Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

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Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Here is a place to track the roles that have multiple casting of the BETM production in Madrid, Spain.

Like other tracking threads here on the Forum, only first names are utilized in this thread. To see the complete names of all the actors in the Madrid cast, please go here: ... d-spain/3/
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - Pau/Ian/?/?/Pablo C
2 - Pau/Diego P/?/Hugo G/Bruno
3 - Cristian/?/Sofia P/?/?
4 - Óscar/Hugo G/?/Jorge/?
5 - (Mat) Diego R/?/?/?/?
5 - (Eve) Pablo B/Lucas M/Habana/Samuel/Pablo C
6 - (Mat) Cristian/Samuel/Habana/Hugo P/Lucas B
6 - (Eve) Pau/Beltrán/?/Son/?
7 - Óscar/Beltrán/?/Jorge/?

10 - Diego R/?/?/?/?
11 - Pau/Diego P/?/?/?
12 - (Mat)Óscar/?/Sofia A/?/?
12 - (Eve) Diego R/Samuel/?/?/?
13 - (Mat) Pau/Beltrán/?/Ian/Bruno
13 - (Eve) Óscar/Lucas M/?/Samuel/? (Milestone: Óscar Pérez's 25.5th show as Billy)
14 - Pau/?/?/?/?

16 - Pau/Ian/?/Eduard/?
17 - Óscar/Son/?/Hugo P/?
18 - Diego R/?/Sofia A/Hugo G/?
19 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
19 - (Eve) Pau & Pablo B/?/?/?/?
20 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
20 - (Eve) Miguel/Son/?/Hugo G/Bruno (Milestone: Miguel Millán's 25th show as Billy)
21 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?

23 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
24 - Miguel/?/?/?/?
25 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
26 - (Mat) Pau/?/?/?/?
26 - (Eve) Pablo B/Hugo G/Habana/Samuel/Pablo C
27 - (Mat) Miguel/Diego P/?/Jorge/Bruno
27 - (Eve) Pau/Samuel/?/Son /Lucas B
28 - Diego R/?/?/?/?

30 - Pau/Lucas M/?/?/?
31 - Diego R/Son/?/Hugo P/Diego H

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for January = 34 (Total to Date = 147)

Pablo - 3.5 (Cumulative Total = 22.5)
Pau - 10.5 (Cumulative Total= 36.5)
Cristian - 2 (Cumulative Total= 8)
Miguel - 4 (Cumulative Total= 27)
Diego - 6 (Cumulative Total= 23.5)
Óscar - 8 (Cumulative Total= 29.5)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - Miguel/Hugo G/?/Hugo P/Bruno
2 - (Mat) Cristian/Beltrán/?/?/Pablo C
2 - (Eve) Diego R/Samuel/?/?/?
3 - (Mat) Óscar/Ian/?/Jorge/?
3 - (Eve) Miguel/Diego P/Habana/Samuel/Bruno
4 - Pablo B/Beltrán/Habana/Son/?

6 - Óscar/Hugo G/?/Eduard/Diego H
7 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
8 - Pablo B/Son/?/?/Sergio
9 - (Mat) Miguel/?/Ainara/?/?
9 - (Eve) Cristian/?/?/?/?
10 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/Hugo P/?
10 - (Eve) Miguel/Beltrán/?/Ian/?
11 - Diego R/Beltrán/?/Son/? (Milestone: Diego Rey's 25.5th show as Billy)

13 - Diego R/Son/?/?/?
14 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
15 - Miguel/?/?/?/Sergio
16 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
16 - (Eve) Diego R/?/?/?/?
17 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
17 - (Eve) Miguel & Cristian/?/?/?/?
18 - Diego R/Beltrán/?/?/?

20 - Cristian/Samuel/?/?/Bruno
21 - Miguel/?/?/?/?
22 - Pau/Lucas M/?/Hugo P/Bruno
23 - (Mat) Diego R/Samuel/?/Eduard/?
23 - (Eve) Pablo B/?/Habana/?/? (Milestone: Pablo Bravo's 25.5th show as Billy)
24 - (Mat) Cristian/?/?/?/?
24 - (Eve) Pau/?/?/?/?
25 - Diego R/?/?/?/?

27 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?
28 - Cristian/Lucas M/Ainara/?/?

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for February = 32 (Total to Date = 179)

Pablo - 4 (Cumulative Total = 26.5)
Pau - 2 (Cumulative Total= 38.5)
Cristian - 7.5 (Cumulative Total= 15.5)
Miguel - 6.5 (Cumulative Total= 33.5)
Diego - 7 (Cumulative Total= 30.5)
Óscar - 5 (Cumulative Total= 34.5)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - Diego R/Beltrán/?/?/Sergio
2 - (Mat) Óscar/Hugo G/?/Hugo P/Lucas B
2 - (Eve) Miguel/Diego P/Habana/?/?
3 - (Mat) Diego R/Beltrán/?/Jorge/Diego H
3 - (Eve) Óscar/Diego P/?/Ian/?
4 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?

