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Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:20 am
by pexcornel
Great review as always.
When I saw Tanner do his pirouettes I literally stopped breathing. I saw on video Liam's perfect timing of the pirouettes / fouette turns on Electricity. Seeing it live with Tanner bought another dimension to it. There is some kind of "force" to them, this is not literature, I really can't describe it. I think if you sat under Tanner's spinning foot and received a kick from his fouette, you would be transported right to the hospital. And this with absolute, ultimate grace. :lol:

After leaving the VPT after THAT show with Tanner, I was really felling strange, like never before.

Patc, you mention recording it (legally). I think NOT recording these moments when Tanner does his ballet is a crime. And as I said in another tread. The production team must release the EPK's of every Billy to the public. There are fans left there in the dust with the fading memory of their favorite Billy gagging for a replay. Please.

Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:43 am
by Billy Whiz
Thanks Pat for your usual fantastic review.

We really are in the presence of true genius when any of these children perform.

Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:46 am
by Rich B
As usual, another brilliant review by patc. :D


Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:58 am
by bubsycm
Wow. I need to see Tanner.

Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:08 am
by Westletonion
It was a great privilege to have seen Tanner in action again. He is a superb all rounder, and I agree, Angry Dance and Electricity left the audience almost speechless. The 'high hand' action in Electricity is quite unique. His ballet style is a great delight to watch and I have to admit it is my real preference for this particular dance sequence. I was also surprised how he has grown since the last time seeing him in action. A sturdy lad and 'Mr Braithwaite' and 'Older Billy' certainly have their work cut out when carrying him around.

It was virtually a full house, with all the boxes occupied, and evidently bookings are very solid throughout the whole summer period. People were queuing for returns earlier this week again, as indeed they were last week. So if you want to go soon don't be too complacent about getting tickets!

Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:00 pm
by patc
I bawled my eyes out through Swan Lake and watched Electricity through a river of tears such was the magnificence of it all. I know it is Joe Caffrey's job as an actor to present a Dad that is overwhelmed by seeing his son perform so brilliantly but I had the distinct impression that he wasn't just acting and may well have had his own tears in his eyes having seen what Tanner had just produced.


Review for Thursday July 23rd July show

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:49 pm
by troscapole
:D Just to give you an update on the Thursday 23rd July evening show, Fox was great as ever , but there was a funny thing that happened in the Letter scene, as Fox got the Rubic cube out and put it onto the chair, a bit fell off onto the floor which left Fox with a big smile as he looked at Kate (mrs Wilkinson) she also was smiling and for a few seconds it looked as if they were both going to laugh out load.
I was smiling and so were several of the long haul Billy goers.
Another packed night and great audiance which unusualley clapped at the end of the second letter scene (the one from billy to his mum) which I had not heard before, appreciation was high.Great performances all round , connor as Michael gave us another wonderful and funny michael.

review for Friday 24th July

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:13 am
by troscapole
Just seen Brad as billy elliot at last ( i had not seen Brad since April ) , so I really pleased to see his name on the billing. I think it was Annabelle as Debbie and Connor as Michael.
Brad's performane was as polished as I had recalled, he sang so well , his ballet was fantastic and both his angry dance and electricity were spell binding (great word that is used a lot ) but so true, this show is phenomenal.
Faultless performances by joe and craig and of course Kate.
Debbie was also excellent , her timing spot on, Tall boy was I believe Thomas and he gave a lovely performance in every one of his scene's, Eliot was small boy and he always makes us laugh with his boxing scene (which I am sure is getting loader)
A great audience, and a good night had by all!

Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:30 pm
by pinknick103
Fri 24 july
Brad, connor and Annabelle
Joe, Craig and Kate
Shaun walters
Bedlington team
Tyler and Elliot

Brilliant night with an outstanding and lively audience.
Only the second time in seeing Brad - boy he was amazing. Has grown so tall since I last saw him. He is so smiley all the way through and is such a joy to watch. I would say his best number last night was his angry dance. He screamed throughout and it was so powerful. Well done Brad - you were fab.
Connor - first time to see him. Really enjoyed his portrayal. Him and Brad seemed to be having such a laugh in express. Like how he refers to one of the dresses as mank instead of hideous !!! His facial expressions during the nutcracker scene were priceless. Anabelle delivered her usual fantastic performance. She really is an amazing debbie. So cheeky, yet at the same time, is very cute. Saw her after the show and she is to tiny off stage.Joe and Craig we too very powerful last night. I particularly admire craigs acting in the scab scene. He really is a great Tony.
We didnt have the lovely Barnaby today, but Shaun did a great job. Brad didnt seem to spin as high as normal at the end, but overall it was a joy to watch. Ballet girls were great last night. Was funny to see some of their faces when Mr B couldnt get the smoke machine to work in Shine !!! Watching them smiling in the finale makes you see just how much of dream these kids are living. They really do seem to be having the time of their lives.
They audience were on fire tonight.Big applauses at times that you dont always get them - as small boy climbed on stage and at the end of the letter. As Brad ran down the aisle at the end, everyone just went mad, and Brad seemed ecstatic. Was such a joy to see.
A great night - thanks to all the wonderful cast xxx

Re: July 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:56 pm
by patc
Thanks troscapole and pinknick103 for great reviews keeping us up to date with the goings-on at Billy.

I'd love to have seen Kate and Fox's facial expressions when the rubix cube broke :lol:
Brad didnt seem to spin as high as normal at the end
That is interesting. I thought the same on Thursmat when Barnaby/Tanner were in action.

And the smoke machine - that happened the previous week, too, when Phil S was Mr. B.

Great to hear about the happy audiences and all-smiling cast. La vita รจ bella at the VPT.
