April 2010 Reviews - NYC

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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by CJ-Rochester »

This week I was able to combine some business in the NY area along with a three show mini-Billython. As luck would have it the timing of the Billys I saw worked in a perfect progression. The week began with a brand new Billy, followed by one with a few months experience, and then capped off with one with experience on two continents.

Tues. April 13 7pm, Seat B-9 (left orchestra)

Billy - Jacob,
Michael - Trevor,
Small Boy - Seth,

+ understudys: Mrs. W. - Leah Hocking, Mum - Stephanie Kurtzuba

Opening -
I believe this was only Jacob's fourth show. He has a nice voice in "Take Me Up". This was the first time I've noticed that Michael comes on with a soccer ball at end of the number. I agree with others who posted before that it seems out of his character. It does add to the commotion of the scene to see the kids kicking the ball around, but perhaps it would have been better for Tall Boy to be the one to bring it on stage.

Boxing class -
Seth croaked the "oh Jesus" lines to good laughter. Jacob does a good John Travolta dance. He missed the keys when he tried to kick them up, then got down on the floor and used his teeth to get them. I've not seen that before.

Shine -
My first time seeing Leah as Mrs. W. She is less gritty / working class than Haydn or Kate, and more of a Broadway style (if that makes any sense). When Kate took over for Haydn last fall there were some changes made to Mrs. W's costumes to make them her own. Likewise Leah has her own versions of the costumes. They are still garish with lots of blue and purple, but a bit different. The thing I especially noticed with Leah's Mrs. W. is the assortment of brightly colored warm up socks she wears throughout the show.

Shadow Dance -
Jacob does his own thing with this piece. It was the first time I've seen this part get laughs.

Grandma's Song -
It was great to see Carole back, as she was out during the "Weekend of Awesome" in Feburary, which was my last visit. In an earlier review Musical Fanatic wrote that "Jacob is really engaged and in character during the show." I completely agree here. Jacob watches Grandma attentively, smiling and reacting to her.

Solidarity -
Jacob is pretty small and gets pushed around a lot by the ballet girls. Great finish in this number. Jacob is very good as the bratty boy when he defies dad. After reading on here about the writing on the inside of the stall door I finally noticed it myself. Additionally on the upper left corner of the door when it opens is written in smaller letters: "David B". He is still with us. :)

Express -
Jacob has a great reaction to seeing Michael in the dress, very intense. Jacob and Trevor are well matched in the dressing up scene itself. However during the number there are some subtle differences between one with experience and a new commer. Given some time I feel these two have potential to be one of the great "Billy/Michael" pairs.

Letter -
Jacob turns on the water like no one else. He got very sad early in the song. Stephanie as Mum has a very pretty voice.

B2B -
Jacob did a nice Billy jump off the stage right chair near the start of the song. The jump rope with Mrs. W. worked well. There was no leap off the piano at the end, but a hand spring center stage instead.

In the bathroom scene following they have made some changes. Debbie no longer says "If you want I'll show you me extensions". That line never worked anyway, and it sounded too similar to the hoo hoo line that comes soon after. Now she mutters something about her father being an alcoholic. I'm not crazy about this either. At the hoo hoo line Jacob took a long pause and had a good puzzled look on his face, to lots of laughter.

During intermission I met the couple behind me. There were visiting from Austin and are friends with the Bologna's. Sadly they never had a chance to see David in the show, but they were really enjoying Jacob and Trevor. I told them where they could find videos of David's number on Youtube.

Act 2 -
Because I was on the left end of a row, the boys passed by me at the start of the Christmas party, and I tossed a few coins in Trevor's bucket. He looked quite startled. :) Phil sang "Deep Into The Ground" as nicely as I can ever recall. He has such a beautiful voice.

Tutu scene -
Bravo to Trevor! His comic timing along with the fond looks at Billy are a such pleasure to watch.

