May 2012 Reviews - London

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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by burtond »

Billy Whiz wrote:Here are a few photos from the 7th Birthday show. It was also the last show of Connor Lawson and some of the ballet girls.

Cant believe how much Ryan looks like Dean Charles in this pic.

Thanks David for the pics BTW, they are awesome

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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by ERinVA »

Thanks for the great photos, David. Excellent as always. :D

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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by maria »

The aerial is truly amazing and I love the one where he seems to be pointing right at you!

Great photos David, all of 'em!!

Many thanks.
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by dancingboy »

Friday 18 May

A case of HD3

Harrison Dowzell, showing off his High-Class Dancing with High Definition quality.

What a supremely confident young man this is and, as Mrs Wilkinson might say ''The boy is gifted''. On Friday night Harrison once again showed that he is a natural dancer, but he also showed a quality in his acting that reminded me of a certain Dean-Charles Chapman. There cannot be any higher praise than that, for one at such an early stage in his 'Billy' career. Harrison enunciates his words very clearly and often takes his time before delivering his lines, which is something I like to see.

Although everything about his performance was first class the highlight was again his street, hip hop,acro style Electricity, that had the audience gasping at times.

It was also good to see Senior Michael, Connor Kelly, put in another strong performance and Friday also saw the debut of another Tall Boy, Jude Willoughby.

This was really a show that, for me, rounded off the week in style.
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by BILLYFAN »

Saturday 19th May 2.30pm mat.

I was at V.P. a bit early, and by the stage door the ballet girls had a photo call it looked like family and friends that where taking the pictures.
5th time I've seen Ryan as Billy ( I was hopeing for Harrison...doe's anyone know what electricity version Harrison does?)
1st time I've seen this ballet group and 1st time Dayna as Debbie, 2nd time for Reece
The show started at 2.30 with the small boy as usual
The boxing sceen went very well, and Reece certainly "packs a punch" with George
Grandmas Song:- seemed to be stlightly diff. When grandma says her husband was a B.....
she seemed to put "more force" in the B.........., and the look of shock on Ryans face was something to see, and towards the end when she takes off her dressing gown instead of singing exra loud, she seemed to shout the words, and I think that spoilt the song a bit
Shine and Solidarity where very good
Reece certainly makes a good Michael it was certainly "his scene" and I think he enjoyed himself playing Michael
In the changing room scene when Debbie invite Billy to see her f...y Ryan gave all the differant expressions from shock to puzzlement to smiling before saying no, your alright
Ryan was superb in the angry dance
The dream ballet was excelant as was electricity
The show finished early at 5.23pm (we where robbed!) but all the show was there-it was just rushed through

It was a good show, but I've seen better, it was a bit flat at times, and the audiance didn't liven up to near the end of act one
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by dancingboy »

BILLYFAN if you read my review from Friday 18 May you will see that Harrison's Electricity is a street, hip hop, acro style version and very good it is too.
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by BILLYFAN »

Thank you for the info,dancingboy, I must have missed that part in your review on 18th May
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by Barry Appleby »


Billy - Harris
Micheal - Joe/Reece
Debbie - Francesca

Just a quick one, even on such a warm day one of the best attendances, plenty of school parties, I've seen on a Thursday matinee, its a pity the audience were glued to their seats especially in the stalls for the 2nd finale curtain call. Maybe I was as bad as them as I never noticed Joe from the start, he was replaced by Reece for Expressing Yourself.
Good all round performances as usual from everyone, Gillian Elisa was standing in again as Grandma, loved the whistle in the kitchen scene.
Great facial expressions and puzzlement from Harris when being pushed around by the ballet girls in Shine and Solidarity, its the first time I've seen the new ballet girls they really look a lively lot, "Well Done girls." So much effort by Harris thoughout his performance, he showed so much emotion in the letter scene, Angry Dance and Electricity were spot on, also he was very close to breaking into a smile after Electricity. "A Big Thanks Again" to all the cast for another great show.

Barrys Corny gag - Murphy was painting and decorating a living room. All day he kept asking the woman of the house for glasses of water. Eventually the woman, gets fed up and asks him, why is he wearing 2 coats. He says" madam, have you not read the instruction on the paint tin, its says for the best results apply with 2 coats!"
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by Billy Whiz »

Wednesday, May 30th – Gala Performance

Billy – Harris
Michael – Reece
Debbie – Macy (the board was changed at the last minute from Dayna)
Small Boy – Sonny
Tall Boy – Jude
Grandma – Gillian

The rest of the cast were as the programme.

