March 2010 Reviews - NYC

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by seuchick »

First, I really want to thank Todd, Musical Fanatic, angelenroute, and Moby-Dick for their beautiful reviews of Trent’s last show. I think I cried more while reading your reviews and reliving the memories than I did at the actual performance. I couldn’t possibly add anything more to what has already been said about that show, but I was also lucky enough to catch his second to last performance as well and feel like sharing a few thoughts.

I went back and forth for quite a while about whether or not I should fork out the money to attend Trent’s final show. One reason for the lengthy decision-making process was trying to decide between the more cost effective ‘fly in Sun., see the show, fly out’ plan and the more fun ‘fly in Fri., see EXTRA shows, fly out’ plan. In the end, I finally decided I could not miss the opportunity to see Trent’s final TWO performances as Billy, so on Thursday night (yes, I actually waited that long) I purchased a couple of tickets from what was left at that point. And on Friday afternoon, I hopped on a plane bound for NY and by 8:00 that night, I found myself sitting in the Imperial Theatre about to witness my fourth Billy Elliot show! I’m able to go down to the wire like that because by an incredible stroke of luck my wonderful, kind, caring, beautiful, intelligent, amazing college roomie is from Long Island and lets me crash with her when I am up there. (I don’t know why I’m bothering to suck up, she’ll never read this :roll: ) On to the show.

Friday March 5 2010
Billy: Trent Kowalik
Michael: Jake Evan Schwencke

I had the great pleasure of being seated next to a lovely couple who was seeing the show for the first time. Unfortunately, the little slip of paper you find upon opening your Playbill listing who’s playing Billy, etc. elicited from them the same reaction many people have who are unfamiliar with the show: Oh no, an understudy! I explained that in fact they were about to witness the second to last performance of a Tony award winner. They perked up considerably.

I’m not going to go through every song, just a few highlights. First up: Shine. This song has become one of my favorites. The ballet girls all do such a wonderful job, it’s impossible not to smile during this number. Being seated in the orchestra for the first time (although partial view), I was actually able to see faces and it was during this song that I noticed Sam was on for Tessa. Tessa’s pretty irreplaceable but Sam certainly was a great spastic starfish! This was my first time seeing Kate Hennig as Mrs. Wilkinson and I just looooved her! I absolutely loved Haydn as well and therefore was quite surprised at how quickly I warmed up to Kate’s performance.

This was also my first time seeing Jake Evan Schwencke as Michael and oh my goodness. He was fan-flippin-tastic!!! This child was absolutely hysterical, without being ridiculously over the top somehow. Watching him perform Expressing Yourself with Trent brought back memories of watching David B. and Trent at my first show. It seems like this show has gone through quite a few Michaels since opening only a year and a half ago, but I hope this one is around for a loooong time. I wasn’t the only one impressed. At intermission, I asked the couple next to me if they were enjoying the show. Of course they were, and immediately began gushing about how great everybody in the show was: Billy, the ballet girls, but especially “that Michael!” :D

This was also my first time seeing Phil Whitchurch as Dad (I know, I sound like a broken record). I was really upset at first that Greg Jbara would not be there for Trent’s final performance, but if it had to be somebody else, I’m glad it was Phil. Great voice, very funny, I was very impressed by his performance and he had me won over in no time!

Electricity. Phenomenal. I can’t believe how well Trent has dealt with his voice changing. Others have said, and I agree, that his voice has actually gotten better as it has deepened. I actually found myself closing my eyes and just listening as he sang. I really hope he sticks with his vocal training because he’s got a great foundation on which to build and that could be his ticket to a great career on Broadway, if that’s what he wants. And of course his dancing was absolutely breathtaking as well. During the lengthy and well-deserved ovation he received, the woman next to me leaned over said “I can’t imagine anyone being better than that.” Indeed. And that’s when the waterworks started. I think that’s when it hit me what a huge loss the show was going to suffer when he retired. I don’t mean to belittle the other Billy’s for they are all enormously talented, but I can’t imagine anyone personifying Billy Elliot they way Trent Kowalik did and he will be missed tremendously. Much to my surprise, I didn’t cry too much during Sunday night’s farewell show, and I think it must be because there was nothing left after all the tears I shed at this moment.