Dream Ballet -
Tons of fog at the start that engulfed a few rows of the audience. Stephen Hanna is back as Older Billy. Welcome back Stephen! Jacob's dancing is not the polished ballet of some of the more experienced Billys. It is more of a playful dancing and tumbling you would expect of a kid Billy's age who has only just started to learn to dance. The piece still worked for me. Jacob holds this nice pose as he is spun up to the top of the stage.

He Could Go -
I just want to give some applause to Will and Phil for solid performances in this scene. How can they do this night after night with such intensity?

Royal Ballet -
Jacob is very defiant and angry during the interview. His "Electricity" has good form and is well executed for what he does. Some of the parts were taken at a slower pace than the other Billys. Some of the moves that we Billy veterans are accustomed to seeing were missing, especially during the final lap at the end of the number. However since this audience had not seen any other Billys perform they still gave him a huge applause at the end.

Company Celebration -
Jacob shows great leadership, stage presence and confidence in this final dance number. When Leah comes out to take her bow yet another variation of costume. Haydn and Kate both appear in a sort of wedding dress. Leah wears a tutu plus hot pink warm up socks that come all the way up to her thighs. I think this is a great outfit.

In an earlier review of Jacob, Musical Fanatic wrote that he could use some more time and experience. I agree. He doesn't have a strong accent, and often sounds like an American boy. This is an area to work on. Jacob has the right personality and is very expressive. There were many parts of his performance that made me recall Jamie Bell. I don't believe other Billys have evoked that comparison, at least from me. I hope to have a chance to see him again down the road.

After the show the cast was taking donations for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. The BETM company is splitting the donation with the Central West Virginia Red Cross, to support victims of the mining disaster there. In addition the producers are matching donations. Solidarity!
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by porschesrule »

As usual, Chris, a well thought out and written review. Thanks for taking the time to do it.

I especially liked your comments on Jacob. As you noted, this being only his 4th performance as Billy there really hasn't been as much written about him as for the other Billys. Sounds like he's a diamond in the rough who has great potential to sparkle with time.

Looking forward to your reviews of the other two shows you saw this week.
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Show two of three for the week:

Wed. April 14 2pm , Seat E-2 (right orchestra)

Billy - Liam,
Michael - Jake,
Small Boy - Luke,

+ understudys: Mrs. W. - Leah Hocking, Mum - Stephanie Kurtzuba

This was my second time seeing Liam as Billy, the first being the "Weekend of Awesome" in Feburary. What a difference a couple months can make. Liam has really grown into the role nicely, with noticeable developments in his acting. :)

Liam sang nicely in "Take Me Up". The orchestra was playing very loud today though.
Liam and Carole did good work in the breakfast/pasty scene. They were very funny.

Boxing -
Yesterday Seth croaked them. Today Luke squealed the "oh Jesus" lines. Each boy has his own way of making this scene so funny. The same goes for all the Billys and Michaels.

Shine -
Leah really tore up the stage in this number. Great job!

Solidarity -
Liam did a good job of making his early pirouettes looks so awkward. Then after Mrs. W. pulls him around by his foot he had a beautiful poise as Billy rights himself. It's at that moment the audience realizes Billy is going to be a great dancer. Such a great theater moment. :)

Express -
Jake was right on. Big applause at the end. Broadway has been very blessed with fantastic Michaels, including the current Jake and Trevor.

Letter -
I was moved by Liam's vocal expressions in his lines with Mrs. W. There was only a small tear at the end of the song, but he still conveyed the emotions.

B2B -
Liam was hot with the rope skipping. He did moves that I had only seen previously from Trent.

Angry Dance -
This number is pure genius. The music, choreorgraphy, design, and performances all come together like a roller coaster ride. There are thrilling moments, you don't want it to end, it leaves you exhausted and breathless, and then you want to do it again.

Deep Into The Ground -
Nice applause at the end of the song when Dad exits. This is not common because of the way things are staged. I think the song deserves applause, and was glad for this opportunity.

Warming hands / tutu -
Jake was awesome today. The audience just loved him.

Dream Ballet -
Liam's big smile is such a joy to watch as he dances.

