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October 2015- Reviews

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:21 pm
by Sheepdog
I am lucky enough to be able to go to Billy Elliott in London from time to time... and so seeing the Netherlands production was a temptation. I used visiting (tourism) a few marvelous places in Europe as the excuse....

And I am so glad I did! And so glad that I didn't fall prey to my usual affliction... procrastination... and leave trying to do it until too late. Such a pity that the Netherlands production is closing.

What a great job of presenting this fabulous show!

I loved the balance struck between "just copying" London, and brining in some new ideas. How Billy gets from his bedroom to "the street" for the Angry Dance... brilliant! (And fun for the boys, too, I hope. I also loved the attention to detail, the incorporation of so many of the little "inconsequential" bits which all add to the richness of the show.

Despite being averse to change, I was impressed by the revisions to the scene where Dad nearly goes back to work, and the transition to the next part of the story... excellent. Very clever use of the barriers.

I was sorry to see the Audition scene trimmed so severely.... but the alternative treatment was splendid, even though too short. Child labour laws, maybe? Such a pity the kids in the Hague are allowed so few outings, after all the work to prepare.

But, most of all, I wanted to say: FABULOUS, especially the dancing, singing, acting.

I was a bit nervous about whether the show be done as well as it is in London. To me, the standard achieved is fantastic... especially given the extra challenges when kids are involved. I am so glad I took the chance, and was rewarded with the knowledge that YES... there are (at least) two places left in the world where kids have been given the chance and support to achieve the Billy excellence.

Re: October 2015- Reviews

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:31 pm
by JTfan
Thank you Sheepdog for your wonderful review :D
I too was cautious to see the Dutch production - I am Dutch and saw the London show once in 2011 and it blew me away - but I'm so glad I ended up going (in August). They did a terrific job! Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so :) I sure hope the cast and all the people involved gets to know these enthusiastic reactions, not only from the general public but also from people who can compare it to the London show. Must say I'm proud to be Dutch! And yes, sad to see it closing :cry:
Hopefully they'll record an album one day so we can also enjoy the Dutch versions of the songs :) And you never know, they do sometimes revive succesful musicals from the past...