Peoria Reviews

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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by cws8998 »


Pretty much implies my conflicted feelings in constructing this observation of the shows presented this mid-week in Peoria, IL. My struggle is found in the emotional rewards I experienced in viewing the four smashing performances of Billy Elliot on the Civic Center Stage, while at the same time, being ever mindful of the rapidly approaching conclusion of the "Tour" and the opportunity I have of seeing this magnificent musical for the final time.Frankly, the inevitability of the "Tour's" end leaves me dumb struck, as I admit such Billythons for some years now have served not only as a form of virtuoso entertainment but also a poignant motivator and profound inspiration for me. I do remain devastated that I will be unable to join Forum members at the final weekend of shows in Hartford. It's just impossible for me at that time go get away from my summer coaching responsibilities. It now appears my last opportunity to view "Billy and his Friends" will be the week prior in Grand Rapids.

For 6 or 7 years now, I have been called by some irresistible force to follow Billy and his tightly knit "Durham County Compatriots" from the Victoria Palace to the Imperial [in fact, over and back on three separate occasions in ensuing years], and further, some dozens of times in Chicago [my home town territory], to Toronto, and then to numerous cities on the Tour. Given all those weekends which have so "captivated" my very soul, is it any wonder I've often found cause to give myself a "brain check" as to whether or not I'm "borderline nuts," or what, having traveled extensively over time, and having spent so much money to be impacted by this musical.

As the "Tour's" conclusion does approach, I've also wondered how many of us have at one time or another attempted to define a prime reason as to why we have been so intricately drawn to this extraordinary production. In past reviews of mine, I have made a suggestion or two as to my own personal connections which inspire my frequent returns to its many "stages." I'm still left to wonder what on earth has attracted other loyal members of the Forum to return "over and over" again. The varied characters, the music and lyrics, its rich humor and dialogue, and the innovative choreography, I'm sure, speak for themselves as powerful magnets for all us. There remains so many emotional moments which I know motivate a constant desire for me to return and relive them. Most compelling for me has been the similar realities of both Billy and Michael's discovery and personal ascensions which incredibly run parallel to those of my own youth, although admittedly with a dramatically different outcome. Their dedicated stamina and fortitude in following their hearts in resisting constraining forces from family and community are precisely similar to those to which I reluctantly failed to show "heart" in resisting some 50-60 years ago.
So, each performance is vicariously reminiscent of dreams unfulfilled, as the utter magnetism of these protagonists draws me into the powerful impact of their dances, the exuberance of which broadcasts to the audiences the show's most virtuous story line, to always "BE yourself." Is it any wonder I return over and over again!


The Peoria Civic Center is a monstrous glass, brick and steel edifice which would match any theatrical venue, anywhere. With a seating capacity listed at 2244, the main floor level supposedly seats 1450 [another theater with no center aisle]. I am not at all privy as to how much pre-publicity may have preceded Billy Elliot's arrival, but "wow," Peoria must either be a lousy theatrical town [which I can 't believe], or somebody dropped the ball somewhere, for I was greatly disappointed as to the meager attendance for the performances. As an example, I counted 12 to 14 rows of 50 seats apiece empty towards the rear of the ground floor.
Thursday's matinee numbers were utterly embarrassing, if not, shocking for the eye to see, particularly for those of us interested in such numbers. Final count for this show was around 350, +/- final hour sales. How did I calculate those numbers? Through my own curiosity, I counted each sold seat on the Ticketmaster site prior to my arrival. As I proceeded to my seat in amazement as to the lack of patrons, I could only imagine that upon the opening curtain, it must have rocked the sensibilities of any cast member view the appalling number of empty spaces and seats in front of them. In fact, if you are a member of the cast who which have an occasion to scan the Forum and happen to read this summation, allow me to extend absolute "kudos" to all of you for staying so true to form and presenting your usual riviting performance. Sitting there, I almost the the utter "audacity" to pretend the performance was a "preview show" strictly presented for a couple of us Forum members for whom this show has meant so a few other folks thrown in.


Nevertheless, if future opportunities to see this show are truly numbered for all of us, I could not imagine a group of "poets, authors, composers, or performers," [call them what you may], who could be more heroic or stalwart in delivering Billy and Michael's profound messages than are the likes of Drew, Ben, Mitchell and Noah. What they demonstrated through the usual visual beauty of their artistic skills and the purity of the sound they delivered was nothing less than exhilarating. I'll go even one step further! Their performances again were perfectly apropos to the "voice" of this musical that longs to be heard. Each of their individual magnetic styles continued to replicate to me components of an artist's form, perhaps, only found in a priceless portrait not even the "Antique Roadshow" would dare to match in value.

