November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by ERinVA »

I am so glad that Keean's leaving was appropriately acknowledged. I am sure that the rest of the cast are going to miss him terribly.

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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by mikeguy »

I love chitown girls review. I was there and even for me, I found that last moment emotional. It was obvious as Keean was sitting on his bike, said see ya "cesar", he was emotional. I was wondering how he was going to be able to finish with the finale, but he did...a true professional. Keean did put so much into that part and especially last night. I am glad Armand recognized him, as he said, we saw history. Everyone who was part of the first opening of BE from New York is now retired. We lost a great Michael last night, unfortuntaley for us Keean is growing up! To meet him personally, he is the nicest, sweetest, and most sincere young teenager you could ever want to meet. I feel as if I know him from his performances and meeting him back stage that I am very emotioanl to see him go. Also from what I heard at the stage door, they still were not supposed to use their real names, but out of his love for his friend, "Billy" decided to do it. What a loving tribute to his friend. The love that was passed around on the stage for Keean and at the stage door truly tugged at the heart.This is one special person to have so many people "mourning' his leaving the show. I didn't even see this much emotion at Tommy or Guiseppe last show, so I think we have all been privledged to see a truly outstanding entertainer and human being.
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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by ERinVA »

Welcome to the forum, mikeguy. :D I see that this is your first time posting. Hope you enjoy it here.

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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by bandaide2012 »

so glad to hear that Keean had the sendoff he deserves. I really am curious as to why the real names weren't used in Tommy's last show but were yesterday. Maybe Tommy wanted to be called Billy one more time. I was at the show Saturday night so I was so happy to get to see Keean one more time. He was the star of the show for me that night, and that is not only because I knew it was his second to last show. He is such a talented kid and I really hope we will see him doing bigger and better things, he really deserves it.
Billy- Tommy, Alex
Michael- David B., Gabe
Billy- Tommy x3, Giuseppe x3 Cesar x2, JP 2x, Marcus
Michael- Keean x7, Gabe x2, Dillon 2x
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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by johnnyc »

As I understand it, it wasn't a matter of Tommy wanting to be called Billy, but rather the "powers that be" refusing to go along with the actors using their real names. According to mikeguy's post above, Cesar and Keean weren't supposed to do that either.
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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by KR200 »

Thanks for the review about Keean's last show. I'm glad to hear he got a proper send-off. I've really sad I missed the show!
Billy: Giuseppe x1, JP x2, Marcus x2, Tommy x1, Cesar x2
Michael: Keean x4, Dillon x3, Jack x1
Debbie: Maria x8, TB: Spencer x6, Kennedy x2, SB: Mark x6, Elijah x2

Billy: David Ax1, Tanner x1, Trent x1
Michael: Keean x1, Frank x2
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Re: Blog Reactions to the show

Post by cws8998 »

I believe I may have seen the ideal of the word perfection, if there is one out there. No, I know I have seen it now. I have seen so many performances of Billy Elliot from London, NY, and in Chicago, but feel at no time have I been more thoroughly moved by the portrayal of a Billy as was depicted by Cesar Corrales on the Oriental Stage this past Sunday. Whether or not it was due to the knowledge that the musical will be closing in Chicago this coming Sunday, the 28th, it still was truly exciting to see the house packed with some two thousand patrons. My goodness, were they ever blessed with a treat.

I have not seen a Billy portrayed anywhere with a better sense of timing, with more bravura, with more natural animation and which gives you the feeling that everything Cesar Corrales does on stage is spontaneous, totally unrehearsed. There's just a naturalness to every movement and expression he makes, even when the attention is not necessarily on him. Albeit, it is difficult to keep your eyes off of him, so dominating is he in the role. There is an element of unpredictability to what he does that I find refreshing and which makes each portrayal of his unlike any other, even his own.

I'm talking about his acting now. When coupled with the absolute exquisiteness and stunning dancing skills he displays, why, you have a combination, which, honestly, I just find unparalleled given all the Billies I've seen. This of course, is just a personal opinion. I do feel, however, after so many shows I've seen, this "little giant" of a guy cannot be denied.

When George inquires of Billy whether he likes boxing, and Billy responds, "I don't," on this day, Cesar Corrales delivered a "knock out" blow in this performance I will not soon forget. It is also not difficult to measure how he connects with his audience. Cesar brought the house down following his "electricity," and during his curtain call. At no time can I remember a more sustained expression of exhilaration for one of our Billies. I simply cannot remember experiencing anything like it in all the shows I've seen. I was delighted for him. The expression of his "Electricity" was so emotionally powerful, it was the first time I ever found myself controlling my own reaction to the show's signature number. I'm no slobbering idiot, being a lifetime athlete and coach, but by virtue of Cesar pushing some buttons in all of us Sunday, he had this guy and everyone else in the house falling in love with him.

All I can say is, "Hail, Cesar," you more than ruled the day...and I believe I've seen the maximum level of excellence all of us, I believe, might be searching for in viewing the Billy Elliot in this Musical.

I might also add, that Cesar was teamed with Dillon Stevens, another bright constellation everyone must see in his portrayal of Michael, Billy's closest buddy. Dillon is a tiny bundle of energy the likes of which I have also not seen before. He is one hell of an athlete in his own right, and built with a physique that belies his natural cuteness. Coupled with his wonderful acting ability...this kid is a must see for all Billy Elliot fans and I mean across the world. That sounds like is not. With Cesar at the helm, these two are a combination I wish all lovers of this musical could see tonight, tomorrow, or at any time.

