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Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:49 pm
by eris
pexcornel wrote:
I want to thank Tanner, his dad, BillyWhiz who is a gentlemen as always, eris who was such a pleasure to meet in person, sleepylins who is the sweetest girl ever and all the rest of the forum members for taking part in this great community of Billy fans.
Thank you Pex! It was great meeting you too. And everybody else. What a night. I'm home now ..... enjoying the memories of last night. What a fabulous show, how special to have been there. How sweet of Tanner (and Tanners dad) to come out for a couple of more pictures and autographs meanwhile the karaoke-goodbye-party was going on and on inside. I'm very glad I was there last night. Thank you everybody, and especially Tanner for doing a fabulous last performance (WOW) and giving me my long-wished-for autograph. :) I hope you have a great time back at home and I hope we will hear more of you in the future. Thank you Tanner!!


Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:06 pm
by pinknick103
Sorry I havnt yet written a review of Tanners last show. Im ill today, and want to give the review my best shot, so will do it when Im feeling better
Lov Nic xxx

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:20 pm
by Kate
I'd never been to a final show so was not expecting to see Steven Daldry walk on stage at the beginning but what a heart warming speech he gave about Tanner and his departure. A few people around us hadn't realised that it was a final Billy show so this helped inform people of the uniqueness of the night.

As soon as Eliot climbed on stage there was applause and then again when Tanner entered which indicated that the audience were really going to give them both a fab send off. This was only my second time at Billy so was great to spot things for the first time/from what i've read about on the forum. The boxing seen was as funny as ever and hats off to Eliot who did a fantastic "w*nker line" and how George didn't laugh at Tanners attempt to put him off was great acting, what a pro.

Express yourself was so full of energy and i loved it when George put lipstick on Tanner - he seemed to plough on alot of it and then Tanner didn't even attempt to wipe it off so it stayed for the whole scene. I wonder what the boys think when they're first taught express yourself with having to dress in womens clothing - by the look on their faces they were thoroughly into their parts and enjoying dancing together - also a shout out to the dancing dresses, the one that falls over was extremely funny and over the top.

Angry dance was phenomenal tonight, Tanner is obviously physically strong and this came across with the amount of anger and energy he put into the dance. We were just like wow when the first act finished and couldn't wait for the second half.

There were a few people in the audience from Newcastle and Sunderland who took the brunt of a few jokes at the start of the second act.

Dream Ballet was a pleasure to watch and both Tanner and Barnaby gave a great Ballet performance, as soon as Tanner started to fly the audience clapped which didn’t happen the first time i went.

For me the highlight of the night was electricity, as mentioned on the forum many times Tanners ballet is fabulous which i definitely agree with and the thought that this is the last time he will be performing it at the VPT made it that more special. I just didn’t want it to end but sadly it had to. I noticed that Tanner didn’t complete one of the ‘I’m free’ lines at the very end and he seemed quite emotional which is as to be expected but the final moves were just superb and he totally deserved the roaring reaction from the audience.

We were sitting quite far back so couldn’t see if there were any tears during the goodbye scenes and letter reprise but i had to struggle hard not to be a balling mess! I thought again that Tanner found it hard to complete the letter reprise, then when he finally said goodbye , kissed Michael and walked off the look on Georges face i just had to look away.

The standing ovation was thoroughly deserved and thank goodness for the finale to have one last routine by not just a fabulous Billy but fabulous cast, great show and all the best for the future Tanner.

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:36 am
by ERinVA
What a show to get for your second time! Thanks for the great review, Kate. :D

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:56 am
by Clazzimay
September 26th - Tanners last night

This was the most emotional performance I have ever seen. All cast members gave 110% to make it an extra spectacular show for Tanner. Tanner held up well throughout until the letter scene at the end, where he could hardly sing, bless him. Joe`s deep into the ground was superb, he made me cry, so emotional. Tanners angry dance & Electricity were beyond excellent, a standing ovation for both. Express was sharp & very funny, George was on fire! George`s tears at the end while sitting on his bike just tore my heart out. Annabelle was extra cheeky & mischievious. I would just like to point out the girl who played Tracey Atkinson, she was soooo funny, excellent job!

All the adult cast were fantastic as ever, love them all.

Super Duper show & one I will never forget!

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:51 pm
by Justin
Thanks for the reviews all.

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:56 pm
by patc
Saturday 26th Sept.

Tanner and Eliot's last show.