Another dilemma at this moment is my inability to better define the magnificence of their singular presentations. Having reviewed these guy a number of times in the past, I've actually exhausted any list of superlatives which might best describe each of them, any addition of which would appear to be an exercise in redundancy. In their own way, Mitchell, Drew, Noah and Ben, embellished every definition of excellence which I believe we would perceive to be the ultimate interpretation of the role of Billy. Their charismatic skill and acting continued to tell the story to perfection as they presented their own vibrant mixture of "colors" which contribute to the Billy Elliot Portrait. After viewing them in the process of these four shows, they allowed me to leave the Civic Center overwhelmed with the same intoxicating sense of brilliance I've always experienced from the persona of each of these guys.

Is it any wonder when viewing this musical, to the best of my ability, I attempt doing so from the front row seats. I had four of them in Peoria. Experiencing the swirling energy from the genius of their artistry from that vantage point, in concert with Michael and the cast, the four of them seem almost capable of telling this story without the stroke of an "artist's brush" or the utterance of a single "poet's word."


Take as an example Noah Parets! His laser eyes and the genuine pain and joy experienced from his ever quixotic facial expressions, has to cut to the quick of anyone who has experienced some sense of vulnerability in pursuit of his/her "youthful self-discovery." Billy's transformation from irresistible tenderness to expressive anger continues to sweep over the audience like a tidal-wave. Even as I'm reminded of past discussions on the pros and cons of the "wow factors" found in the staging and their dancing routines, all I can say after my experiences this mid-week, the execution of these dramatic young professionals provided my heart all the "somersaults" it could stand, as well as a few "aerials" thrown in for good measure.

Being swallowed up by their stunning execution, as usual this iconic foursome left me in awe of the delectable symphony of hope and determination they masterfully infused in their audiences. It was such a joy sitting there watching these guys mold the audiences by executing what seems like lifetime performances for each of them as they struggle to dispel doubts surrounding their hopeful determination to revel in their auditions and the glory of the Royal Ballet School.

With Ben Cook being the absolute "tower of Strength" that he is throughout his ordeal, when one looks upon Drew, Mitchell, and Noah in contrast, you are literally watching this rocket fueled "miniature triad" incredibly defy every concept we have of gravity. All of them execute with such consummate skill, I can't help but marvel at the mental and physical power which emanates from some centralized core and depth of their very "beings." They show a prism of pure resilience which seems to come across as a natural part of that "being," surfacing like some kind of "sonic shock wave" that just shook the roof off the place. It never ceases to be a thrill to watch these little guys doing their thing.


Having coached thousands of kids in my lifetime, I still have to admit that I find the likes of this foursome of Billies to be "wired" altogether differently than any youngster I've ever known. To observe them as the gorgeous dancers and actors that they are, I simply feel they are performing on an altogether different level of mental and physical preparation than say the likes of so many of the athletes with whom I have spent my entire life. Our Billies certainly don't appear to be coerced in performance. They don't appear to have the need to be "pumped" up. They seem to reflect a fierce hunger for some kind of "cosmic firepower" which just lights up their expressions, and hence, the entire auditorium. It's so hard to explain! Whatever it is that motivates these guys to make the impossible look inevitable or second nature, I sure wish some of my athletes had had whatever it takes.


I guess my point being, having seen this foursome of Billies a number of times now, they again presented to me a kind of mystical call of pure athletic genius. In unison with the elements of grace, elegance, and an innate poetry of softness through the artistry of dance, they immediately grab your attention, even while in the process, capturing your very soul. What I was fortunate in experiencing again this mid-week from Noah, Drew, Mitchell and Ben, were "towering" performances which I know represent a force of dramatic conviction which was nothing short of spectacular for the "few" of us lucky enough to see them on the Peoria stage. Could there be anything more inspirational to watch than these four very young "man/boys" exerting boundless energy both in their focus and their pure magnetism" That excitement certainly is what I carried away from the Civic Center when describing the wonderment of what I had just experiences for 2 and 3/4 hour...times four this week.

Not to be slighted in the least was Sam Poon and Jake Kitchin's performances [the execution from these two was the best I have seen over time] highlighted by the farewell Michael shares with Billy at the end of this theatrical journey. It is the conclusion of the sense of dignity and strength Michael has maintained throughout the ordeal of his discovery during which he never lose heart even in that final moment of saying good bye to his closest friend. Everyone knows Billy is headed to a very special place. You have to know, too, that through Michael's steadfast determination, he too, will ultimately find a special place of his we recall a famous theatrical line from the past..."I am what I am!" It gives me reason to recall another quote applicable to Billy and Michael. In his powerful moment and in anticipating of their directions in life, they steadfastly proclaim..."I'm going to do me...!" It would seem such quotes are familiar messages elevated through the spirit of BETM.

In conclusion, and after the four shows this week, I guess all I can add is my immense gratitude to Noah, Drew, Mitchell and Ben who provided scintillating performances which as usual extend both the reach of my senses and my imagination to a level of joy which totally escaped me when I was their age. That is why you find me returning over and over again to experience what I may from this musical. What could be more important in the twilight of one's life than to relish from such a show an enthusiasm which unifies all aspects of one's "being" which, after all, can sometimes have a tendency to flag in advancing years, Such certainly could be the unexpected and unintended rewards for many others which might very well emanate after the experience of viewing BETM.

