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Re: September 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:25 pm
by MsRF
Thursday 3rd Evening

Billy - Elliott Hanna
Michael - Zach Atkinson
Debbie - Millie Thornton

When I saw Elliott's name on the board tonight I was over the moon - I've been dying to see him perform ever since he joined the cast, and I wasn't disappointed!

Although I knew he was only ten, I couldn't get over how young he looks on stage. It's a testament to his abilities that he's able to pull off this role despite being so young. His ballet is very strong, and he has a naturally cheeky face - he looks like he's smirking at everyone during many early scenes. He also says his lines in a very unique way compared to the other Billys, he puts stresses in different places and in some cases it changes the entire meaning of the line, which is very clever.

It was also my first Billy show where there has been a technical fault - right before the start of the flying sequence of Dream Ballet. It did ruin the mood a little, but the audience were right behind little and big Billys as soon as the curtain rose again. Elliott is so small that he literally seemed to weigh nothing on the wire!

Having not seen Elliott before, I spent the whole evening waiting for Electricity, knowing he is a 'ballet Billy'. He was fantastic, his facial expressions showing just how much he was loving it. He did fall at the end (unless he intended to end up on his bum!) but he covered it up really well and I hope he wasn't upset by it. A large portion of the audience were on their feet as he finished.

He was limping (although not badly) by the Finale - after Tony dumped him onstage during the acceptance scene, he got up and didn't manage to smile at Dad as he danced around, he looked then like he realised he might have hurt himself. Full credit to him though for completing the Finale, and clearly having a ball doing it!

All in all, a great evening and congrats to Elliott on being such a good little showman. I hope to catch another of his performances soon.

Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:54 pm
by patc
Thursday 3rd October – all day


Elliott/Zach A/Millie

Dad: David Bardsley

Grandma: Gillian Elisa

Fancy going to your favourite restaurant every week and never being handed a menu to chose from. Instead the Chef decides what you will eat. Would you like that? Yes, if you left the restaurant every time not only fully satisfied but relishing the thought of next week’s fare. Going to see Billy is like that. We know what ingredients are available (well, most of the time) but we have to wait ‘til 2.30pm or 7.30pm to see what will actually be placed on our table.

Yesterday was a "Gathering Day" for a number of long-time Billy fans who attended the matinee followed by Prezzos (thanks, Jenny, for organising that so well) so, in effect, we had two great meals but the luckier ones among us who stayed for second helpings at the VPT were treated to a third gourmet presentation.

On top of all that, the matinee was a captioned performance which I have now seen on at least three occasions. Now, you might think that captioning might be something you would want to avoid as it could be a distraction. Nothing could be further from the truth. From what I heard later on, the audience reaction to the captioning was 100% positive for various reasons and not just for the hard of hearing. BTW, on enquiry I was informed that the captioning is performed by an operator in the slips in the Dress Circle.

For long-time fans it proved to be a fascinating subject for discussion afterwards as all of us clarified some of the lines and words that we have all heard many times before. I mean, who really cares whether it is shiggety-shiggety or shiggedy-shiggedy but finding out is lots of fun.

The afternoon’s proceedings got off to a great start with the seasoned Redmand and Joe flavoured with delicious Demi Pico de Gallo sauce. Redmand and Joe have been reviewed more times than all the world cricket umpires’ decisions put together but you always come up with same result. Amazing, stunning, unbelievable, magnificent, awesome - use whatever term you like but they all fit. All the big numbers were performed brilliantly to the standards they have created for themselves and it was lucky us who were there to enjoy to the full. Demi has only comparatively recently joined the cast but from Day 1 it was evident that we have a new Debbie with her own unique and impressive acting style and with a voice that will prove to be an audition-clincher in future years. You’ll gather from this that I have always been an avid fan of Lauren Bacall.

For the evening fare it was Rare Elliott with Zach (A)vocado dressing plus Millie Cranberry Relish.

Everyone was greatly pleased to hear the news that Elliott had resumed last Saturday and even more over the moon when we saw his name on the board for the evening show. This was only my third time to see him in action. Thanks, Rachel, for your wonderful review and I concur with all your thoughts. This was an astonishingly brilliant, brilliant and unique Billy portrayal that left me gasping with admiration. We’ll never know if he has re-invented Billy by himself or by direction or both. One way or the other it is fascinating to watch it unfold. We all do know the amount of energy that is required to perform this role but he seems to make it look so easy and natural.