It was a fantastic show, I’m so glad I was able to attend. Earlier in the evening, I had told the couple next to me that this was my fourth time seeing the show and they were astounded that anyone would see it that many times. When the show came to an end, sadly, and everybody was shuffling to the exits, the last thing the woman said to me was “I could see that a few more times!” :D

I really do feel like it was an honor and a privilege to have witnessed Trent’s final two performances as Billy Elliot, the role he was born to play. I say “witness” because it really did feel like I was witnessing an historic event or something. Trent, the impression you have left on your coworkers, BETM, and everybody lucky enough to see you perform will be felt for a long time to come. Congratulations on every success you have already achieved and best wishes for your future. Knock ‘em dead, Trent!
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by olivejuice »

I realized I posted this in the wrong thread last night, so forgive me, but this is where it should be!

Well, it's now been five days, and last night I finally sat down with the 12 pages worth of reviews in microsoft word of Trent's final performance that i'd been collecting from this forum. I'd been putting off reading them as I was sad to be missing it and not sure I could hold it together reading them while sitting in the living room with my family while I was home for a few days.

But tonight I did, and may I just say THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to write such detailed reviews. You made me feel like I was there from beginning to end and I now can hold a piece of the experience with me. It sounds like it was a very memorable night which exemplified the Trent's pure talents.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by athing »

Thanks for all the wonderful reviews, they vividly bring back the memories of Sunday night. I've actually been more emotional reading the reviews than I was at the show, I think I was in a kinda shock being in the Imperial and watching a LEGEND perform on the stage.

I'm not going to review the show, everyone has done such a wonderful job already, except to confirm my beliefs and what others' have said; Trent Kowalik IS Billy Elliot. There is no other way to explain how that young man could perform that show Sunday night as he did, while the cast around him struggled to keep their emotions in tact Trent did what he has done for so long, he carried the weight of the role on his youthful shoulders and awed everyone around him. What an amazing young man he is.

One humorous point that I have not seen mentioned was during Born To Boogie when Billy jumps in behind Mrs.Wilkinson who is jumping rope. First, it looked impossible being that Trent could barely fit in behind Kate and second; As they tried this maneuver the jump rope got tangled and as Kate tossed away the rope she said either "Figures" or "Go Figure" in response, I guess, to this being the last time doing this part with Trent. Made me laugh and realize how important it must have been for the cast to be perfect in Trent's finale'.

Having read Tessa Netting's facebook page and followed her Tweets I knew how much Trent means to her and I was so thrilled to see at the final bow that it was Tessa who brought out the bouquet of flowers to Trent, how appropriate is that.

Finally I made my way to the stage door and stood back to await Trent's arrival. After the loud ovation he received and settled down to sign every autograph and take every picture and accept every accolade, what a professional. My impression is that Trent isn't really comfortable when receiving all that attention and praise, he is such a humble young man, but he stayed and soaked up every last bit. I finally approached Trent as the requests for autographs and pictures seemed to die down and asked him to sign my ticket from the show and he graciously did. Now I made the observation that Trent has never seen 100% comfortable being that center of attention at the stage door but this night I could tell he was soaking it in, after he signed my ticket and I stepped back there was a moment when no one approached him and I saw in his face this desire for it not to stop, that he didn't want it to end, that he truly appreciated all those fans waiting for him, that he wanted to hold on to every last feeling and emotion being sent his way.

In his blog he wrote " I promise that we will get some posts up in the next week and I will try to collect my thoughts." The look I saw on Trent's face during the lull at the stage door told me that the moment really hadn't sunk in yet. Lets face it, he has spent one third of his life in this role so it is probably going to take some time for him to process that he has graduated on to the next stage of his life.

Bless you Trent and your family and I can't wait until I next see you perform and amaze me and anyone that sees you. Sunday night was not a finale' or an ending it was the first step of the rest of your life and as you said on your blog "Here’s to the next adventure!"

What a time it must be to be Trent Kowalik!
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by BillyAddict »

Friday 12th March

Billy - Michael
Michael - Trevor
Debbie - Izzy
Tall Boy - Kyland
Small Boy - Seth

A great way to start my NY tour with one of the two Aussie Billy's who I came over to see performing. 21 hours on the plane and straight into the theatre, but it was worth it. Michael rekindled old memories and kept my adrenalin flowing to such an extent my worries of 'Jet Lag' where unfounded.

I have said it all many times in the past and many have commented recently about the totality of Michaels performance. BETM is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and Michael Dameski is totally capable of extracting every neance of emotion and spectacle out of the show.

