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Anniversaries Marked This Weekend

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:26 am
by porschesrule
This week, several notable anniversaries will be reached.

Friday, October 1st, will mark two years since the first preview of BETM on Broadway. On that night, Kiril Kulish also played Billy for the first time.

This Sunday, October 3rd, will also be the first anniversary of Kiril's final performance as Billy on Broadway.

Where does the time go? :o

Re: Anniversaries Marked This Weekend

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:29 pm
by CJ-Rochester
One year ago today, Sunday Feb. 21, 2010, was the culmination of the first "Weekend of Awesome". Initially it it began as an effort for some of us die hard fans to attend Trent's final performance. Even though the date of Trent's leaving was uncertain, and likely to be extended, many of us booked tickets for one or more of the shows on this weekend.

Some felt that even if it was not Trent's final show there were other new Billys to be seen, and that the trip would still be worth it. For many of us out of towners, this was our first introduction to the amazing talents of Liam, Michael, and Dayton. :D

Between shows on Sunday over two dozen of us walked from the Imperial Theatre to the Film Center Cafe for a group dinner, coordinated by Hugsy2k. Many jaws dropped when surprise guests Thommie Retter and Tessa Netting came in and sat down at our table and joined us for dinner!

For that evening's show we were treated to a spectacular performance by Trent. While some were able to return two weeks later for his really last show, for many of us this would be our final time to see him as Billy. Trent and company certainly went all out for this performance, and fed on the energy from the many fans in the audience. The instantaneous and unanimous standing ovation after Electricity is something that I have rarely seen. One year later I still get goosebumps thinking about this amazing night! :D 8-) :D

Happy memories. -Chris