March 2010 Reviews - NYC

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by CJ-Rochester »

Wow, what a great review Sean! You are so descriptive of the emotions from the evening, not only your own but those of your fellow BETM fans. Thank you so much for conveying them to us.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Moby-Dick »

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Billy - Trent Kowalik
Michael - Trevor Braun
Small Boy - Luke Trevisan

"You...are very f***ing special"

Phew! My mind feels like a sponge that has been positively oversaturated. Sorry for the delay in my review. The last two days have been an ongoing process of wringing out the last few drops of recollection from my overloaded brain. Apologies in advance for what I'm sure is going to prove quite the verbose review; though, I suppose, it's no longer than usual. :lol:

(Pre-Show - Dinner Gathering and Imperial Theatre)

Gotta say, it was pretty fabulous meeting up with so many forum members before going to see Trent's final performance. Unfortunately did not get the chance to meet and speak with everyone present, but had a marvelous time chatting with those that I did get the chance to meet. (And shout out to Sean for convincing me to go to the dinner! Am v. glad that I did!)

Walking into the lobby of ye olde Imperial Theatre, you could sense that something special was about to happen. First off, as soon as I stepped into the lobby, I noticed two things in rapid succession: 1) the Kowalik family gathered in the lobby near and entrance, and 2) Stephen Daldry just about to step out of the theatre. You could really feel a buzz in the air before the show.

Before the start of the show, Stephen Daldry stepped onto the stage to deliver a heartfelt and emotional final tribute to - as he said - "the last of the Tony Award-winning Billys". As both Todd and Musical Fanatic have mentioned in their reviews before, Stephen Daldry also took care to point out that - having first auditioned in 2005 - Trent has effectively dedicated a third of his young life to auditions, rehearsals, and performances for the show. Certainly a :o (wowza) moment for all of us to have Trent's dedication to the show quantified like that for us. Stephen began to tear up at the end of his farewell speech for Trent, which was a touching moment and was a fittingly emotional beginning to what was certainly an emotional show.

(Stars Look Down)

Trent was greeted with applause as soon as he stepped onto the stage during this number, a clear signal from the audience that tonight was going to be just for him. The entire Company performed this number beautifully, and it was quite moving to see the cast all gathered on the stage for this number, as it seemed fittingly symbolic of a community of cast members that were gathered together to support each other and the extraordinary young actor to whom they were saying goodbye that evening.

(We'd Go Dancing)

Merle Louise did a solid job filling in for Carole Shelley on Sunday night, but I certainly missed seeing Carole perform the role of Grandma. Merle threw in an extra touch to Trent's forehead after he kissed her hand at the end of the number.


Solidarity is a choreographic masterpiece and a number that I will never tire of watching. In accordance with their usual brilliance, the entire cast pulled out all the stops for this number and wowed the audience with stellar dancing and singing. Fittingly, there was a exceptionally long applause at the end of this number.

My appreciation of the Ballet Girls grows with each performance, and a particular moment during Sunday night's "Solidarity" really reinforced for me the extent to which each Ballet Girl (and each cast member, for that matter) is vigilantly dedicated to the smooth running of the production. During the exchange between Dad and George in this number, Phil's chair got knocked over when he picked up one of the Ballet Girls, and in a flash, one of the other Ballet Girls (I believe it was the young lady playing Tracy Atkinson) rushed over to fix the chair; in the end, one of the male ensemble managed to get the chair back upright before she reached it. They really are all watching each other's backs.

(Expressing Yourself)

Sunday was my first time seeing Trevor in the role of Michael since I saw him in January at my first experience with BETM on Broadway. To echo various other reviewers, Trevor was certainly quite the ham! Have always enjoyed the way Jake delivers his "Time to look in the mirror" line, where he kind of rolls his r's and speaks in a silly, beguiling tone. Trevor has his own take on the line and does an "I Dream of Jeannie" bit which is quite funny and got a lot of laughs. Together, Trent and Trevor brought a lot of joy to the audience during this number, and we laughed through the entire thing.