I loved the skip rope scene which is a NY specialty. Michael did it so fast and so precide. I had front row seats from whence I could see his technique up close.

Awsome power in Angry Dance and a large standing ovation for his Electricity.

Almost everyone was standing after the finale.

Enjoyed Trevor's interpretation of Michael. He has a deep voice but it matters little in this role. He has great comic timing.

Talking of timing I found Issy's presentation of her lines after Billy says "my mums dead" to be as good if not better than any I have heard.

First time seeing Philip Whitechurch in the role of dad. Powerful, comic and very emotional. It was a pleasure to behold.

So to the performance of Will Chase. Very emotive and powerful portrayal of an angry and frustrated young man.

The "He Could be a Star" scene was scripted totally different to London or Australia and I felt the NY version really worked in building the tension, frustration and anger. When Billy was knocked to the ground right in front of me it was a shock and a wonderful piece of performance.

You can't compare one production against another and say one is the best, just like you can't compare Billy's. They are all different and unique. I will say however I was very impressed with the whole NY performance. It's class from start to finish.
167 Performances!

Lochie x 21.5; Nick x 11; Corey x 1; Rhys x 19; Rarmian x 17.75; Dayton x 24.75; Josh W-G x 18; Michael x 19; Josh D x 12; Daniel x 3; Tom x 1; Ollie G x 1; Fox x 1, Liam R x 2, Alex x 5, Cesar x 2, Tommy x 1, John Peter x 1, Peter x 4, Jacob x 2.
Scott x 30; Thomas x 28.25; Joel x 31; Landen x 33.75; Liam x 14; Jake x 1; Connor x 1; George x 1, Trevor x 4, Jake Evan x 3, Gabriel x 8, Keean x 2, Neil x 11.
Fiona x 18; Rosie x 25; Shannon x 23; Kelsi x 23; Prudence x 2; Lauren x 10; Cassandra x 15; Nina x 9; Isabelle x 12; Fleur x 2; Francesca x 1, Issy x 7, Maria x 4, Georgi x 17.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by porschesrule »

Glad to see you made it safely to New York, BillyAddict.

Thanks for your impressions of the show. I always find it interesting to hear versions of the show compared and how people react to them. Your take on the New York production, I think, is right on the money. Despite the basics of the show being the same for the London, Australia and New York productions, the creative team has tried to improve the show each time it opens in a new place -- learning from the experiences of the past and also tweaking a line or a bit of staging to recognize the audience differences whereever it's playing.

It will be changing again with Chicago..ERinVA linked us, in another thread, with a great article from the Chicago Tribune which talks about how the Chicago production will feature some unique staging -- and become a model for future productions which don't have the luxury of rooms coming up out of the stage floor. It will also apparently be the last time the original creative team remains intact for a new opening.

So, BillyAddict, I think your comments are very indicative of the changes that have always happened with this show. It's a living, breathing thing -- and that's partially a reason for it's success.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by BillyAddict »

Saturday Matinee 13th March

Billy - Liam
Michael - Jake Evan
Debbie - Izzy
Tall Boy - Kyland
Small Boy - Luke
Tony - David Larsen

There is a distinct advantage in seeing a new Billy a few months into his role. Liam looked comfortable in role. He has been quoted as saying singing is not his strength. His voice is fine. Billy is after all the son of a miner not a choral singer from the Chapel of Kings College.

Beautiful fluid ballet. His Electricity was very much in the style I became accustomed too watching Rhys Kosakowski perform.

Absolutly loving Philip Whitechurch's interpritation of Dad. Had David Larsen as understudy Tony today. A good strong performance.

Still not certain what I think about Kate Henning's Mrs Wilkinson. I am enjoying it and her performance is top class but I am still struggling to come to terms with how Mrs W presents to me compared to Sydney Melbourne and London. I will reserve my judgement till I have seen more shows and give the interpretation the chance to work on me.

Again I was impressed with Issy's Debbie and I was kept entertained by Jake's Michael. Liam is a lot taller than Jake so like I have seen so often before Jake had to stretch up to 'kiss' Liam. Cute :)

The two mall boys on Broadway, Seth and Luke are supurb. Real scene stealers!

Thoroughly enjoying my NYBETM experience. Thank you to those who arranged for all the Aussie fans to get a special tour and nice to catch up with some fans for lunch today.
167 Performances!

