Spring Awakening

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Spring Awakening

Post by Todd »

I was in New York this past weekend to cheer on my Kansas City Royals as they won the World Series ! While I was in town, I went to see the recently-revived "Spring Awakening." It had a modest run a few years ago and I was surprised to see it back again so soon. I never saw the original production but had heard a few of the songs and thought they were quite good. Marlee Matlin - the hearing-impaired actress - is involved with this production, and it's unique in that the entire show is performed in sign language, as well as the regular spoken dialogue. We've discussed before the challenges of the actor who plays Billy Elliot having to be able to dance, sing, act, and speak in a Geordie dialect. This production features the challenge of having to speak the lines as well as sign them, which must have required quite a bit of preparation by the cast.

I thought it was very creatively staged, with actors popping up occasionally around the theater, up in the balcony, etc. It also has very unique lighting, and a killer soundtrack. It was one of the few shows where I bought the cast soundtrack CD the same day of seeing a show for the first time. Marlee Matlin plays the mother of the lead character - Melchior Gabor - who is played by the very talented Austin McKenzie. It may not be everybody's cup of tea, as it does deal with a number of sexual themes involving characters who are supposed to be teenagers. I suppose I was desensitized a bit by seeing the play a couple of years ago featuring Giuseppe Bausilio as Melchior, so the content in this current version didn't shock me as much - or maybe it was just toned down a bit from the play. I would recommend seeing it while it's at the Brooks Atkinson Theater on a limited run (it closes January 2, 2016).

Here's a video clip of a few songs in the current production: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-BBV4hhICc
And here's Austin McKenzie showing off a very impressive vocal range at 54 Below a few months ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfvz32mKi_0
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Re: Spring Awakening

Post by angelenroute »

I didn't realize it was only on for a short run. Will have to get a ticket soon then, thank you!


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