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Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:05 pm
by kport
mrmikerocks wrote:
kport wrote:Playbill has a Photo Call which includes former Small Boy Alex Drier, who is currently in The Assembled Parties at the Manhattan Theater Club's Samuel J. Friedman Theatre : ... n-Broadway

(See photo #9)
I think you mean Photo 6

No. Number 9 for me. It must be different, for some reason.

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:26 pm
by ERinVA
It was 6 for me. How curious! :?

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:36 pm
by kport
Perhaps my computer screen is upside down???????

It still is No 9. I blame my internet service provider!!

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:26 am
by kport
A Roundup Review from Broadway World of The Assembled Parties, in which former Small Boy Alex Drier takes part: ... E-20130417

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:54 pm
by CJ-Rochester
Here's a pic of Alex looking quite dapper after last night's opening of The Assembled Parties.

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:12 pm
by angelenroute
Cross-posting my review of This Way To Broadway, which featured Trent Kowalik and Alex Dreier: ... 006#p87006

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:55 am
by atreyu
This snippet of Alex Dreier's bio from The Assembled Parties sure reads like a Billy in training: Studies ballet (School of American Ballet), tap, acro, karate (brown belt).

If Alex's karate is half as good as his singing, Posh Boy might get "pushed over" in quite a different manner! :lol:

Alex's character in The Assembled Parties is only on stage for maybe 3 minutes. Not much opportunity for Alex to showcase his impressive talent.

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:19 am
by CJ-Rochester
I saw The Assembled Parties as well this past weekend. Is is possible you and I were at two shows together? I was at the Saturday matinee.

I didn't write a review because I didn't care much for the show. I guess I will do my review now. I thought it has good acting and well written characters, but not a good overall story line. It is very VERY talky, with little action. The audience sits through 2 1/2 hours of dialog that doesn't really go anywhere.

I loved Judith Light's performance. She was a total delight to watch every moment she is on stage.

As atreyu noted, Alex only has one scene. He is in bed recovering from the flu and speaking with his older brother. Alex is very natural in his scene, but we have seen him do far more as Small Boy. I ran into Alex's dad during intermission and had a nice chat with him.

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:07 pm
by atreyu
CJ-Rochester wrote:I saw The Assembled Parties as well this past weekend. Is is possible you and I were at two shows together? I was at the Saturday matinee.
Apparently so! Great BETM minds think alike it seems. ;) Here's hoping our next chance meeting will be Sao Paulo. :lol:

I found The Assembled Parties to be okay. VERY talky is a good description, just that with all the loquacity, it's hard to figure out exactly who and what we're suppose to care for. Some quite funny moments though. Also, judging from audience reactions, I missed out on a fair amount of the humor, being that my familiarity with Yiddish expressions beyond meshuga is extremely limited.

One additional note about Alex's role, the character he plays is supposed to be 4 years old, so there's not a whole lot to interpret there.

Re: Tall and Small Boys

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:27 am
by CJ-Rochester
Alex Dreier's current project is an off Broadway production (and US premier) of "Lies My Father Told Me" at the Baruch Performing Arts Center in NYC. The show opened a week ago and runs until December 15th. ... rts-Center

Here is the number "Magic Wings" featuring Alex.