Lochie x 21.5; Nick x 11; Corey x 1; Rhys x 19; Rarmian x 17.75; Dayton x 24.75; Josh W-G x 18; Michael x 19; Josh D x 12; Daniel x 3; Tom x 1; Ollie G x 1; Fox x 1, Liam R x 2, Alex x 5, Cesar x 2, Tommy x 1, John Peter x 1, Peter x 4, Jacob x 2.
Scott x 30; Thomas x 28.25; Joel x 31; Landen x 33.75; Liam x 14; Jake x 1; Connor x 1; George x 1, Trevor x 4, Jake Evan x 3, Gabriel x 8, Keean x 2, Neil x 11.
Fiona x 18; Rosie x 25; Shannon x 23; Kelsi x 23; Prudence x 2; Lauren x 10; Cassandra x 15; Nina x 9; Isabelle x 12; Fleur x 2; Francesca x 1, Issy x 7, Maria x 4, Georgi x 17.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by BillyAddict »

Saturday Evening 13th March

Billy - Dayton
Michael - Trevor
Debbie - Izzy
Tall Boy - Kyland
Small Boy - Seth
Tony - Jeff Kready

How do you find words to describe a performance when you have in performances in Sydney then Melbourne waxed lyrical about Daytons performance. Stunningly brilliant for me tonight describes Dayton's performance. There may have been a minor injury concern with Dayton as he didn't jump off the piano and he didn't do the amazing flips in his Electricity but the rest of his dancing .... WOW! The speed and accuracy in his skipping rope routine was jaw dropping. His Electricity without the flips was perfection in dance and his strong voice and mature acting left me again wondering how much further can Dayton push the bar. I keep thinking it can get no better and ...... Dayton confounds me by lifting the bar higher again.

Dayton's acting is now very mature. Like Michael he stays focused and acting whist on stage even when away from the action. More than anything since I last saw him in June 2009 it is his acting that has fully matured to compliment his outstanding dance skills and good singing voice.

Brilliant performance Dayton and a privilage to be able to witness it. If I get Dayton one more show before I leave on Thursday then he will become my most seen Billy.

Trevor Braun is brilliant as Michael. I am so enjoying his performance. Dayton and Trevor interacted so well tonight.

As I said in my last review I am loving the performances of the two small boys in NY. Wonderful performance to compliment a great show from Seth.

Carol Shelly puts her own unique stamp on Grandma and carries the audience off with her.

Thommie Ritter as Mr Braithwaite puts 110% into his role. His tap and skipping skills are excellent and again tonight had the audience clapping during his street dance sequence.

Three shows and three different Billy's and the rumour is Sunday matinee may mark the return of Alex Ko. Four shows and the four current NY Billy's. What more could I wish for!
167 Performances!

Lochie x 21.5; Nick x 11; Corey x 1; Rhys x 19; Rarmian x 17.75; Dayton x 24.75; Josh W-G x 18; Michael x 19; Josh D x 12; Daniel x 3; Tom x 1; Ollie G x 1; Fox x 1, Liam R x 2, Alex x 5, Cesar x 2, Tommy x 1, John Peter x 1, Peter x 4, Jacob x 2.
Scott x 30; Thomas x 28.25; Joel x 31; Landen x 33.75; Liam x 14; Jake x 1; Connor x 1; George x 1, Trevor x 4, Jake Evan x 3, Gabriel x 8, Keean x 2, Neil x 11.
Fiona x 18; Rosie x 25; Shannon x 23; Kelsi x 23; Prudence x 2; Lauren x 10; Cassandra x 15; Nina x 9; Isabelle x 12; Fleur x 2; Francesca x 1, Issy x 7, Maria x 4, Georgi x 17.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by cincinnati »

Did anyone see Alex today? .....
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by phoebe »

A belated thank you to all who posted such detailed, personal and vivid reviews. The level of writing on this Forum continues to be mind-boggling. :shock: The only thing I could possibly add is my reaction to Trent's Angry Dance.

March 7 was my 7th time seeing the show, the second with Trent, my first time seeing him only being last Nov 13, the B'way first anniversary. So, I never saw Little Trent. (I've seen David and Kiril twice and Tommy once.) All this in one year. My first show was March 12, 2009. My first anniversary has just passed!

While I've been blown away by others' Angry Dances (you can read in September reviews about Kiril's Sept 22nd show), and I saw Trent's performance on TV at the Tonys and then live in November, I can say that never have I seen such angst and fury conveyed with non-stop expressive motion as Trent did in that number.