The interruption to Dream Ballet was, thankfully, very short and, when the flying started, the well of cheering and applause (from a very appreciative audience) that followed the early aerobatics was so emotional. But even this was nothing compared to the thundering applause for a truly magnificent ballet Electricity. You simply cannot believe that anyone this young can be that good.

Like Rachel, I thought that Elliott was limping a bit afterwards and wondered if he’d (be let) do the Finale but these Billys are tough characters in mind and body.

BTW, I’d love to know what he actually whispered in David Bardsley’s ear at the RBS audition. Whatever it was, David managed to keep a straight face.

Zach A continues to be an absolute delight in his role as Michael, being magnificently able to change an audience’s mood like flicking a light switch. Expressing was of the highest quality. The roar that greeted his switching off of the lights nearly lifted the roof off.

There are two favourite Millie moments for me that I always look forward to. Her barefaced and longwinded cheeky smile to Mrs. W after the Toilet scene and her walk off when Billy comes back to say goodbye to Mrs. W.

You will gather from all of this that yesterday was another memorable day at the VPT with the multi-talented youngsters combining with a cast and Ensemble that is on fire as witnessed by the standing ovations in all parts of the theatre at the end of both shows and the buzz on leaving.

Redmand/Elliott/Joe/Zach/Demi/Millie you have no idea how much we all enjoyed your performances yesterday. Here’s to next time.


Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:02 pm
by angelenroute
Thanks Pat and all for the reviews!

The first show I ever saw, in London, was to be a captioned performance. The folks at See Tickets phoned me in the U.S. before my trip to give me the opportunity to reschedule because of the fact, which I did. I ended up seeing the marvelous Corey Snide on a different evening.

But I did attend a show late in the North American/International Tour that featured a young man and older woman doing the sign language off to the side. It was fun to see scenes with them as he played Billy and she played Mrs. Wilkinson, and watch as they (very proficiently) actually played the parts with their faces and body movements as much as just perform the sign language translation. It became a fun second show within the show.


Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:14 pm
by Billy Whiz
patc wrote: For long-time fans it proved to be a fascinating subject for discussion afterwards as all of us clarified some of the lines and words that we have all heard many times before.
So Pat. Is it "Don't touch me" or "Don't sush me" ? :D :D ;)

Thanks Pat and MsRF for your reviews.

Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:31 pm
by patc
Billy Whiz wrote:So Pat. Is it "Don't touch me" or "Don't sush me" ? :D :D ;)
As I reported after the previous Captioned Show :D, ;) , Spencer Cartwright's line on the caption board read "Don't fxxxing SHUSH me". I seem to recall that he used the F word for a short while when this line was first introduced but hasn't for a long time, at least not when I've been there.


Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:27 pm
by Barry Appleby
Thursday 3rd October

Done us proud again Rachel and Pat, two great reviews again, spot on! you've said it all.
Yes I was the other lucky one to see both shows, normally its just the matinee for me, then I travelling back north. "Big Thanks" from me, to Jenny for oganising our get together meal, between shows, it was really appreciated.
It was the first time I'd seen Elliott and I was well impressed with his performance throught, the reviews say it all! I liked the way he put the exceptance letter in the waste bin and walked away to the biscuit barrel with a great cheeky smirk on his face, I'm looking so forward to see him again in the future.
Well chuffed to see Redmand in the afternoon, he was again so confident and outstanding, I've said it many times before he always interacts so well with the audience, always looks as though, he's enjoying being on stage.
Pat and myself were having a good chat and laugh outside the theatre when the kids were leaving in the minibus with Redmand sat in the front seat, don't worry mum he wasn't driving, you've got that to look forward too, in 4 to 5 years.
Again a "Big Thanks" to all the Cast! for their hard work, it's very much appreciated.

P.S The Afternoon Captioned Performance could stand for H.E.A.R. work that out?

Barry's corny joke - Got home on Friday and found out the my next door neighbour had shot his wife with a starting pistol, at least this shooting wasn't race related.

Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:28 pm
by MsRF
Thank you those of you who commented on my reviews - it's taken a fair amount of time (and a little bit of wine) in order to feel like I can write reviews that do justice to Pat's! But I have fallen in love with this show since I moved to London just a short time ago, I felt compelled to try and to match his reviews!

I would love to meet some of the regulars (I only personally count myself as a semi-regular, since I attend the show once a fortnight or so) but it feels like a really friendly group. I feel like I might be a few years younger than the majority though, which is probably why I haven't yet felt brave enough to get up in the theatre during the interval and introduce myself!

