September 2014 Reviews - London

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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by ERinVA »

Thanks to everyone who has posted reviews for September so far. As a person who lives far away and can't see the show that often, I really appreciate your posts.

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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

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WOW! Today's matinee was filmed as a backup for tomorrow's BETM Live. Elliott was brilliant. It really does not get any better than that. The show was nothing short of amazing and the mash up was breathtaking. I'll need to watch it in slow motion to take it all in - and recognise everybody.
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by Billy Whiz »

I took this photo of some of the ex Billys after Saturday's matinee.

Left to right. Ryan Collinson, Aaron Watson, Scott McKenzie, Kaine Ward, Dean McCarthy, Josh Baker, Ali Rasul and George Maguire.

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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Great photo David! Looking forward to hearing all about Sunday's special show. :D
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by Yorkie »

Just to say that even in a cinema 200 miles away that Billy mash up at the end was phenomenal, can't imagine what it was like live. Think of the special they did on TV a few years ago on steroids & then triple it.

The rest of the show was rocking too by the way.
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by thm »

Sunday 28 Sep

A really fantastic show. Don't know if it's just the close ups - I have never seen Deka getting so emotional. Elliot was absolutely amazing as were Zach and Demi and the whole Ensemble. For me it was the first time seeing Ruthie Henshall as Mrs.W. she's brilliant, I like her rather smokey voice. Also seen Chris Grahamson as Tony for the first time needless to say that he also gave it all today.

Dreamballet - Elliot close up - suddenly a rousing applause - I guess the VPT audience saw Liam appearing on stage.
In the RBS scene when Dad is asked for his occupation the camera rested to let us watch Elliot and Poshboy/Poshdad whilst Deka paused (not in view) before he answered. There were a few more little timing-modifications obviously made for this live broadcasting/recording.

I was a bit afraid the cuts could get a little annoying but the camera showed always what I would have been looking at if I had been there. The views from top were something you never get to see as an actual patron. They should add more of it in the special features of the DVD/BD. I also hope Elliot's introduction will be on the DVD/BD.
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by dancingboy »

The ' mash up' Finale was the Finale to end all Finales and was worth the admission money on its own. Will we see the like of it again? You just had to be there to feel the atmosphere. Congratulations must go to the choreographers, current and former cast members who put in so much hard work this week to make the Finale so special. It just goes to show what a wonderful family Billy Elliot is.
Ad for the show itself, that wasn't bad, at all. More to follow shortly.
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by OliverWaters »

Billy Elliot Live

So as my friends are a bunch of Palestinesphilistines, I had to attend the show on my lonesome, but that's okay! I like people watching, sop I was able to amuse myself until the show started. Props goes to Canadian guy sat behind me and his annoying loud laugh :p

Before the show started, Stephen Daldry to introduce the show, and could barely finish a sentence without getting his words applauded! He told us about the Easlington screening, and the face that cinemas in Liverpool were undoubtedly packed out in support for Elliot. On that note, in his list of cinema screenings, the USA was mentioned "with a slight delay".

We were encouraged to make a fuss as the crane-cam swept up to presumably show the cinemas our lovely mugshots, to which we all responded enthusiastically. The enthusiasm didn't dim throughout the show, with everyone laughing heartily at all the jokes,and applauding rapturously after all the songs. All the performers were on the top of their game too, with Elliot fully justifying the decision to put hm in the lead role, and I can see people flocking to Victoria having seen the cinema show, and in future the DVD. I love Ruthie Henshall as Mrs W, I'd pay her 50p for dance lessons!

I'd say my favourite song would have been (what else) Electricity, which Elliot totally nailed. Solidarity is awesome, I love the choreography. Oh I said the C-word, nice segway to the finale to end all finales! Liam Mower's appearance in the Dream Ballet got a big response, and when he and all the other Billys did their amazing piece, the roof was well and truly raised/
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by Barry Appleby »

