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January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:59 am
by James.R
Looking forward to a brand new year of reviews...

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:20 am
by Chris
Saturday Matinee - 2nd January

Billy: Fox, Michael: Jake, Grandma: Romy, Tony: Tim, Mr Braithwaite: Phil. No Mike Scott in the ensemble.

It was a relatively full and enthusiastic house at the matinee show yesterday, there were a few empty seats at the end of rows C, D and E – those with the more restricted views, but the rest of the stalls was full. The audience were enthusiastic, sometimes even applauding bits of the show that don’t normally get applause. They were cheering well before the end of Electricity, in part thanks to a spectacular display of energetic dancing from Mr Jackson Keen.

The cast was somewhat reduced in numbers: is Sean Kingsley injured – it seems to be a long time since he last appeared as Mr B. Phil was on instead (is there any role that man doesn't play), and unusually he didn’t combine this role with Big Davy, something I’ve usually seen him do in the past. The other interesting thing was that (presumably as a result of the shortage of male ensemble) Tim Funnell was part of the miners’ dancing ensemble in Solidarity, so Billy actually pirouetted across the stage in front of him. This seems a bit odd, although I wonder how many people would have actually picked Tim out in the ensemble.

There were a couple of small mishaps during the show. As the policemen were getting on to their chairs in Solidarity, one of them lost his balance, grabbed on to Tim who was next to him and they both fell on to the stage knocking over the chairs. Fortunately, neither appeared to be hurt. The other mishap occurred when Michael had his tap shoes on his hands; he managed to fling one of them across the stage, meaning he later had to go and fetch it before he could put it on. He did add a line about “I better go and get the other one”. Billy, therefore, won the shoe race.

I think the recent changes have bedded in very well. I love some of the new orchestrations, particularly the changes to “Life me up” and the music that plays when Billy goes up to his room with the letter. I think the way the scene is played at the end of Shine is a definite improvement, with Debbie delivering the “D***head” line rather than the hand gesture. I’m a little confused as to why Billy now speaks the line “I die” at the end of Deep into the Ground.

The cast were on top form yesterday: Fox is a tremendously engaging actor; he is a smiley cheerful actor and has a pretty upbeat characterisation. The audience really warmed to him in yesterday’s show. I enjoyed Jake’s portrayal of Michael which seems to be slightly understated at times which adds to the poignancy of the Winter Scene. Romy is a worthy alternate Grandma and the role is always in safe hand with her slightly mischievous portrayal of the character. Tim is another excellent member of the company and never disappoints when he is on as Tony. His portrayal of the character is slightly less harsh and intense than some of the others, but it works very well.

Joanna Riding has developed tremendously during her time with the show. Her more extended run this time has helped her to find a portrayal that really works for her. Her characterisation of Mrs Wilkinson is to me somebody who is very tough to hide her hurt and disappointment, but inside she is really such a softie. She develops a fantastic relationship with Billy, there is a huge sense of fun in the number Born to Boogie and a real pathos in the Goodbye scene. Her Mrs Wilkinson really is in tears when she walks through the doors for the final time. My one grip about Jo is the costumes they put her in: I sense they were done to hide her pregnancy when she first joined the company, but all those loose smock type tops she wears aren’t quite tarty enough for Mrs Wilkinson. I think she’d look quite outrageous in some of the outfits that were designed for Gen Lemon or Kate Hennig.

Dave Nellist has made the role of George his own. He is great with the crowd at the start of Act II. He asked the member of the audience he picked on where he came from. The guy said “Devon”. Dave said “Sorry!”, so the guy repeated “Devon”, to which Dave said “I heard you say Devon, I’m just sorry”.

This was a top-notch show from a company that was giving it its all, to a receptive audience. Good singing from the young stars and the company and excellent musicianship from the orchestra. A fantastic start to my 2010 Billy experiences.

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:58 am
by pinknick103
I read on Sean Kingsleys Twitter that he is out due to long term injury - I think hamstring - but could be wrong xxx

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:18 am
by FromRussia
Monday, 4th January

Well, I'm sure someone else, whose mother tongue really is English, will write a better and more detailed review of today's performance.
Since I saw Billy Elliott several times in August I've been looking forward to watching the show again. Being on a short holiday in London I finally have this opportunity.