At 7.25pm on Saturday evening looking around the theatre it seemed that the entire rows A, B and C at least were occupied by Forum members all set to give these two great performers a royal send-off. Earler, in the matinee, we already had had our tear tucts torn open in typical style by master Tom Holland so it was a question of wondering if there were any tears left for the big one. When Stephen Daldry arrived on stage and began to speak in glowing terms of Tanner and his wonderful family it was evident that rivers of tears would undoubtedly follow. I wondered how Tanner's family would be feeling watching their supremely talented son performing Billy for the last time after a year of topsy-turvy from their normal lives. In B20 I was also conscious of the fact that Eliot's Mum and Dad were in the seats right behind me and what thoughts must have been going through their heads on this occasion. I wondered how the Ballet Girls waiting off-stage to go on would handle being able to smile, smile and smile on what must have been a sad occasion for them, too. Although I didn't actually see any of the other child cast in the theatre I'm sure that some of them must have been there and wondered what their feelings were with two of their own departing in a few hours time.

The cheers that greeted Eliot as he climbed up was the signal for an incredibly emotional show to begin and, from there on, any and every opportunity was taken by the audience to show their appreciation. Eliot absolutely let rip and showed us why he will go far with a superb, confident and hilarious boxing scene performance that had everyone rolling around on the floor. Tanner seemed to be unperturbed by the occasion and was just totally preoccupied with being Billy. There was a trace of a smile at the end of Electricity because, as predicted, everyone was on their feet and, at the front of the theatre, we were almost knocked over by the waves of emotion and gratitude flowing past us from the back and heading in his direction. The sheer power, beauty and precision of this work of art was performed to perfection with Tanner's high arm action richly enhancing it and the Swan Lake Dream Ballet scene with Barnaby was done as if the end of the world was nigh and entry to Heaven was on the line.

The last scenes in the show were almost too emotional to watch but you really couldn't lower your eyes. Billy's goodbye to Joanna and the tears in Joe Caffrey's eyes during the final hug would have melted the Rock o' Cashel. I don't know how Stephanie managed to keep it together in the Letter Reprise and what more can you say about the final curtain scene with the legendary George Maycock manfully holding back the tears.

At the very end, as 1500+ enraptured people stood to applaud, cheer and scream their appreciation, a loud bang above our heads brought down a deluge of multicoloured paper "shrapnel" to bring closure to a magnificent and special evening.
It wasn't quite over yet, though. Thanks to the ultra-extraordinary patience and generosity of Tanner's and Eliot's parents, there were more scenes of delight outside as both boys posed for photos and signed autographs. This was a double layer of icing on this particular cake.

And so ended another memorable occasion at the VPT.

BTW, for those wondering why Phil Snowden disappeared during the matinee and about his non-appearance at the evening show, an enquiry revealed that he had sustained a bit of an injury but will be back tonight. I'm sure Phil was gutted to have missed out.

Finally, just to record that during this weekend's Billython I got picked by David Nellist three times in Row B19 and 20 so you have been warned (again!!).


Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:09 pm
by sleepylins
Thanks for all the wonderful reviews and am sure there will be more to come.Even though i was there it is so lovely to read the reviews of how other people saw the show and what people noticed different to other people etc
It was an amazing final show with such grace and professionalism from Tanner.Thankyou Tanner so much for the effort and dedication you have put into your performances you will be missed.

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:10 pm
by dwallen
The reviews of Tanner's last show are great. I am so sorry not to have been able to be there but the reviews help. I know that all us Billy fans will miss his fantastic performances and especially for me his ballet version of Electricity. Best of luck to him but I am sure that his talents will bring him back into the Limelight before too long.

Re: September 2009 - UK Reviews

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:21 pm
by Alex
Saturday 26th September.
(Argh! Go away, Mister Bold Font! Stop demanding that everything be in bold! Ahem . . .)

Yup, here comes Alex, trailing a long coat with pockets filled to the brim with screwed-up pieces of paper, and his (rather hastily cobbled together) review of Saturday's show. There's tears of joy to be had, and tantrums too. And there's also a special piece of trivia courtesy of JJF (I hope he doesn't mind me posting it here). See if you can spot it!

Well, sod me. Another Billy has come and gone. A year doesn’t really seem such a long time when you’re looking back on it. I wonder if Tanner feels the same?

So, seeing as his last night was on Saturday (as I’m sure you know – things wot live under rocks know it, as Corporal Nobbs would say) I’m going to gibber on a bit about Tanner, and basically talk about how marvellous he was before actually reviewing the show. Tanner is quite simply one of the most fantastic people to watch on the stage. With his personality, he fuses warmth, passion and drama, practically dragging the audience into the action. His dancing skills are an absolute wonder to behold, and it genuinely feels as though gravity, friction and time just stop when he dances Electricity. How wonderful that he was taken to the Broadway production to share these talents with the American audience!