(The Letter)

Consciously or unconsciously, I'm sure those of us in the audience who are already familiar with the show all steeled ourselves for this emotional, tear-inducing, hanky-soaking scene. Trent, to his credit, did not completely lose it in this scene but remained true to the character and gave a subtle and emotional performance. Leah showed an extra touch of emotion during this scene, as her voice broke near the end of the number when she goes to up Trent and sings, "Love you forever". A heartbreaking thing, this goodbye business. Sigh...

(Born to Boogie)

After the heavy emotions in the scene preceding it, "Born to Boogie" was a welcome breath of fresh, funny air as Thommie Retter took the audience in his hands and gave us all another one of his side-splitting performances as Mr. Braithwaite. A great energetic performance from Thommie, Kate, and Trent that had the audience smiling and laughing. And, of course, at the end, one last lovely flip off of the piano. Seeing this reminded me of an interview I saw somewhere with Trent's mom where she mentioned feeling nervous each time she sees the flip - a mother's natural worry that something might go wrong. Can only imagine what it must have felt like for her to see Trent doing that flip for the last time; what a mixture of relief and sadness it must have been.

(Angry Dance)

"Angry Dance", oh "Angry Dance". How sorely we will miss seeing Trent perform you.

Trent threw in so much emotion and energy into what has no doubt become his signature number and was heartily thanked by the audience at the end of it with uproarious applause and a standing ovation. There's not much I can say. The passion was so real, and the tapping was both mind-blowing and bone-jarring. Since I first saw the YouTube video of Trent's performance of this number at the Tony Awards, I've been wanting to see him perform it live; and I am so privileged to have been there to witness his last flourish as the angry, impassioned Billy putting his all into the "Angry Dance".

(Dream Ballet)

The Dream Ballet sequence was beautiful. Trent's longer limbs and stronger body really had a beautiful effect on the lines and momentum of the dance and made it seem all the more graceful. He and Easton Smith performed marvelously, and it was a breathtaking moment to see Trent fly through the air as Billy one last time. The scene concluded with rapturous applause from the audience that lasted for a very, very long time.


Trent's final "Electricity" was flawless, beautiful, marvelous - oh for goodness sake, you could apply any hyperbolic words of praise to describe his performance, and they'd all be fitting. Trent upped the ante and added a no-handed flip to the number, which I certainly did not remember seeing him do before.

Still in his gangly teenage years, Trent has the funny, slightly-awkward way of moving that is shared by so many of those in his age group. This you see as he acts on stage but as soon as Trent begins to dance, audience members are able to witness such a complete and beautiful transformation. Any and all of that teenage awkwardness completely disappears, and all you see before you is someone who is meant to be dancing; it is an amazing thing to see unfold.

And finally, the singing! While in some of the other numbers during the show you could hear that he had some trouble with the higher notes, Trent's singing in "Electricity" on Sunday night was incredibly powerful. This number was so perfect for his voice, and he sang the entire thing beautifully and powerfully. Boy's got a good voice!

(Once We Were Kings)

From the first time I saw this scene performed in London at my first Billy Elliot experience to last Sunday's performance, this scene never fails to hit me where it hurts. What really set me off during Sunday's performance was seeing Tessa crying on stage during this scene. Seeing how upset she was really solidified the reality of finality; and gosh, seeing her tears made you just want to run on stage and give the poor dear a hug! Her emotional reaction during this already heart-wrenching scene, I think, really reflected the feelings of those around her - both on and off the stage.

There seemed an extra tenderness in Will Chase's performance in this scene on Sunday, especially in his delivery of the "See ya, Sunshine" line. A little extra emotion, a little bigger smile. Like a real older sibling saying goodbye to his kid brother.

Finally, a very special moment during this number was the burst of applause after Kate told Trent, "You...are very f**ing special". It was perfect, just perfect.

(Letter Reprise)

Trent was a rock of professionalism through the entirety of Sunday night's performance; never once breaking character or showing more emotion than called for in a scene. If anything, it almost didn't feel like a last show to me - simply because Trent remained "Billy" through and through, giving a professional and faithful performance to the very end.

