October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

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October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by ERinVA »

Here's the October thread. :D

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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by Billy Whiz »

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Billy - Tommy Batchelor (his last show)
Michael - Keean Johnson

The last of the four original New York Billys took to the stage for the final time today and what a show he put on for us.

Firstly though I must report that the Resident Director came on stage before the show started and announced that we were in for a special treat today as it was Tommy's last show. What a difference this made as the audience were really "up for it".

Tommy was nothing short of amazing and he retired right at the top of his game. His acting is superb, his singing is still tremendous and his dancing ........... well words fail me.

Express with Keean was great and you could see that they were having fun as Keean smeared Tommy's face with lipstick :D

Angry Dance - boy was it ANGRY!!!! Tommy was nothing short of stunning in this and people were shaking their heads in disbelief as he left the stage.

Dream Ballet was perfect and I mean perfect. The two of them were in perfect unison throughout and it was a delight to watch.

Electricity was breathtaking and you could see that Tommy was giving 110%. I am willing to bet that there has never been an applause at any Billy show in Chicago to match the standing ovation that Tommy so rightly received at the end of Electricity.

I chatted to Susie McGonagle (Mrs Wilkinson) after the show and she said that she and Tommy were both tearing up in the final scene between themselves and from my viewing point it was a very moving scene.

You could see that Keean was upset at the end when he sat on his bike in the middle of the stage as his good friend Tommy walked away for the final time.

Thank you Tommy for being a wonderful Billy but more than that also thank you for being a really nice, genuine person. You will not be forgotten.
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by porschesrule »

Thanks, Billy Whiz, for this great first review of Tommy's last show.

I'm so happy that the Resident Director made that announcement at the beginning of the show. As you've said, it really sets the audience up to realize they are watching something truly special and gives them the incentive to be extra responsive by way of applause.

It's obvious Tommy went out at the top of his game.

I can't wait to see what's next for him. We surely haven't seen the last of this great talent.
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by ERinVA »

Thanks for the review, Billy Whiz. I was hoping we would get one soon. I hope we get some more. Come on, you folks who were there!

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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by balletgirlfan »

I couldnt agree more with Billy Whiz post. The review was spot on! Words do fail you if you had seen the performance Tommy gave. While he is always terrific, this show was nothing more than breathtaking. He left everything he had on that stage and there are really no words to describe it. There was so much joy that came from him and everything he did. He will really be missed, but he will be on to bigger and better things! Good Luck Tommy!
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by Billy Whiz »

Here are a few photos taken after the show and also later at Millennium Park.

Tommy just being Tommy

Tommy with some of the other young cast

Tommy with Maria and Keean

Tommy with his Gran and parents

Tommy with Cesar, JP, Myles and Marcus
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by gpcolo »

See ya Michael. See ya Billy. With those final words Keean and Tommy stayed with the way it was written. In retrospect that is the way it was meant to be as Tommy Batchelor is Billy Elliot and always will be. The temperature was over 80 degrees outside but Tommy’s performance far surpassed that with his sizzling final turn as our beloved fourth Broadway Billy.

I was seated dead center about 12 rows back. The audience members immediately around me were new to the production though they had seen the movie. We had a nice conversation before things got rolling and they seemed shocked to hear this was my 12th viewing of the show (5 in Chicago and 7 in NYC). I was surprised seeing a gentleman take the stage before the entrance of Small Boy. The only other time this happened for me was when Stephan Daldry took to the stage before Trent K.’s first U.S. performance. He told the audience they were in for a special treat because Tommy was performing Billy for the final time after playing the role on Broadway for a year and a year in the Chicago production (I assumed he was rounding the numbers). The audience let out a gasp of excitement and applauded. He also recognized Tommy’s parents and grandparents seated on the center left aisle about five rows from the stage. He then told everyone to enjoy the show.

Tommy was nothing short of perfection. His singing voice is still top notch hitting all of the high notes and his facial expressions bring out Billy’s pain, laughter, and sheer exhilaration in various scenes. You could tell other cast members including Armand Schultz (Dad), Cynthia Darlow (Grandma), and Susie McMonagle (Mrs. W.) were taking extra long looks towards Tommy as they each did their final scenes. Tony was played by one of the ensemble members (Tony Clarno) and did a fine job in the role but did not seem to have the same connection.

Other highlights:
Express Yourself with Keean turned into a viewing of two friends enjoying their final day together. Keean put the lipstick all over Tommy’s face causing Tommy to take extra long wiping it off with his back to the audience. Barbie took quite a beating too as Tommy looked like he was trying to destroy it for good before Keean came rushing in to save it for another show. Keean has this part mastered with his expert dancing, singing, and acting skills. It will be sad to see him be the next one to exit and take his final bow. This kid is destined for movies and television.