Yup, it’s Billy Time for Alex again, and the butterflies were already starting to flutter when I got off the train. What I actually know about dancing could be written on the head of a pin, and there would still be room for the lyrics of Electricity, and the recipe for what I had for dinner last night. But this does not stop me enjoying watching it performed! (Or even trying it out, for that matter . . . Image An extra element of excitement was added given that I couldn’t actually remember where I was seated . . . Image Me so stoopid sometimes!

Stars Look Down is a bit of an emotional scene for me. I’m sure I’ve mentioned somewhere that I’ve got a bit of a thing for opening numbers. Be it the tremendously loud chords from No One Mourns the Wicked, the incredible power behind that note that hails the beginning of The Lion King, or even the hilarious song and animation at the beginning of Avenue Q. The symbol roll and following lyrics at the beginning of Stars Look Down really does it for me. It sends shivers down my spine, it does!

The advantage of going to Billy more than once is that you begin to notice exactly how good it is. For example, the talky-bit (er, scene) that follows is an immensely well-sculpted piece of drama, in my opinion. There’s a hell of a lot fitted in there – Tony doing his placard, Gran looking for her pasty, Dad trying to get his trousers on and cook breakfast, and in the middle of all this, a bunch of rowdy miners charge in and start playing tennis with bread and their placards! It must’ve been seriously difficult to balance this all out. But they did, and it works very well indeed!

Solidarity must have been equally difficult to balance out, if not for different reasons. There’s a lot of dancing here, and a lot of people. Ballet girls, miners, policemen, Mrs Wilkinson trying to teach a lesson (bless her) and of course, our Dear Billy. The scene, much like Born to Boogie, is one that discretely shows off Tanner’s utterly marvellous ballet skills. The other thought that struck me was that the miners and policemen do an awful lot of dancing here. With hats on. You’d know what would happen if Indiana Jones tried that – the hat would fall off, he’d have to dance back to fetch it and it would be rubbish. Poor Indy. If he had glue on the top of his head, he’d be invincible.

The confrontational scene after Express Yourself is, quite frankly, a masterpiece in emotion and juxtaposition. I was quite uncomfortable by this point (those theatre seats are hardly the most comfortable in the world – I felt like one of my kidneys was pressing against my ribcage!) but it was still chilling enough to draw me in. I adore the music here – appropriately dark and scary, with some marvellous electric guitar work there. The strumming (or is it plucking?) whilst Tony is saying ‘Make us’ is particularly hair raising. Hats off to the music director (no, not you, Indy! You keep yours on) for this excellent piece.

Heartstrings were, as usual, tugged during The Letter. Just one quibble – I have so far refreshingly (at least I think so) avoided mentioning the controversial hand gesture that Debbie does while mouthing dirty words at Billy. Harder to get over is the whole ‘cuppasoup’ thing. Initially, I didn’t think it was so bad (other shows have been butchered in comparison) but really – to us longtime fans, it just looks like they’ve lost the Smash Hits prop and couldn’t get enough money from a whip-round to buy another one. Also, I don’t particularly like soup (apart from tomato and basil) which may also carry prejudice! Honestly, why the alteration? And they should at least provide chocolate (or free tickets) to grease the wheels of change! ( . . . all right, now I can just imagine the likes of Jonnyc going up to the ticket clerk with a big grin on his face, saying ‘I’m still not sure if I like that change . . . could I see it again, please?’)

So, as we come hurtling towards the interval, I’m just gonna briefly say something about Angry Dance. That. Flippin. RULED!!

The ‘Smash hits’ has been replaced by Cuppa Soup because Cuppa Soup is what they use on the Broadway and Australia productions

During the Interval, I was lucky enough to claim my old merchandise from Mary Malone, operating on the Front of House. Poor Mary was lovely enough to wait a good five minutes whilst I emptied my pockets, searching for some money to give her, but we got there in the end! Image And I am dead pleased with my old merchandise!

Now then, Act 2. It is often nice to see Christmas. But it is less nice (for Billy) to see George, who, when teaching Billy to box, is pretty damn useless, and when trying to hurt Billy does a pretty good job of it! Luckily, from the audience perspective, George is one of the most hilarious characters in the musical, and is used very well in the little ‘pantomime-esque’ bit. I remember trying to stifle laughter for a good ten minutes the second time I saw the show, when he cracked a Gordon Brown joke about those missing CDs that were big news a while back.