Well, we have five days of shows remaining, a total of 8 more performances in Chicago. I suspect they'll all be pretty much sold out. I shall be traveling in from Indiana as I'm booked into 6 of those shows, all viewed from down front. I'm afraid I may weep real tears to see Billy Elliot close, but in the mean time, the next 5 days will be a time of emotional enrichment I know I will not soon forget.
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Re: Chicago Publicity

Post by cws8998 »

"Electricity," So Powerful It Shocks The Senses!"
That's precisely how Cesar Corrales affected the sold out house at the Oriental Theater last evening [11/24]. First of all, let me say that this absolute "gem" of a Billy has had voice problems in recent weeks which has caused me to be scared to death for him. Nevertheless, he presses forth with the determination of the absolute professional he is, and brings the audience along with him every step of the way. Ironically, it seems to only effect his dialogue, because I will tell, when he delivers "Stars Look Down," [Take me up and hold me gently...], "The Letter," and especially "Electricity," they are executed with such passion and sweetness, there was not a voice break which was discernible. And, even so, his stage presence and acting is so precisely spontaneous those voice breaks during his dialogue only makes him seem even more human and believable.
This is the second time I've seen Mr. Corrales in a week, and I'm thrilled to say, I will see him again in the first to last performance in Chicago of "Billy Elliot the Musical" this Saturday night. Everything this kid does on stage seems to be drop dead perfect. Indeed, his "Electricity" last night actually moved me more deeply than any other version of the piece I've seen performed anywhere. I can't necessarily explain why that is, other than the fact, Cesar is so damn talented in all aspects of the role and his delivery, he knows exactly how to tap into his audience's raw emotions, enough so, there's no difficulty in reading the awe inspiring response he receives, and which seems like no other I've heard. If he held his pose at the end of "Electricity," until the cows came home, instead of pulling out of it too soon, the house would still be standing with him, that's how effective he is. To me it's just amazing. It is a question of charisma, so pronounced and so discernible in this kids presentation, the audiences just don't want to let him go. That's "star quality," let's face it!
One can sometimes run out of words to adequately review a performance of Cesar's, as one certainly would not want to be accused of hyperbole. Fact is, you just can't do that with this dynamo. You can walk out of the theater and begin to write down all the superlatives being said about the Billy the audience had must witnessed. My goodness, I couldn't write fast enough. I'm just so thrilled for the kid, that I'm glad that no one can accuse me of hyperbole, simply because everyone else upon seeing it, seems to recognize the same genius I've viewed.
Two other observations from yesterday. Myles Erlick was sensational in the matinee. His progress has been so rapid and so pronounced, he simply is not the same Billy I remembered from his debut not so long ago. Teamed with the antics of Dillon Stevens, what a killer pair. Of course, Dillon would complement any Billy with whom he was matched, simply because he is a natural comedian and demonstrates an athleticism which makes him beyond compare as a Michael.

At the same time, Jack Roderick, who took over for Keean Johnson when he left on the 14th, seemed more comfortable in his role than at his debut. Being teamed with Cesar yesterday, however, this was a totally different Jack [Michael], and gives you some idea what a couple of performances and some experience can do for a guy. He will only continue to improve, given the distance he's come in such a short time.

But, Regarding Cesar! I just hope to hell he can hold on for the next year. Canada, his home, absolutely deserves to see this kid perform. They will never experience anyone better [Given all the Billies I've seen to this date]. He's so young, so perfect as Billy. Obviously, all of them are so superb, but I see a vulnerability, an enlightenment in the face of Cesar Corrales, so pronounced that I often think Ms. Wilkinson, in "Shine," is singing to him, "...Knock em sideways, blow their minds out...Show em what class is all about..." This guy does that every moment he is on that stage to the point it is difficult to take your eyes off him. That's how effective he is. And, by the way, he carries that class with him every where he goes and in every conversation in which he engages.

I shall be saying good by to the musical this Sunday, as well as saying good by to Cesar. I will only be able to do so by admitting how much Billy Elliot has impacted the life of this Coach and teacher, and how it has resurrected a by gone youth fortunate to have lived the theatrical experience I once longed for through this phenomenally talented and wonderful young man. I simply don't know what else I can say!!! Regards to all who have experienced Billy Elliot with me. [Please accept all my observations here as my own personal opinions].

P.S. I will be traveling to London next week for a weekend, during which I will see two performances of their Billy Elliot. It should be interested in making comparisons. Don't worry have no comparison.
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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by mrmikerocks »

I was there last night as well and the only thing I can say about Cesar is wow!
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Re: November 2010 Reviews - Chicago

Post by mikeguy »

Nov 28, 2010, last show. It was fantastic and emotional. JP ended the run as Billy....and did it superbly. His dancing and acting is so on the mark...he just flies across the stage. He got a great applause after Electricty, that it didn't seem it was going to stop, so he just finally went into his next line! His emotion during the Letter Reprise was so touching, one could not help have tears as he broke down abit in singing the song. JP is truly one to watch out for in the future. And Dillon! He adds so much to the part of MIchael. All Michaels should be as he is. I love when the boys come down the aisle with their buckets for money for the miners. If you sit at the end, Dillon might just come up to you with his bucket! So cute! I will certainly miss his great acting ability and wonderful smile! I see a bright future for this young man. I wish the whole cast much success in Canada and that they are as loved there as Chicago loves them!
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