December 2012 reviews

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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by dancingboy »

Friday 28 December ( evening)

All you needed to do to get rid of those Christmas cobwebs, the turkey leftovers, the mince pies et al, was to drop in on the Victoria Palace Theatre to see BETM, especially to watch 12 year old Harrison Dowzell as Billy. I have seen many Harrison shows, but not for the past six weeks or so, and like all the Billys I have witnessed recently, was on tip-top form. Harrison's portrayal of Billy has always interested me and ( similar to what Todd has said) because he is so active and alive you are transported on to the stage with him.

Together with his acting ability Harrison is no mean dancer either and there was a sumptuous Dream Ballet ( with Barnaby), a highly charged Angry Dance ( something not new to Harrison) and an electrifying Electricity, in his usual acro, hip-hop style, all done at speed too. Quite amazing. The applause and cheering at the end of Electricity was almost loud enough to take the roof off.

Killian Donnelly ( that's his name BTW Todd) is an excellent Tony and a great acquisition to the show. Much more of an actor than some I could mention and just as effective with his calm manner in playing Billy's brother. Add in David Bardsley as Dad and you have the makings of a good show and that is exactly what the audience got.

My thanks to Harrison and the whole cast for brightening up the day.
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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by Billy Whiz »

No reviews for a while and then two come along for the same performance - and very welcome they are too.

Thanks to Todd and John for taking the time to write them.

Harrison is a wonderful Billy and I hope we have him for a long time to come.

I have only seen the new cast once, and that was on their opening night, but I too was very impressed with Killian Donnelly as Tony.
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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by Todd »

Saturday matinee, 29 December, 2012

Billy - Kaine Ward
Michael - Jack Bromage-Eccles
All other cast were regulars

Just as I was happy to see Harrison come out on stage last night, I was also happy to see that Kaine was going to be Billy today since I had missed him on my most recent London trips despite his being around for quite awhile now.

It's always fun to see the "senior Billy" in whichiever production that happens to be, since you know that you're seeing a seasoned pro by the time they achieve that title. Kaine certainly lived up to that billing, as he turned in a very professional performance today. His singing was top-notch, and he was one of the best Billys I've seen in the way that he transforms himself from a confused dancing novice to a spectacular dancer throughout the show. His choppy, stiff moves and pirouettes were very convincing in "Shine" and "Solidarity" before this smooth, graceful dancer emerged by the end of "Solidarity."

I would go so far as to say that Kaine is one of the most graceful, effortless dancers I've seen - in "Billy Elliot" or in any other show. His "Electricity" was poetry in motion, as was his performance in "Swan Lake." He's clearly a natural at his craft, along with having worked very hard at it, I'm sure. The only number where his talent was nearly a detriment was in "Angry Dance," where his smoothness didn't transfer as well to this particular dance I didn't think, as a more violent, high-speed approach works better in my opinion.

The only other area of constructive criticism would be that the young actor who played Michael was a bit hard to understand in both shows I saw him in this weekend, so that lines which normally get a big laugh were lost on the audience - or didn't have their usual effect. It seemed quite a contrast to Kaine - as Billy - who enunciated every line very well I thought. He also came across a bit too much like, say, Michael's kid brother rather than someone who would be Billy's close friend and school mate, in my opinion.

Deka Walmsley was very good as Dad, as he also did an excellent job in both the angry scenes and the comedy scenes, as well as making a smooth transformation from disapproving of Billy's dancing to being more encouraging and accepting. One of the highlights of the show was the audition scene with the Scottish ballet dancer, as he did a very humorous bit throughout with his discomfort and confusion of how to handle something that was so obviously out of Jackie Elliot's comfort zone. Adding to the humor was a woman towards the back of the theatre who had a prolonged, loud, high-pitched laughing fit the entire time the Scottish dancer was on stage. After awhile, he had trouble keeping a straight face himself, and barely got out his line "You get right behind your boy" to Jackie Elliot without breaking into a smile.

Another moment of humor for me - from both yesterday and today's shows - occurred at the beginning of "Deep Into the Ground" when Jackie began singing and one of the ensemble members - a red-haired gentleman - began singing loudly along with him. One of the actors behind him reached down and put his hand on his shoulder to quiet him while Jackie was trying to sing, and the guy snapped back to him, "Don't touch me." One of the things that make this show great are subtle moments like that which are going on away from the main actor that add so much depth and character to the show. Another funny moment I always enjoy in the London show is when Billy is about to do his audition and a couple of gentlemen come out on stage to sweep the snow off from the winter scene. A voice is heard saying, "The auditions are about to begin. Please clear the stage." one of the sweepers looks up towards the voice with an angry "why don't you just shove it . . . " look on his face. Another subtle but funny touch.

As always, the past two days were superb entertainment and made me wish I could get to the London show more often. It always feels like being back home again, seeing it where I saw it for the first time 7 and a half years ago and where my love for the show first began. The large and enthusiastic audiences this weekend - along with the supremely talented cast - would cause one to believe that the show is in good hands for a long time to come.
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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by Billy Whiz »

Todd wrote: Another moment of humor for me - from both yesterday and today's shows - occurred at the beginning of "Deep Into the Ground" when Jackie began singing and one of the ensemble members - a red-haired gentleman - began singing loudly along with him. One of the actors behind him reached down and put his hand on his shoulder to quiet him while Jackie was trying to sing, and the guy snapped back to him, "Don't touch me."
I too love the "Don't touch me" line and the "red-haired gentleman" that says it is called Spencer Cartwright.
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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by patc »

I always thought it was "Don't shush me" he says.