6 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
7 - Diego R/Beltrán/?/Jorge/Diego H
8 - Pablo B/Son/?/?/?
9 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
9 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/?
10 - (Mat) Miguel/Diego P/?/?/?
10 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/Diego H
11 - Diego R/?/?/Samuel/?

13 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
14 - Pau/?/?/?/?
15 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
16 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/Lucas B
16 - (Eve)Pablo B/?/?/?/?
17 - (Mat) Diego R/Son/?/Hugo G/Pablo C (Last Show: Son Khoury as Michael)
17 - (Eve) Pau/Beltrán/?/?/?
18 - Miguel/?/?/?/?

20 - Diego R/?/?/?/?
21 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
22 - Pau/Diego P/?/Eduard/Diego H
23 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
23 - (Eve) Pau/Diego P/?/?/?
24 - (Mat) Diego R/Beltrán/Leire/Jorge/?
24 - (Eve) Miguel/Hugo G/?/?/Bruno
25 - Pablo B/Ian/?/Hugo P/?

27 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
28 - Pablo B/Beltrán/Habana/?/?
29 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
29 - (Eve) Óscar/Lucas M/?/?/?
30 - (Mat) Diego R/?/?/?/?
30 - (Eve) Cristian/Samuel/?/Hugo G/?
31 - (Mat) Diego R/?/Sofía A/Hugo P/?
31 - (Eve) Pau/?/?/?/?

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for March = 38 (Total to Date = 217)

Pablo - 5 (Cumulative Total = 31.5)
Pau - 5 (Cumulative Total= 43.5)
Cristian - 5 (Cumulative Total= 20.5)
Miguel - 6 (Cumulative Total= 39.5)
Diego - 9 (Cumulative Total= 39.5)
Óscar - 8 (Cumulative Total= 42.5)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - Diego R/?/?/?/?

3 - Pau/Diego P./?/?/?
4 - Óscar/Hugo G/Leire/Hugo P/Diego H
5 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
6 - (Mat) Diego R/?/?/?/?
6 - (Eve) Pau/Beltrán/?/?/?
7 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/Lucas B
7 - (Eve) Miguel/Diego P/?/?/?
8 - Pablo B/Beltrán/Habana/Ian/Sergio

10 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
11 - Pau/Diego P/?/?/?
12 - Cristian/Lucas M/?/?/?
13 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
13 - (Eve) Diego R/?/?/?/?
14 - (Mat) Pau/?/?/?/?
14 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/Lucas B
15 - Pablo B/Beltrán/?/Ian/?

17 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
18 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?
19 - Diego R/Beltrán/?/Hugo P/Diego H
20 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
20 - (Eve) Diego R/?/?/?/?
21 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
21 - (Eve) Pau/?/?/Ian/?
22 - Cristian/?/?/?/Lucas B

24 - Pablo B/?/Habana/?/Álvaro
25 - Miguel/?/Sofía A/?/Diego H
26 - Diego R/?/?/?/?
27 - (Mat) Óscar/Diego P/?/?/?
27 - (Eve) Miguel/?/?/?/?
28 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
28 - (Eve) Pau/?/?/?/?
29 - Pablo B/Ian/?/?/?

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for April = 33 (Total to Date = 250)

Pablo - 5 (Cumulative Total = 36.5)
Pau - 6 (Cumulative Total= 49.5)
Cristian - 3 (Cumulative Total= 23.5)
Miguel - 6 (Cumulative Total= 45.5)
Diego - 6 (Cumulative Total= 45.5)
Óscar - 7 (Cumulative Total= 49.5)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - Miguel/Diego P/Sofia P/Julián/?
2 - Cristian/Samuel/?/?/?
3 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?
4 - (Mat) Pau & Cristian/Lucas M/?/Jorge/? (Milestones: Pau Gimeno's 50th show as Billy and Cristian López's 25th show as Billy)
4 - (Eve) Miguel/?/?/?/
5 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/? (Milestone: Óscar Pérez's 50.5th show as Billy)
5 - (Eve)
6 - Diego R/Beltrán/Samuel/?/Lucas B

8 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
9 - Miguel/?/?/?/?
10 - Óscar/Ian/?/?/Álvaro
11 - (Mat) Diego R/Beltrán/?/?/?
11 - (Eve) Miguel/Diego P/?/?/?
12 - (Mat) Óscar/Samuel/?/?/?
12 - (Eve) Pau/?/?/?/?
13 - Pablo B/?/Sofia P/?/Pablo C

