lovely in deliverance, it's as though one is gazing upon an angel in flight. There is never an ounce of hesitation, a hitch, or a sense of tightness in his execution, always displaying in motion a pure grace as he seeks to tell us the story of freedom from his chaotic life as told through the art of ballet. I'm reminded of something Balanchine once said. Something to the effect that "...more than a story, ballet must present its audience with a visual spectacle and that the audience must see an illusion created, much as it is by the work of a magician. To me, that perfectly describes Kylend...! He reminds me of a magician whenever he performs.

From Kylend's odyssey, imagine forging head long into Zach Mansky's journey. And, what a long personal journey is has been for him, too. But what a pleasure to once again see him resume his rightful place on stage after the long recovery he had to endure from an injured ankle/leg. At the same time, what a crying shame to know he is now nearing the close of his tenure. The strength of his interpretation was purely inspirational as I glued myself to the searing heights of his performance. I'm not sure what metaphor can best be used for him. He is powerfully built, and yet, the versatility of his deliverance initially beamed like the gentle glow of a candle, which then proceeded head long like an exploding volcano into his "Angry Dance." Furthermore, his emotional "Electricity" left nothing unsaid in reserve, given the gasping admiration of an elated audience. This is a kid whose raw physicality is transformed to an expression of beauty and light simply because of the startling depth of passion he exhibits in his artistry. In posting remarks in the Forum last evening regarding his leaving, I did so out of a deep sense of sadness. Having lost a couple months from injury, he and we, deserved so much more from his delivery and in our observing his magnificent character as Billy. He could not have come across more beautifully than he did Saturday night. I was spell bound.


And who doesn't talk about this kid? There no doubt about it, Noah is a "Powerhouse." He still comes across to me as a bruising little "megastar," [a fearless athlete], even as he morphs into the gorgeous workmanship he exudes as an actor and dancer. Standing next to him in conversation, one wonders how he has it in him, where does this come from? Noah simply proceeds to eat up the stage throughout his performance. I find Noah a bundle of pure energy to watch perform, bringing triumphant intensity to the role which belies his miniature size. Watching him during the "Angry Dance," this little "giant" displayed an almost shocking ferociousness which left his audience slacked jawed as he closed out the first act. Personally, I feel this extraordinary young lad has joined the "best in class." Without a bit of overstatement, this youngster's spontaneous mannerism, facial expressions, and his body movements are simply astounding for a 13 year old and is like nothing I have witnessed before in this role. It is all so natural. I will defy anyone to contradict that impression after watching one of his performances. I am simply amazed by what he brings to the stage. Watching him makes you feel like you've been chosen as a favored passenger on his tourney. It's like an unusual force of nature which has taken over the auditorium and in which you are delighted to be absorbed. Let me repeat! When I think of the dozens of Billies it has been my pleasure to see perform over the years, young Noah ranks right up there with the best in class. Remember...he's so young...just a little guy...what a future. For those who haven't seen him yet...get ready...and tell me I'm wrong. No way...!


Not only from his own experience, but I know Ben Cook served as a motivating example for Zach as he progressed through his rehabilitation. Ben cook leaves no superlatives unsaid from the moment he is dragged on stage by his father to the "Company Celebration" at musical's end. There is something this youngster emulates in the role which simply warms the heart. It is some kind of charismatic air particularly unique to Ben; call it a sense of polished gleefulness on stage, as he presents us a rare combination of fire and ice as the particular moment may call for. You just know he has an unquenchable thirst for passion in his role of Billy as his dialogue and singing is marked by a firm diction and dramatic commitment. Of course, his "Electricity" simply blew us away with an enriching zeal which left his audience joyfully drained. What a class act, and what a genuinely brilliant young actor who I just can't wait to see whenever I attend a weekend series of this show. No matter how often you watch him, each time is like a totally new experience, as though one has never seen him or the show before. He just seems to know how to come across as totally fresh and groundbreaking.


I had to prepare myself for two new Michaels, both recent additions to this cast. It is difficult for me to comment on Jake Kitchin. He comes into the role at 10 years of age which seems to be quite young, albeit it was surprisingly how he was able to carry the load to the extent he did. Admittedly, I couldn't believe I was watching a "miniature marvel" in Sam Poon. Despite the fact he is truly a lean, tiny-tyke of a guy with a bucket haircut, he came across to me as a little monster on stage in the role. I was amazed by his crisp vocal delivery and his own mannerism as though he were some kind of seasoned pro in the part. His timing was perfect and there never appeared a hesitation in the flow between him and Billy. He was spot on displaying a distinct cross of humorous energy and vulnerability. Both he and Jake presented the contrast we all anticipate to the occasional befuddlement of Billy's more serious nature.


In summary, I'm sure another member or two at one time or another in the Forum has made some kind of reference to the Olympics past. Forgive me for any redundancy. I just feel it may be an appropriate way to sum up my weekend in Toledo. After all, trying to find appropriate words to complement "The Tour," words which have already been repeated over and over again, seems to be increasingly difficult in making any review of the musical seem as at all fresh or interesting.

I did find one definition of an "Olympian's" effort somewhere along the line which I'd like to share with you. It states that it might best be defined by "an exalting effort that reach past the extreme to mythic heights where man and god mingle and merge." As such, I may be approaching hyperbole [which I have an occasion to do], but coming off the Olympic summer, I can't help but think of the Billies I saw this past weekend as equivalent to "gold medal athletes." Actually, I think their performances are more about many "golden moments" whose "powerful" images on stage remain forever in my memory. It is those precise moments about which we care so much and which draw us back to see BETM over and over again. At least for this guy, once I leave the theater, I'm left conceding I have just experienced a truly monumental performance which has elevated me to a totally different plane of excellence. I can't wait to be elevated again, as I will be in November when the Tour comes to Indianapolis.

Respectfully Submitted: Colin W. Stetson
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Re: Toledo, OH

Post by porschesrule »

Wow! Thanks for taking the time to put down your thoughts in this wonderfully detailed account of your weekend "Billython", Colin. It's really great to read such glowing words about the state of the Tour and of the excellence of its Billys. Glad you had such a positive experience.
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Re: Toledo, OH

Post by CJ-Rochester »

I echo porschesrule's comments Colin. I loved reading this review. It really made my day! :D
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Re: Toledo, OH

Post by jdmag44 »

Oh Colin! How I love to read your reviews. I felt like I was there in Toledo. You are so right these 4 Billies are all absolutely extraordinary. All are a "triple threat", acting, singing, and dancing marvels. I suspect that they inspire each other to be their best and to strive for perfection.

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Re: Toledo Reviews

Post by BillyBob »

Colin, your fantastic review makes me even more excited about my first Billython coming up in Austin. I'm guessing we will be seeing a new Billy bring their talents to the stage, but can't wait to see a weekend of such great talent and a great story with great music.
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