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Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:10 pm
by Mike Newman
:D :shock: :D :shock: :D :shock:

Wow !! this invader from north of the border is sure set to conquer the ' Vicky Pally ' . Scott was absoluely stupendous in his yesterday evening performance. Not a big lad, but so mature in his interpretation of ' Billy ' . A lively and clear actor, beautiful singing voice , expansive broad attractive smile , but above all , Scott's dancing - just breathtaking , and he can skip !! To pick two scenes :- his ' Angry Dance ' just vibrated with fury and anger , and then his ' Electricity ' was a total show stopper. Huge depth of emotion and expression in his singing , and his ballet outstandingly professional. Fast and furious, punchy, but not aggressive . A masterpiece. The end of the show brought a full house standing ovation which lasted quite a few minutes. I think we were all under Scott's spell. May it long continue. Thank you Scott.

" and we all go together when we go "

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:19 pm
by porschesrule
Mike Newman wrote:To pick two scenes :- his ' Angry Dance ' just vibrated with fury and anger , and then his ' Electricity ' was a total show stopper.
Can one presume, then, that the stage issues have been resolved now and that it was a full "Angry Dance" with tap shoes?

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:57 pm
by Mike Newman
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

No, still teething problems. A big upset is that there is no danced finale at the moment. Just have to be patient . ( and fume under your breath !! )

" and we all go together when we go "

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:58 pm
by *Lottie* ... ly-elliot/

Article about Scott (incorrect claiming he will debut Nov.29th)

but gives details about Connor starting and new adult cast

another; ... 9_20101001 ... ne-Langton

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:01 pm
by Todd
Apparently those of us "across the pond" have been the victim of a clever prank by our U.K. fans, as the truth comes out that all these reviews and other comments posted about Scott's performances haven't actually been Scott at all, but one of the other Billys ! Read below . . . . ;) ... ne-Langton

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:03 pm
by *Lottie*
My theory on this is that because Ollie chose to leave this September earlier than expected to return to school etc, the original plan was perhaps Scott would debut in November....

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:24 pm
by pinknick103
My friends who went last night, seeing it for the first time - absolutely loved it. They said Scott was outstanding and they do not believe me that he has only been in the show since beginning of september! They just couldnt believe how talented all the cast were, with special mention to Scott. Am a bit jealous they have got to see him before I have !!! xxx

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:33 pm
by Deanfan5
pinknick103 wrote:My friends who went last night, seeing it for the first time - absolutely loved it. They said Scott was outstanding and they do not believe me that he has only been in the show since beginning of september! They just couldnt believe how talented all the cast were, with special mention to Scott. Am a bit jealous they have got to see him before I have !!! xxx
Let's hope you rectify that soon.

Yes Scott has an amazing range of talent ( as your friends appreciated) and I do not feel my Saturday review does on reflection do him justice. Full marks to the Company for spotting Scott at the NE auditions. Throughout Scott's performance on Saturday his ballet pedigree stood out and my wish for Scott is that he does realise his dream one day to be a professional ballet dancer.

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:20 pm
by ERinVA

Re: Scott McKenzie

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:07 pm
by Deanfan5
Thanks Bob and ErinVA for those two very interesting articles from the Scottish press. I am so glad that Scott is getting the local and national recognition he thoroughly deserves.
Let's hope he has a long run with Billy so that we can see his undoubted talent nurtured and develop even more.
It is aslo genuinely inspiring to see the level of hands on support his parents have been able to give to their son since his start with BETM. I hope that it is not breaking their travelling bank balance though. Scotland isn't exactly just round the corner.