January 2015 Reviews - London

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Re: January 2015 Reviews - London

Post by porschesrule »

Another gem Pat! I don't know how you do it, but please continue doing it. Your reviews put a smile on my face every time, and I'm sure on the faces of many other readers as well. :D
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Re: January 2015 Reviews - London

Post by Barry Appleby »

Another great review Pat, how can you follow that, Big Thanks, spot on! I was lucky to be there, from the minute Lewis climbed on the stage what a great afternoons entertainment we had, well worth travelling in those bad weather conditions, a white out on the way down and then very icy returning, and on time! so well done Hull Trains.
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Re: January 2015 Reviews - London

Post by jmh2014 »

31st Jan Matinee: Bradley/Zach/Demi

A wet and gloomy day in London was soon forgotten after the entire cast produced a show that will live long in the memory.

Expressing was a riot. Zach’s replacement of “Howay” with what I think was “ici” caught Bradley totally off guard and the look on his place was priceless.

There was a slight concern towards the end of Angry Dance, when Bradley grabbed his hamstring and we wondered if he had injured himself. Thankfully he appeared for what would be an unforgettable second half.

Following the fun of MCMT and the heart-breaking Deep into the Ground, we were treated to a beautiful Dream Ballet. His chair control has to be seen to be believed.

Bradley’s Electricity is always a highlight, but this was to be extra special. As he started singing we could see out of the corner of our eyes that the wall board was in position. Have not seen that for him before. The summersaults at the start of his routine produced gasps from the audience and he continued to produce a perfectly timed routine. As he performed his final spins, he took one look at the board and produced the perfect wall flip. The VPT erupted into the loudest ovation I’ve heard. Not only were we treated to Bradley’s trademark smile, but a look of sheer joy on his face. Only when he ran off stage did the ovation start to die down.

The haunting Once we were Kings and emotional Letter Reprise brought everyone back down to earth. Zach’s sorrowful look as his best friend walks out of his life brought the curtain down on what was a truly special performance.
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Re: January 2015 Reviews - London

Post by jmh2014 »

31st Jan Evening: Elliott/Todd/Kyria

Having been selected for the live broadcast, Elliott’s performance is available for everyone to see. Since then every aspect of his performance has improved.

From the moment Lewis was applauded climbing onto the stage to the standing ovation at the end, we were treated to another 3 hours of top class entertainment.

The ballet girls as always pushed kicked and shoved Elliott all over the stage. Kyria’s offer was perfectly played and after a lot of thought declined.

Elliott’s skipping routine is the hardest of the current Billy’s and occasionally trips him up. Last week it was perfect, this time he stumbled a couple of times allowing Ruthie to have fun at his expense. Elliott was on top of the piano so quickly, he would have had time to perform his summersault, climb back up and do it again.

Todd had real trouble getting into his tutu, whilst Elliott sat laughing at his antics. Previously, Express was another bundle of fun, with Elliott declaring himself the “shoes” winner before realising one wasn’t on properly. Todd soon let him know what he thought of that.

Dream ballet, performed brilliantly, and Electricity, now with an additional summersault before the final pirouettes, are where Elliott allows his talent to shine.

The final scene was played out in complete silence allowing Todd to let us all feel the emotion he was displaying.

All that was left was for the finale to cheer everyone up. It was evident from this that Elliott is having the time of his life. Let us hope there are many, many more shows from him ahead.
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Re: January 2015 Reviews - London

Post by dongringo »

jmh2014, thank you for the recent reviews. I especially appreciate the straight forward manor in which you present them. Wish I could have been there.
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Re: January 2015 Reviews - London

Post by jmh2014 »

dongringo wrote:jmh2014, thank you for the recent reviews. I especially appreciate the straight forward manor in which you present them. Wish I could have been there.
Thank you dongringo. I try and focus on the parts of the show that stick in my mind, rather than a complete review. There are people here that can do that for more eloquently than I can.
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