I just had a couple of comments on Ali's performance on Friday (4th Oct) night:

- His facial expressions just personify perfection for me. I have seen Ali a lot (the vagaries of Billy actors' performing has meant I have seen far more of Ali - and Tade luckily while he was around - than I should), and he never fails to impress me.

Ali's facial expressions are so theatrical that the benefit extends not only to those in the near-stage stalls but also to the dress circle. His expressions of shock, anger and amusement are so large (especially when Debbie gives her offer after Born to Boogie!) that everybody in the whole theatre gets the benefit of the moment. As Ali is still very new to the role, he has relaxed so much - I remember seeing him initially and thinking he didn't smile at all during Expressing etc - he has obviously now settled completely into the role and is confident and cheeky in delivering his lines, which I love.

I also concur with Pat, in that in the scene when Tony confronts Dad after Expressing, Ali's crouching behind the kitchen counter is so well done. It really conveys his uncertainty at the situation to the audience and shows that the Billys don't just have to be good dancers and singers, they also have to be able to convincingly act!

His Electricity is also coming on in leaps and bounds. He looks so comfortable during the dance now. On Friday, I don't think he quite managed to land his wall flip (he seemed to land on his knees rather than his feet) but he was back up and posing for the final note as composed as always.

I also feel, maybe somewhat wrongly, but since I have seen Ali the majority of the time as Billy, that he doesn't always get the standing ovations he deserves after the Finale. I know Redmand and Harrison (and Tade) regularly get almost the entire audience n their feet, but I feel with Ali this occurs less often. He still gets the same amount of raucous applause, but I think as a Billy actor, he is far underestimated. I cannot wait to see him after a year in the role, to see how he has developed.

I've probably rambled a bit much just now, but this show has really captured a piece of my heart. I will not be able to attend for the next three weeks or so, so I am looking forward to returning and seeing what new little extras the directors/cast have thought up!

Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:03 pm
by jacob
Saturday October 5th matinee


The theatre was more or less full which I always think is a good start to a Show. Considering it has now been running for eight and a half years this is pretty good going. (How long did it run in New York? ;) ) Indeed there was a spontaneous round of applause as Small Boy climbed on to the stage to kick things off. I must say that Riley as Small Boy was magnificent throughout. He sang along during the ensemble numbers and was completely focussed whenever he was on stage. Moreover, he absolutely enjoyed himself :D The audience was responsive from the start due in no small part to the presence of a large party from Nottingham that had come down to support Harrison.

Zak has added all sorts of little touches to his take on the part of Michael. Many of these involve his facial expressions. Then there are the various noises he uses to great effect, as in the winter scene when he unfortunately does the splits :o He has introduced certain variations to Express. These include pauses as he seeks to persuade Billy to go along with his cross dressing. Zak is a frisky, mischievous Michael who brings a lot of depth to the part.

Yesterday, I was quite blown away by Angry Dance. Harrison has developed his own interpretation of this scene. As the conclusion to Act One, this sequence is one of the finest moments created by Messrs Daldry, Darling and John. Sitting in the front row I felt the full force of Billy's anger. This projected everything that he had experienced in his life, his mum dying, the Strike and the family's rejection of his ambition to become a ballet dancer. For some reason Angry Dance reminded me of Ginsberg's Howl. Not, obviously by reason of the poem's content but more by association with its cadences. For Harrison, Angry Dance was a Howl.

Yesterday afternoon everything worked, there were no stoppages or injuries and all the props seemed to be in place. It is appropriate to pay tribute to all the backstage staff who are (mostly) unseen and to the Company Manager who together ensure that the Show goes on. This is no mean achievement with a large cast that includes so many children. If I were to be permitted one little grumble it would be about the price of ice creams :shock: They cost more at the VP then at the ROH Covent Garden!

It was a pleasure to see Harrison meet up with his family and friends by the stage door and sign autographs. In the early days of the Show this was a regular occurrence but now it rarely seems to be possible. Nothing to add really, except.........................................................thank you so much.

Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:36 pm
by patc
............and thank you, Jacob and Rachel, for posting your excellent and always interesting reviews. Hope to see you both at the VPT soon.

Thanks also, Barry, for your usual clever joke but you'll have to "really explain" H.E.A.R :D .


Re: October 2013 Reviews - London

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:06 pm
by Westletonion
Thanks for all the reviews and thoughts. Also what a wonderful social activity has come about through this amazing show!