Some of the choreography that usually looks awkward to me when performed in robotic bursts (especially the lying on the floor, arching the back with arm up) worked extremely well this time because Trent never stopped moving. He didn't take an instant's breath. He was a blur throughout -- I am not exaggerating. In the parts where Billy violently yanks his head side to side while collasped on the floor he looked as though he would tear himself apart.

HOWEVER, even though Trent-as-Billy looked utterly distraught and out of control, throughout it all every single tap sound -- intricately complex and fast -- was clearly distinct and on beat. Perfection. I was overwhelmed with this recently-turned-15-year-old's mastery of technique and expression in this dance. It was a performance for the ages and I am unendlingly grateful that I was able to (as MobyD so aptly wrote) witness it.

(It was also interesting for me how Kiril, who had similarly made this dance make a lot of sense, made it memorable in a somewhat different manner; by working meaning into all the arm movements and holding onto and defining with love the ballet moves in the center of the piece.)

Right after the dance as intermission began, as is my habit, I bolted for the door. Passing behind the rear of the theater in the orchestra section, I happened upon David Alvarez, Alex Ko and Liam Redhead who had been watching from behind the last row. I was lucky enough to overhear David earnestly remark, "He's so good!," while Alex and Liam remained simply wide-eyed and speechless.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - NYC

Post by Musical Fanatic »

The Return of Alex And The Family Reunion

Here goes two reviews for the price of one :D

Sun. March 14 2pm
Billy-Alex Ko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scab/Posh Dad-Eric Gunhus

Stars Look Down
Alex being dragged in by the arm by dad to the chair is as a good a place to start. He kept his head down all the way until Michael asks the question. All I am thinking is Just do well Alex. This had to be like opening night for him after being off the stage for so long. His singing voice is perfect for a Billy. When he comes down for the kitchen scene and pulls off his pajama bottoms it hit me really emotionally because he was wearing a full knee brace on both legs. They did not take any chances with Alex getting hurt at all. If you know what to look for you could see it restricted him a little but Alex put a heck of a performance. He was really in character and focused all threw the show.

When Alex comes out of the left side curtain door he usually is wearing shorts for this scene(Your late Mrs W says to Billy) He kept on the track pants instead to hide the braces. I was talking to a lady behind me at the break she thought the braces were normal. I explained about Alex making his come back.

Expressing Yourself
Jake what a ham :lol: :lol:

Born To Boogie
No piano jump at all some ballet instead to end BTB. Jump rope went just fine. Only funny moment for those up close and if you knew what you were seeing. Alex accidentally dislodged his mike some how and it was hanging down right side of his face. Alex tried to fix it in bathroom scene but it came free in Angry Dance again.

Angry Dance
Went perfect accept for the stupid mike. Alex lost a little bit of his final scream with it swinging by the side of his face.

To borrow from BillyAddict his ballet is more than good enough to make up for very little acro :!:. I know that I felt relief after Alex pulled off Angry Dance and Electricity.

Alex made it Yeah :D 8-) and got his ovation at the end. Hopefully no jinxes allowed. Alex gets healed to the point when he does not need the braces or the restrictions.

Sun March 14 7:30pm
The Australian Reunion
Billy-Michael D
Michael- Trevor
Grandma-Merle L

Michael Dameski's dad made it in today after being diverted to DC because of the weather. He was supposed to be in yesterday night. This was his first time to see Michael in NY and to see the show. For most of the week there has been an Aussie contingent in town to see Dayton and Michael D play Billy. This was to be an emotional night because Michael's family was to be at the show plus the four man fan club who the Dameski"s were friendly with. I think Michael did not know his dad had made it into NY. In the 2nd act BillyAddict was able to get someone to switch seats with Michael's dad. He ended up right in front by the conductor. When Michael saw him at the end of electricity just before the I'm free line he started to get choked up and teary. At the finish you could see tears in his eyes. The audience did not know what was going on but gave him the longest round of applause that I have ever seen for Electricity. The conductor was great and allowed it to go on with the scene stopped until Michael got himself composed and stepped back to dad for his coat/bag.
Once We Were Kings
Phil Whitchurch went all out to distract Michael with the folding of the clothing.

I could see Michael smile and make eye contact with his dad a couple of times. Another show another standing ovation. With all the reviews that have been written lately I'll leave with a final few words. Michal D is an incredible talent vocally,dancing and acting wise. :!: :!: :!: :!: Michael deserves Broadway and Broadway deserves him.
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