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Re: Southampton Reviews

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:46 pm
by dancingboy
( With apologies for the lateness of these few words)

It was on Wednesday 22 February that I took my only journey down to Southampton to see the Billy Tour in that City. The show saw Haydn in the part on Billy and Samuel as Michael. This was, in fact, the third time I had seen Haydn and once more he gave a thoroughly professional performance throughout, even if his voice was a little on the 'thin' side at times. ( I had difficulty in hearing everything he said and I was in the Front stalls).

Both in Dream Ballet and in Electricity Haydn showed timing to perfection and he also had time to show the audience his skipping skills which contained several crossovers, the like of which i haven't seen since the days of Ryan and Harrison at the VPT. Unfortunately ( or fortunately, as the case may be) there was no skipping rope available for use by Mr Braithwaite. The diminuative Samuel was his usual impish self and he seemed to forge a good partnership with Haydn during Expressing Yourself and in the Winter scene.

For me, the adult cast, including an alternate George, were competent enough , but no more than that. To be honest, their lack of 'feeling' left me rather cold. Maybe this is due to the Tour production having been diluted somewhat from the one I was used to seeing at the VPT.

However, without a doubt, the evening belonged to Haydn, who fully deserved his standing ovation, from yours truly and a few others. My opinion of parts of the Tour show maybe different to others, but there we are.

Re: Southampton Reviews

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:45 am
by Sheffan
Managed to unearth another commercial review: ... lly-Elliot

Re: Southampton Reviews

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:08 pm
by Flyin high
Hello everyone

It's been a while since I've posted on here, and I did wonder if I'd lost the Billy bug somewhat after seeing my last show in Bristol. Nothing to do with the show, but my 'obsession' was finally calming down after a couple of years of following the updates very avidly.

But I'd booked tickets well in advance for a Southampton show, along with a friend who hadn't seen Billy before. We went along to the Saturday matinee on 4th March and had great seats near the front of the stalls.

It's safe to say that my Billy bug has been well and truly re-ignited! I loved the show and was please to see Emile, as he's close to home for me, having trained at the same gym club that my daughter goes to. And his Mum seems quite well known in my area as she's a popular fitness instructor!

Some have said that the Southampton audience seemed quiet, but I didn't notice that much on the final Saturday, perhaps because a few people along my row were actually very vocal and appreciative. I very rarely hear the audience laugh after Debbie's line about her Dad now being an alcoholic, but that got a laugh, as did all the usual funny moments (although the small boy w*#*er joke didn't, as it was a bit quiet and maybe the timing wasn't as slick - the first time I've not heard laughter there)

For me, I loved seeing how nuanced and slick all of the acting has become. I was really convinced by all the characters and found myself emotional again, as if seeing it for the first time.

I agree with a couple of others who've said that many lines have been slowed down, and there seem to be more dramatic pauses now than in London. I think this works to good effect and really draws the audience in. I also noticed that they way the boys play Billy is more similar (as someone else said) - their mannerisms, intonation and pauses are much more consistent and show less personal/individual differences. Not that this is a bad thing at all, as they have it down to a tee. But you know very much what you're going to get, which feels different to London.

Emile's performance was excellent. He's a moody and serious Billy, but his beaming grin after electricity said it all. His dancing was exquisite.

It was great to introduce my friend to the show. Again, I was blown away by this raw, gritty and real story line...and as always was left feeling amazed by the ability of this cast to pull off such convincing and emotional performances night after night with such professionalism and energy.