What can I say? The show impressed me greatly again (which I had no doubt about though :) ). I saw Dean as Billy for the first time and was truly amazed at how brilliant he was. What struck me most of all was his acting skills. I mean in every single scene he tried so hard, I was sitting in E16 and could see all his emotions quite clearly. All the cast were amazing. I don't think I've seen Fleur before but I thought she did a great job. This was also the second time I saw Jake Pratt as Michael. He was just unbelievably funny.

Billy's Dad (was it Joe Caffrey btw?) really surprised me in the "Deep into the Ground" scene. What I mean is his singing was so powerful and clean like the one of an opera singer.

The house was full and the audience were quite cheerful and enthusiastic and ,of course, gave a standing ovation to the performers. I was absolutely excited that I was able to experience the magic of the show after more than four months.

I'm glad I got to see all the changes I'd been reading about. What I don't remember seeing in August though was that little "shadow dance" Billy does at some point in the first act.

Well, thanks for reading this review. Luckily I got a front row ticket for Tuesday as well (B15),so pop by to say hi. :D

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:09 am
by porschesrule
FromRussia wrote:Well, I'm sure someone else, whose mother tongue really is English, will write a better and more detailed review of today's performance.
You sell yourself short, FromRussia, as you write English very well. You highlighted the performances of most of the key players.

Looking forward to your comments from tomorrow night's show.

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:12 pm
by burtond
Looking forward to meeting you tonight. I think I am in B17.
Interested in your review for last night - I too was there and sat in A7.
For me it was a different sort of show - Although Dean was great as you say, Jake and Fleur too, I felt the overall pace of the show was slow especially the first act. It seemed to me that the cast were in recovery mood following the Christmas and New Year festivities (maybe this is a bit harsh - forgive me). When I analysed it, I think that the pace was initially set by the MD - my view is that the opening two or three numbers were slower than they are normally.
Also, the sound experience last night was particularly bad - the balance between the instruments and voices was all over the place. I found it difficult to hear the piano in parts that are quite important to the overall result and there were times when the brass section were not playing along with the directions set by the MD.
I thought the audience were quite cool in the first act although they seemed to 'buck up' for act 2 with well deserved ovations at the end.
For information - the Dad last night was not Joe Caffrey but teh alternative Dad. Can'y recall his name from memory but he does do a really good interpretation quite different to Joe.
Maybe we can swap notes at this evenings performance - my name is Dave by the way!!! I will be sat alone (away on business you know) Billy Elliot, no mates! :D

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:50 pm
by pinknick103
Alternate Dads name is David Bardsley. He too is fab. You will find a list of all the understudies that are being played at each performance at the box office - hope thats of some help xxx

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:19 pm
by pincher
I was also at last night's show. I thought Dean was brilliant. I have been lucky enough to see him a few times before and have noticed how he has improved in all areas. I didn't notice that the show seemed slower. I was to blown away with Dean's brilliant acting and the wonderful presence he has while on stage. Dad and Tony were played by different actors who both played it very differntly but I thoroughly enjoyed their style. Well deserved standing ovations. The cast work so hard six days a week and watching them all is as if they are playing their rolls for the first time. They never fail to deliver a first class show. The sound wasn't perfect which somtimes happens but the children of the show are so young but extemely talented. They must tire with all the schedules they have, finishing so late and juggling school and training. Most adults couldn't do what they do, me for one. Love Jake's natural acting as Michael. He was very funny without being over the top, and Dean, you're a star. Keep it up kid. Hope to see you again. Ten out of ten from me. ps. Not sure this is on the right page. I'm new to all this my first post.

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:10 pm
by porschesrule
pincher wrote:ps. Not sure this is on the right page. I'm new to all this my first post.
It's on the right page, pincher. Thanks for your comments. It may be your first post, but we hope there'll be many more to come. Welcome to the Forum.

Re: January 2010 Reviews - London

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:29 pm
by Muppet
FromRussia wrote:Monday, 4th January

Well, I'm sure someone else, whose mother tongue really is English, will write a better and more detailed review of today's performance.

I saw Dean as Billy for the first time and was truly amazed at how brilliant he was.

I'm glad I got to see all the changes I'd been reading about. What I don't remember seeing in August though was that little "shadow dance" Billy does at some point in the first act.
Your English is a 1000 times better than my Russian! :D

Yes Dean is superb isn't he?! Glad you agree! 8-)

The shadow dance is a relatively new addition to the show. Did you like it? I do.