Angry Dance contained some spine tingling screams including the longest yell at the end which I was sure could be heard all the way out to the street. The audience (well about ¾ of them) stood for the first of four times while those staying seated were stunned at what they just witnessed. Tommy flew around the stage displaying anger and moves that were perfectly executed.

Electricity gave the audience goose bumps as Tommy sang his heart out and spun around like a top. The audience applauded loudly after Tommy’s first dance section. After the final turns Tommy stood in position for a few moments before he stood tall and let us all see a happy smile as he scanned the crowd. The audience was all standing at this point and were giving Tommy one of those two level applause sets: loud at first and then even louder when they see could see the appreciation on Tommy’s face. This went on for at least 30 seconds before Tommy turned to continue the scene with Armand.

The final scene with Keean was emotional as these two boy’s careers and lives were about to be separated. Tommy stayed in character as he strode up the aisle, proudly displaying a face full of accomplishments and a tinge of sadness. Before his return to the stage the audience was already standing again in appreciation for the show they just witnessed. We sat down to catch our breath only to stand in unison as Tommy took his final bow.

After the show, people around me were wondering why Tommy was leaving for a final time. “He is so good,” several ladies said. Yes he was and will continue to be!

I headed back to the stage door to witness the final exit (some it captured in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e53EIpV5QN8 ).

I loved Small Boy Mark Page desperately trying to say his final good-byes to Tommy. It was the largest crowd I had ever seen at the Chicago stage door. Tommy was delayed getting out due to his packing of six bags of gifts that eventually ended up out by his parents. Once he did it was a fitting finale to Tommy’s long run in this production and he was enjoying every minute of the well-deserved attention. He was really touched with the forum book too. I can’t wait to witness Tommy’s progress into other adventures. A talent like his does not come around too often. Billy lives on! Good luck Tommy!
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by bandaide2012 »

Tommy was outstanding. Having been my original Billy in NYC over a year ago, I had to be at this performance. Everything he did was perfect. Angry Dance was absolutely perfect, better than I could have ever imagined. He had so much fun throughout the entire show while also putting everything he had on that stage. The best moments for me were when you could see that he was taking it all in and the cast was showing the amount of respect they have towards this young performer. I was in the rush seats in the house right box so was able to see some cast members watching Electricity from backstage. I found a particularly sweet moment to be during the curtain call when instead of taking his bow to the audience, Armand bowed to Tommy. You can tell how much the entire cast appreciated him and recognized his true talent. Being a Chicagoan who could not appreciate this cast and production more, I am so sad to have the show exist here without Tommy. He was my first Billy, his performance in NYC in August 09 changed my life and I will forever appreciate him as a performer. Best of luck Tommy, you deserve every success in the world.
Billy- Tommy, Alex
Michael- David B., Gabe
Billy- Tommy x3, Giuseppe x3 Cesar x2, JP 2x, Marcus
Michael- Keean x7, Gabe x2, Dillon 2x
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by olivejuice »

Tommy's last performance last night was such an emotional experience for me. He was amazing in every sense of the word. Of the few times I had seen him previously it was clear to me that this was his best performance yet and he poured everything he had into it. This was especially clear during Angry Dance--his screams of anguish and the force he had behind every single move was breathtaking to see and I found myself speechless when the lights came up for intermission to begin. I was glad they made an announcement about it being his last show because I think it helped the audience to be more responsive than they usually would be for a matinee. It was incredible to see the response given to Tommy after his Electricity and he looked happy to accept the enthusiastic praise.

I was also saying goodbye to Keean at this show though it wasn't his last. He and Tommy are quite a pair and both such talented entertainers--I am so glad I was given one more chance to see them work their magic together on stage. Though there has been a recent toning down of the language in the show as of late I did notice Keean "slip up" up few times which honestly just seemed very fitting to both him and his character. There last few moments on stage together were so hard to watch. I was already bawling by that point, but it was just so sad to see these two boys saying goodbye as their characters knowing they would soon be saying goodbye in reality.

What an amazing experience to share with this cast. I am so thankful I was able to come and hope nothing but good things for Tommy, Keean, and the rest of the Chicago cast in the future no matter what they may be doing.
London: Ollie-1, Dean-Charles-1, Tom-1
Chicago: Cesar-2, JP-2, Giuseppe-1, Tommy-3, Marcus-1
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Re: October 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by porschesrule »

Thank you, gpolo, bandaide2012 and olivejuice for sharing your thoughts about Tommy's last show. Very descriptive of what was surely a very emotional last show for him. From all of your writings, the thing that stands out for me is how the professionalism and perfection that have always marked Tommy's performances, shown through right to the very end of this remarkable young man's final moments as Billy Elliot. He is, indeed, (and always will be) the epitome of the character of Billy Elliot.

It's so good that so many forum members were able to be there to send him off in such fine fashion (I wish I had been one of them :( )
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