March 2010 Reviews - London

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by porschesrule »

Wow, jamie. Thank you for this first review of Rhys. Sounds like a tremendous first performance and well worth waiting for. Good for him!
jamie.r wrote:Rhys is all ballet and his Dream Ballet drew applause pretty much throughout the scene.
After a cycle of mostly street/acro Billys, it seems, with Dean and now Rhys, ballet has come back in a big way to the VPT. With those two young men, added to the veterans Ollie and Tom, BETM in the West End would seem to be in most capable hands.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by liberavieve »

Thank you, Jamie, for detailing Rhys' opening night for us!

Brilliance straight off the starting blocks? Sounds like Billy has another little powerhouse on its hands. Bravo, Rhys!
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by Billy Whiz »

I can only confirm what jamie.r has written.

A very confident debut. Rhys should be very proud of himself after tonight's performance.

I sat next to two ladies from Canada who before the show started told me they were disappointed when they found out that they were getting a new boy. They said that they would much have preferred somebody who was experienced. At the end of the show they were both wiping tears from their eyes. I asked them if they were now happy that they got the new boy. They said that they would not have missed it for the world.

Thanks to Rhys and his parents for allowing me to take the following photo and post it here

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by ERinVA »

Wonderful to hear that Rhys made a stunning debut! Thanks for the review, jamie.r, and your additional comments and beautiful photo, Billy Whiz.

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by burtond »

Wow Rhys, glad you have finally been released to perform Billy.
Really sorry not to have seen you on Wednesday (no doubt like a great many others) but glad your opening night was a huge success.
Will catch up with you in the coming few weeks.
Good luck man!
An ex-Regular and someone who was Passionate about the show but who has now found the rest of the WEST END.
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by StevenKing »

I can only say that all has been said so far about this first show is more then true. :D What a wonderfull treat to see. And so far I think the number of people that go in dissapointed that they are geting a new boy and coming out proven wrong is a solid 100 percent. 8-) Congrats Rhys!!

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by Thingummy »

Have to agree with JamieR. A hugely impressive performance and thoroughly uplifting show. Particularly strong on natural expressions both in acting and singing. The subtle emotional relationship built up with Mrs Wilkinson represented the fresh brilliance of his interpretation. He moved seamlessly between singing and dancing in bringing electricity to a moving creschendo which left dad not needing his mumbled “I did’n know son” (a long forgotten line) at the end of the scene.

(PS. Perhaps we should re-name seats A3 to A7 ‘the slips’ in honour of all the towels, ballet slippers etc (not to mention snow) that have been attracted in that direction ? : )
BILLYS UK- Trent-Josh-Corie-Layton-Hogan-Tanner-Fox-Tom-Brad-OllieG-DeanC-RhysY-Aaron-Scott...
NY- TrentK-LiamR-DaytonT... CHIC- JPV-MylesE-CesarC
MICHAELS UK- Jonty, Daniel, Shaun, Lewis, DeanCharles, ConnorD, GeorgeM, ConnorK, JakeP, Reese...
NY-KeeanJ, TrevorB, JakeEvanS... CHIC- KeeanJ, DillonS.

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by dwallen »

Fox's Last Night - March 27th

Billy: Fox
Michael: George

Having not had much sleep what with driving home after the show and the clocks going forward I fear this review might be less than adequate. However, I had to at least say that Fox last night made my lack of sleep well worth it. The energy of the boy stood out especially in a thrilling performance of Electricity. I have seen his portrayal of Billy many times but for me this was certainly the best. The audience was clapping, and some up on their feet, almost from the start. Of course, the crowning glory was his fantastic smile at the end which I suppose has become his trademark. Most of the audience that I could see were standing at the end and her certainly appreciated it.

From the start of the show it was obvious that it was going to be a memorable occasion. The VP was full and the atmosphere was electric. A number of current and past members of the cast were in the audience including Tom Holland and the new Billy, Rhys Yeomans. He was particularly excited at the end of Fox's Electricity.

Despite this being a very emotional evening, Fox never lost it and played the part of Billy right to the end with consumate professionalism. However, I felt that his performance of The Letter was certainly tinged with more emotion and he performed it brilliantly bringing tears to my eyes and a good few more in the audience I think.

It was also George's last night which I didn't realise until the Resident Producer spoke at the start of the show. He was fantastic last night and I think added some extra 'fun' to his performance. He will be greatly missed and I have always enjoyed his performances. He always complimented which ever boy was playing his friend Billy. Expressing was very funny and so well performed by both of them. You could see that they were enjoying themselves a great deal and the audience loved it.

This was, I think, the first time I had seen Francesca as Debbie and I thought she was very good. Her acting was great and you could hear every word she said so clearly.