As usual, Deep into the Ground and Dream Ballet were both exceptionally emotional. Dream Ballet in particular is one of my favourite parts of the show, and Tanner performs it beautifully with Barnaby. The end of Deep into the Ground (the chorus verse sung by Billy) ranks as one of my most favourite vocal moments within the show. When I first heard Liam sing it, I distinctly remember shivers shooting up my spine, and it’s another part that Tanner does well at. I tell you, he can sure hit those high notes!

He Could Be A Star is a fantastic scene, another favourite of mine. I’m not entirely sure why this is, but it could possibly be because it’s very different from the rest of the musical. For a start, Billy isn’t in it (I’m not including the talky-bit in the middle, because I’m bad like that!) and there isn’t any dancing. Flawlessly performed by Joe and Tim, the passion and emotion was immense. I particularly liked the way Tony’s verse is now performed over Dad’s verse on the second ‘He Could Be A Star’. It now looks like a proper argument, and almost feels like the scene is disintegrating and becoming ‘real’. Which is damn good in my opinion! Scenes that feel ‘real’ are scarce in musicals, because people spend a lot of time singing and prancing about. Which isn’t something I object to – I tend to prefer musicals over plays. But those ‘real’ moments are something I crave, and there are very few of them. The scene where Tony takes the crowbar is another one – it really brings the whole reality of the situation crashing down around you, especially after the general hilarity of Express Yourself.

For some musicals, the final push and climax isn’t quite as exciting and ‘worth it’ as the slog that led the characters (and us) there. Wicked’s a bit like that – after No Good Deed, I feel like it’s over, and the only thing left is that rather sad ending where Elphaba walks out of Oz forever. This isn’t the case with Billy. When we see them standing on that stage, there’s a real sense of ‘this is it . . . the final curtain’. Of course, the musical goes on for a good half hour after that, but this is where that feeling sets in. The little section of dialogue between Dad and the ballet dancer was brilliant as always, with Joe milking it for all possible laughs.

Then comes Electricity, which is, in all honesty, Alex-joy in its purest form. There is no poncing around it – I quite simply LOVE this song and dance. I recently posted somewhere that it’s as though this part of the show was especially tailored for me, and I stand by that opinion! It’s the bit that got me into the musical in the first place. Does Tanner do it justice? You only have to look at my opening paragraph – that lad can dance! AND sing. His singing was especially touching – there was no mistaking the emotion that made his voice tremble.

As with all stories, we end up in the finale, which was as usual a fantastic extravaganza of dancing. In order to round off this review, I’m gonna comment on a few individual performances.

First of all, Joanna Riding, whom I have not had the pleasure of seeing before. Now there is a voice that could sing Born to Boogie all day long, and even after that she’d probably be able to nip across the road and belt out Defying Gravity, The Wizard and I and No Good Deed. Can anyone spell ‘P-O-W-E-R-H-O-U-S-E?'

Second has to be the wonderful Ann Emery. Does anyone know if Stephen Daldry has sold his soul to the devil yet, so that she may live forever and grant us everlasting joy? Because she really is that good! (Failing that, some sort of cloning program, methinks . . . ) Image
Thirdly, the new George, whom I believe is called David Nellist, am I right? He had some mighty big shoes to fill – Trevor Fox was fantastic in the role – but he sure filled ‘em! An utterly hilarious performance!

So, that just about wraps it up! On the way home, I met a very nice drunk on the train who invited me to his wedding (if he ever got back with his girl) but I shan’t bore you with the details! A shout out to everyone I spoke to – truly was marvellous seeing everyone again! I suspect I’ll see you over Christmas when I’m likely to go next! Squeeeee! Image

I’m off to see Mr Daldry about the possibility of renting a seat in the theatre over the summer months. It’ll be fine. I shall sleep in Billy’s bed, and live on bread, cuppa soup and mouldy old pasties. All I need to do is stay out of the way when they’re rehearsing! :D

(PS Why, in the changing room scene, has Debbie’s line been changed from ‘Now, he’s an alcoholic’ to ‘Now he just gets ****ed?’ It really isn’t as funny, and it certainly isn’t clever to stick swear words in for the sake of it. Sort it out, Daldry! Image )

Quote of the evening:
ALEX (In a text sent to Jabka, sent at 17:26) Hello! Am on course for an arrival time of 1700 hours!
JABKA (In return text) . . . u mean 1800 hours. :)
ALEX: . . . I am actually travelling back in time. In my TARDIT. Time And Relative Dimensions In Trains.

(Alex has a blonde moment :? )