Royal Ballet -
Phil and Stephen (Scottish Dancer) have just started working together this week, but you wouldn't know it. They got plenty of laughs. Phil no longer does the bit about feeling around for the door after handing the cigarette to clip board lady. I thought it was a nice touch and wonder why it was cut? Liam's "Electrity" was pure ballet beauty, with a great finish!

Post -
The audience loved the 'esquire' joke. In fact this was probably one of the best matinee audiences I have seen for any show. All of the funny moments the entire show worked well for this audience today.

Final scenes -
The goodbye between Billy and Mrs. W. was very emotional. Leah did a great job here.
When Dad walked away from Billy with the miners at the end, Phil turned back to Liam and gave him a thumbs up before stepping on the lift. I'm not sure if that's normal, but I had not seen it before. It was a nice touch.

The first standing ovation was for Liam, and began when the cast called Billy back on stage. It was well deserved, and of course followed by another standing O at the Billy sign.

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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

CJ-Rochester wrote:Show two of three for the week:

Royal Ballet -
Phil and Stephen (Scottish Dancer) have just started working together this week, but you wouldn't know it. They got plenty of laughs. Phil no longer does the bit about feeling around for the door after handing the cigarette to clip board lady. I thought it was a nice touch and wonder why it was cut? Liam's "Electrity" w

Chris I think they cut it when It started to steal applause from clipboard lady taking a drag on the cigarette that Dad handed her.
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

Sat. April 17 8pm
Mrs W-Liz Pearce
Tracey Atkinson-Maddy Novak
Clipboard Woman-Natalie Wisdom

With The nice review that CJ-Rochester did from Wed. I'm only going to write a short review. I know that Stephan Daldry was in town for at least one show Thurs. night. We saw him leaving the theater. I can tell you that he decided to change a couple of lines/scenes to how Chicago is doing them. Grandma is now looking for her sausage roll in the bathroom not the landing. Grandma also now gives Dad the finger when he tries to shew her back from the RBS letter. TB spits at the floor in front of Tony before walking away from when Dad breaks the strike. Dad now says to Billy (Is that really necessary) before Clipboard Woman comes on.

Expressing Yourself
Jake and Liam had this audience applauding them in the middle of scene. When they are tapping. Jake has become the master of non verbal expression and undertones to his voice. The looks Jake gives the Billy's and the way he says his lines hysterical. The applause lasts well into the start of the next scene. Were Tony is going up to get the crowbar.

Dream Ballet/Electricity/Finale
Liam's million candle-watt smile lights up the house and wins over 1400 hundred hearts. Liam's ballet is just stunning and graceful. Whats more amazing to me is what would he be like without bad knees. The one thing I always thought Liam could improve on is his singing. He and the BE team have found the right keys for him to be singing in. Finally a full house and happy house tonight which makes it apleasure to see the show.
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by cincinnati »

Thursday April 15
Billy - Michael "The Human Tornado" Dameski
Michael - Trevor Braun

Michael Dameski twice in the same week for me. I needed to being playing the lottery last week. Michael was even better than last Friday when I saw him. I will not bore everyone with a long review other than to tell you that Michael is close to being fiction, in other words he is so good it can't be true. This night he had the whole crowd in his complete control.....the reaction and the look on their faces is hard to describe. Michael Dameski and his mother are two of the nicest people you will ever meet. They are both very humble and polite, a real joy to talk and meet. This night was also special as there were three other Forum members in the crowd...One, I have know for quite some time, it was nice to meet the other two....they can underline how impressed this crowd was with Michael Dameski. I haven't smile that much at the Imperial since I first saw how good Kiril Kulish was in this role. I am flying back to NYC later this week again....I have a pretty strong idea that I will get to see at last Alex Ko in the role....I am looking forward to seeing Alex as I have heard that he is really good. Speaking of Alex, any Forum members that wish, please support with a donation in honor of his late father to the two organizations that he supports. I have supported both of them in honor of his late father who helped shape and support Alex to being able to reach his goal of succes with Broadway. Also on another note, Thommie Retter just keeps getting better and better at his role....and for what it's worth, has to be one of the nicest people on the planet.
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by CJ-Rochester »

After two performances where I was the only forum member in attendance, it was great to be joined at this one by Geridith, Hugsy2k, and Musical Fanatic.