It goes without saying that the ensemble was brilliant as usual but it was clear that they were all giving even more than usual to suport Fox on his big night.

I think I have seen Fox (I must count up again) more than any other actor and must thank him for some wonderful performances. However, every one has to move on especially as they grow up but he is going to be missed tremendously. That smile at the end of Eloectricity will always be remembered by so many of us.

Thank you Fox and the best of luck in the future. I have no doubt that we will see a lot more of you in the future on the stage and TV.

Now its on to the 5th Anniversary on Wednesday when I am sure we will see Fox for a short time at the VP once more.
67 wonderful shows
21 marvellous Billys
Travis, Sam, Layton, Corey, Josh, Hogan, Fox, Brad, Tom, Tanner, Ollie, Dean, Rhys, Scott, Ryan, Josh Baker, Adam, Harris and Kaine, Harrison and Tade
2 First Nights - Ollie and Dean-Charles
8 Last Nights - Layton, Hogan, Brad, Fox, Tom, Ollie, Scott and Dean.
6 Anniversaries - 4th, 5th plus the second 5th Anniversary (May 12th 2010), 6th (March 2011) 7th (May 12th 2012) 8th (May 11th 2013)
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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by StevenKing »

All I can say about Fox's last show is "WOW"!!!
(yea i'm a man of few words...shut up BW!!!)

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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Post by burtond »

Saturday 27th March 2010 – UK – London - Evening

Billy – Fox Jackson-Keen (Finale)
Michael – George (Finale)
Debbie – Francesca

Dad – David Bardsley; Tony – Craig Gallivan; Mrs W – Jo Riding ; Mr B – Sean Kingsley; Grandma – Ann Emery; George – David Nellist; Dead Mum – Samantha Seager; Older Billy – Barnaby Meredith; Ballet Dancer in cream tights – James Foster; Big Davy - Phil Snowden; Musical Director – Chris Hatt

Well, that as they say is that!

For me, the lad who I first saw in September 2009 and who I have seen on fifteen subsequent occasions since then; the lad who personally brought Billy Elliot to life for me and visibly moved me to tears on several occasions and caused this obsessive addiction and general embarrassment amongst my friends, colleagues and family; the lad who, in my eyes, has such incredible energy and talent, and who is Billy Elliot, has now moved on.

To be honest, I was never looking forward to this particular show – I know what I’m like! Emotions generally get the better of me. But, do you know, it wasn’t like that at all and certainly not what I was expecting – I went with the expectation that both Fox and George would be in pieces and that we Forumee’s and Fox and George Fans would be in pieces too – I have heard about past Finale’s through the Forum. No, it wasn’t like that at all. Although there were signs of emotion and sadness specifically on Georges face at key moments in the performance, Fox though, carried it off from beginning to the end, as a true professional – He gave his all (and much more besides) to the show as he normally does and in no way was he going to let his performance falter just because it was the last time he would be performing in the role. This determination and attitude rubbed of on all of us. It wasn’t a sad and upsetting occasion at all - it was one of pure celebration. I recall speaking briefly to Fox’s Dad on Thursday and he was asked how Fox would cope with the last night – he said he would be fine – he was strong willed and determined – his Dad was absolutely right.

Of course, as we would expect, there were one or two embellishments saved specifically for last nights and this performance was no exception. The two significant gestures that I captured (there may have been more) were in Expressing Yourself when at the very end as Fox and George move to the back of the stage. Fox embraced George with a friendly hug which was perfectly in keeping with the scene. The second one was between Debbie and Billy in the scene when he has informed the Ballet Girls and Mrs W that he has been accepted at the Royal Ballet School. Again, Debbie was permitted to embrace Billy with a hug – absolutely delightful.

As for the show, it was like Thursday evening all over again. The cast were right behind the child characters and giving their all – the whole team pulled together again for another AS GOOD AS IT GETS Performance. All the key numbers were exceptional and at every opportunity the lively audience applauded, whistled, shouted and woo’d – you couldn’t have planned it better and certainly George, Fox and Small Boy will surely appreciate that the fans are right behind them and loved every minute of their performances. For Fox, his electricity has to be the best I have ever seen and this was rewarded by the longest standing ovation and screams of delight that I have ever witnessed.
So what more is there to say – I honestly wish the lads the very best for the future and hope that they achieve everything in life they certainly deserve.

For Fox - I’m really going to miss you and your interpretation of Billy. You have provided many happy memories for both me and my family. I hope that you go on to do all the things you want to do especially with your acting career and I/we hope to see you again soon. Don’t forget your time with Billy and all the fans who have adored you. Try to keep in touch (Maybe on the Forum or through Facebook) so that we can continue to support you as you go forward into new challenges.

An ex-Regular and someone who was Passionate about the show but who has now found the rest of the WEST END.

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