Grand Rapids Reviews

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Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by kport »

This must be one of the quickest reviews to hit the press........and it is very positive. Nice touches are the reference to Max Baud, Mitchell Tobin, a nod to the local musicians who supplemented the orchestra....and fifteen photos to boot: ... eview.html
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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

Very positive, even if she did mix up the song titles a bit, morphing "Swan Lake" into "Electricity."

"I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance.”
-George Balanchine 1904 -1983

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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by jdmag44 »

Not much happening in the review dept. only one?
I just arrived after a 7 hour drive. I need a drink and a nap (I'm old). The Theater is part of a very large Civic Center complex. I did not see any sign or Billy Trucks. Nice clean city. Show At 8. Be sure of a fabulous and insightful review, if not from me definitely from Colin.

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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by jdmag44 »

Grand Rapids Friday. Mitchell/Jake

The DeVos Performance Center is new,beautiful,comfortable,and has State of the art acoustics. The sound was fantastic and the dialogue crystal clear. I think there were about 5 Forum members present. I also met a guy from Palm Beach FL who has seen 11 shows but never heard of the Forum. He knows about it now!!

Mitchell was at the top of his game turning in a powerful and emotional performance. His angry dance was very,very ANGRY. At the end of his Electricity he did the usual beautiful pirouettes But then ended with the Most dazzling series of spins. Spectacular!!.


P.S. An added treat was meeting Liam and seeing the famous autographed tap shoes and Billy Bag. He actually let me touch them.
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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by jdmag44 »


Drew,what can I say that I have not said so many times before, the kid is "off the scale" "Incredible". Everything about his performance is "flawless". He has grown a bit and is even stronger in his ballet and tap moves.

The big treat for me was the return of Cameron. I just love the way he takes charge of this role. "Brilliant". VERY funny. The audience eats him up, they love him. He brings a "Special Something" to the role of Michael. He "gets it" when it comes to the. Complexity of the role . He gives us a Michael who you grow to care about and not just laugh at. I am thrilled to have the chance to see him a few more times.

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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by jdmag44 »


Tonight was a good show and for those who were seeing BETM for the first time it must have been wonderful. I thought the cast seemed a bit tired and lack-luster. Perhaps because of audiences that have not been very responsive. Not much laughter at all and only responding enthusiastically after dream dance and Electricity. There were a lot of empty seats at all the shows so far even in the first 3 Rows.

I have noticed some ,but not all ,of the minor changes mentioned in former reviews. The "pissed as a platypus" line is very funny it works well What does not work at all however is the new ANGRY. I personally think Rich HebertI had fine tuned the role and did it perfectly. This new anger is too much. I don,t like it at all.

So far we have met several BETM fans who did not know of the Forum, one I mentioned previously and two more guys who have seen the show multiple time and two young women Eli and Ann who are here for all 5 weekend shows and have seen over 25 performances. We all had dinner at the Bulls Head Tavern between shows and will again tomorrow. They were all very interested in the forum so we may be hearing from them soon.

One thing about this performance that was not "Lack luster" is the addition of a new ballet girl (at least new to me) A tiny (smaller than Cal) absolutely adorable Asian girl with a wide smile, sparkling eyes and massive enthusiasm. I could not keep my eyes off of her. She was having the time of her life.

This is the first time I have spent so much time with this many Forum members and Billy mega-fans. I'm loving it!

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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by kport »

I was wondering about the audiences in Grand Rapids.....after the exuberant reaction of the Schenectady crowds, the cast may be finding things a bit less encouraging this week. Let's hope Hartford gives the cast a real boost for the final week!

I know the little BG to whom you refer; she is great (watch her face in 'Shine'!).
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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by Lightman7 »

kport wrote:I was wondering about the audiences in Grand Rapids.....after the exuberant reaction of the Schenectady crowds, the cast may be finding things a bit less encouraging this week. Let's hope Hartford gives the cast a real boost for the final week!

I know the little BG to whom you refer; she is great (watch her face in 'Shine'!).

I went on Tuesday, and the audience reception was significantly greater than the shows I saw in San Jose, and my friend whom I took who was seeing the show for the first time went back to see it on Wednesday :) (I had to fly back to CA) and said the audience reaction was even better. I was surprised (and happy) to see such a great audience.
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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by angelenroute »

Joe (jdmag44), I only met you once, but I know you're a great representative for the forum. So glad you've been able to follow the Tour around from city to city here and there. You're very lucky! Looking forward to seeing you again this coming weekend!!!


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Re: Grand Rapids Reviews

Post by cws8998 »


[This review will be long...I can't seem to help myself. It is, after all, "my last straw." I express sincere thanks for Forum friends and fans of Billy Elliot if you dare hang in there and absorb it in it's entirety].

Given all the similar reviews I've written in the past, at this one moment in time, I find myself caught in an emotional web of what appears will be a final attempt at this sort of thing. I have returned home having witnessed a glorious series of Billy Elliot productions and having departed Grand Rapids feeling a sense of euphoria from all I had observed on stage at the DeVos Performance Hall. I am also dealing with a deep sense of sadness knowing this will be the last time for the foreseeable future that I will be enthralled by the challenges which have faced Billy, his family, Michael, and their Durham County Community.