15 - Pau/?/?/?/?
16 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
17 - Miguel/?/?/?/? (Milestone: Miguel Millán's 50.5th show as Billy)
18 - (Mat) Diego R/?/?/?/?
18 - (Eve) Pablo B/Ian/?/Samuel/Sergio
19 - (Mat) Miguel/Beltrán/?/Hugo G/?
19 - (Eve) Pau & Cristian/?/?/?/?
20 - Diego R/Samuel/Habana/?/Lucas B (Last Show: Samuel Gómez as Michael)

22 - Diego R/?/Sofia A/?/? (Milestone: Diego Rey's 50.5th show as Billy)
23 - Pablo B/?/?/?/Lucas B
24 - Cristian/?/?/?/?
25 - (Mat) Miguel/Diego P/?/Hugo P/Diego H
25 - (Eve) Diego R/Ian/?/Hugo G/?
26 - (Mat) Pau/?/?/?/?
26 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/?
27 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?

29 - Pau/Lucas M/?/?/?
30 - Óscar/Beltrán/Sofía A/Álvaro S/Álvaro A
31 - Cristian/Beltrán/?/?/?

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for May = 35 (Total to Date = 285)

Pablo - 5 (Cumulative Total = 41.5)
Pau - 5 (Cumulative Total= 54.5)
Cristian - 6 (Cumulative Total= 29.5)
Miguel - 7 (Cumulative Total= 52.5)
Diego - 6 (Cumulative Total= 51.5)
Óscar - 5 (Cumulative Total= 54.5)
Unknown - 1* (Cumulative Total= 1)

*No Billy performance information reported for the May 5, 2018

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - (Mat) Diego R/?/?/?/?
1 - (Eve) Miguel/?/Eva/?/?
2 - (Mat) Pau/?/?/?/?
2 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/?
3 - Pablo B/Hugo G/?/Ian/Sergio

5 - Pau/?/?/?/?
6 - Cristian/Beltrán/?/?/?
7 - Miguel/Diego P/?/Julián/Diego H
8 - (Mat) Pau/Ian/?/?/?
8 - (Eve) Pablo B/?/Leire/?/?
9 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
9 - (Eve) Miguel/?/?/?/?
10 - Diego R/?/Habana/?/Lucas B

12 - Diego R/Lucas M/?/Hugo P/Sergio
13 - Hugo/Ian/?/Julián/? (Milestone: the Madrid production's 300th show/Debut: Hugo González as Billy)
14 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
15 - (Mat) Cristian/?/?/?/?
15 - (Eve) Miguel/Diego P/?/Hugo G/Álvaro A
16 - (Mat) Óscar/Beltrán/?/?/?
16 - (Eve) Pau/?/Habana/?/?
17 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?

19 - Diego R/Ian/?/Hugo P/?
20 - Miguel/Diego P/?/?/?
21 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
22 - (Mat) Hugo G/?/Eva/?/Pablo C
22 - (Eve) Pau/Álvaro S/?/?/? (Debut: Álvaro De Los Santos as Michael)
23 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
23 - (Eve) Cristian/Beltrán/?/Álvaro S/?
24 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?

26- Miguel/Ian/?/Jorge/Álvaro A
27 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?
28 - Pau/Álvaro S/Sofía A/Hugo P/?
29 - (Mat) Miguel/?/?/?/?
29 - (Eve) Cristian/?/?/?/?
30 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
30 - (Eve) Pau/Diego P/?/Álvaro S/Lucas B

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for June = 36 (Total to Date = 321)

Pablo - 5 (Cumulative Total = 46.5)
Pau - 7 (Cumulative Total= 61.5)
Cristian - 4 (Cumulative Total= 33.5)
Miguel - 8 (Cumulative Total= 60.5)
Diego - 4 (Cumulative Total= 55.5)
Óscar - 6 (Cumulative Total= 60.5)
Hugo - 2 (Cumulative Total= 2)
Unknown - 0 (Cumulative Total = 1)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


1 - Diego R/?/?/?/?

3 - Diego R/?/?/?/?
4 - Cristian/?/?/?/Diego H
5 - Miguel/Beltrán/Habana/Víctor/Álvaro A (Last Show: For Habana Rubio as Debbie)
6 - (Mat) Óscar/Lucas M/?/?/?
6 - (Eve) Pau/Diego P/?/?/?
7 - (Mat) Miguel/Álvaro S/?/Jorge/?
7 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/?
8 - Pablo B/?/?/?/?

