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Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:52 am
by chocchipcookie26
Hesychius wrote:I have to admit that I was a bit disenchanted with Fox's last night, so I can see what andrewcraig is referring to. I also pictured it differently.
To be clear, I do not mean the performance itself. This was absolutely delightful, energetic and a pure joy to watch. George and Fox and the whole cast did a really memorable show. It was a celebration, not a memorial ceremony.
I also do not want to say that I need to see tears or overwhelming emotions at such occasions. As Burtond pointed out, there were some special and emotional moments. I, by the way, had the impression that at the beginning of the finale, Fox did not smile as brightly as usual; perhaps a slight hint that he was struggling with his emotions...
What I really missed was a warm and cordial speech at the end of the show, or at least more than one curtain call, as Thomas mentioned before, something unusual. I would have loved to see Fox and George being sent of to a great future with one or two encouraging words.
Well, the audience had to take care of that with their long standing ovations and signs of appreciation. Finally, I have to say that I am really glad I was there!
That didn't happen at Brad's either, and i don't think Tanner's (though i wasn't there) so i guess they just don't do it anymore.. i'm sure there will be something at the birthday show though! It is a shame, but Nick gave a lovely speech at the start

Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:29 pm
by burtond
Monday 29th March 2010 – UK – London - Evening

Billy – Tom Holland (First show as the Senior Billy)
Michael – Connor Kelly
Debbie – Emily

Dad – Joe Caffery; Tony – Tim Funnell; Mrs W – Jo Riding ; Mr B – Sean Kingsley; Grandma – Ann Emery; George – David Nellist; Dead Mum – Rhona McGregor; Older Billy – Sergio Giacomelli; Ballet Dancer in cream tights – James Foster; Big Davy - John Coates; Musical Director – Chris Hatt

They say that if you fall off a horse or a bike that the first thing you should do is get right back on otherwise you are in danger of letting the incident spoil what has probably been an overall good experience that you thoroughly enjoyed before the fall. With the departure of Fox on Saturday, I had originally thought that that would be it for me in terms of attending two or three times a week. I had planned a short absence and then felt that it would be appropriate to pop back and see the show say once a month or even less frequently – after all, the main reason behind the obsession with BETM Fox, (my first exposure to Billy and my continued favourite Billy) had hung up his dancing shoes and left a black hole in my sad life and a feeling of bereavement in my stomach.

But hey – think positively (I said to myself) and promptly booked a seat at Monday’s performance. So glad I did. At that very moment in time I entered a new chapter in my life book and was delighted by a newly promoted Tom Holland (he is now the Senior Billy following Fox’s departure) and thrilled at seeing a new Small Boy (sorry didn’t catch his name) performing for the first time.

Such a very small new Small Boy (must be one of the youngest I have seen) but showed no signs of any nerves at all and simply oozed confidence. There were numerous elements of his little performance that were highly comical and he played them with understanding and cheekyness. He was just great and will be a real asset to the musical.

Tom – well thanks very much man – I’m hooked again. You were stunningly brilliant (no this is not rebound!) last night – an absolute pleasure to watch and your performance was animated, energetic, perfection and of course passionate and sensitive.

I saw Tom in a new light last night – something I had not seen before even though I am told this is normal Tom. His ‘letter’ scene was as emotionally charged as I have ever seen. Having seen the show forty odd times now, I am accustomed to the letter scene and although it is poignant, I am no longer moved to tears, that is until last night. I took the opportunity to focus on Tom throughout the scene and for the first time appreciated how much effort he puts into those five minutes. Elements that completly surprised me included him mouthing ‘MUM’ as his Mother enters the stage; his mouthing of the words contained in the letter as Mrs W takes over from him due to his inability to continue singing and finally the heart-rendering numerous facial expressions that left me totally engrossed in his wonderful performance with very wet, welled up eyes.

Loved watching Tom and Connor working together both in expressing yourself and in the aftermath of the panto scene where once again, Connor was driving additional rounds of applause from a much entertained audience. Connor is a scream – a natural born entertainer. I’ll eat my hat if something absolutely wonderful isn’t waiting for Connor when he gets older.

The final comment I want to make for this review concerns the Dream Ballet sequence. I don’t know whether it is planned or fluke but the use of Sergio Giacomelli as older Billy for Tom is absolutely perfect. I appreciate that Barnaby is fantastic but a blone older Billy doesn’t do it for me when the younger Billy has dark curly hair (this was the same with Fox). Having established a first class alternative to Older Billy, I think it would be casting perfection to ensure that whenever Tom plays Billy, Sergio plays the Older Billy – makes sense – No? haven’t seen Rhys yet so am unable to work out which Older Billy best suits.

So, all in all I’m afraid that you haven’t got rid of me –I’m still here and looking forward to more Billy performances in the weeks and months to come the next one for me of course in Wednesday – now that should be good!


Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:58 pm
by Moby-Dick
Thanks for a great review of Tom's performance, David!!
burtond wrote:So, all in all I’m afraid that you haven’t got rid of me –I’m still here and looking forward to more Billy performances in the weeks and months to come the next one for me of course in Wednesday – now that should be good!
Good to hear that BETM still has you hooked and that it has retained the same level of charm for you despite Fox's departure. Am looking forward to continuing to see your lovely reviews of the London performances - especially as it's the best way for those of us across the pond to live vicariously when we're short on funds!! :lol:
burtond wrote:I saw Tom in a new light last night – something I had not seen before even though I am told this is normal Tom. His ‘letter’ scene was as emotionally charged as I have ever seen. Having seen the show forty odd times now, I am accustomed to the letter scene and although it is poignant, I am no longer moved to tears, that is until last night. I took the opportunity to focus on Tom throughout the scene and for the first time appreciated how much effort he puts into those five minutes. Elements that completly surprised me included him mouthing ‘MUM’ as his Mother enters the stage; his mouthing of the words contained in the letter as Mrs W takes over from him due to his inability to continue singing and finally the heart-rendering numerous facial expressions that left me totally engrossed in his wonderful performance with very wet, welled up eyes.
Just reading this made me tear up! The detail that Tom put into this part of the performance is amazing! Gosh, am positive I would have been quite the emotional mess at the end of that scene.
burtond wrote:Connor is a scream – a natural born entertainer. I’ll eat my hat if something absolutely wonderful isn’t waiting for Connor when he gets older.
Had the good fortune of catching Connor as Michael the one (and alas, only) time I saw the show in London. He was a hoot! Am definitely looking forward to seeing what he does in the future!

Thanks again for the marvelous review!! Had a fun time reading it. :mrgreen:


Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:10 pm
by Thomas
Thanks David, for this review! I already waited for it :)

Tom and Connor would be my dream "couple" to see. They are both wonderful!

Cheers - Thomas

Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:20 pm
by Bungie
Back to the finale show on Saturday evening. I've waited until the dust has settled and everyone has had their say. I don't want to argue about emotion or lack of emotion, I just want to say that for me it was a wonderful night. Maybe tinged with a little sadness, but uplifted by the performances of Fox and George, not forgetting small boy. What was running through their minds I can not imagine. They gave it their all and for that I feel truly privileged to have been there to witness it. Thanks to Francesca for an absolutely stunning performance as Debbie, and to the Ballet Girls who continue to shine. There are so many cast members who all really deserve individual mention, but it would take all night to thank and praise them. For me it was a memorable night with a really outstanding cast. A friend who was in the dress circle told me it was wonderful to hear the other child actors in the audience, motivating and cheering their colleagues on. No envy, no jealousy, just sheer genuine appreciation of the efforts of their friends on stage. I firmly believe that the Billy Elliot family does exist and it encompasses the whole cast, adults and children, and all of those in support. Fox and George. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. You were terrific.

Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:34 pm
by Billy Whiz
Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Billy - Rhys Yeomans
Michael - Jake Pratt
Debbie - Fleur Houdijk

I'm not very good at reviews but I do want to say a few words about tonight's show.

In all the shows that I have attended I have never heard an audience like this one. I don't know if the VP had slipped something into the ice creams but the audience went absolutely bonkers. The applause, cheering and standing ovations were unsurpassed in my view. We had arranged to meet a couple of people outside who had gone to another show and they could hear the cheering from the street outside. They wondered what was going on as it was that loud.

I can only imagine what tomorrow night is going to be like.

I must give praise to Rhys in only his second show. Wow this kid is good.

Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:45 am
by patc
I agree with Billy Whiz. That was an extraordinary performance - by last night's FULL HOUSE audience. But, then, let's not forget that they were in the process of witnessing the extraordinary second performance by Rhys in the role.

This boy is just brilliant and the standing ovation at the end of a majestic ballet Electricity brought tears streaming down my eyes. Same again at the end. Rhys' smile and his wonderfully expressive eyes told us he had loved every minute of it.

On this great 5th Anniversary day it is appropriate to say that, five years on, the show has not lost a single millisecond of its appeal and as the production company continues to find new talent as demonstrated by Rhys last night we can continue to look forward to many more years of the best magical entertainment in the world.

And a big, big thanks to all the members of adult cast last night who were so kind to stop and say hello to us fans.


Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:50 am
by iht
Here is another review of last nights performance. It is taken from a Sunderland AFC supporters messageboard that I go on, a different review than we normally get :lol: :lol:

Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:27 pm
by Meagan312
:shock: :lol: Oh dear...that was well uh...I'm not sure. At least he said the show was good!

Re: March 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:27 pm
by jon01
Billy nights just don't get better than the 31st March 2010

Here's a photo that sums it all up:

(Click to enlarge)