It really is hard to accept the fact that my anticipated travels to various cities for another "Billython" are over. These travels have been a very large part of my life for a number of years now and, of course, I had no fortuitous intention of breaking that habit.The results of those Billy weekends have forever been a joyous theatrical experience which warmed both my heart and the very depth of my soul.

Indeed, "I HAVEN'T GOT THE WORDS" which can convey my disappointment at the pending conclusion of The Tour. I have lived in the shadow of Billy Elliot's travails for some thirteen years now. During more than a half dozen of those years, I found myself visiting any number of theaters across the globe. Even in my most private moments upon leaving those venues, I was always possessed by "A FEELING THAT I ['YOU'] CAN'T CONTROL." As Billy poetically sings, "...AND THEN I FEEL A CHANGE..." I, too, have been struck by those very same words, as it's "...IMPOSSIBLE TO HIDE" the extent to which this story/musical has affected my life. It's a "CHANGE" that has amazed me more than I thought could be possible. Of course, I do know the musical touches each of us in different ways. It has affected me profoundly given my very real and numerous personal connections to it's story.

Now in the throes of seeing Billy Elliot for the last time in North America unless something unpredictable in the future would dictate to the contrary, I'm here to say, I consider that to be a damn shame. I wish this musical had the staying power of some of the other mega shows familiar to all of us. Billy Elliot may very well have a rebirth someday. I certainly hope so. However, I am very much convinced that it will not happen in my lifetime.

Just a brief note regarding the theatrical setting this past weekend. The DeVos Performance Hall is a handsome edifice marked by an expansive facade of steal and glass above which is a scrolling marque advertising the weeks show. You can't help but be impressed by its appearance. The complex offered refurbished seating, albeit, without a center aisle. The Hall's seating
capacity is 2404. Despite the grandeur of the place, frankly, I was very disappointed in the overall attendance figures for the shows. Tuesday through Friday evenings the houses bordered on 70+ percent capacity. Saturday's shows witnessed a considerable drop off, with Sunday's matinee and evening performances, I regret to say, sadly sparse by our standards.


That being said, having returned to Indiana while experiencing this moment of reminiscences, I can at least say, there was no better way for me to "go out" than to be blessed by the robust performances which Noah, Drew, and Mitchell provided us. WOW!!! These three guys captured me with a totally irresistible energy unlike anything I can remember. That's saying a great deal given the dozens of times I've seen the musical. From their very first note in "TAKE ME UP..." to the ultimate conclusion of Billy's dream, one is transported by their storied delivery of a young man clandestinely pressing on "without fear" while using the power of dance, of all things, to passionately allow us to connect with him.

I long to embellish how compelling this "Triad of Billies" proved themselves to be throughout the week. But of course, they have consistently been so for a period of months now. The elegant splendor offered through their dancing artistry never for a moment fails to highlight the brilliance of their individual personae as they delivered their own exquisite interpretations of the role.

When I think back on all the "Teams" of Billies I've had the privilege of seeing over the years [each of those "teams," in progression, superb beyond reproach], it will be Drew, Noah, and Mitchell who now must carry the day for me...and perhaps, for many others, as well. True,there was the overriding influence of "finality" present this past weekend. However, throughout the concluding run of The Tour, these guys have been both riveting and spell binding in their presentations. I'd be less than honest if I didn't reemphasize the magnetism by which they effectively draw us into the emotional high we seek when experiencing this musical.

Is it the fact they are such "tiny" beings, yet, so "hugely" energetic in body and spirit? Could it be because they are such naturally superb actors each in their own right? I can't imagine finding better examples of perfection in pulling off the role of Billy than watching this threesome in succession. I mean, let's face it; Billy mesmerizes us even as we anticipate scenes and dancing numbers which are so familiar to us. This triad's seismic presence and their cathartic beauty have illuminated theaters everywhere I've seen them perform. I cannot remember a moment when their talents failed to make my heart canter at break neck speed. Particularly this final week, all I can say is bless them, anyway, for the spellbinding performances they offered as lasting memories for all of us.

Who was it who said something to the effect;

"Let us be grateful to those who make us happy;

They are the charming gardeners

Who forever make our souls blossom."

The artistic excellence of this threesome draws you "full stop" into their characters and in the process, elevates your soul "to full blossom." Despite their ages and sizes, there's no doubting they are in full command of the musical, which is as much to say, they completely own it when they are on board. They also own the spiritual power the musical delivers. The aura of their vast array of emotions becomes so believable realistic, I find myself comparing them to the best athletic "grinders" I have know during my lifetime in sports. There's nothing like three dynamos to pulverize any definition of the "mediocre" kind of sacrifice often defined as prevalent in certain aspects of the younger generation.