Thu. April 15 8pm

Billy - Michael,
Michael - Trevor,
Small Boy - Seth,

+ understudys: Mrs. W. - Leah Hocking, Mum - Liz Pearce

Seth struggled to climb up onto the stage at the start. The audience applauded when he took the stage.

Take Me Up -
What amazing diction and accent Michael has! Each syllable of every word is deliberate and perfectly formed. This brief song set the stage for what I knew was going to be a great show.

Boxing -
The expressions on Trevor's face are priceless.

Shine -
Very well done, nice applause. After seeing Leah fill in as Mrs. W. three times this week I really have grown to love her take on the role.

Solidarity -
Michael was especially angry during the early parts ("Miss I don't know what to do"). Izzy's expressions are something to watch, such as the "you're crap at that" line. She keeps coming up with new ways to sneer at Billy.

It has been mentioned before how it's great to watch Billy's dancing skills develop during this number. However I also happened to notice how much the ballet girls improve as well. I'm surprised I didn't notice this before, but often one is only watching Billy.

Express -
The "shut up you poof" line in the middle of the song got laughs. Often it can't be heard over the music, but Michael nailed it this time. The audience loved when all the big dresses came on stage. Trevor was on fire, and did a great job of milking the applause at the end.

Letter -
Liz Pearce (normally clipboard lady) played Mum today. She looks at Billy with a very loving face. I hear Liz will be playing Mrs. W. this weekend. It's fun to see things mixed up once in a while.

B2B -
Michael did a great job of getting in and out of Leah's jumprope. He did a big flip off the piano at the end. This was the first leap off the piano I saw all week. I guess most of the other boys are playing it safer.

Angry Dance -
Leah was very strong in the confrontation scene, matching Will's intensity perfectly. Michael's performance in this is truely amazing to behold! Cincinnati described Michael like "a tornado as he tore into this number". I can't top that for description. Well done Michael!

Take This And This -
Rick Hilsabeck as Big Davey sounded especially good tonight.

Electricity -
Michael mixed in some of the no-handed flips that he and Dayton are both famous for. After the pirouettes when he starts to move forward to sing the last verse, the applause started much sooner than usual and was quite strong. The audience was obviously enthused. I was hoping this was a sign that we might have one of those rare standing ovations after the number, but such was not the case. Still this was an "Electricty" worthy of one.

The stage door crowds were fairly sparse all this week. I'm not sure why, since the weather was pleasant. After the show it was nice to gather with friends from the forum, some of whom know Michael's mum. She is very nice and supportive of her son.

Stephen Daldry made a surprise appearance from the stage door. Hugsy grabbed him to sign a program, but then he ran off. It wasn't clear what his purpose there was, but might have something do with bringing some of the changes made in Chicago back to the NY show.
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

The Retirement of Sindy The Nurse From Broadway
Its official folks Sindy has retired in favor of Barbie on Broadway as of Sat April 17th. May she have a good retirement :lol:
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by johnnyc »

Musical Fanatic wrote:The Retirement of Sindy The Nurse From Broadway
Its official folks Sindy has retired in favor of Barbie on Broadway as of Sat April 17th. May she have a good retirement :lol:
Wonder if they'll allow her to retire in London? :?:
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Re: April 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by StevenKing »

Musical Fanatic wrote:The Retirement of Sindy The Nurse From Broadway
Its official folks Sindy has retired in favor of Barbie on Broadway as of Sat April 17th. May she have a good retirement :lol:

DAMN those equity rules!!! :lol: :lol:

(Honestly this is an obvious change, only us devoted would have a clue. Surprised it wasnt changed from the start. Also nice they are tweaking the comedy bits, the usual pattern from way back was to DROP the funny lines not make them better so YEA!)


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