10 - Cristian/?/?/Víctor/?
11 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
12 - Julián/Ian/?/?/? (Debut: Julián Cecilio as Billy)
13 - (Mat) Hugo G/Álvaro S/?/?/?
13 - (Eve) Óscar/?/?/?/?
14 - (Mat) Pablo B/?/?/Jorge/?
14 - (Eve) Diego R/Beltrán/?/Hugo P/Diego H
15 - Miguel/Beltrán/?/Hugo G/Álvaro A (Last Show: For Beltrán Remiro as Michael)

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for July = 17 (Total to Date = 338)

Pablo - 2 (Cumulative Total = 48.5)
Pau - 1 (Cumulative Total= 62.5)
Cristian - 2 (Cumulative Total= 35.5)
Miguel - 3 (Cumulative Total= 63.5)
Diego - 3 (Cumulative Total= 58.5)
Óscar - 4 (Cumulative Total= 64.5)
Hugo - 1 (Cumulative Total= 3)
Julián - 1 (Cumulative Total= 1)
Unknown - 0 (Cumulative Total = 1)

Note: There will be a 5 1/2 week summer break in the schedule, with performances resuming on August 24, 2018.

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy


24 - Óscar/?/?/?/?
25 - (Mat) Pau/Álvaro S/?/?/?
25 - (Eve) Óscar/Diego P/?/Alex/Lucas B (Debut: Alex Garcia as Tall Boy)
26 - Miguel?/?/?/?

28 - Pau/Álvaro S
29 - Miguel/?/?/Víctor/?
30 - Hugo G/?/?/Alex/?
31 - Diego R/?/?/?/?

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for August = 8 (Total to Date = 346)

Pablo - 0 (Cumulative Total = 48.5)
Pau - 2 (Cumulative Total= 64.5)
Cristian - 0 (Cumulative Total= 35.5)
Miguel - 2 (Cumulative Total= 65.5)
Diego - 1 (Cumulative Total= 59.5)
Óscar - 2 (Cumulative Total= 66.5)
Hugo - 1 (Cumulative Total= 4)
Julián - 0 (Cumulative Total= 1)
Unknown - 0 (Cumulative Total = 1)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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Re: Tracking Billy Elliot: Madrid - 2018

Post by porschesrule »

Billy/Michael/Debbie/Tall Boy/Small Boy

1 - (Mat) Diego R/Álvaro S/?/?/?
1 - (Eve) Cristian/Lucas M/Leire/?/?
2 - Pablo B/?/?/Lucas M/?

4 - Julián/?/?/?/?
5 - Pau/Diego P/?/?/Diego H
6 - Miguel/?/?/?/?
7 - Pablo B/?/?/Álvaro S/? (Milestone: Pablo Bravo's 50.5th show as Billy)
8 - (Mat) Cristian/?/?/?/?
8 - (Eve) Óscar/Álvaro S/?/?/?
9 - Diego R/Lucas M/?/?/Lucas B

11 - Cristian/?/Sofía P/?/?
12 - Julián/Álvaro S/?/Alex/?
13 - Diego R/Ian/?/Víctor/Sergio
14 - (Mat) Pau/Manuel/Leire/Hugo P/? (Debut: Manuel Baldé as Michael)
14 - (Eve) Hugo G/?/?/?/?
15 - (Mat) Óscar/Manuel/?/Alex/Lucas B
15 - (Eve) Miguel/Álvaro S/?/?/?
16 - Pablo B/?/Sofía P/?/?

18 - Julián/Manuel/?/Alex/?
19 - Cristian/Álvaro S/?/Víctor/?
20 - Miguel/?/?/Alex/Álvaro A
21 - (Mat) Pau/Manuel/?/?/?
21 - (Eve) Pablo B/?/Sofía P/?/?
22 - (Mat) Cristian/?/?/?/?
22 - (Eve) Hugo G/Álvaro S/?/?/?
23 - Diego R/Ian/?/Hugo P/Sergio

25 - Diego R/?/?/?/?
26 - Pau & Diego R/?/?/?
27 - Hugo G/Álvaro/?/?/?
28 - (Mat) Óscar/?/?/?/?
28 - (Eve) Julián/?/Leire/?/Sergio
29 - (Mat) Miguel/Álvaro S/?/?/?
29 - (Eve) Cristian/Lucas M/?/?/?
30 - Pablo B/?/Sofía P/?/Bruno

Monthly Totals

Total Madrid Performances for September = 34 (Total to Date = 380)

Pablo - 5 (Cumulative Total = 53.5)
Pau - 3.5 (Cumulative Total= 68)
Cristian - 6 (Cumulative Total= 41.5)
Miguel - 4 (Cumulative Total= 69.5)
Diego - 5.5 (Cumulative Total= 65)
Óscar - 3 (Cumulative Total= 69.5)
Hugo - 3 (Cumulative Total= 7)
Julián - 4 (Cumulative Total= 5)
Unknown - 0 (Cumulative Total = 1)

Billy counts include only those regularly scheduled shows for which tickets are sold to and performed for the general public.

Note: Non reported information is denoted by a "?'. If you can fill in any missing info, please either post it in this thread or PM porschesule.
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