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Post by patc »

I suppose it is inevitable that there’s an air of gloom about after all these years of euphoria. Nevertheless, looking back there are countless memories. Just some that spring to mind off the top of the head.

The first time seeing the show (by pure chance in my case) with Leon Cooke as Billy blowing a full house away.

My first “last night” experience - Leon and Sally. I couldn’t believe the atmosphere in the theatre that night. Afterwards, outside in Allington Street, maniacal bus drivers and taximen doing their best to mow down the milling fans outside the stage door. Paul still in his priestly robes having rushed down to the theatre from a gathering.

The legendary combo of Fox and his Dad outside.

The scramble for tickets for last nights with Forum members who heard it first keeping the news to themselves until they had got their own tickets :D .

Forum members Seating Plans for special shows being displayed at “secret” web locations. No tell your seat, no see the plan :D .

Row B audience members (including, on one occasion, the man with the yellow jumper :D ) picked on every week by Trevor Fox and Chris McGlade.

The shock and sadness of the untimely passing of the lovely Romy and little Charlotte.

The pensioners Thursday Matinee regular gathering. Many, sadly, no longer with us.

Ollie Taylor’s incredibly emotional last night that has never been equalled.

The excitement and atmosphere of the Birthday shows.

The night the newly just chosen Broadway Billys (including Trent who was already in the London show) came on stage at the VPT before that great adventure began.

The legend that a Forum member was asked to move from his seat – to accommodate the Queen.

The Billy Youth Gala show and its emotional Finale when the entire cast of how many? (hundreds) of children spread all around the theatre as well as on stage sang a rousing Electricity.

I’m sure others will have more.

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Re: Reminiscences


Oh loved this post, so many memory joggers.

Seating plans and Ollie last night etc
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Re: Reminiscences

Post by ERinVA »

Just a few, but they hardly scratch the surface. I might come back and add more later when I have some time.

I remember my first ever show with George Maguire as Billy in October 2005. I didn't quite know what I was in for, and I certainly did not know that Billy would fly. From where I was in the DC, I didn't see the wire descending, and when the flying started, I almost fell out of my seat! I have told people next to me at the show that story over the years because that moment has stuck with me. In fact, I told the lady seated next to me that story on Thursday evening. It was the moment I became hooked on the show, and I'm still here.

LOVED the First Anniversary show. First time they did a tag team performance, and it was exciting, to say the least. The forum party afterwards was also a big highlight.

Loved watching Leon Cooke develop into the role of Billy over the course of two years. Not being a London person, it was just by chance that I came enough times during that period to see this happen. It has always been a highlight of my London BETM experience.

Quickie weekend trip to London to see Colin Bates' final show. Every time I had been here, he was on break or injured, so it was that show or nothing. Thank goodness for frequent flyer miles!

Great friends that I have made through my connection with this show. It may end, but we will surely stay connected.

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Re: Reminiscences

Post by johnnyc »

My first performance of BETM was the day after the formal opening. I was there May 13, 2005. James Lomas was Billy and I was seated next to James's Aunt in the Dress Circle. :o The lady and I had a nice conversation after the show. I knew nothing of stage doors at the time, so I simply returned to my hotel after I exited the theater. I was impressed by the performance, of course. But I did not get "hooked" until I saw George Maguire play Billy in early September, 2005. I found myself returning to London to see BETM many more times - 141 times total. :shock:
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Re: Reminiscences

Post by chocchipcookie26 »

I haven't seen Billy Elliot in 4 years now, and I'm gutted that I couldn't go tonight, but it will always hold a special place in my heart, and I have really enjoyed reading the forum recently, it's jogging up so many amazing memories, and I absolutely loved the photo countdown!

Fox Jackson-Keen was my first Billy, and definitely started off a huge obsession with the show. He really was wonderful, so charismatic and a fantastic all-round performer, as well as a lovely person to meet.
I also feel incredibly lucky to have seen Brad, Ollie G, Tanner, Dean, Tom, Josh Baker and Alex Ko (on Broadway). I was never remotely disappointed, they all bring something so special and so unique to the role. Hats off to the casting directors, what an amazing job they did.

I'm also amazed by so many people who've been in the supporting cast, and can't mention them all because this post will be far too long as it is!. Ann Emery, of course, it goes without saying. David Bardsley I saw so many times as alternate Dad, and just adored his portrayal. I don't think I ever saw Deka live, but his performance on the Billy Live DVD blew me away completely.

It's such a special musical, it really has everything. People can walk into the theatre as musical theatre sceptics, but so often they'll be completely converted. It has so much warmth, humour and grit, I don't think anything else I've seen (which is a lot!) can quite compare in these factors.

I used to talk about it all the time (I really did) and drove people crazy, which is completely fair enough! My friends were convinced I'd regret spending so much money on it in the future, and that I'd regret seeing it so many times. Even though I couldn't call myself 'obsessed' anymore I don't regret any of it. I don't think any other show could be quite so different on every viewing. Friends and family who actually saw it were blown away by it, and how couldn't you be? The first time I saw Billy in 2008, I saw Wicked 2 days later, and got genuinely upset in the interval because I wanted to cross the road and go to Billy again instead - Wicked didn't even compare!