Firstly “Big Thank You” Stephen Daldry for organising such a brilliant show. I was at a sell out, cinema at Princess Quay in Liam’s home city of Hull, I sat in comfort in a VIP seat the audience absolutely enjoyed it and of course naturally when Liam appeared in Dream Ballet, they gave a great ovation. A 10 year old not far away was absorbed as he was due to go down to London for an audition, I believe with Matthew Bourne.
It started so well with interviews with, Sir Elton, followed by Deka, Ruthie, Ann and others, then I thought Elliott’s talking and showing us around back stage was great, so human and comical, I really hope this is kept on the DVD.
Then the introduction by Stephen Daldry was as usual from him, top notch! and it set everyone for a great afternoons entertainment.
For me Elliott was absolutely brilliant throughout, great expressions, I’ve seen him a couple of times and have always thought he was capable, even at his young age, I bet he was glad, when it was all over though, because he worked his socks off, he did say earlier, this is what he wants to do, so I’m sure he will have a great career ahead of him. Zach, was spot on throughout, our audience loved him with his antics, their were some great close ups of him by the cameras. I just can’t mention everyone, from the Demi, the Ballet Girls, Ensemble, upwards, please! I don’t want to miss anyone out, you were such great ambassadors to the show. The Mash Up Finale was super, it was great to see the older Billy’s, gone but certainly not forgotten and in the end they were being pushed around by Bradley, Matteo and Ollie, great to see them enjoying themselves, this routine really finished off a great afternoon and I know everyone around really enjoyed it
I think I lot of people didn’t think you would get the atmosphere in the cinema, well we certainly did in Hull, it just felt as though you were there at the VP with the sound system merging and brilliantly done.
Great Afternoon and Thanks again everyone at the VP, have a good day off!

Barry’s corny joke -- 0’Malley met Murphy down at the local pub
O’Malley said “ God I’ve never seen yeh so happy, what gives“,
Murphy says “ I’ve been getting these threatening letters from the Income tax office for years”
O’Malley says “Sure what’s to be happy about that?”
Murphy said “ I got one this morning that said FINAL NOTICE, so I won’t be getting any more”
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Re: September 2014 Reviews - London

Post by MsRF »

I can't really say enough about this afternoon's show. It was exquisite. I saw it at the VPT in the afternoon and then went to my local cinema this evening - I was so intrigued about what camera angles they would use etc.

I'm so happy I made the choice to go to the theatre itself for the show. The atmosphere was electric even before the show started. I bumped into Wayne Sleep outside and so was star-struck before I even entered the theatre!

Definitely not a surprise to see Elliott in the lead role - he is always brilliant but he really gave it his all today.

Angry Dance has always been one of my favourites, and I've never seen it done so well. Electricity, too, was perfectly danced and he really got some speed on his final pirouettes.

Dream Ballet was beautiful - it was really emotional to see Liam Mower as older Billy, he got a great ovation as he came on. I'm no expert in ballet, but he just *is* ballet. Every single movement was done with so much grace.

The Billy mashup at the end was incredible - everyone was moving and flipping so fast it was hard to keep track of who was who! It's fair to say that the talent scouts at Billy clearly do their job phenomenally well - every single Billy was absolutely on form and have all become truly magical dancers.

It was really exciting seeing what different camera angles they used etc. Elliott's little introduction was so lovely and he is so enthusiastic about the role.

Some of the camera shots were a little off centre or a little slow to keep up with the action, but I assume the point of having so many cameras is that they can make adjustments to which shot they use in the actual DVD production.

There was a final shot of Elliott after Angry Dance after Billy has fallen to the floor, and it just summed up how hard the role of Billy must be - he looked absolutely dead on his feet (on the floor!)

Having said that, the camera angles in Dream Ballet were perfect - Elliott and Liam were so perfectly in time and the cameras don't manage to pick up any other part of the stage because it's too dark so you just see the two boys in the spotlights. Really really beautiful. A few people around me were sniffling and wiping their eyes after it was finished. The new musical arrangement was really really good too.

I have always liked 'He Could Be a Star' but seeing it in close-up really made it something else - Deka and Chris were both crying real tears during their confrontation and Deka didn't half smack down to the floor when Chris pushed him! We all knew already, but they've proved how brilliant they are in their roles.

One thing I've never experienced in the theatre is the emotion when Billy leaves Michael on the stage. However in the cinema, with the close-up staying on Zach's face as Billy walks away up the aisle, it was so emotional. Zach absolutely nailed it - a mixture of being happy for his friend but being gutted at being left behind at the same time.

Seeing the Billy mashup second time round didn't make it any easier to spot who was who! They all moved too fast! I think I'm going to be freeze-framing the DVD when that comes out.

Even though the show didn't make it to US cinemas (yet...), you guys are really in for a treat when it comes out on DVD if you don't manage to see it before. No doubt it will also do wonders for Elliott's future career, as he didn't put a foot wrong, despite the intense pressure that must have been on him.

All in all, a brilliant day and so worth the money. Thank you to everyone who organised Billy Live, it was such a special occasion and I feel so blessed to have been there.
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