Billy Elliot Actors in Chicago for Seminar

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Billy Elliot Actors in Chicago for Seminar

Post by ERinVA » ... id=7241162

Apparently two of the Chicago Billys participated in a seminar last night to highlight arts in education. I find it rather odd that the article doesn't name the Billys who actually participated. :?

"The musical Billy Elliot is still more than a month away from its Chicago premiere. But on Tuesday night, two of the young actors who play the starring role are in town as part of a seminar with Chicago educators.

Broadway in Chicago, Arts Alliance Illinois and leaders from Chicago Public Schools hosted the event to highlight the importance of the arts in education."

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Re: Billy Elliot Actors in Chicago for Seminar

Post by porschesrule »

The article also makes it sound like they visited Chicago just to partake in this seminar when we know they've all been there since just after Christmas and have been involved in intense rehearsals every day since then.
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