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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by patc »

Saturday Evening 29th December.

Thomas M

Mrs. W: Helen

By coincidence my first show after Christmas had the exact same main young cast as my last before Christmas so you can just read the review of Tuesday 18th December and get the same result PLUS, the plus being that Harrison took his already brilliant Electricity to a new level for which the applause was fantastic. In Angry Dance It has been a while since I have seen the floor tiles hurled with such venom (and intent) at the faces behind the shields which echoed the ferocity and power of the dance itself. It was no wonder that the audience rose as one at the end of the show to greet him back on stage.

Thomas Moore once again had me in both stitches and tears in the Winter Scene not to mention Expressing where he hilariously hung the pink gown out to dry at an angle of 90 degrees. The look of bemusement on Harrison's face as he waited, pondering "how do I get into that?" was priceless. Thomas's wonderful, poignant final curtain moment was given full latitude by the audience who respectfully held their impatient hands in check until he disappeared from view. From an actor's viewpoint, to be left alone on stage as the curtain falls and the music swells, this must be a very special moment and he makes the most of it.

Dayna was superb, you could say perfection personified and proving yet again that size doesn't matter.

Overall the show was an absolute cracker with the cast showing no signs of a tough Christmas schedule and thrilling a huge crowd who were tuned in from the start for a great evening. It has been another memorable year at the VPT and I am very grateful to all concerned for the work they put in to deliver such rich entertainment day after day. At midnight tomorrow I shall once again raise my glass (yes, still Volvic-with-a-touch-of-strawberry) to each and everyone.

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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by maria »

patc wrote:I always thought it was "Don't shush me" he says.

Me too!

(And thank you all for the wonderful reviews!)
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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by Todd »

patc wrote: It has been a while since I have seen the floor tiles hurled with such venom (and intent) at the faces behind the shields which echoed the ferocity and power of the dance itself.
I, too, appreciate it when the Billys do this, since it seems to fit much more naturally with the mood of the number. Jacob Clemente in the Broadway show was also very good at firing the floor tiles into the shields. It seems like it should be something that's required and not left up to the individual Billy, which it apparently is based on the wide range of anger that I've seen the tiles thrown.
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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by jacob »

Monday December 31st matinee


The last Show of 2012 but the first of a nine Show week. This was the first time that I had seen Redmand play Billy Elliot and so I had an added interest.

Firstly, everything worked, there were no stoppages, no cast changes mid-show and no mis-behaving balloons :). It was virtually a full house with sales of programmes, ice creams and crisps roaring away ;) In fact all the ingredients for a five star show........which in fact it turned out to be.

I am always astonished at Ann Emery's performance. Yesterday was no exception as she provided a masterclass in acting for all of the younger actors. In fact I thought her performance to be positively inspirational with her interpretation of a Grandma whose memory is failing and yet who still exerts a profound effect on Billy and indeed on all her family. Grandma 'could have been a ballet dancer' but instead put up with a long and unhappy marriage. She sees through the miners' strike as bound to fail and has an insight which recognises that Billy can fulfill his dreams in the place of her own. Her final farewell to Billy was most moving. Ann's age and long career in theatre allow her to project Grandma's character with a credibilty that inspires all the cast members around her. I am so glad that the Company brought her back to the role.

Dayna was a wonderful Debbie. She sang her heart out and displayed lots of Newcastle/Easington fire :) She fancied Billy something rotten and made it really hard for him to spurn her advances. A talented actress in the making I think.

Each actor playing Billy has his own interpretation of the part. This is surely an integral aspect of the profession of acting. Two equally talented actors will have different interpretations of, say King Lear or Lady Macbeth. Surely this is what makes Billy Elliot the Musical of such enduring interest in that each one of any four Billys is different. Redmand was wonderful yesterday. He had a delightfully expressive face and he used his eyes to great effect. Both features are rather unusual in such a young actor. In many scenes he added his own distinctive touches as in the audition scene when he gave the panel a well timed ' so there' stare after he had finally rewound his tape. Incidentally, I swear that the props guys are giving lots more unwound tape to the boys these days! Redmand danced with a clean precision to his movements and good leg lifts. He absolutely flowed through Electricity. When he grows taller he will achieve more elevation. A dancer in the making for sure. Absolutely everything went well for him including his skipping and forward roll off the piano in B to B. The biscuits appeared to be of the Rich Tea variety............maybe Redmand doesn't like Jaffa Cakes. Or maybe the Company are economising (again) :lol:

The whole of Victoria was a sort of 'blasted heath' yesterday........................................windy, wet and grey.

Inside The Victoria Palace though, it was a veritable paradise.
'Are we human or are we dancers?' The Killers

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Re: December 2012 reviews

Post by porschesrule »

Well done, jacob! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about London's junior Billy and the great supporting cast. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and stylishly place them here.
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