I know this observation has been made by many in the past, but it is worth repeating here. When first observing their performances in their initial weeks on stage, frankly, I am one of those who never sensed them going through a period of metamorphosis in adapting to the role of Billy. In fact, I will seek no forgiveness when suggesting they came on like some kind of "divine revelation," each defining the role in their own unique way right from the get go. I rather like to compare them to three gentle streams flowing together forming a raging river rushing onward to its destination. To me, that's as much as defining Noah, Drew, and Mitchell's desire for Billy's recognition as they relentlessly pursue his ultimate goal as a dancer through the versatility of their theatrical artistry.

For me there is no separating a difference in their skill levels. Their vibrant color and wondrous agility as actors and dancers alone create a transformative presence for those of us lucky enough to have seen these Billies on stage. As an example, when experiencing the contrast this past weekend from a "wounded beast" in their Angry Dances, to the vulnerable and heroic triumph in their "Electricities," they sealed the journey I shall long remember as the motivational force illuminating my devotion to this story.

So, this being my last weekend of a series of Billy Elliot the Musical performances, I can at least say Ive seen the best manifestations one could hope for from this virtuoso triad. Since this is my "Last straw" in characterizing them, I reserve the right to be as "glowing" in their behalf as possible. Their performances for me this weekend were examples of raw and riveting flair. At the same time, their penetrating warmth was as hauntingly surreal as it could possibly be from these very "little men." There was never a moment's fault that I didn't sense the temperature sizzling amongst the audience in the DeVos Performance Hall.


As long as I've watched Noah Parets perform, I can never remember him displaying a poker face. I've always been swept up by his lively expressions, notwithstanding, his vigorous hand and body movements while on stage. He is an animated guy whose lazar eyes in themselves come across as "electric." He steals away your own visual acuity and in the process will never let go of your soul. It's just what you want from Billy. Noah is inescapably majestic as he astounds you with his engaging persona. I sometimes find it hard to remain in my seat as he sends my heart into a full gallop while experiencing his achingly poignant depiction.

No questions asked! There can be no doubts about it! Drew Minard is nothing less than magnificent. He is a swirling center of energy as he demonstrates his multilayered talent and mischievous demeanor. So idyllic is he in uplifting his audience, the fluidity of his form and radiant personality bleeds to the point of exhaustion. He is a beacon of light, the reflection from which never ceases to set fire to the place through those polished skills. I found him dead on in his ability to draw me into a very real and personal connection with both him and with Billy.

Mitchell is nothing less than a flaming ball of fire himself, utterly "gigantic" and deeply passionate despite being the "tiniest" Billy we've probably ever witness on stage. No matter, his diminutive physicality makes his offerings even more dazzling; perhaps, even initially shocking to some, beyond their preconceived expectations when he is dragged on stage by Jackie. Can this kid be for real? What a package of fireworks he is! He simply is capable of drawing you out of your own world by his "hugely" robust interpretation. Mitchell easily reminds me of the three "B's" we have come to know so well. "Bold...Brilliant...Beautiful."

But, of course, you could combine these last three paragraphs and morph them into one with the sum total applicable to each of our final Billies. It seems an impossible task for anyone to delineate between them. There has to be hidden with the extraordinary ability of Mitchell, Noah, and Drew, some kind of powerfully driven force constantly leading the way for them. This has almost been a given through the months we have observed them. They have provided us with high octane performances which never ceased to pull at the heartstrings of both the mind and spirit. Now being left with the visions that Noah, Drew, and Mitchell have left me, I can better accept this bitter "moment of Finality." I know I've watched a "Billy team" whose interpretations have been meticulously executed and which, I am delighted to say, will remain in perpetuity foremost in my mind set.

Perhaps, someone knows the author of this little ditty. I misplaced it, but how apropos it seems to be.

When the music is played, oh the soul will be swayed

And your feet they will move...that it wasn't by chance,

We were destined to dance.

Allow me one final thought, if you will, perhaps more important than any I could have heretofore offered. I'm always mindful to the extent Noah, Drew, and Mitchell [and all Billies and Michael's] have provided moral compasses for young people everywhere...but, especially for boys. And, of all things , to think they have done it through the "artistry of dance" and not your classic All-American sports. I would have given my eye teeth as a lifetime coach to have had the likes of our "athletic" Billies as teammates. Their work ethic has been monumental.The motivational force which they have exuded through their artistry can always serve as a source of empowerment for all boys who may desire to reach beyond their boundaries into the very depths of their own "beings." It is that dark place where so many young people, in fact, may struggle to "BE all that they can BE." It is a depth of influence brought to the stage by these three amazing young professionals that I dearly wish had been characteristic within my own life of so many years ago.

[To all my phantom acquaintances and compatriots in the Forum, I wish you well in Hartford as you, perhaps, gather for a last time. I deeply regret I could not be there to experience the occasion with you as my coaching responsibilities make the sojourn impossible. Above all, my thoughts be with you...and do enjoy!]

Respectfully Submitted; with deepest gratitude to Noah, Drew, and Mitchell for lasting memories.

Colin W. Stetson
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