After press announcements earlier in the week that Elton John would not be attending it was great to see that he had recovered sufficiently to actually attend. I think a lot of people in the theatre wondered what was going on when he entered the theatre as they had no idea it was a gala performance. They just struck lucky on the night they decided to come. Either that or they now think that Elton John turns up for every show :D

The show kicked off with Stephen Daldry coming on stage and making an announcement about the reasons for the Gala Performance. They were celebrating the recent 7th birthday, the upcoming 3,000th show, the Queen’s Jubilee and the soon-to-happen Olympic Games. Member of the Olympic team were present as well as previous Gold Medal Olympians.

Stephen then introduced onto the stage original Billys George Maguire, Liam Mower and Leon Cooke. Unfortunately James Lomas is appearing in Starlight Express and it was their opening night so he could not make it.

After the introductions it was down to the show.

This is my second time seeing Harris and in the few weeks since the first time he has come on leaps and bounds. He was excellent the first time but on Wednesday he was brilliant. How a relative newcomer of his age can go on that stage and perform like he did is beyond me. He would not be human if he was not nervous before he went on stage but there were no signs of it at all. I’m not going to go through every little bit of the performance as you all know it anyway – and, unlike some people with photographic memories, I cannot remember every little detail.

Reece is an old hand now but what a great little performer he is. Reece and Harris look very comfortable working together and you could see that they were really enjoying themselves.

I love Macy’s portrayal of Debbie. She strops around the stage and her timing is perfect.

I have been critical of Gillian Bevan in the past but her portrayal of Ms W is really growing on me. As for Deka as Dad. He has been terrific from day one in my book. He is so believable as a tough, rough, working class man but he shows his soft side when necessary. I lovet he part when Billy rushes off after Electricity and Deka looks at the audience and then says “He’s mine, my son”.

Michael Peavoy is an excellent actor and Tony. Personally I just wish he would reduce the decibels in the shouting – which sadly that is what Tony does for most of the show. Of course I am saying this as a layman for he may well have been instructed to do it that way. I managed a few words with Michael at the stage door on Thursday evening and what a pleasant young man he is. He also kindly posed for a photo which will appear later.

Ann Emery has been off for a couple of weeks now but she has a wonderful deputy in Gillian Elisa. I really, really love her as Grandma. I like the whistle she does when trying to get the attention of Dad and Tony in the letter scene. I was told last night that Ann will hopefully be back next week.

I must mention Simon Ray Harvey who plays Mr Braithwaite. He is brilliant. He is a fantastic dancer and his comedy in Born to Boogie is spot on. When he came out of the stage door I did not recognise him at first without his wig. Another friendly young man – and photo to follow later.

This was the first time seeing this group of Ballet Girls and it looks like the company have struck gold again. They have only been in the show a matter of weeks and already they look like veterans. The girls and their parents can feel very proud of themselves. It was also the first time seeing Jude as Tall Boy and again another excellent find by the casting crew. Sonny as Small Boy is great. He has such a cheeky face and his timing in the boxing scene is perfect.

I want to mention Spencer Cartwright who has one of the best lines in the show. In Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher when Dad starts to sing Deep Into the Ground Spencer starts to sing along with him. One of the cast nudges him to stop and Spencer says “Don’t touch me”. It’s only 3 words but the delivery is perfect and it makes me laugh every time.

And so to the “after show” bit. Sophie and I noticed that when Billy appeared for the scene when he gets the letter he didn’t have jeans on. I don’t mean he was walking round in his underwear but he had tracksuit bottoms on instead. We quickly surmised that this was so that he can dance after the chairlift – and we were right :D After the chairlift the curtain came down and there was quite a pause. Then the curtain lifted and out of the mist walked the five existing Billys who performed an exhilarating blend of dance and acrobatics. It was a fitting finale to a wonderful evening but then the 3 Michaels came on stage and booted the Billys off :D They then did their “bit” which was a take on Express. Then the 5 Billy came back on stage and they all did a dance together before the rest of the cast joined them on stage.

I apologise if I have got things in the wrong order or even if I have fabricated events as things were happening so quickly it was difficult to take it all in. I thought the curtain would then come down and that would be it but no. The Billys pointed to the side of the stage and on walked Lee Hall, Elton john along with Small Boy. Lee Hall and Elton John both gave wonderful and very emotional speeches. They were both close to tears during them. Then Elton called for Stephen Daldry to come on stage and he referred to him as a genius. I don’t think there was one person in the theatre who would disagree with that statement. As the curtain was about to come down Ryan went over and took Elton John’s hand and pulled him back a little or else the curtain would have come down right on his head :D

Cheers could then be heard from behind the curtain. Cheers which were well deserved for a wonderful night from a wonderful cast. Well done everybody.
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Re: May 2012 Reviews - London

Post by porschesrule »

A well written and thorough review, David, and the first review I've read that lists the events of that wonderful evening in a chronological manner. It really helped in imagining how the evening transpired for those of us not able to be there. Thanks for sharing it.
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