That being said, hearing Trent's voice break with emotion as he sang to Leah during the "Letter Reprise" hit me like a punch in the gut. What made it so much more heartbreaking was the fact that you knew in that moment that it wasn't acting, that it was genuine emotion that brought the tears to his eyes and the quavering to his voice.

Leah wrapped Trent up in her arms for an extra hug at the end of the scene; and in a second act full of goodbyes, the final exchange - "See ya, Trevor", "See ya, Trent" - was heart-meltingly devastating.

The curtains lowered once last time for Trent, and the final strains of the "Love you forever" tune soared as the orchestra brought the show to a final, climactic close.


At the end of the Finale number, Phil Whitchurch stepped to the front of the stage and gave a quick farewell speech - during which Thommie called out, "We love you, Trent!" All gathered on stage behind him, a very emotional group of cast members were all there to hand Trent back to his real family. You could see the tears shining in Kate's eyes, and I watched Will Chase give her a hand and a reassuring smile.

One part of Stephen Daldry's farewell speech for Trent that I recall vividly was his statement that Trent "will be missed on both sides of the Atlantic". And I'm sure that I can - without a doubt - vouch for the veracity of this statement, as Trent has touched the lives of audience members in both London and New York alike. It is a incredible thing to recognize the power of a single individual to inspire and touch the lives of so many different people; and at this point, the lyrics that Trent sings in the opening number of the show come to mind:

"Take me up, and hold me gently. Raise me up, and hold me high.
Through the nights under darkness will come a day when we will fly.
And although we've been rejected, and although we've been outcast.
We will find a new tomorrow when we come to rest at last.
And we will stand there proudly, and we will never walk alone.
And we will be returned back to our home"

Without a doubt, family, cast members, and fans alike have all made sure to support Trent through his tremendous journey as Billy. They've raised him up, held him high, and seen him fly; and on Sunday night, they were all able to stand proudly (and tearfully) behind this brilliant young man to see him returned back to his home.

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by porschesrule »

Wow again. Great job as usual MD!

You never fail to bring the show alive for me with your vivid language and wonderful descriptions.

There are so many fitting tributes to Trent -- and he is deserving of every last one.
Moby-Dick wrote:Trent has touched the lives of audience members in both London and New York alike. It is a incredible thing to recognize the power of a single individual to inspire and touch the lives of so many different people;
Amen brother.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Todd »

Excellent reviews M-D and Sean ! The only problem is that I get all choked up every time I read another new review of Trent's last show. It was definitely an experience I won't forget, and I feel very fortunate to have been able to be there.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by momoregan »

Okay, Thank You Moby-Dick for that awesome review. I think I've gone through three tissues imagining all that you've described in such beautiful detail.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by yos »

Thank you for all brilliant reviews and photos!! It remind me of that fantastic night and my heart filled with emotion. I can't explain how amazing he was even if in Japanese (my native language). He is absolutely Billy Elliot himself!! I'll NEVER forget his Billy, his smile and his step...everything! He is a living legend ;)
I hope everything goes well with Trent.

And I would like to thank you all that I met there. It was really nice to meet you. You were so friendly even though I can't speak English well. sorry to bother you...
I hope to see you again!!

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by angelenroute »

yos wrote:Thank you for all brilliant reviews and photos!! It remind me of that fantastic night and my heart filled with emotion. I can't explain how amazing he was even if in Japanese (my native language). He is absolutely Billy Elliot himself!! I'll NEVER forget his Billy, his smile and his step...everything! He is a living legend ;)
I hope everything goes well with Trent.

And I would like to thank you all that I met there. It was really nice to meet you. You were so friendly even though I can't speak English well. sorry to bother you...
I hope to see you again!!

