May 2010 Reviews - NYC

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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

BillyAddict wrote:
Musical Fanatic wrote:Great reviews sctwins. It was nice seeing you again.
It is noted by this humble correspondent that Music Fanatic seems to have been at all these shows :) so much for breaking your addiction ... Just thought I would get in before you blame me again :)

Now I wonder where your reviews of all these shows are MF :)
I am kind of reviewed out for the minute. So no reviews this week. What is nice is that I had a chance to eat dinner between shows Sun with Thommie Retter. Myself and and a long time B-Way BE fan in from Toronto. He was talking to another person attending the Sun mat. show when I overheard him. We talked in the lobby and during intermission. When we were at the stage door I asked Thommie if he wanted company and talked the Toronto fan into coming along. Thommie is amazing to sit down and talk to for a while. Thommie wanted to know about Chicago BE BTB. I would like to thank Thommie for spending an hour with this addicted fan. Thank you to the fan from Toronto for his stories. By the way I love you any way BillyAddict :D :lol:
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by porschesrule »

Thank you for your great reviews, Cha. I'm so glad you and your sister got to see that many shows. You've certainly seen the whole current rotation of Billys now (except Dayton of course) and have a good frame of reference when thinking about what each Billy brings to the Broadway stage.
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by gpcolo »

sctwins wrote:Watching his Angry Dance, I was thinking that it was one of my best decisions to buy the tickets for front row center seats.
I understand completely having done the same thing a few months ago. The experience is truly memorable and one that is hard to forget. Thanks for your insights into the show! They were fun to read.
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by merilea »

What a nice review, but I heard that Alex suffers from allergies and his voice has not begun "to go through the change." I don't believe any of the current Broadway Billy's voices have shown signs of the change.
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by ERinVA »

Just a polite rules reminder to those who like to write reviews:
•Nothing shall be posted which causes speculation about any illness or injury. Flu and sprained muscles are a common hazard and should not be inflated to life threatening illnesses! Posts about growth and voice breaking etc should be avoided. It will already probably be at the top of their minds and the media make quite enough of it as it is
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

Liam Hits It Out Of The Park
Trevor Lets It Loose and Michael Shows True Friendship

May 22


SB-Mitchell Michaliszyn
With special guest appearance by Stephan Daldry :lol:

Can anyone say dead broke and crazy :lol: :lol:. Made a deal to travel to Chicago and NY for a month plus. Much to good to pass up :D. Of course I will spend it all on BE. How about all time record for most shows seen in a 4.5 month period(77) :oops: :oops: . Now after telling how much of a fanatic :roll: I am. Time to get on with the reviews.

Boxing Scene
To make (Deebeeeeff) happy there has been a concerted effort by all the Billy's,Michael's and George to make the punches seem more realistic. When Michael knocks down Billy after his boxing dance. They have the Michael's taking a much bigger swing and the Billy's are holding their boxing glove that gets hit differently. It is now held much higher and closer to their mic. and when they get hit it makes the punch sound more realistic. same for the punch to Georges b**ls area. They are punching higher so it looks real. The Billy's in NY but not Chicago do repeat the last line of Georges lecture(another DB complaint) to them. Just softly so that you need to be close or listening real hard. One major laugh for me Mitchell resurrected the w*nker line in the evening show.

Expressing Yourself
The creative team continues to mess with dialogue. Yet one more line looks like it has bit the dust(It beats the s**tout of boxing) There was one other thing different that I have forgotten for the moment. Oh well :lol: I will probably remember after the review :D . Trevor and Michael's last show together :cry:. They were determined to make it a great one. If you knew what you were hearing and seeing. There was a camaraderie between them tonight that was special and brought tears to my eyes. Extra looks,smiles and vocal encouragement between each other. Trevor was just dead out funny and fun tonight with Michael.

Went dead perfect for both Liam and Michael. Izzy got mixed up and confused :lol: :) in the matinee with the line I hate the most in the show. The one they keep changing after the mom is (s*x**ly frustrated)line. She started to say it the t*rt instead of woman. Caught herself and then made the woman the alcoholic :lol: :? instead of the dad.

Angry Dance
Everyone who has read my reviews knows how I feel about Michael. He just commands the stage here. Liam this afternoon was on fire. I have never seen him more passionate and powerful in his Angry Dance. Liam left me and the four lady''s sitting next to me floored. With our mouths wide open and lower jaws hitting the ground. They were upset it was intermission when the curtain went down. They wanted more right now :D .