Thanks for your endurance if you read through this whole thing.

Respectfully submitted,

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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by kport »


What an outstanding review. It goes well beyond 'the performance' and touches upon the heart - the soul - of this musical. For few of us would return to it if it had no heart....or soul.

Re: the low numbers. I think this is good for the cast. Pampering in a tough world is never a placebo. Naples, Jacksonville and West Palm Beach were all-to-comfortable sinecures. When one confronts an empty theatre, one concentrates on the stage, and gives it 110%, almost in spite of the audience. Standards matter, and this cast knows standards! It is what makes talent. Talent is never an easy path.

We both have experiences in this regard. Many years ago, as a rank American, I had the privilege of singing in one of the UK's tops cathedrals for several years. Actually, the top. I was...19? Anyway, I recall one Sunday Evensong, when a treble chorister (who is now a famous composer) had the brazen temerity only an 11 year could muster, to ask the preacher in charge: 'Sir, Why do we bother, when only 12 people turn up?"

A very fair question. One I had thought. I was 19 with the emotions of the 11 year old.

The answer: "We do this for those who cannot be here, but should, or want to. It is our privilege."

The boy is now a man. The preacher was the Archbishop of Canterbury. And I learned a lesson for life.

Regards -

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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by maria »


What a beautiful story and wonderful life lesson - thank you for that - made my day!

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Re: Peoria Reviews

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Thank you Joe and Coin for your excellent reviews. They have whetted my appetite for when I get to see the tour again in Hartford.

I also agree with Maria about Bill's story. A real life lesson.
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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Thank you Joe and Colin for all of the great reviews from Peoria. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there. It is going to be tough having to wait nearly 3 more months until Schenectady.

Colin, I especially enjoyed your discussion about that "irresistible force to follow Billy". It certainly is hard to describe in words that non-fans can understand. That is why this forum, and the support we give to one another, has been such a blessing.

Bill, that was such a beautiful story about why we should always give things our best efforts, even though they may not seem to be appreciated. Thanks for sharing it with us. :D
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Re: Peoria Reviews

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These comments were posted on Trip Advisor. They were posted in the section for Billy Elliot, London, but in fact they relate to Peoria.

"The theatre could not sell enough tickets based on the merit of the musical, so they offered the tickets for free in an attempt to fill the theatre seats. The valiant attempt did not work because the theatre was still 2/3 empty.
Last month The Jersey Boys was playing to a packed house during the middle of a snow storm!
Today the weather was perfect but the performance was below average." ... gland.html
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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

I think NetWorks and Peoria's arts organizations failed badly bringing the tour into town with virtually no publcity. Why would you buy tickets for a show that you didn't even know was coming into town?

Note: There was not one single professional review of the show in Peoria that I could find. If the local press doesn't even bother to show up and check out the production, one must conclude there was a massive failure in publicity.

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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by inspired »

cws8998 wrote:"THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY..!"

I do remain devastated that I will be unable to join Forum members at the final weekend of shows in Hartford. It now appears my last opportunity to view "Billy and his Friends" will be the week prior in Grand Rapids.
I, too, will be unable to make the final shows in Hartford this summer. However, I am planning on making the trip to Grand Rapids as my last hurrah on this continent for a very long time (sadly). Perhaps other Midwesterners can join us there for a pre-finale finale.

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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by kport »

Billy Whiz wrote:These comments were posted on Trip Advisor. They were posted in the section for Billy Elliot, London, but in fact they relate to Peoria.

"The theatre could not sell enough tickets based on the merit of the musical, so they offered the tickets for free in an attempt to fill the theatre seats. The valiant attempt did not work because the theatre was still 2/3 empty.
Last month The Jersey Boys was playing to a packed house during the middle of a snow storm!
Today the weather was perfect but the performance was below average." ... gland.html
All I can say with complete certainty is that the show was extremely well supported in Clearwater, Naples and West Palm Beach, and quite well supported in Jacksonville. The bean counters should be hapy with Florida.

I will say it again: the tour could have remained in Florida for a second winter month (Miami and a return week to the Straz; Sarasota; Barbara Mann in Fort Myers) and sold at least 75% of seats at higher than average price. This is the season when snowbirds are here, and going to the theater.

My conjecture is that NETworks, with other shows on Tour to look after, has to fill in gaps in the schedules 'as is' to keep them all moving. In the case of Peoria, BETM got the short end of the straw. I suspect that BETM has dropped down NETwork's hit parade, now that is is coming to an end under their perview.

Which, frankly, annoys me, if true.
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Re: Peoria Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

I think that splitting a week between two cities gives them the idea that they don't need to bother with publicity.
However, I seriously question that person's assessment of the show and why it didn't do well in Peoria.
It's interesting that Illinois has just not been as receptive to BETM as it was originally thought it would be. Chicago didn't pan out as expected, and Peoria didn't do well either. Perhaps if there was a Billy from Illinois things would have been slightly different.

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