One of my favourite memories was the Finale after the 5th Birthday Show, it felt like time stopped when all the past/present Billies were dancing, I hate to say it but 'I can't really explain it'. A very surreal moment, and definitely one of the most incredible things I've seen on stage.

I would love to hear more reminiscences from everyone, I've really really enjoyed reading this thread so far, and there must be countless stories and special memories!
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Re: Reminiscences

Post by jmh2014 »

As a latecomer to BETM my first visit to the VPT was in December 2014 thanks to the dvd of Billy Live.

Ollie Jochim was my first Billy and I remember thinking that I didn't particularly like his performance. I had made the mistake of expecting him to at the same level as Elliot Hanna, not having any understanding of how the Billy's develop over time. Then we got Angry Dance and Ollie completely blew me away. You really cannot appreciate the power of this number without seeing it live.

It would be my third visit when Bradley Perret was on that hooked me. So accomplished and in complete control.

The luck of being in the audience for Matteo Zecca's last show. To this day I have not seen any Billy have as much fun as he did that night, finished off with "See ya, Tomi"

Nat Sweeney's Electricity, which in my short time has never been equalled.

The dynamic team of Thomas Hazelby and Nathan Jones.

Euan Garret's final "official" show. Only four and a half months into the role and producing a performance belying his short run. The longest Electricity ovation I've seen and him letting everyone know just how much it meant to him.
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Re: Reminiscences

Post by Bridget40 »

I will always remember the first time I went to Billy. I remember that I didn't really want to go because there are not that many musicals that I have enjoyed much over the years, especially musicals based on films. I was not prepared for the effect it had on me. I found it to be magical. Now I wish that I had gone to see the show years before I did.

It's interesting what you say about Ollie Jmh2014 because he was the second Billy that I saw after seeing Mitchell four times in a row. I was also initially underwhelmed by Ollie because Mitchell was such a good dancer, but it did not take me long to fall in love with Ollie's Billy. He was fabulous......

I agree with you about Matteo's last show. That child looked as if he was having the time of his life and it was very infectious. He left everything up on stage that night, and as regular Billy shows go, I enjoyed that one more than any other.

So much has been said about Nat..... My only regret is that he hasn't done anything like 'West End live' where he would have been filmed. What a dancer he is.....

My best memory of Billy though will be the last night. I thought it was truly outstanding, and I am so happy I was there.
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Re: Reminiscences

Post by jmh2014 »

Bridget40 wrote:It's interesting what you say about Ollie Jmh2014 because he was the second Billy that I saw after seeing Mitchell four times in a row. I was also initially underwhelmed by Ollie because Mitchell was such a good dancer, but it did not take me long to fall in love with Ollie's Billy. He was fabulous......
What I really liked about Ollie was his acting. There would always be changes from one performance to the next. You would never quite know what to expect. The same is true of Thomas Hazelby. Both of them give the adult cast so much to work with.
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Re: Reminiscences

Post by ERinVA »

Let's be sure to keep this thread focused on fond memories without letting it veer off into good/better/best comparisons of the Billys, Michaels, etc.

That hasn't happened so far, so this is juat a bit of a reminder in advance.

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Re: Reminiscences

Post by angelenroute »

Though I saw Billy Elliot The Musical many times over the years, my first-ever experience of the show was my one and only time seeing the London production in June of 2007. Before then, I'd been a big fan of the movie and eventually the musical soundtrack, too. I joined the forum and learned there were people from all around the world who'd met and become good friends because of the show. I saw photos of forum gatherings posted to the forum, and it made me want in! :)

Though I wasn't able to meet anyone that first time, I later learned (through an Uncle Dave seating chart I believe) that Johnnyc was seated just a few feet from my partner and me that night.

It was amazing walking into the VPT and seeing how gorgeous and huge it was, but we didn't know who the Billy that night would be. I bought a program, but it only told me who the current cast members were. So I asked an usher, and she told me Corey Snide was on that night. I'd traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to see not just a U.S.-born Billy, but a fellow New Yorker, too! :D Obviously, Corey was PHENOMENALLY PERFECT, and at the close of Angry Dance, I was left speechless for at least a full minute, if not more. People got up for the bathroom or a drink, and I was just sitting there in stunned silence at what I'd witnessed. It's been nine years, and Corey's performed in multiple places publicly here in NY since, including Broadway, but somehow I've never gotten to go see him perform, or get to meet him finally and thank him in person.

Loving everyone else's posts here, and looking forward to reading more soon!

In my head now, I'm imagining someone lifting the Dream Ballet flying apparatus on the VPT stage years from now a la Phantom of the Opera's opening number, and watching a Billy start to fly again. Surely Billy WILL fly back to us one day. In the mean time, like you, I'm so filled with appreciation for the great gift of the show in my life, and so grateful I was able to make a pilgrimage to the Mother Church at least that one time!

I also hope we're all able to see and support the tours and regional productions as they keep popping up all over the world!


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