How long a wait at stage entrance?

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How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by Eltonjohn »

After the curtain falls, generally how long does it take before the performers begin to emerge from the stage entrance? Is there some kind of protocol as to the order in which they emerge?

On the tour, do they link up with a parent outside the stage door? How long do they hang around for their fans, generally speaking? It rains in Vancouver so would this shorten the time they hang around before getting back on their coaches for the ride back to their hotel?

Any tips or tactical advice for first time autograph seekers from the more experienced show attendees of you? I wouldn't mind trying to get a shoe signed, a ballet flat for example.
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by atreyu »

Eltonjohn wrote:Any tips or tactical advice for first time autograph seekers from the more experienced show attendees of you? I wouldn't mind trying to get a shoe signed, a ballet flat for example.
First thing to note is a reminder to respect their individuality. While that is common sense, it is very easy to forget that these are kids with their own personality that may be completely different from the character that they portray on stage. It is evident that the kids have been given training in being polite and gracious with fans, but that can vary.

For the NA Tour, your best bet for getting to mingle a bit will be after the matinee of a 2-show day. The cast will usually take a leisurely stroll for a bite before they're due back for the evening. After evening shows, there is usually only 10-15 minutes at most for them to board the shuttles back to the hotel.
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by ERinVA »

Excellent advice, atreyu. Thanks. :D

Here's a reminder from our Forum Rules. These actually originated to cover the London show, and they have evolved over time to cover Broadway and the tours. This is an excellent opportunity to review them.

Stage door behaviour

The chaperones have an important job to do and should be obeyed at all times and without complaint.

Never follow cast members away from the stage door or disturb them while they are having a meal in a restaurant, etc.

Photographs – ask permission of the chaperone or parent/guardian first! No photos from a distance or away from the stage door.
If you are told NO to photographs or autographs then please accept this decision graciously, there will be a good reason for it.

Never expect the cast to sign numerous programmes or items for you or to pose for many pictures. Please get your photograph and/or autograph and then give others a chance.

Do not push others out of your way to get photographs. Forum members have no more priority to a picture than other fans and theatregoers.

Do not 'overload' on photographs – if you have a picture of or with a cast member – do you really need another after every show? This behaviour can easily be misconstrued.

Members must remember that the cast, especially the younger cast, have been working hard throughout the show and will probably be tired, and so should not overly impose on their time afterwards. Furthermore, if a young cast member is with his or her parents, remember that time is often limited for them to be together, especially those living a long way from home.

Respect the children’s personal space. Just because a child is an actor, this does not mean you can touch, pat on head, or hug him/her, etc., without invitation. A handshake is an acceptable greeting.

Members may on occasion overhear private conversations between cast, staff and parents. Particularly when this involves the younger cast, these conversations should never be repeated or posted.

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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by rob_hanson1979 »

I agree, you are more likely to get a chance to meet the kids after an matinee on a 2 show day.
When the show was in Ottawa, I got a couple autographs in my book after the matinee. But after the sunday night show, one of the crew asked me not to get autographs because the shuttle needed to leave quickly so they could pack for the move to the next city. I respected that of course, but he did said I was welcome to get autographs from the adults, so I did!
I would say after the show, the kids generally come out first, and it can be within about 10 minutes of the show ending sometimes. Then the adults take a bit longer, so to meet everyone, you may end up waiting up to half an hour. That being said, I would say everyone on this touring show is very nice, and they all took time to sign my book for me, and some stayed to chat as well. I really think they do appreciate the hardcore fans who come to lots of shows, and travel, and buy merch, and so on.
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by LiamM »

In my experience on the tour, they don't "hang around" at all. They come out and walk to the hotel shuttle. If you ask them for an autograph or photo, or ask a question, most will stop to sign, pose, or answer. After your photo or whatever, they will occasionally continue to chat for a short time, but usually they will just walk to the bus.

It does vary by the weather. For example, in Ottawa, where it's fookin' freezin', they were more keen than normal to get to the bus. One Ballet Girl commented to me as she walked by, "how can you live up here!", to which I answered that there is no such thing as inclement weather, only inappropriate clothing. She laughed.

Parents are sometimes around, but more often guardians watch them getting on the bus, checking off names on a clipboard. Sometimes they don't come out after matinees and instead have dinner inside.

In terms of "tactical advice", be ready with your item to be signed, marker, and camera. Don't make them wait while you search your pockets; they are likely to keep walking if you are not ready. Make your request while standing to one side instead of in front of them, so that they can freely walk past if that is their choice. I agree with what other posters have written about personal space, etc.

Be alert to what is happening. I have seen child cast come out of the show crying and being comforted by their parent. Don't invade their privacy.

You won't have long, so think about what you want to say. Meeting a cast member is a special moment, but it is just a brief moment. Don't expect more than the opportunity to thank the cast or say something nice, and even then, it might just be as they walk by.
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by Eltonjohn »

Truly, showing one's most discrete and respectful deportment is paramount.

Another point might be that when there are younger fans also eagerly waiting for their special moment, it is good to be aware and considerate of these kids having an enjoyable experience as well. Sometimes adults can get so tunnel visioned that they lose sight of the smaller but just as 'real' little fans.

I shall probably bring along a brolly, if warranted, as in Vancouver, we don't tan, we rust! We never say the 'R' word either... We say 'liquid sunshine' :geek:
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by rob_hanson1979 »

Regarding Ottawa... I don't quite understand why shows/concerts etc continue to come in the dead of winter, lol. We have wonderful hot summers!
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by cainmac »

With the tour, I think every stage door experience must be different. In Tampa, matinee and evening were about the same. There was time with the fans but then they moved the youth cast onto the "kids bus". In Orlando, there was alot more time after the evening performance (even though the tour were moving on). But, I heard that there was a party after the matinee in another part of the theater and the youth cast were all at that.

As far a supplies, bring extras. Some of my best experiences at the stage door have been when I was the only one with a sharpie. The fans and the cast have really appreciated being able to borrow one. :)

I'll have some extras with me next week in Jacksonville, just in case you need one.
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Re: How long a wait at stage entrance?

Post by angelenroute »

ERinVA wrote:Here's a reminder from our Forum Rules. These actually originated to cover the London show, and they have evolved over time to cover Broadway and the tours. This is an excellent opportunity to review them.
I'm late to the discussion, fell behind on posts this weekend, but just wanted to say to Ellen and all, those Forum rules/guidelines for stage door behavior are excellent!!!

You'll definitely find some kids take more time, especially if they're with a parent and not dependent on catching THE one and only shuttle back to the hotel the cast are staying at.

Giuseppe and his mom were awesome with this when I saw him perform for the first time in Charlotte. Have told this story before, but worth repeating: After Giuseppe and his mom headed off to their car, several of us were figuring out our dinner plans before the night show. His mom Sônia drove past us, and Giuseppe was waving and yelling out the passenger-side window his continued thanks for our support.

The short answer (too late) to stage door interactions with cast is to just go with the flow. Maybe they'll take time, maybe they won't, and if they don't it's nothing personal. Their schedules are crazy.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing a bunch of Forum members in Hartford this June!

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