Deep Into The Ground
There was something special going on tonight between Trevor and Michael. There was no snickering or laughter for the kiss tonight. I have always liked Trevor's dance and nutcracker joke.
Liam and Michael both brought their AAAA games today. They need to bottle Liam's smile and make a fortune off it.

Letter (Billy's Reply)
When Michael walked off stage and Trevor came on with his (oi dancing boy) line. Michael did something different here. He stopped when he got back on stage about two steps from Trevor. Michael gave him this serious and long look before he kissed him on the cheek. You could feel the emotion running high.

Can I repeat myself and say Liam was jaw dropping amazing today. He won the hearts of four ladies from the Midwest. Michael was Michael and his usual amazing self. Both crowds had high energy today which makes for a great show. Nice long standing O's for both shows. Will be at tomorrow nights show. If it ends up definitely being Trevor's last show I will write a review.
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

Michael-Trevor's last show :( :( :( :(
SB-Mitchell(fill in)

This was not supposed to be Alex's night from the schedule that they have been running. He should have done the Mat. Alex was switched so he could be on with his friend Trevor on his leaving night. This is a place that I would like to stop and thank the company for doing the right thing. Alex is the longest serving B-Way Billy right now and Trevor was the longest Michael. This was a nice thoughtful thing to allow. In our reviews we talk about the smiley and angry Billy's. Tonight Alex was the sad Billy. Alex looked like he was carrying a heavy burden through out most of the show. Damn I was getting emotional during the first exchange between Billy and Michael knowing that this was Trevor's last show. I believe that Trevor is probably my most seen Michael. So this will mostly be a Michael review :!:

Expressing Yourself
Trevor went out with a bang. Just like Sat night he was determined to have a blast. He added in a couple of new lines and things to his routine. During the tap I think he said the the line to Billy(this is the last time). Just like on Sat night when Michael responded and brought it up to another level so did Alex. For one last time together.They were great together and Trevor was incredibly funny.

Deep into the Ground
I have felt that Trevor has had the most realistic move leading up to the nutcracker joke. So that he draws a huge round of laughter from the audience.

Dear Billy(Reply)
You could see from Alex's face and body language that he was feeling emotional over the leaving of his friend Trevor. Alex's Reply to his Mum was the most vocally emotional I have seen from him yet. Then to the best tradition I have ever seen in a show. Billy's does his walk up the aisle of the theater from off the stage and Michael rides his bike in from off stage. Michael does his (oi dancing boy) line. Billy comes back up the aisle and onto the stage gives Michael a look then a kiss on the cheek. He turns and walks back to the end of stage and pauses. The lines as we know should be (see ya Michael) but now we come to the new tradition for a leaving night. So the line is now See ya Trevor with a ton of emotion and Michael's reply is now See ya Alex instead of( See ya Billy) with emotion dripping from his voice. I have tears in my eyes as soon as Mum leaves the stage because I know whats coming.

Those of us who live :-D for the show know what the other two traditions are. For the finale curtain when Billy is standing alone in front of the Billy sign and waves the rest of the cast in from off stage. SB is the final cast member to be waved on by Billy. He bring out a bouquet of flowers to the cast leaver in this case Trevor. The final tradition is singing the leaving cast member off after the curtain has dropped. Another brilliant idea. It is very emotionally satisfying thing to stop and listen for.

Stopped and got a few photos at the SD with Trevor, Alex and Kylend. Hugsy2k was there but did not attend the show itself.
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Billy Whiz »

Thanks for the reviews Sam. They are really appreciated.

I've always found it very emotional when Billy and Micahel uses their own names at the end of the show but it's something that has not happened for a while now in London :( :( :(
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

Billy Whiz wrote:Thanks for the reviews Sam. They are really appreciated.

I've always found it very emotional when Billy and Michael uses their own names at the end of the show but it's something that has not happened for a while now in London :( :( :(
Thank you Billy Whiz. It makes it the best :) and Worst :( :( of nights.
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Re: May 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Todd »

Musical Fanatic wrote: The final tradition is singing the leaving cast member off after the curtain has dropped. Another brilliant idea. It is very emotionally satisfying thing to stop and listen for.
I had never heard of this (singing "Happy Trails" to the departing performer) until reading about it awhile back on The Forum, but apparently it is a longstanding Broadway tradition.

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