Welcome back to Japan, Akiko! It was very nice meeting you! =) And as I told you Sunday night, soon you'll have the South Korea production of Billy Elliot to get to which, though not very close will be a little closer. =)


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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by angelenroute »

Todd wrote:Sunday, March 7 - evening show

Billy - Trent Kowalik
Michael - Trevor Braun
Grandma - Merle Louise
All other cast members were regulars

After a very enjoyable and tasty get-together with about 30 Forum members at the nearby Olive Garden on Times Square, there was a mix of excitement from tonight being a special-event performance, mixed with a sadness of not wanting this day to arrive - where we had to say goodbye to the last of the original Broadway Billys.
All that's left is to say thank you for all the hard work, sacrifices, and entertainment that he's given to thousands of people, including myself, over these past 2 and half years. One can only imagine the bright future that lies ahead for him.
Dear Todd aka Todd, it was good to see you again and talk with you before dinner. Thank you for all of your reviews, always a great pleasure to read them! =)

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by angelenroute »

Musical Fanatic wrote: Finally thank you to Hugsy2k for organizing the dinner and the 20 plus of us that showed for dinner. It was nice meeting people who had come in Feb again. Also to meet new people from the forum like moby-dick
Thank you Musical Fanatic for your reviews! You always catch my brain up on details I'd already forgotten!

And yes, thank you to Hugsy2k for organizing the dinner AND for keeping order. I wanted to head to the theatre when she reminded us to WAIT!!! for the bill to be settled. =) I guess it's a testament to the generosity and goodness of our group that we got the bill settled swiftly and without incident. So thanks all for paying! =)

Thank you also to HugsY2k + ERinVA + Geridith for all of the gifts and leaver's cards/books you worked so hard on! And as I've seen a photo somewhere of our Forum members putting together the Friends Of Billy book, I thank all of you who helped Geridith as well! =) I hope that in the future I will be able to give more time, money and help toward the community work so many of you have already done for love of this show!

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by angelenroute »

Added comments blue bold below
Moby-Dick wrote: Gotta say, it was pretty fabulous meeting up with so many forum members before going to see Trent's final performance. Unfortunately did not get the chance to meet and speak with everyone present, but had a marvelous time chatting with those that I did get the chance to meet. (And shout out to Sean for convincing me to go to the dinner! Am v. glad that I did!)

Having been in your place before, I know the feeling! I had offered to meet Moby-Dick beforehand to make meeting the larger group an easier experience. I'm happy to do the same for anyone else who hasn't joined us for offline communal gatherings. We're a fun and very nice group of people...really! =) And Moby-Dick, you are an awesome person, so happy to know you now!

My appreciation of the Ballet Girls grows with each of the other Ballet Girls (I believe it was the young lady playing Tracy Atkinson) rushed over to fix the chair; in the end, one of the male ensemble managed to get the chair back upright before she reached it. They really are all watching each other's backs.

We don't give them enough praise, you're right! They are each and all of them incredible performers!

Trent's singing in "Electricity" on Sunday night was incredibly powerful. This number was so perfect for his voice, and he sang the entire thing beautifully and powerfully. Boy's got a good voice!

I agree! While the voice of an 11-year-old may no longer be a forte on his or any departing Billy's resume going forward, let's not kid ourselves about his talent: He can really sing well!

...I saw...performed in London at my first Billy Elliot experience

Didn't realize you had seen the show in London first too, cool! =) My first show was at the VPT in the spring of 2007.

the lyrics that Trent sings in the opening number of the show come to mind:

"Take me up, and hold me gently. Raise me up, and hold me high.
Through the nights under darkness will come a day when we will fly.
And although we've been rejected, and although we've been outcast.
We will find a new tomorrow when we come to rest at last.
And we will stand there proudly, and we will never walk alone.
And we will be returned back to our home"

Without a doubt, family, cast members, and fans alike have all made sure to support Trent through his tremendous journey as Billy. They've raised him up, held him high, and seen him fly; and on Sunday night, they were all able to stand proudly (and tearfully) behind this brilliant young man to see him returned back to his home.

Beautiful review as always M-D! A great pleasure meeting you and hope to see you again soon!


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